Ejemplo n.º 1
// LoadImage checks the client for an image matching from. If not found,
// attempts to pull the image and then tries to inspect again.
func (e *ClientExecutor) LoadImage(from string) (*docker.Image, error) {
	image, err := e.Client.InspectImage(from)
	if err == nil {
		return image, nil
	if err != docker.ErrNoSuchImage {
		return nil, err

	if !e.AllowPull {
		glog.V(4).Infof("image %s did not exist", from)
		return nil, docker.ErrNoSuchImage

	repository, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(from)
	if len(tag) == 0 {
		tag = "latest"

	glog.V(4).Infof("attempting to pull %s with auth from repository %s:%s", from, repository, tag)

	// TODO: we may want to abstract looping over multiple credentials
	auth, _ := e.AuthFn(repository)
	if len(auth) == 0 {
		auth = append(auth, credentialprovider.LazyAuthConfiguration{})

	if e.LogFn != nil {
		e.LogFn("Image %s was not found, pulling ...", from)

	var lastErr error
	outputProgress := func(s string) {
		e.LogFn("%s", s)
	for _, config := range auth {
		// TODO: handle IDs?
		pullImageOptions := docker.PullImageOptions{
			Repository:    repository,
			Tag:           tag,
			OutputStream:  imageprogress.NewPullWriter(outputProgress),
			RawJSONStream: true,
		if glog.V(5) {
			pullImageOptions.OutputStream = os.Stderr
			pullImageOptions.RawJSONStream = false
		authConfig := docker.AuthConfiguration{Username: config.Username, ServerAddress: config.ServerAddress, Password: config.Password}
		if err = e.Client.PullImage(pullImageOptions, authConfig); err == nil {
		lastErr = err
	if lastErr != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to pull image (from: %s, tag: %s): %v", repository, tag, lastErr)

	return e.Client.InspectImage(from)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// CommitContainer commits a container to an image with a specific tag.
// The new image ID is returned
func (d *stiDocker) CommitContainer(opts CommitContainerOptions) (string, error) {
	repository, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(opts.Repository)
	dockerOpts := docker.CommitContainerOptions{
		Container:  opts.ContainerID,
		Repository: repository,
		Tag:        tag,
	if opts.Command != nil || opts.Entrypoint != nil {
		config := docker.Config{
			Cmd:        opts.Command,
			Entrypoint: opts.Entrypoint,
			Env:        opts.Env,
			Labels:     opts.Labels,
			User:       opts.User,
		dockerOpts.Run = &config
		glog.V(2).Infof("Committing container with dockerOpts: %+v, config: %+v", dockerOpts, config)

	image, err := d.client.CommitContainer(dockerOpts)
	if err == nil && image != nil {
		return image.ID, nil
	return "", err
Ejemplo n.º 3
// pushImage pushes a docker image to the registry specified in its tag.
// The method will retry to push the image when following scenarios occur:
// - Docker registry is down temporarily or permanently
// - other image is being pushed to the registry
// If any other scenario the push will fail, without retries.
func pushImage(client DockerClient, name string, authConfig docker.AuthConfiguration) error {
	repository, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(name)
	opts := docker.PushImageOptions{
		Name: repository,
		Tag:  tag,
	if glog.V(5) {
		opts.OutputStream = os.Stderr
	var err error

	for retries := 0; retries <= DefaultPushRetryCount; retries++ {
		err = client.PushImage(opts, authConfig)
		if err == nil {
			return nil

		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("%s", err)
		if !strings.Contains(errMsg, "ping attempt failed with error") && !strings.Contains(errMsg, "is already in progress") {
			return err

		util.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("push for image %s failed, will retry in %s seconds ...", name, DefaultPushRetryDelay))
	return err
Ejemplo n.º 4
// pushImage pushes a docker image to the registry specified in its tag.
// The method will retry to push the image when following scenarios occur:
// - Docker registry is down temporarily or permanently
// - other image is being pushed to the registry
// If any other scenario the push will fail, without retries.
func pushImage(client DockerClient, name string, authConfig docker.AuthConfiguration) error {
	repository, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(name)
	opts := docker.PushImageOptions{
		Name: repository,
		Tag:  tag,
	if glog.V(5) {
		opts.OutputStream = os.Stderr
	var err error
	var retriableError = false

	for retries := 0; retries <= DefaultPushRetryCount; retries++ {
		err = client.PushImage(opts, authConfig)
		if err == nil {
			return nil

		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("%s", err)
		for _, errorString := range RetriableErrors {
			if strings.Contains(errMsg, errorString) {
				retriableError = true
		if !retriableError {
			return err

		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("push for image %s failed, will retry in %s ...", name, DefaultPushRetryDelay))
	return err
Ejemplo n.º 5
// createImage creates a docker image either by pulling it from a registry or by
// loading it from the file system
func (d *DockerDriver) createImage(driverConfig *DockerDriverConfig, client *docker.Client, taskDir string) error {
	image := driverConfig.ImageName
	repo, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(image)
	if tag == "" {
		tag = "latest"

	var dockerImage *docker.Image
	var err error
	// We're going to check whether the image is already downloaded. If the tag
	// is "latest" we have to check for a new version every time so we don't
	// bother to check and cache the id here. We'll download first, then cache.
	if tag != "latest" {
		dockerImage, err = client.InspectImage(image)

	// Download the image
	if dockerImage == nil {
		if len(driverConfig.LoadImages) > 0 {
			return d.loadImage(driverConfig, client, taskDir)

		return d.pullImage(driverConfig, client, repo, tag)
	return err
Ejemplo n.º 6
// pullImage pulls the latest image for the given repotag from a public
// registry.
func (c *client) pullImage(repoTag string) error {
	// configuration options that get passed to client.PullImage
	repository, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(repoTag)
	pullImageOptions := docker.PullImageOptions{Repository: repository, Tag: tag}
	// pull image from registry
	return c.client.PullImage(pullImageOptions, docker.AuthConfiguration{})
Ejemplo n.º 7
// getImageName checks the image name and adds DefaultTag if none is specified
func getImageName(name string) string {
	_, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(name)
	if len(tag) == 0 {
		return strings.Join([]string{name, DefaultTag}, ":")

	return name
Ejemplo n.º 8
// ValidateImage validates the image field does not include a tag
func (c *ImageConfig) ValidateImage() error {
	_, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(c.Image)
	if tag != "" {
		return fmt.Errorf(
			"tag %q must be specified in the `tags` field, not in `image`", tag)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 9
// ValidateTags to ensure the first tag is a basic tag without an image name.
func (c *ImageConfig) ValidateTags() error {
	if len(c.Tags) == 0 {
		return nil
	_, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(c.Tags[0])
	if tag != "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("the first tag %q may not include an image name", tag)
	return nil

