Ejemplo n.º 1
//deadEdge: first dead Edge to star
//dir: direction where the wall will go on
//wallDir: direction of the wall, left or right of the dir???
func checkForDeadWall(surface engine.Surface, deadEdge engine.Point, dir int8, wallDir int8) (bool, engine.Point) {
	possDead := deadEdge
	for {
		possDead = possDead.Add(engine.Direction(dir).Point())
		if !surface.In(possDead) {
			return false, possDead
		possField := surface[possDead.Y][possDead.X]
		possWallPos := possDead.Add(engine.Direction(wallDir).Point())
		if !surface.In(possWallPos) {
			return false, possDead
		possWall := surface[possWallPos.Y][possWallPos.X]
		if possField.Wall || possField.Point || !possWall.Wall {
			return false, possDead
		} else {
			dead, _ := DeadCorner(surface, possDead)
			if dead {
				return true, possDead
	log.E(-1, "checkForDeadWall: end of For loop")
	return false, possDead
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* try moving figure in specified direction.
 * Returns, if figure was moved and if figure moved a box.
func (e *Engine) Move(dir Direction) (success bool, boxMoved int8) {
	success = false
	boxMoved = EMPTY
	cf := e.FigPos()          // current figureposition
	nf := cf.Add(dir.Point()) // potential new figureposition
	if !e.Surface.In(nf) {
		log.D(e.Id, "Can not move: surface border")
	// check type of field of new figureposition
	switch f := e.Surface[nf.Y][nf.X]; {
	case f.Wall == true:
		log.D(e.Id, "Can not move: wall")
	case f.Box != EMPTY: // if box
		nnf := nf.Add(dir.Point()) // potential new boxposition
		if !e.Surface.In(nnf) {
			log.D(e.Id, "Can not move: blocked box (surface border)")
		if e.Surface[nnf.Y][nnf.X].Dead {
			log.D(e.Id, "Can not move: Dead field")
		if e.Surface[nnf.Y][nnf.X].Wall || e.Surface[nnf.Y][nnf.X].Box != EMPTY {
			log.D(e.Id, "Can not move: blocked box")
		log.D(e.Id, "Move box")
		boxMoved = f.Box
		e.boxes[f.Box].SetPos(nnf) // nnf is position that box should move to, f.Box is current box
		e.reOrderBoxes(f.Box, dir)
		e.Surface[nnf.Y][nnf.X].Box = e.Surface[nf.Y][nf.X].Box
		fallthrough // go to next case statment to also move the figure
	case f.Box >= EMPTY: // actually always...
		var hist HistoryType
		hist.NewPos = nf
		hist.OldPos = cf
		hist.BoxMoved = boxMoved
		e.History = append(e.History, hist)
		e.Surface[nf.Y][nf.X].Box = e.Surface[cf.Y][cf.X].Box
		e.Surface[cf.Y][cf.X].Box = EMPTY
		e.figPos = nf // refresh figureposition
		success = true
		log.E(e.Id, "Unknown field")
Ejemplo n.º 3
// load level from specified file (relative to binary file)
func (e *Engine) LoadLevel(filename string) {
	raw, err := readLevelAsString(filename)
	if err != nil {
	// remove the "\r" from stupid windows files...
	raw = strings.Replace(raw, "\r", "", -1)
	// get single lines in an array
	lines := strings.Split(raw, "\n")

	e.Surface = Surface{{}}
	var field Field
	y := 0
	boxId := int8(0)
	maxlen := 0
	var char uint8

	for _, line := range lines {
		if len(line) > 0 && line[0] == '#' && len(line) > maxlen {
			maxlen = len(line)

	for _, line := range lines {
		// filter empty lines and lines that do not start with '#'
		if len(line) == 0 || line[0] != '#' {
		for x := 0; x < maxlen; x++ {
			char = '#'
			if x < len(line) {
				char = line[x]
			switch char {
			case '#':
				field = Field{true, false, false, EMPTY}
			case ' ':
				field = Field{false, false, false, EMPTY}
			case '$':
				field = Field{false, false, false, boxId}
			case '@':
				field = Field{false, false, false, EMPTY}
				e.figPos = NewPoint(x, y)
			case '.':
				field = Field{false, true, false, EMPTY}
			case '*':
				field = Field{false, true, false, boxId}
			case '+':
				field = Field{false, true, false, EMPTY}
				e.figPos = NewPoint(x, y)
				log.E(e.Id, "Unknown character in level file: '%c'", char)
			e.Surface[y] = append(e.Surface[y], field)
			if field.Point {
				e.points = append(e.points, NewPoint(x, y))
			if field.Box != EMPTY {
				box := NewBox(NewPoint(x, y), boxId)
				e.boxes[boxId] = &box
				e.boxesOrdered[boxId] = &box
		e.Surface = append(e.Surface, []Field{})
	// the last sub-array of Surface is always empty, so remove it...
	if len(e.Surface[len(e.Surface)-1]) == 0 {
		e.Surface = e.Surface[:len(e.Surface)-1]