Ejemplo n.º 1
// RotateTo adjusts the yaw and pitch to face a point.
func (c *QuatCamera) RotateTo(center mgl.Vec3) {
	direction := center.Sub(c.position).Normalize()
	right := direction.Cross(AxisUp)
	up := right.Cross(direction)

	c.rotation = mgl.QuatLookAtV(c.position, center, up)
Ejemplo n.º 2
//PointToLineDist distance from line (a,b) to point
func PointToLineDist(a, b, point mgl32.Vec3) float32 {
	ab := b.Sub(a)
	ap := point.Sub(a)
	prj := ap.Dot(ab)
	lenSq := ab.Dot(ab)
	t := prj / lenSq
	return ab.Mul(t).Add(a).Sub(point).Len()
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (f *fPlane) setPoints(v1, v2, v3 mgl32.Vec3) {
	aux1 := v1.Sub(v2)
	aux2 := v3.Sub(v2)

	f.N = aux2.Cross(aux1)
	f.N = safeNormalize(f.N)
	f.P = v2
	f.D = -(f.N.Dot(f.P))
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Lerp will interpolate between the desired position/center by amount.
func (c *QuatCamera) Lerp(position mgl.Vec3, center mgl.Vec3, amount float32) {
	direction := center.Sub(position).Normalize()
	right := direction.Cross(AxisUp)
	up := right.Cross(direction)

	targetRot := mgl.QuatLookAtV(position, center, up)
	c.rotation = mgl.QuatNlerp(c.rotation, targetRot, amount)
	c.position = c.position.Add(position.Sub(c.position).Mul(amount))
Ejemplo n.º 5
func getIntersection(fDst1, fDst2 float32, P1, P2 mgl32.Vec3, Hit *mgl32.Vec3) bool {
	if (fDst1 * fDst2) >= 0.0 {
		return false
	if fDst1 == fDst2 {
		return false
	*Hit = P1.Add((P2.Sub(P1)).Mul(-fDst1 / (fDst2 - fDst1)))
	return true
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (p *fullPiano) GetKeyFromRay(rayStart, rayEnd mgl32.Vec3) *PianoKey {
	minDist := float32(10000)
	minDistIdx := -1

	for i, k := range p.Keys {
		hit, pos := k.Hit(rayStart, rayEnd)
		if hit {
			dist := rayStart.Sub(pos).Len()
			if dist < minDist {
				minDistIdx = i
				minDist = dist

	if minDistIdx != -1 {
		return &p.Keys[minDistIdx]

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// NewPianoKey returns a key for our piano.
func NewPianoKey(pos mgl32.Vec3, lightColor mgl32.Vec3, white bool, freq float32) PianoKey {
	var color mgl32.Vec4
	var keySize float32
	if white {
		color = mgl32.Vec4{0.98, 0.97, 0.94}
		keySize = 2
	} else {
		color = mgl32.Vec4{0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0}
		keySize = 1

	pk := PianoKey{Pos: pos, Angle: 0, Color: color, Frequency: freq, Finger: -1, white: white, LightColor: lightColor}
	pk.BBox[0] = pos.Sub(mgl32.Vec3{0.5, 0.6, keySize})
	pk.BBox[1] = pos.Add(mgl32.Vec3{0.5, 0.6, keySize})
	pk.source = al.GenSources(1)[0]
	pk.source.SetPosition(al.Vector{pos.X(), pos.Y(), pos.Z()})
	pk.buffers = al.GenBuffers(3)

	var samples [1024 * 16]int16

	sampleRate := 44100
	amplitude := float32(0.8 * 0x7FFF)

	for i := 0; i < len(samples); i++ {
		val := f32.Sin((2.0 * math.Pi * freq) / float32(sampleRate) * float32(i))
		samples[i] = int16(amplitude * val)