Ejemplo n.º 10
// tagImage uses the dockerClient to tag a Docker image with name. It is a
// helper to facilitate the usage of dockerClient.TagImage, because the former
// requires the name to be split into more explicit parts.
func tagImage(dockerClient DockerClient, image, name string) error {
	repo, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(name)
	return dockerClient.TagImage(image, docker.TagImageOptions{
		Repo: repo,
		Tag:  tag,
		// We need to set Force to true to update the tag even if it
		// already exists. This is the same behavior as `docker build -t
		// tag .`.
		Force: true,
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: tag.go Proyecto: dnephin/dobi
func tagImage(ctx *context.ExecuteContext, config *config.ImageConfig, imageTag string) error {
	canonicalImageTag := GetImageName(ctx, config)
	if imageTag == canonicalImageTag {
		return nil

	repo, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(imageTag)
	err := ctx.Client.TagImage(canonicalImageTag, docker.TagImageOptions{
		Repo:  repo,
		Tag:   tag,
		Force: true,
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to add tag %q: %s", imageTag, err)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: pull.go Proyecto: dnephin/dobi
func pullImage(ctx *context.ExecuteContext, t *Task, imageTag string) error {
	registry, err := parseAuthRepo(t.config.Image)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	repo, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(imageTag)
	return Stream(os.Stdout, func(out io.Writer) error {
		return ctx.Client.PullImage(docker.PullImageOptions{
			Repository:    repo,
			Tag:           tag,
			OutputStream:  out,
			RawJSONStream: true,
			// TODO: timeout
		}, ctx.GetAuthConfig(registry))
Ejemplo n.º 13
func importImage(client *dockerClient.Client, name, fileName string) error {
	file, err := os.Open(fileName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer file.Close()

	log.Debugf("Importing image for %s", fileName)
	repo, tag := dockerClient.ParseRepositoryTag(name)
	return client.ImportImage(dockerClient.ImportImageOptions{
		Source:      "-",
		Repository:  repo,
		Tag:         tag,
		InputStream: file,
Ejemplo n.º 14
// ForEachTag runs a function for each tag
func (t *Task) ForEachTag(ctx *context.ExecuteContext, each func(string) error) error {
	if len(t.config.Tags) == 0 {
		return each(GetImageName(ctx, t.config))

	for _, tag := range t.config.Tags {
		imageTag := t.config.Image + ":" + tag
		// If the tag is already a complete image name then use it directly
		if _, hasTag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(tag); hasTag != "" {
			imageTag = tag

		if err := each(imageTag); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 15
// LoadImage checks the client for an image matching from. If not found,
// attempts to pull the image and then tries to inspect again.
func (e *ClientExecutor) LoadImage(from string) (*docker.Image, error) {
	image, err := e.Client.InspectImage(from)
	if err == nil {
		return image, nil
	if err != docker.ErrNoSuchImage {
		return nil, err

	if !e.AllowPull {
		glog.V(4).Infof("image %s did not exist", from)
		return nil, docker.ErrNoSuchImage

	repository, _ := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(from)

	glog.V(4).Infof("attempting to pull %s with auth from repository %s", from, repository)

	// TODO: we may want to abstract looping over multiple credentials
	auth, _ := e.AuthFn(repository)
	if len(auth) == 0 {
		auth = append(auth, docker.AuthConfiguration{})

	if e.LogFn != nil {
		e.LogFn("Image %s was not found, pulling ...", from)

	var lastErr error
	for _, config := range auth {
		// TODO: handle IDs?
		// TODO: use RawJSONStream:true and handle the output nicely
		if err = e.Client.PullImage(docker.PullImageOptions{Repository: from, OutputStream: e.Out}, config); err == nil {
		lastErr = err
	if lastErr != nil {
		return nil, lastErr

	return e.Client.InspectImage(from)
Ejemplo n.º 16
// GetAuthconfig retrieves the correct auth configuration for the given repository
func (authProvider *dockerAuthProvider) GetAuthconfig(image string) (docker.AuthConfiguration, error) {
	// Ignore 'tag', not used in auth determination
	repository, _ := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(image)
	authDataMap := authProvider.authMap

	// Ignore repo/image name for some auth checks (see use of 'image' below for where it's not ignored.
	indexName, _ := splitReposName(repository)

	if isDockerhubHostname(indexName) {
		return authDataMap[dockerRegistryKey], nil

	// Try to find the longest match that at least matches the hostname
	// This is to support e.g. 'registry.tld: auth1, registry.tld/username:
	// auth2' for multiple different auths on the same registry.
	longestKey := ""
	authConfigKey := indexName

	// Take a direct match of the index hostname as a sane default
	if _, found := authDataMap[authConfigKey]; found && len(authConfigKey) > len(longestKey) {
		longestKey = authConfigKey

	for registry, _ := range authDataMap {
		nameParts := strings.SplitN(registry, "/", 2)
		hostname := nameParts[0]

		// Only ever take a new key if the hostname matches in normal cases
		if authConfigKey == hostname {
			if longestKey == "" {
				longestKey = registry
			} else if len(registry) > len(longestKey) && strings.HasPrefix(image, registry) {
				// If we have a longer match, that indicates a username / namespace appended
				longestKey = registry
	if longestKey != "" {
		return authDataMap[longestKey], nil
	return docker.AuthConfiguration{}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 17
// pushImage pushes a docker image to the registry specified in its tag
func pushImage(client DockerClient, name string, authConfig docker.AuthConfiguration) error {
	repository, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(name)
	opts := docker.PushImageOptions{
		Name: repository,
		Tag:  tag,
	if glog.V(5) {
		opts.OutputStream = os.Stderr
	var err error
	for retries := 0; retries <= DefaultPushRetryCount; retries++ {
		err = client.PushImage(opts, authConfig)
		if err == nil {
			return nil
		if retries == DefaultPushRetryCount {
			return err
		util.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("push for image %s failed, will retry in %s ...", name, DefaultPushRetryDelay))
	return err
Ejemplo n.º 18
// Looks up *docker.APIImage which matches *DockerImg passed as paramter and
// calls an anonymous func on it
func withDockerAPIImage(i *DockerImg, fn func(*docker.APIImages) error) error {
	return withDockerClient(func(client *docker.Client) error {
		imgs, err := client.ListImages(docker.ListImagesOptions{All: false})
		if err != nil {
			return err
		for _, img := range imgs {
			for _, repoTag := range img.RepoTags {
				repo, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(repoTag)
				if repo == i.Repo {
					if i.Tag == "" {
						if tag == "latest" {
							return fn(&img)
					if tag == i.Tag {
						return fn(&img)
		return fmt.Errorf("Image %s not found", i)
Ejemplo n.º 19
func (c *Client) pull(image string) ImageMetadata {
	reader, writer := io.Pipe()
	defer writer.Close()

	repository, tag := api.ParseRepositoryTag(image)
	tag = misc.NVL(tag, "latest")
	opts := api.PullImageOptions{
		Repository:   repository + ":" + tag,
		OutputStream: writer,

