func pullImage(data *Data, client *dc.Client, image string) error {
	// TODO: Test local registry handling. It should be working
	// based on the code that was ported over

	pullOpts := dc.PullImageOptions{}

	splitImageName := strings.Split(image, ":")
	switch len(splitImageName) {

	// It's in registry:port/username/repo:tag or registry:port/repo:tag format
	case 3:
		splitPortRepo := strings.Split(splitImageName[1], "/")
		pullOpts.Registry = splitImageName[0] + ":" + splitPortRepo[0]
		pullOpts.Tag = splitImageName[2]
		pullOpts.Repository = pullOpts.Registry + "/" + strings.Join(splitPortRepo[1:], "/")

	// It's either registry:port/username/repo, registry:port/repo,
	// or repo:tag with default registry
	case 2:
		splitPortRepo := strings.Split(splitImageName[1], "/")
		switch len(splitPortRepo) {
		// repo:tag
		case 1:
			pullOpts.Repository = splitImageName[0]
			pullOpts.Tag = splitImageName[1]

		// registry:port/username/repo or registry:port/repo
			pullOpts.Registry = splitImageName[0] + ":" + splitPortRepo[0]
			pullOpts.Repository = pullOpts.Registry + "/" + strings.Join(splitPortRepo[1:], "/")
			pullOpts.Tag = "latest"

	// Plain username/repo or repo
		pullOpts.Repository = image

	if err := client.PullImage(pullOpts, dc.AuthConfiguration{}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error pulling image %s: %s\n", image, err)

	return fetchLocalImages(data, client)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (client *FSouza_NodeClient) Pull(logger log.Log, force bool) bool {
	image, tag := client.GetImageName()
	actionCacheTag := "pull:" + image + ":" + tag

	if _, ok := actionCache[actionCacheTag]; ok {
		logger.Message("Node image [" + image + ":" + tag + "] was just pulled, so not pulling it again.")
		return true

	if !force && client.HasImage() {
		logger.Info("Node already has an image [" + image + ":" + tag + "], so not pulling it again.  You can force this operation if you want to pull this image.")
		return false

	options := docker.PullImageOptions{
		Repository:    image,
		OutputStream:  logger,
		RawJSONStream: false,

	if tag != "" {
		options.Tag = tag

	var auth docker.AuthConfiguration
	// 		var ok bool
	//options.Registry = ""

	// 		auths, _ := docker.NewAuthConfigurationsFromDockerCfg()
	// 		if auth, ok = auths.Configs[registry]; ok {
	// 			options.Registry = registry
	// 		} else {
	// 			node.log.Warning("You have no local login credentials for any repo. Defaulting to no login.")
	auth = docker.AuthConfiguration{}
	options.Registry = ""
	// 		}

	logger.Message("Pulling node image [" + image + ":" + tag + "] from server [" + options.Registry + "] using auth [" + auth.Username + "] : " + image + ":" + tag)
	logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG_LOTS, "AUTH USED: ", map[string]string{"Username": auth.Username, "Password": auth.Password, "Email": auth.Email, "ServerAdddress": auth.ServerAddress})

	// ask the docker client to build the image
	err := client.backend.PullImage(options, auth)

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Node image not pulled : " + image + " => " + err.Error())
		actionCache[actionCacheTag] = false
		return false
	} else {
		client.backend.Refresh(true, false)
		logger.Message("Node image pulled: " + image + ":" + tag)
		actionCache[actionCacheTag] = false
		return true
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (s *ServiceRuntime) PullImage(version, id string) (*docker.Image, error) {
	image, err := s.InspectImage(version)

	if err != nil && err != docker.ErrNoSuchImage {
		return nil, err

	if image != nil && image.ID == id {
		return image, nil

	registry, repository, tag := utils.SplitDockerImage(version)

	// No, pull it down locally
	pullOpts := docker.PullImageOptions{
		Repository:   repository,
		Tag:          tag,
		OutputStream: log.DefaultLogger}

	dockerAuth := findAuth(registry)

	if registry != "" {
		pullOpts.Repository = registry + "/" + repository
	} else {
		pullOpts.Repository = repository
	pullOpts.Registry = registry
	pullOpts.Tag = tag

	retries := 0
	for {
		retries += 1
		err = s.dockerClient.PullImage(pullOpts, dockerAuth)
		if err != nil {

			// Don't retry 404, they'll never succeed
			if err.Error() == "HTTP code: 404" {
				return image, nil

			if retries > 3 {
				return image, err
			log.Errorf("ERROR: error pulling image %s. Attempt %d: %s", version, retries, err)

	return s.InspectImage(version)

Ejemplo n.º 4
func TestDliang(t *testing.T) {
	di := ConnectToDockerOrDie("")
	cl, err := di.ListContainers(docker.ListContainersOptions{})
	fmt.Println(cl, err)

	var opts docker.PullImageOptions
	opts.Repository = "nginx"
	opts.Registry = ""
	opts.Tag = "lastest"

	di.PullImage(opts, docker.AuthConfiguration{})

func parseImageOptions(image string) dc.PullImageOptions {
	pullOpts := dc.PullImageOptions{}

	splitImageName := strings.Split(image, ":")
	switch len(splitImageName) {

	// It's in registry:port/username/repo:tag or registry:port/repo:tag format
	case 3:
		splitPortRepo := strings.Split(splitImageName[1], "/")
		pullOpts.Registry = splitImageName[0] + ":" + splitPortRepo[0]
		pullOpts.Tag = splitImageName[2]
		pullOpts.Repository = pullOpts.Registry + "/" + strings.Join(splitPortRepo[1:], "/")