	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &samples)
	pk.buffers[0].BufferData(al.FormatMono16, buf.Bytes(), 44100)

	f, _ := os.Create("audio.raw")
	binary.Write(f, binary.LittleEndian, &samples)

	return pk
Ejemplo n.º 8
//PointToPlaneDist distance from plane (a,b,c) to point
func PointToPlaneDist(a, b, c, point mgl32.Vec3) float32 {
	ab := b.Sub(a)
	ac := c.Sub(a)
	ap := point.Sub(a)
	normal := ac.Cross(ab).Normalize()
	return float32(math.Abs(float64(ap.Dot(normal))))
Ejemplo n.º 9
// updates the Colors of the model to fake lighting
func esLightModel(p PositionComponent, s SizeComponent, m interface {
	Model() *render.StaticModel
}) {
	if m.Model() == nil {
	xx, yy, zz := p.Position()
	bounds := s.Bounds()
	bounds = bounds.Shift(float32(xx), float32(yy), float32(zz))

	c := mgl32.Vec3{float32(xx), float32(yy), float32(zz)}
	c[1] += bounds.Max.Sub(bounds.Min).Mul(0.5).Y()

	var light, skyLight float32
	var count float32
	for y := bounds.Min.Y(); y <= bounds.Max.Y(); y++ {
		for z := bounds.Min.Z() - 1; z <= bounds.Max.Z()+1; z++ {
			for x := bounds.Min.X() - 1; x <= bounds.Max.X()+1; x++ {
				bx, by, bz := int(math.Floor(float64(x))), int(math.Floor(float64(y))), int(math.Floor(float64(z)))
				bl := float32(chunkMap.BlockLight(bx, by, bz))
				sl := float32(chunkMap.SkyLight(bx, by, bz))

				dist := 1.0 - c.Sub(mgl32.Vec3{float32(bx) + 0.5, float32(by) + 0.5, float32(bz) + 0.5}).Len()
				if dist < 0 {

				light += bl * dist
				skyLight += sl * dist
				count += dist
	light /= count
	skyLight /= count
	model := m.Model()
	model.BlockLight, model.SkyLight = light, skyLight
Ejemplo n.º 10
func (f *Frustum) SetCamera(p, l, u mgl32.Vec3) {
	Z := p.Sub(l)
	Z = safeNormalize(Z)

	X := u.Cross(Z)
	X = safeNormalize(X)

	Y := Z.Cross(X)

	nc := p.Sub(Z.Mul(f.near))
	fc := p.Sub(Z.Mul(f.far))

	ntl := nc.Add(Y.Mul(f.nh)).Sub(X.Mul(f.nw))
	ntr := nc.Add(Y.Mul(f.nh)).Add(X.Mul(f.nw))
	nbl := nc.Sub(Y.Mul(f.nh)).Sub(X.Mul(f.nw))
	nbr := nc.Sub(Y.Mul(f.nh)).Add(X.Mul(f.nw))

	ftl := fc.Add(Y.Mul(f.fh)).Sub(X.Mul(f.fw))
	ftr := fc.Add(Y.Mul(f.fh)).Add(X.Mul(f.fw))
	fbl := fc.Sub(Y.Mul(f.fh)).Sub(X.Mul(f.fw))
	fbr := fc.Sub(Y.Mul(f.fh)).Add(X.Mul(f.fw))

	const (
		top = iota
	f.planes[top].setPoints(ntr, ntl, ftl)
	f.planes[bottom].setPoints(nbl, nbr, fbr)
	f.planes[left].setPoints(ntl, nbl, fbl)
	f.planes[right].setPoints(nbr, ntr, fbr)
	f.planes[nearP].setPoints(ntl, ntr, nbr)
	f.planes[farP].setPoints(ftr, ftl, fbl)
Ejemplo n.º 11
//given 3 vertices, returns the normal of the plane formed by this triangle
//TODO: move to a math package
func NormalToPlane(v1, v2, v3 glm.Vec3) glm.Vec3 {
	u := v2.Sub(v1)
	v := v3.Sub(v1)
	return glm.Vec3{u.Y()*v.Z() - u.Z()*v.Y(), u.Z()*v.X() - u.X()*v.Z(), u.X()*v.Y() - u.Y()*v.X()}
Ejemplo n.º 12
//PointLiesInsideTriangle - return true if the point lies within the triangle formed by points (a,b,c)
func PointLiesInsideTriangle(a, b, c, point mgl32.Vec3) bool {
	ab := a.Sub(b)
	bc := b.Sub(c)
	ca := c.Sub(a)
	ap := a.Sub(point)
	bp := b.Sub(point)
	cp := c.Sub(point)
	cross1 := ap.Cross(ab)
	cross2 := bp.Cross(bc)
	cross3 := cp.Cross(ca)
	dot12 := cross1.Dot(cross2)
	dot13 := cross1.Dot(cross3)
	return dot12 > 0 && dot13 > 0