	// check output goroutine
	began := make(chan bool, 1)
	once := sync.Once{}

	go func() {
		reader := bufio.NewReader(reader)
		var line string
		var err error
		for err == nil {
			line, err = reader.ReadString('\n')
			if err != nil {
			once.Do(func() {
				began <- true
			if strings.Contains(line, "already being pulled by another client. Waiting.") {
				logs.Error.Printf("Image 'pull' status marked as already being pulled. image: %v, status: %v", opts.Repository, line)
		if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
			logs.Warn.Printf("Error reading pull image status. image: %v, err: %v", opts.Repository, err)

	// pull the image
	timeout := time.After(cfg.DockerPullBeginTimeout)
	finished := make(chan error, 1)
	go func() {
		finished <- c.PullImage(opts, api.AuthConfiguration{})
		logs.Debug.Printf("Pull completed for image: %v", opts.Repository)

	// wait for the pulling to begin
	select {
	case <-began:
	case err := <-finished:
		if err != nil {
			return ImageMetadata{
				Image: &api.Image{ID: ""},
				Error: CannotXContainerError{"Pull", err.Error()},
		return c.InspectImage(opts.Repository)
	case <-timeout:
		return ImageMetadata{
			Image: &api.Image{ID: ""},
			Error: &DockerTimeoutError{cfg.DockerPullBeginTimeout, "pullBegin"},

	// wait for the completion
	err := <-finished
	if err != nil {
		return ImageMetadata{
			Image: &api.Image{ID: ""},
			Error: CannotXContainerError{"Pull", err.Error()},
	return c.InspectImage(opts.Repository)
Ejemplo n.º 20
func (d *DockerDriver) Start(ctx *ExecContext, task *structs.Task) (DriverHandle, error) {
	// Get the image from config
	image, ok := task.Config["image"]
	if !ok || image == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Image not specified")
	if task.Resources == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Resources are not specified")
	if task.Resources.MemoryMB == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Memory limit cannot be zero")
	if task.Resources.CPU == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("CPU limit cannot be zero")

	cleanupContainer, err := strconv.ParseBool(d.config.ReadDefault("docker.cleanup.container", "true"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse docker.cleanup.container: %s", err)
	cleanupImage, err := strconv.ParseBool(d.config.ReadDefault("docker.cleanup.image", "true"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse docker.cleanup.image: %s", err)

	// Initialize docker API client
	dockerEndpoint := d.config.ReadDefault("docker.endpoint", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
	client, err := docker.NewClient(dockerEndpoint)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to docker.endpoint (%s): %s", dockerEndpoint, err)

	repo, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(image)
	// Make sure tag is always explicitly set. We'll default to "latest" if it
	// isn't, which is the expected behavior.
	if tag == "" {
		tag = "latest"

	var dockerImage *docker.Image
	// We're going to check whether the image is already downloaded. If the tag
	// is "latest" we have to check for a new version every time so we don't
	// bother to check and cache the id here. We'll download first, then cache.
	if tag != "latest" {
		dockerImage, err = client.InspectImage(image)

	// Download the image
	if dockerImage == nil {
		pullOptions := docker.PullImageOptions{
			Repository: repo,
			Tag:        tag,
		// TODO add auth configuration for private repos
		authOptions := docker.AuthConfiguration{}
		err = client.PullImage(pullOptions, authOptions)
		if err != nil {
			d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: pulling container %s", err)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to pull `%s`: %s", image, err)
		d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: docker pull %s:%s succeeded", repo, tag)

		// Now that we have the image we can get the image id
		dockerImage, err = client.InspectImage(image)
		if err != nil {
			d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: getting image id for %s", image)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to determine image id for `%s`: %s", image, err)
	d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: using image %s", dockerImage.ID)
	d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: identified image %s as %s", image, dockerImage.ID)

	// Create a container
	container, err := client.CreateContainer(createContainer(ctx, task, d.logger))
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: %s", err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create container from image %s", image)
	d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: created container %s", container.ID)

	// Start the container
	err = client.StartContainer(container.ID, container.HostConfig)
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: starting container %s", container.ID)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to start container %s", container.ID)
	d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: started container %s", container.ID)

	// Return a driver handle
	h := &dockerHandle{
		client:           client,
		cleanupContainer: cleanupContainer,
		cleanupImage:     cleanupImage,
		logger:           d.logger,
		imageID:          dockerImage.ID,
		containerID:      container.ID,
		doneCh:           make(chan struct{}),
		waitCh:           make(chan error, 1),
	go h.run()
	return h, nil
Ejemplo n.º 21
func (d *DockerDriver) Start(ctx *ExecContext, task *structs.Task) (DriverHandle, error) {
	var driverConfig DockerDriverConfig
	if err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(task.Config, &driverConfig); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	image := driverConfig.ImageName

	if err := driverConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if task.Resources == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Resources are not specified")
	if task.Resources.MemoryMB == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Memory limit cannot be zero")
	if task.Resources.CPU == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("CPU limit cannot be zero")

	cleanupContainer := d.config.ReadBoolDefault("docker.cleanup.container", true)
	cleanupImage := d.config.ReadBoolDefault("docker.cleanup.image", true)

	// Initialize docker API client
	client, err := d.dockerClient()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to docker daemon: %s", err)

	repo, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(image)
	// Make sure tag is always explicitly set. We'll default to "latest" if it
	// isn't, which is the expected behavior.
	if tag == "" {
		tag = "latest"

	var dockerImage *docker.Image
	// We're going to check whether the image is already downloaded. If the tag
	// is "latest" we have to check for a new version every time so we don't
	// bother to check and cache the id here. We'll download first, then cache.
	if tag != "latest" {
		dockerImage, err = client.InspectImage(image)