	// It's either registry:port/username/repo, registry:port/repo,
	// or repo:tag with default registry
	case 2:
		splitPortRepo := strings.Split(splitImageName[1], "/")
		switch len(splitPortRepo) {
		// repo:tag
		case 1:
			pullOpts.Repository = splitImageName[0]
			pullOpts.Tag = splitImageName[1]

		// registry:port/username/repo or registry:port/repo
			pullOpts.Registry = splitImageName[0] + ":" + splitPortRepo[0]
			pullOpts.Repository = pullOpts.Registry + "/" + strings.Join(splitPortRepo[1:], "/")
			pullOpts.Tag = "latest"

	// Plain username/repo or repo
		pullOpts.Repository = image

	return pullOpts
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (this *DockerClientEng1) Run(unit *core.Unit, callbackFunc func(*core.Dockerd, int, ...interface{})) error {

	hostConfig := &docker.HostConfig{}
	config := &docker.Config{
		Image: unit.Image,
	createContainerOptions := &docker.CreateContainerOptions{
		Name:       unit.Name,
		Config:     config,
		HostConfig: hostConfig,
	containerCreateResponse := &types.ContainerCreateResponse{}

		Config 是 create 所需的参数
		HostConfig 是 run 所需的参数
		这是 go-dockerclient 所定义的

	for _, p := range unit.Parameteres {
		switch p.Type {
		case "v": //-v Volume
			hostConfig.Binds = append(hostConfig.Binds, p.Value)
		case "p": //-p EXPOSE
			rePort := regexp.MustCompile(".+/.+")
			re3 := regexp.MustCompile("(.+):(.+):(.+)")
			if re3.MatchString(p.Value) {
				t := re3.FindStringSubmatch(p.Value)
				portBinding := &docker.PortBinding{
					HostIP:   t[1],
					HostPort: t[2],
				var containerPort string
				if rePort.MatchString(t[3]) {
					containerPort = t[3]
				} else {
					containerPort = fmt.Sprintf("%s/tcp", t[3])
				hostConfig.PortBindings = make(map[docker.Port][]docker.PortBinding)
				hostConfig.PortBindings[docker.Port(containerPort)] = append(hostConfig.PortBindings[docker.Port(containerPort)], *portBinding)
			re2 := regexp.MustCompile("(.+):(.+)")
			if re2.MatchString(p.Value) {
				t := re2.FindStringSubmatch(p.Value)
				portBinding := &docker.PortBinding{
					HostPort: t[1],
				hostConfig.PortBindings = make(map[docker.Port][]docker.PortBinding)
				hostConfig.PortBindings[docker.Port(t[2])] = append(hostConfig.PortBindings[docker.Port(t[2])], *portBinding)
			re1 := regexp.MustCompile("(.+)")
			if re1.MatchString(p.Value) {
				t := re2.FindStringSubmatch(p.Value)
				portBinding := &docker.PortBinding{}
				hostConfig.PortBindings = make(map[docker.Port][]docker.PortBinding)
				hostConfig.PortBindings[docker.Port(t[1])] = append(hostConfig.PortBindings[docker.Port(t[1])], *portBinding)

	//强行从registry pull最新版本的image
	pullImageOptions := docker.PullImageOptions{}
	reImage3 := regexp.MustCompile("^(.*\\.\\w+)(/.*):(.*)")
	// /cst05001/nginx:latest
	reImage2 := regexp.MustCompile("^(/.*):(.*)")
	if reImage3.MatchString(unit.Image) {
		result := reImage3.FindStringSubmatch(unit.Image)
		pullImageOptions.Registry = result[1]
		pullImageOptions.Repository = result[2]
		pullImageOptions.Tag = result[3]
	} else if reImage2.MatchString(unit.Image) {
		result := reImage2.FindStringSubmatch(unit.Image)
		pullImageOptions.Registry = ""
		pullImageOptions.Repository = result[1]
		pullImageOptions.Tag = result[2]
	} else {
		pullImageOptions.Registry = ""
		pullImageOptions.Repository = unit.Image
		pullImageOptions.Tag = "latest"

	for ptrDockerd, ptrClient := range this.ClientMap {
		dockerd := &(*ptrDockerd)
		client := &(*ptrClient)
		go func() {
			err := client.PullImage(pullImageOptions, docker.AuthConfiguration{})
			if err != nil {
				beego.Error("Pull image ", pullImageOptions.Registry, pullImageOptions.Repository,
					pullImageOptions.Tag, " at ", dockerd.GetIP(), " failed: ", err)
			beego.Debug("Pull image ", pullImageOptions.Registry,
				pullImageOptions.Repository, pullImageOptions.Tag, " at ", dockerd.GetIP(), " successed.")

			container, err := client.CreateContainer(*createContainerOptions)
			if err != nil {
				beego.Error("Create container at ", dockerd.GetIP(), " failed: ", err)
				containerCreateResponse.Warnings = append(containerCreateResponse.Warnings, err.Error())
				callbackFunc(dockerd, dockerdengine.STATUS_ON_CREATE_FAILED, unit)
			containerCreateResponse.ID = container.ID
			callbackFunc(dockerd, dockerdengine.STATUS_ON_CREATE_SUCCESSED, unit)

			// start container
			err = client.StartContainer(containerCreateResponse.ID, hostConfig)
			if err != nil {
				beego.Error("Start container at ", dockerd.GetIP(), " failed: ", err)
				callbackFunc(dockerd, dockerdengine.STATUS_ON_RUN_FAILED, unit)
			beego.Debug("StartContainer at ", dockerd.GetIP(), " successed")
			callbackFunc(dockerd, dockerdengine.STATUS_ON_RUN_SUCCESSED, unit)
	return nil