Ejemplo n.º 1
func main() {
	var o gomegle.Omegle
	lang := flag.String("lang", "", "Two character language code for searching strangers that only speak that language")
	group := flag.String("group", "", "Only search for strangers in this group (\"unmon\" for unmonitored chat)")
	server := flag.String("server", "", "Connect to this server to search for strangers")
	question := flag.String("question", "", "If not empty then turn on \"spyer\" mode and use this question")
	topics := flag.String("topic", "", "A comma delimited list of topics you are interested in")
	cansavequestion := flag.Bool("cansavequestion", false, "If true then in \"spyer\" mode omegle will be permitted to re-use your question")
	wantsspy := flag.Bool("wantsspy", false, "If true then \"spyee\" mode is started")
	asl := flag.String("asl", "", "If not empty then this message will be sent as soon as you start talking to a stranger")
	collegeAuth := flag.String("collegeauth", "", "If not empty then will be used as college authentication code")
	college := flag.String("college", "", "If not empty then will be used as college authentication name (must match real college name)")
	anyCollege := flag.Bool("anycollege", false, "If true then in college mode we will try to connect to any college")

	logger := log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)

	if *server != "" {
		o.Server = *server

	o.CollegeAuth = *collegeAuth
	o.College = *college
	o.AnyCollege = *anyCollege
	o.Question = *question
	o.Cansavequestion = *cansavequestion
	o.Wantsspy = *wantsspy
	o.Lang = *lang
	o.Group = *group
	if *topics != "" {
		o.Topics = strings.Split(*topics, ",")

	ret := o.GetID()
	if ret != nil {
	go messageListener(&o, logger)

	for {
		st, msg, err := o.UpdateEvents()
		if err != nil {

		for i := range st {
			num, okEvent := st[i].(gomegle.Event)
			status, okStatus := st[i].(gomegle.Status)

			if okStatus {
				fmt.Printf("%% Got server event. Count: %v; Force_unmon: %v; SpyQueueTime: %v; SpyeeQueueTime: %v\n",
					status.Count, status.ForceUnmon, status.SpyQueueTime, status.SpyeeQueueTime)

			if !okEvent {

			switch num {
			case gomegle.ANTINUDEBANNED:
				fmt.Printf("%% You have been banned for possible bad behaviour!\n")
				fmt.Printf("%% Pass -group=\"unmon\" to join unmonitored chat\n")
			case gomegle.WAITING:
				fmt.Println("> Waiting...")
			case gomegle.CONNECTED:
				fmt.Println("+ Connected")
				if *asl != "" && *question == "" && *wantsspy == false {
					err = o.SendMessage(*asl)
					fmt.Println("+ Sent ASL")
					if err != nil {
			case gomegle.DISCONNECTED:
				fmt.Println("- Disconnected")
				ret := o.GetID()
				if ret != nil {
			case gomegle.TYPING:
				fmt.Println("> Stranger is typing")
			case gomegle.QUESTION:
				fmt.Printf("> Question: %s\n", msg[i][0])
			case gomegle.SPYTYPING:
				fmt.Printf("> %s is typing\n", msg[i][0])
			case gomegle.SPYSTOPPEDTYPING:
				fmt.Printf("> %s stopped typing\n", msg[i][0])
			case gomegle.SPYDISCONNECTED:
				fmt.Printf("> %s disconnected\n", msg[i][0])
				ret := o.GetID()
				if ret != nil {
			case gomegle.SPYMESSAGE:
				fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", msg[i][0], msg[i][1])
			case gomegle.MESSAGE:
				fmt.Printf("%s\n", msg[i][0])
			case gomegle.STOPPEDTYPING:
				fmt.Println("> Stranger stopped typing")
			case gomegle.CONNECTIONDIED:
				fmt.Println("- Error occured, disconnected")
				ret := o.GetID()
				if ret != nil {
			case gomegle.ERROR:
				fmt.Printf("- Error: %s (sleeping 500ms)\n", msg[i][0])
				time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
				ret := o.GetID()
				if ret != nil {
			case gomegle.SERVERMESSAGE:
				fmt.Printf("%% %s\n", msg[i][0])
			case gomegle.RECAPTCHAREQUIRED:
				fmt.Printf("%% You need to go to the omegle website to enter a reCAPTCHA (%s)\n", msg[i][0])
			case gomegle.RECAPTCHAREJECTED:
				fmt.Printf("%% The reCAPTCHA was rejected (%s)\n", msg[i][0])
			case gomegle.PARTNERCOLLEGE:
				fmt.Printf("%% Partner college: %s\n", msg[i][0])
			case gomegle.COMMONLIKES:
				fmt.Printf("%% Shared topics:")
				for j := range msg[i] {
					fmt.Printf(" %s", msg[i][j])