	// Download the image
	if dockerImage == nil {
		pullOptions := docker.PullImageOptions{
			Repository: repo,
			Tag:        tag,

		authOptions := docker.AuthConfiguration{}
		if len(driverConfig.Auth) != 0 {
			authOptions = docker.AuthConfiguration{
				Username:      driverConfig.Auth[0].Username,
				Password:      driverConfig.Auth[0].Password,
				Email:         driverConfig.Auth[0].Email,
				ServerAddress: driverConfig.Auth[0].ServerAddress,

		if authConfig := d.config.Read("docker.auth.config"); authConfig != "" {
			if f, err := os.Open(authConfig); err == nil {
				defer f.Close()
				if authConfigurations, err := docker.NewAuthConfigurations(f); err == nil {
					if authConfiguration, ok := authConfigurations.Configs[repo]; ok {
						authOptions = authConfiguration

		err = client.PullImage(pullOptions, authOptions)
		if err != nil {
			d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed pulling container %s:%s: %s", repo, tag, err)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to pull `%s`: %s", image, err)
		d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: docker pull %s:%s succeeded", repo, tag)

		// Now that we have the image we can get the image id
		dockerImage, err = client.InspectImage(image)
		if err != nil {
			d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed getting image id for %s: %s", image, err)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to determine image id for `%s`: %s", image, err)

	taskDir, ok := ctx.AllocDir.TaskDirs[d.DriverContext.taskName]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find task directory for task: %v", d.DriverContext.taskName)

	d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: identified image %s as %s", image, dockerImage.ID)

	bin, err := discover.NomadExecutable()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find the nomad binary: %v", err)
	pluginLogFile := filepath.Join(taskDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-syslog-collector.out", task.Name))
	pluginConfig := &plugin.ClientConfig{
		Cmd: exec.Command(bin, "syslog", pluginLogFile),

	logCollector, pluginClient, err := createLogCollector(pluginConfig, d.config.LogOutput, d.config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	logCollectorCtx := &logcollector.LogCollectorContext{
		TaskName:       task.Name,
		AllocDir:       ctx.AllocDir,
		LogConfig:      task.LogConfig,
		PortLowerBound: d.config.ClientMinPort,
		PortUpperBound: d.config.ClientMaxPort,
	ss, err := logCollector.LaunchCollector(logCollectorCtx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start syslog collector: %v", err)

	config, err := d.createContainer(ctx, task, &driverConfig, ss.Addr)
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to create container configuration for image %s: %s", image, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create container configuration for image %s: %s", image, err)
	// Create a container
	container, err := client.CreateContainer(config)
	if err != nil {
		// If the container already exists because of a previous failure we'll
		// try to purge it and re-create it.
		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "container already exists") {
			// Get the ID of the existing container so we can delete it
			containers, err := client.ListContainers(docker.ListContainersOptions{
				// The image might be in use by a stopped container, so check everything
				All: true,
				Filters: map[string][]string{
					"name": []string{config.Name},
			if err != nil {
				d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to query list of containers matching name:%s", config.Name)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to query list of containers: %s", err)

			// Couldn't find any matching containers
			if len(containers) == 0 {
				d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to get id for container %s: %#v", config.Name, containers)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get id for container %s", config.Name)

			// Delete matching containers
			d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: a container with the name %s already exists; will attempt to purge and re-create", config.Name)
			for _, container := range containers {
				err = client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{
					ID: container.ID,
				if err != nil {
					d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to purge container %s", container.ID)
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to purge container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
				d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: purged container %s", container.ID)

			container, err = client.CreateContainer(config)
			if err != nil {
				d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to re-create container %s; aborting", config.Name)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to re-create container %s; aborting", config.Name)
		} else {
			// We failed to create the container for some other reason.
			d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to create container from image %s: %s", image, err)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create container from image %s: %s", image, err)
	d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: created container %s", container.ID)

	// Start the container
	err = client.StartContainer(container.ID, container.HostConfig)
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
	d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: started container %s", container.ID)

	// Return a driver handle
	h := &DockerHandle{
		client:           client,
		logCollector:     logCollector,
		pluginClient:     pluginClient,
		cleanupContainer: cleanupContainer,
		cleanupImage:     cleanupImage,
		logger:           d.logger,
		imageID:          dockerImage.ID,
		containerID:      container.ID,
		killTimeout:      d.DriverContext.KillTimeout(task),
		doneCh:           make(chan struct{}),
		waitCh:           make(chan *cstructs.WaitResult, 1),
	go h.run()
	return h, nil
func (dg *dockerGoClient) pullImage(image string, authData *api.RegistryAuthenticationData) DockerContainerMetadata {
	log.Debug("Pulling image", "image", image)
	client, err := dg.dockerClient()
	if err != nil {
		return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: CannotGetDockerClientError{version: dg.version, err: err}}

	// Special case; this image is not one that should be pulled, but rather
	// should be created locally if necessary
	if image == emptyvolume.Image+":"+emptyvolume.Tag {
		scratchErr := dg.createScratchImageIfNotExists()
		if scratchErr != nil {
			return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: &api.DefaultNamedError{Name: "CreateEmptyVolumeError", Err: "Could not create empty volume " + scratchErr.Error()}}
		return DockerContainerMetadata{}

	authConfig, err := dg.getAuthdata(image, authData)
	if err != nil {
		return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: CannotXContainerError{"Pull", err.Error()}}

	pullDebugOut, pullWriter := io.Pipe()
	defer pullWriter.Close()

	repository, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(image)
	if tag == "" {
		repository = repository + ":" + dockerDefaultTag
	} else {
		repository = image

	opts := docker.PullImageOptions{
		Repository:   repository,
		OutputStream: pullWriter,
	timeout := dg.time().After(dockerPullBeginTimeout)
	// pullBegan is a channel indicating that we have seen at least one line of data on the 'OutputStream' above.
	// It is here to guard against a bug wherin docker never writes anything to that channel and hangs in pulling forever.
	pullBegan := make(chan bool, 1)
	// pullBeganOnce ensures we only indicate it began once (since our channel will only be read 0 or 1 times)
	pullBeganOnce := sync.Once{}

	go func() {
		reader := bufio.NewReader(pullDebugOut)
		var line string
		var pullErr error
		var statusDisplayed time.Time
		for pullErr == nil {
			line, pullErr = reader.ReadString('\n')
			if pullErr != nil {
			pullBeganOnce.Do(func() {
				pullBegan <- true

			now := time.Now()
			if !strings.Contains(line, "[=") || now.After(statusDisplayed.Add(pullStatusSuppressDelay)) {
				// skip most of the progress bar lines, but retain enough for debugging
				log.Debug("Pulling image", "image", image, "status", line)
				statusDisplayed = now

			if strings.Contains(line, "already being pulled by another client. Waiting.") {
				// This can mean the daemon is 'hung' in pulling status for this image, but we can't be sure.
				log.Error("Image 'pull' status marked as already being pulled", "image", image, "status", line)
		if pullErr != nil && pullErr != io.EOF {
			log.Warn("Error reading pull image status", "image", image, "err", pullErr)
	pullFinished := make(chan error, 1)
	go func() {
		pullFinished <- client.PullImage(opts, authConfig)
		log.Debug("Pulling image complete", "image", image)

	select {
	case <-pullBegan:
	case pullErr := <-pullFinished:
		if pullErr != nil {
			return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: CannotXContainerError{"Pull", pullErr.Error()}}
		return DockerContainerMetadata{}
	case <-timeout:
		return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: &DockerTimeoutError{dockerPullBeginTimeout, "pullBegin"}}
	log.Debug("Pull began for image", "image", image)
	defer log.Debug("Pull completed for image", "image", image)

	err = <-pullFinished
	if err != nil {
		return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: CannotXContainerError{"Pull", err.Error()}}
	return DockerContainerMetadata{}
Ejemplo n.º 23
func init() {
	cfg := config.NewConfig()

	http.Handle("/container/top/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		id := r.URL.Path[len("/container/top/"):]
		client, _ := util.RequestGetParam(r, "client")
		params := struct{ ID, Name, Client string }{id, _label(id, client, cfg.LabelOverrideNames), client}
		util.RenderHTML(w, []string{"containers/top.tmpl"}, params, nil)
	http.Handle("/container/statlog/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		id := r.URL.Path[len("/container/statlog/"):]
		client, _ := util.RequestGetParam(r, "client")
		params := struct {
			ID, Name, Client string
			ViewOnly         bool
		}{id, _label(id, client, cfg.LabelOverrideNames), client, cfg.ViewOnly}
		util.RenderHTML(w, []string{"containers/statlog.tmpl"}, params, nil)
	http.Handle("/container/changes/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		id := r.URL.Path[len("/container/changes/"):]
		client, _ := util.RequestGetParam(r, "client")
		params := struct{ ID, Name, Client string }{id, _label(id, client, cfg.LabelOverrideNames), client}
		util.RenderHTML(w, []string{"containers/changes.tmpl"}, params, nil)
	http.Handle("/logs", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		params := struct{ LabelFilters string }{strings.Join(cfg.LabelFilters, ",")}
		util.RenderHTML(w, []string{"containers/logs.tmpl"}, params, nil)
	http.Handle("/statistics", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		clients, err := models.LoadDockerClients()
		if err != nil {
			renderErrorJSON(w, err)
		params := struct {
			LabelFilters string
			Clients      int
		}{strings.Join(cfg.LabelFilters, ","), len(clients)}
		util.RenderHTML(w, []string{"containers/statistics.tmpl"}, params, nil)

	 * Containers' API
	 * @param limit int
	 * @param status int (0: all, 1: created, 2: restarting, 3: running, 4: paused, 5&6: exited)
	 * @param q string search words
	 * @return []model.DockerContainer
	http.Handle("/api/containers", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		type container struct {
			Client     *models.DockerClient     `json:"client"`
			Containers []models.DockerContainer `json:"containers"`
		dockers, ok := clients(w)
		if !ok {
		options := models.ListContainerOption(util.RequestGetParamI(r, "status", 0))
		options.Limit = util.RequestGetParamI(r, "limit", 100)
		d := make(chan *container, len(dockers))
		result := []*container{}

		for _, docker := range dockers {
			go func(docker *engine.Client) {
				containers, err := docker.ListContainers(options)
				if err != nil {
					renderErrorJSON(w, err)
				var words []string
				if q, found := util.RequestGetParam(r, "q"); found {
					words = util.SplittedUpperStrings(q)
				d <- &container{
					Client:     docker.Conf,
					Containers: models.SearchContainers(containers, words),
		for i := 0; i < len(dockers); i++ {
			result = append(result, <-d)
		util.RenderJSON(w, result, nil)

	http.Handle("/api/statistics", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		var dockers []*engine.Client
		if c, found := util.RequestGetParam(r, "client"); found {
			if docker, ok := client(w, c); ok {
				dockers = []*engine.Client{docker}
		} else {
			var ok bool
			dockers, ok = clients(w)
			if !ok {
		type statistics struct {
			Client *models.DockerClient               `json:"client"`
			Stats  map[string]map[string][]*api.Stats `json:"stats"`
		stats := []statistics{}

		d := make(chan statistics, len(dockers))
		for _, docker := range dockers {
			go func(docker *engine.Client) {
				candidate, err := docker.ListContainers(models.ListContainerOption(3))
				if err != nil {
					renderErrorJSON(w, err)
				containers := models.SearchContainers(candidate, []string{})
				c := make(chan models.DockerStats, len(containers))
				stats := map[string]map[string][]*api.Stats{}
				count := util.RequestGetParamI(r, "count", 1)

				for _, container := range containers {
					go func(container models.DockerContainer) {
						stat, _ := docker.Stats(container.ID, count)

						name := strings.Join(container.Names, ",")
						if !misc.ZeroOrNil(cfg.LabelOverrideNames) {
							if label, found := container.Labels[cfg.LabelOverrideNames]; found {
								name = "*" + label
						c <- models.DockerStats{
							ID:    container.ID,
							Name:  name,
							Stats: stat,
				for i := 0; i < len(containers); i++ {
					ds := <-c
					inner := map[string][]*api.Stats{}
					inner[ds.Name] = ds.Stats
					stats[ds.ID] = inner
				d <- statistics{
					Client: docker.Conf,
					Stats:  stats,
		for i := 0; i < len(dockers); i++ {
			stats = append(stats, <-d)
		util.RenderJSON(w, stats, nil)

	http.Handle("/api/logs", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		count := util.RequestGetParamI(r, "count", 100)
		var dockers []*engine.Client
		if c, found := util.RequestGetParam(r, "client"); found {
			if docker, ok := client(w, c); ok {
				dockers = []*engine.Client{docker}
		} else {
			var ok bool
			dockers, ok = clients(w)
			if !ok {
		type stdlogs struct {
			ID     string   `json:"id"`
			Stdout []string `json:"stdout"`
			Stderr []string `json:"stderr"`
		type clientlogs struct {
			Client *models.DockerClient `json:"client"`
			Logs   []stdlogs            `json:"logs"`
		logs := []clientlogs{}

		d := make(chan clientlogs, len(dockers))
		for _, docker := range dockers {
			go func(docker *engine.Client) {
				candidate, err := docker.ListContainers(models.ListContainerOption(3))
				if err != nil {
					renderErrorJSON(w, err)
				containers := models.SearchContainers(candidate, []string{})

				c := make(chan stdlogs, len(containers))
				inner := []stdlogs{}
				for _, container := range containers {
					go func(container models.DockerContainer) {

						stdout, stderr, err := docker.Logs(container.ID, count, 1*time.Second)
						if err != nil {
							renderErrorJSON(w, err)
						c <- stdlogs{container.ID, stdout, stderr}
				for i := 0; i < len(containers); i++ {
					inner = append(inner, <-c)
				d <- clientlogs{
					Client: docker.Conf,
					Logs:   inner,
		for i := 0; i < len(dockers); i++ {
			logs = append(logs, <-d)
		util.RenderJSON(w, logs, nil)

	 * A container's API
	// inspect
	http.Handle("/api/container/inspect/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestGetParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			id := r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/inspect/"):]
			meta := docker.InspectContainer(id)
			util.RenderJSON(w, meta.Container, meta.Error)
	// top
	http.Handle("/api/container/top/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestGetParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			id := r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/top/"):]
			args := util.RequestGetParamS(r, "args", "aux")
			util.RenderJSON(w, docker.Top(id, args), nil)
	// stats
	http.Handle("/api/container/stats/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestGetParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			id := r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/stats/"):]
			result, err := docker.Stats(id, util.RequestGetParamI(r, "count", 1))
			if err != nil {
				renderErrorJSON(w, err)
			util.RenderJSON(w, result, nil)
	// logs
	http.Handle("/api/container/logs/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestGetParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			id := r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/logs/"):]
			count := util.RequestGetParamI(r, "count", 100)
			stdout, stderr, err := docker.Logs(id, count, 1*time.Second)
			if err != nil {
				renderErrorJSON(w, err)
			util.RenderJSON(w, struct {
				Stdout []string `json:"stdout"`
				Stderr []string `json:"stderr"`
			}, nil)
	// diff
	http.Handle("/api/container/changes/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestGetParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			id := r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/changes/"):]
			util.RenderJSON(w, docker.Changes(id), nil)

	// restart
	http.Handle("/api/container/restart/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if r.Method != "POST" {
			http.NotFound(w, r)
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestPostParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			meta := docker.Restart(r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/restart/"):], 5)
			if meta.Error != nil {
				renderErrorJSON(w, meta.Error)
			util.RenderJSON(w, meta.Container, nil)
	// start
	http.Handle("/api/container/start/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if r.Method != "POST" {
			http.NotFound(w, r)
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestPostParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			meta := docker.Start(r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/start/"):])
			if meta.Error != nil {
				renderErrorJSON(w, meta.Error)
			util.RenderJSON(w, meta.Container, nil)
	// stop
	http.Handle("/api/container/stop/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if r.Method != "POST" {
			http.NotFound(w, r)
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestPostParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			meta := docker.Stop(r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/stop/"):])
			if meta.Error != nil {
				renderErrorJSON(w, meta.Error)
			util.RenderJSON(w, meta.Container, nil)
	// kill
	http.Handle("/api/container/kill/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if r.Method != "POST" {
			http.NotFound(w, r)
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestPostParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			meta := docker.Kill(r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/kill/"):], 5)
			if meta.Error != nil {
				renderErrorJSON(w, meta.Error)
			util.RenderJSON(w, meta.Container, nil)
	// rm
	http.Handle("/api/container/rm/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if r.Method != "POST" {
			http.NotFound(w, r)
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestPostParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			err := docker.Rm(r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/rm/"):])
			if err != nil {
				renderErrorJSON(w, err)
			util.RenderJSON(w, "removed successfully.", nil)
	// rename
	http.Handle("/api/container/rename/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if r.Method != "POST" {
			http.NotFound(w, r)
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestPostParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			if name, found := util.RequestPostParam(r, "name"); found {
				err := docker.Rename(r.URL.Path[len("/api/container/rename/"):], name)
				message := "renamed successfully."
				if err != nil {
					message = err.Error()
				util.RenderJSON(w, message, nil)
	// commit
	http.Handle("/api/container/commit/", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if r.Method != "POST" {
			http.NotFound(w, r)
		if docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestPostParamS(r, "client", "")); ok {
			repository, _ := util.RequestPostParam(r, "repo")
			tag, _ := util.RequestPostParam(r, "tag")
			massage, _ := util.RequestPostParam(r, "msg")
			author, _ := util.RequestPostParam(r, "author")

			meta := docker.Commit(
				repository, tag, massage, author)
			if meta.Error != nil {
				renderErrorJSON(w, meta.Error)
			util.RenderJSON(w, meta.Image, nil)

	// @see https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/builds/#webhooks
	type Repository struct {
		Name     string `json:"name"`
		Owner    string `json:"owner"`
		RepoName string `json:"repo_name"`
	type Webhook struct {
		CallbackURL string     `json:"callback_url"`
		Repository  Repository `json:"repository"`

	 * Update by DockerHub
	 * which pull an image again & restart the container to update its service
	http.Handle("/api/container/update", util.Chain(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if r.Method != "POST" {
			http.NotFound(w, r)
		// parse parameters
		webhook := Webhook{}
		err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&webhook)
		if err != nil {
			http.NotFound(w, r)
		repository, tag := api.ParseRepositoryTag(webhook.Repository.RepoName)
		tag = misc.NVL(tag, "latest")

		// TODO trying all docker clients!!
		docker, ok := client(w, util.RequestPostParamS(r, "client", ""))
		if !ok {

		// pull the latest image
		var imageRepoTag string
		for _, image := range docker.ListImages() {
			for _, repotag := range image.RepoTags {
				if repotag == repository+":"+tag {
					imageRepoTag = repotag
		if misc.ZeroOrNil(imageRepoTag) {
			http.NotFound(w, r)
		if meta := docker.Pull(imageRepoTag); meta.Error != nil {
			util.RenderJSON(w, meta.Error.Error(), nil)

		// list running containers
		containers, err := docker.ListContainers(models.ListContainerOption(3))
		if err != nil {
			util.RenderJSON(w, err.Error(), nil)

		// restart its container
		restarted := []string{}
		for _, container := range containers {
			if container.Image == imageRepoTag {
				meta := docker.InspectContainer(container.ID)
				if meta.Error != nil {
				// remove the existing container
				if meta := docker.Stop(container.ID); meta.Error != nil {
					renderErrorJSON(w, meta.Error)
				if err := docker.Rm(container.ID); err != nil {
					renderErrorJSON(w, err)
				// create a new container using the dead container configurations.
				// because if we just restart the container, its image would not
				// reference the new one.
				c := meta.Container
				if meta := docker.Create(c.Name, c.Config, c.HostConfig); meta.Error != nil {
					renderErrorJSON(w, meta.Error)
				if meta := docker.Start(c.Name[1:]); meta.Error != nil {
					renderErrorJSON(w, meta.Error)
				restarted = append(restarted, c.Name[1:])
		util.RenderJSON(w, restarted, nil)
Ejemplo n.º 24
func (d *DockerDriver) Start(ctx *ExecContext, task *structs.Task) (DriverHandle, error) {
	var driverConfig DockerDriverConfig
	if err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(task.Config, &driverConfig); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	image := driverConfig.ImageName

	if err := driverConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if task.Resources == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Resources are not specified")
	if task.Resources.MemoryMB == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Memory limit cannot be zero")
	if task.Resources.CPU == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("CPU limit cannot be zero")

	cleanupContainer := d.config.ReadBoolDefault("docker.cleanup.container", true)
	cleanupImage := d.config.ReadBoolDefault("docker.cleanup.image", true)

	// Initialize docker API client
	client, err := d.dockerClient()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to docker daemon: %s", err)

	repo, tag := docker.ParseRepositoryTag(image)
	// Make sure tag is always explicitly set. We'll default to "latest" if it
	// isn't, which is the expected behavior.
	if tag == "" {
		tag = "latest"

	var dockerImage *docker.Image
	// We're going to check whether the image is already downloaded. If the tag
	// is "latest" we have to check for a new version every time so we don't
	// bother to check and cache the id here. We'll download first, then cache.
	if tag != "latest" {
		dockerImage, err = client.InspectImage(image)

	// Download the image
	if dockerImage == nil {
		pullOptions := docker.PullImageOptions{
			Repository: repo,
			Tag:        tag,

		authOptions := docker.AuthConfiguration{}
		if len(driverConfig.Auth) != 0 {
			authOptions = docker.AuthConfiguration{
				Username:      driverConfig.Auth[0].Username,
				Password:      driverConfig.Auth[0].Password,
				Email:         driverConfig.Auth[0].Email,
				ServerAddress: driverConfig.Auth[0].ServerAddress,

		err = client.PullImage(pullOptions, authOptions)
		if err != nil {
			d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed pulling container %s:%s: %s", repo, tag, err)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to pull `%s`: %s", image, err)
		d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: docker pull %s:%s succeeded", repo, tag)

		// Now that we have the image we can get the image id
		dockerImage, err = client.InspectImage(image)
		if err != nil {
			d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed getting image id for %s: %s", image, err)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to determine image id for `%s`: %s", image, err)
	d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: identified image %s as %s", image, dockerImage.ID)

	config, err := d.createContainer(ctx, task, &driverConfig)
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to create container configuration for image %s: %s", image, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create container configuration for image %s: %s", image, err)
	// Create a container
	container, err := client.CreateContainer(config)
	if err != nil {
		// If the container already exists because of a previous failure we'll
		// try to purge it and re-create it.
		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "container already exists") {
			// Get the ID of the existing container so we can delete it
			containers, err := client.ListContainers(docker.ListContainersOptions{
				// The image might be in use by a stopped container, so check everything
				All: true,
				Filters: map[string][]string{
					"name": []string{config.Name},
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to query list of containers matching name:%s", config.Name)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to query list of containers: %s", err)

			if len(containers) != 1 {
				log.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to get id for container %s", config.Name)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get id for container %s", config.Name)

			log.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: a container with the name %s already exists; will attempt to purge and re-create", config.Name)
			err = client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{
				ID: containers[0].ID,
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to purge container %s", config.Name)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to purge container %s: %s", config.Name, err)
			log.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: purged container %s", config.Name)
			container, err = client.CreateContainer(config)
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to re-create container %s; aborting", config.Name)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to re-create container %s; aborting", config.Name)
		} else {
			// We failed to create the container for some other reason.
			d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to create container from image %s: %s", image, err)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create container from image %s: %s", image, err)
	d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: created container %s", container.ID)

	// Start the container
	err = client.StartContainer(container.ID, container.HostConfig)
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
	d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: started container %s", container.ID)

	// Return a driver handle
	h := &DockerHandle{
		client:           client,
		cleanupContainer: cleanupContainer,
		cleanupImage:     cleanupImage,
		logger:           d.logger,
		imageID:          dockerImage.ID,
		containerID:      container.ID,
		doneCh:           make(chan struct{}),
		waitCh:           make(chan *cstructs.WaitResult, 1),
	go h.run()
	return h, nil
Ejemplo n.º 25
func ImageName(opts *dc.PullImageOptions, image string) {
	opts.Repository, opts.Tag = dc.ParseRepositoryTag(image)
Ejemplo n.º 26
// Build is a helper method to perform a Docker build against the
// provided Docker client. It will load the image if not specified,
// create a container if one does not already exist, and start a
// container if the Dockerfile contains RUN commands. It will cleanup
// any containers it creates directly, and set the e.Image.ID field
// to the generated image.
func (e *ClientExecutor) Build(r io.Reader, args map[string]string) error {
	b := NewBuilder()
	b.Args = args

	if e.Excludes == nil {
		excludes, err := ParseDockerignore(e.Directory)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		e.Excludes = append(excludes, ".dockerignore")

	// TODO: check the Docker daemon version (1.20 is required for Upload)

	node, err := parser.Parse(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// identify the base image
	from, err := b.From(node)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// load the image
	if e.Image == nil {
		if from == NoBaseImageSpecifier {
			if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
				return fmt.Errorf("building from scratch images is not supported")
			from, err = e.CreateScratchImage()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			defer e.CleanupImage(from)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Retrieving image %q", from)
		e.Image, err = e.LoadImage(from)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// update the builder with any information from the image, including ONBUILD
	// statements
	if err := b.FromImage(e.Image, node); err != nil {
		return err

	b.RunConfig.Image = from
	e.LogFn("FROM %s", from)
	glog.V(4).Infof("step: FROM %s", from)

	// create a container to execute in, if necessary
	mustStart := b.RequiresStart(node)
	if e.Container == nil {
		opts := docker.CreateContainerOptions{
			Config: &docker.Config{
				Image: from,
		if mustStart {
			// TODO: windows support
			if len(e.Command) > 0 {
				opts.Config.Cmd = e.Command
				opts.Config.Entrypoint = nil
			} else {
				// TODO; replace me with a better default command
				opts.Config.Cmd = []string{"sleep 86400"}
				opts.Config.Entrypoint = []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"}
		if len(opts.Config.Cmd) == 0 {
			opts.Config.Entrypoint = []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", "# NOP"}
		container, err := e.Client.CreateContainer(opts)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		e.Container = container

		// if we create the container, take responsibilty for cleaning up
		defer e.Cleanup()

	// TODO: lazy start
	if mustStart && !e.Container.State.Running {
		if err := e.Client.StartContainer(e.Container.ID, e.HostConfig); err != nil {
			return err
		// TODO: is this racy? may have to loop wait in the actual run step

	for _, child := range node.Children {
		step := b.Step()
		if err := step.Resolve(child); err != nil {
			return err
		glog.V(4).Infof("step: %s", step.Original)
		if e.LogFn != nil {
		if err := b.Run(step, e); err != nil {
			return err

	if mustStart {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Stopping container %s ...", e.Container.ID)
		if err := e.Client.StopContainer(e.Container.ID, 0); err != nil {
			return err

	config := b.Config()
	var repository, tag string
	if len(e.Tag) > 0 {
		repository, tag = docker.ParseRepositoryTag(e.Tag)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Committing built container %s as image %q: %#v", e.Container.ID, e.Tag, config)
		if e.LogFn != nil {
			e.LogFn("Committing changes to %s ...", e.Tag)
	} else {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Committing built container %s: %#v", e.Container.ID, config)
		if e.LogFn != nil {
			e.LogFn("Committing changes ...")

	image, err := e.Client.CommitContainer(docker.CommitContainerOptions{
		Author:     b.Author,
		Container:  e.Container.ID,
		Run:        config,
		Repository: repository,
		Tag:        tag,
	if err != nil {
		return err
	e.Image = image
	glog.V(4).Infof("Committed %s to %s", e.Container.ID, e.Image.ID)
	if e.LogFn != nil {
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 27
// Build is a helper method to perform a Docker build against the
// provided Docker client. It will load the image if not specified,
// create a container if one does not already exist, and start a
// container if the Dockerfile contains RUN commands. It will cleanup
// any containers it creates directly, and set the e.Image.ID field
// to the generated image.
func (e *ClientExecutor) Build(r io.Reader, args map[string]string) error {
	b := NewBuilder()
	b.Args = args

	if e.Excludes == nil {
		excludes, err := ParseDockerignore(e.Directory)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		e.Excludes = append(excludes, ".dockerignore")

	// TODO: check the Docker daemon version (1.20 is required for Upload)

	node, err := parser.Parse(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// identify the base image
	from, err := b.From(node)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// load the image
	if e.Image == nil {
		if from == NoBaseImageSpecifier {
			if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
				return fmt.Errorf("building from scratch images is not supported")
			from, err = e.CreateScratchImage()
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("unable to create a scratch image for this build: %v", err)
			defer e.CleanupImage(from)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Retrieving image %q", from)
		e.Image, err = e.LoadImage(from)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// update the builder with any information from the image, including ONBUILD
	// statements
	if err := b.FromImage(e.Image, node); err != nil {
		return err

	b.RunConfig.Image = from
	e.LogFn("FROM %s", from)
	glog.V(4).Infof("step: FROM %s", from)

	var sharedMount string

	// create a container to execute in, if necessary
	mustStart := b.RequiresStart(node)
	if e.Container == nil {
		opts := docker.CreateContainerOptions{
			Config: &docker.Config{
				Image: from,
		if mustStart {
			// Transient mounts only make sense on images that will be running processes
			if len(e.TransientMounts) > 0 {
				volumeName, err := randSeq(imageSafeCharacters, 24)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				v, err := e.Client.CreateVolume(docker.CreateVolumeOptions{Name: volumeName})
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("unable to create volume to mount secrets: %v", err)
				defer e.cleanupVolume(volumeName)
				sharedMount = v.Mountpoint
				opts.HostConfig = &docker.HostConfig{
					Binds: []string{sharedMount + ":/tmp/__temporarymount"},

			// TODO: windows support
			if len(e.Command) > 0 {
				opts.Config.Cmd = e.Command
				opts.Config.Entrypoint = nil
			} else {
				// TODO; replace me with a better default command
				opts.Config.Cmd = []string{"sleep 86400"}
				opts.Config.Entrypoint = []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"}
		if len(opts.Config.Cmd) == 0 {
			opts.Config.Entrypoint = []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", "# NOP"}
		container, err := e.Client.CreateContainer(opts)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to create build container: %v", err)
		e.Container = container

		// if we create the container, take responsibilty for cleaning up
		defer e.Cleanup()

	// copy any source content into the temporary mount path
	if mustStart && len(e.TransientMounts) > 0 {
		var copies []Copy
		for i, mount := range e.TransientMounts {
			source := mount.SourcePath
			copies = append(copies, Copy{
				Src:  source,
				Dest: []string{path.Join("/tmp/__temporarymount", strconv.Itoa(i))},
		if err := e.Copy(copies...); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to copy build context into container: %v", err)

	// TODO: lazy start
	if mustStart && !e.Container.State.Running {
		var hostConfig docker.HostConfig
		if e.HostConfig != nil {
			hostConfig = *e.HostConfig

		// mount individual items temporarily
		for i, mount := range e.TransientMounts {
			if len(sharedMount) == 0 {
				return fmt.Errorf("no mount point available for temporary mounts")
			hostConfig.Binds = append(
				fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", path.Join(sharedMount, strconv.Itoa(i)), mount.DestinationPath, "ro"),

		if err := e.Client.StartContainer(e.Container.ID, &hostConfig); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to start build container: %v", err)
		// TODO: is this racy? may have to loop wait in the actual run step

	for _, child := range node.Children {
		step := b.Step()
		if err := step.Resolve(child); err != nil {
			return err
		glog.V(4).Infof("step: %s", step.Original)
		if e.LogFn != nil {
		if err := b.Run(step, e); err != nil {
			return err

	if mustStart {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Stopping container %s ...", e.Container.ID)
		if err := e.Client.StopContainer(e.Container.ID, 0); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to stop build container: %v", err)

	config := b.Config()
	var repository, tag string
	if len(e.Tag) > 0 {
		repository, tag = docker.ParseRepositoryTag(e.Tag)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Committing built container %s as image %q: %#v", e.Container.ID, e.Tag, config)
		if e.LogFn != nil {
			e.LogFn("Committing changes to %s ...", e.Tag)
	} else {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Committing built container %s: %#v", e.Container.ID, config)
		if e.LogFn != nil {
			e.LogFn("Committing changes ...")

	image, err := e.Client.CommitContainer(docker.CommitContainerOptions{
		Author:     b.Author,
		Container:  e.Container.ID,
		Run:        config,
		Repository: repository,
		Tag:        tag,
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to commit build container: %v", err)
	e.Image = image
	glog.V(4).Infof("Committed %s to %s", e.Container.ID, e.Image.ID)
	if e.LogFn != nil {
	return nil