Ejemplo n.º 1
func valueFromGit(out io.Writer, tag, defValue string) (int, error) {
	writeValue := func(value string) (int, error) {
		return out.Write(bytes.NewBufferString(value).Bytes())

	writeError := func(err error) (int, error) {
		if defValue == "" {
			return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed resolving variable {git.%s}: %s", tag, err)

		logging.Log.Warnf("Failed to get variable \"git.%s\", using default", tag)
		return writeValue(defValue)

	write := func(value string, err error) (int, error) {
		if err != nil {
			return writeError(err)
		return writeValue(value)

	repo, err := git.OpenRepository(".")
	if err != nil {
		return writeError(err)

	switch tag {
	case "branch":
		branch, err := repo.GetHEADBranch()
		return write(branch.Name, err)
	case "sha":
		commit, err := repo.GetCommit("HEAD")
		return write(commit.ID.String(), err)
	case "short-sha":
		commit, err := repo.GetCommit("HEAD")
		return write(commit.ID.String()[:10], err)
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown variable \"git.%s\"", tag)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// PushUpdate must be called for any push actions in order to
// generates necessary push action history feeds.
func PushUpdate(opts PushUpdateOptions) (err error) {
	isNewRef := strings.HasPrefix(opts.OldCommitID, "0000000")
	isDelRef := strings.HasPrefix(opts.NewCommitID, "0000000")
	if isNewRef && isDelRef {
		return fmt.Errorf("Old and new revisions both start with 000000")

	repoPath := RepoPath(opts.RepoUserName, opts.RepoName)

	gitUpdate := exec.Command("git", "update-server-info")
	gitUpdate.Dir = repoPath
	if err = gitUpdate.Run(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Fail to call 'git update-server-info': %v", err)

	if isDelRef {
		log.GitLogger.Info("Reference '%s' has been deleted from '%s/%s' by %d",
			opts.RefName, opts.RepoUserName, opts.RepoName, opts.PusherName)
		return nil

	gitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(repoPath)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("OpenRepository: %v", err)

	repoUser, err := GetUserByName(opts.RepoUserName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("GetUserByName: %v", err)

	repo, err := GetRepositoryByName(repoUser.Id, opts.RepoName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("GetRepositoryByName: %v", err)

	// Push tags.
	if strings.HasPrefix(opts.RefName, "refs/tags/") {
		tag, err := gitRepo.GetTag(git.RefEndName(opts.RefName))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("gitRepo.GetTag: %v", err)

		// When tagger isn't available, fall back to get committer email.
		var actEmail string
		if tag.Tagger != nil {
			actEmail = tag.Tagger.Email
		} else {
			cmt, err := tag.Commit()
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("tag.Commit: %v", err)
			actEmail = cmt.Committer.Email

		commit := &PushCommits{}
		if err = CommitRepoAction(opts.PusherID, repoUser.Id, opts.PusherName, actEmail,
			repo.ID, opts.RepoUserName, opts.RepoName, opts.RefName, commit, opts.OldCommitID, opts.NewCommitID); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("CommitRepoAction (tag): %v", err)
		return err

	newCommit, err := gitRepo.GetCommit(opts.NewCommitID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("gitRepo.GetCommit: %v", err)

	// Push new branch.
	var l *list.List
	if isNewRef {
		l, err = newCommit.CommitsBeforeLimit(10)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("newCommit.CommitsBeforeLimit: %v", err)
	} else {
		l, err = newCommit.CommitsBeforeUntil(opts.OldCommitID)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("newCommit.CommitsBeforeUntil: %v", err)

	if err = CommitRepoAction(opts.PusherID, repoUser.Id, opts.PusherName, repoUser.Email,
		repo.ID, opts.RepoUserName, opts.RepoName, opts.RefName, ListToPushCommits(l),
		opts.OldCommitID, opts.NewCommitID); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CommitRepoAction (branch): %v", err)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// PushUpdate must be called for any push actions in order to
// generates necessary push action history feeds.
func PushUpdate(opts PushUpdateOptions) (err error) {
	isNewRef := opts.OldCommitID == git.EMPTY_SHA
	isDelRef := opts.NewCommitID == git.EMPTY_SHA
	if isNewRef && isDelRef {
		return fmt.Errorf("Old and new revisions are both %s", git.EMPTY_SHA)

	repoPath := RepoPath(opts.RepoUserName, opts.RepoName)

	gitUpdate := exec.Command("git", "update-server-info")
	gitUpdate.Dir = repoPath
	if err = gitUpdate.Run(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Fail to call 'git update-server-info': %v", err)

	if isDelRef {
		log.GitLogger.Info("Reference '%s' has been deleted from '%s/%s' by %d",
			opts.RefFullName, opts.RepoUserName, opts.RepoName, opts.PusherName)
		return nil

	gitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(repoPath)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("OpenRepository: %v", err)

	owner, err := GetUserByName(opts.RepoUserName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("GetUserByName: %v", err)

	repo, err := GetRepositoryByName(owner.ID, opts.RepoName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("GetRepositoryByName: %v", err)

	// Push tags.
	if strings.HasPrefix(opts.RefFullName, git.TAG_PREFIX) {
		if err := CommitRepoAction(CommitRepoActionOptions{
			PusherName:  opts.PusherName,
			RepoOwnerID: owner.ID,
			RepoName:    repo.Name,
			RefFullName: opts.RefFullName,
			OldCommitID: opts.OldCommitID,
			NewCommitID: opts.NewCommitID,
			Commits:     &PushCommits{},
		}); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("CommitRepoAction (tag): %v", err)
		return nil

	newCommit, err := gitRepo.GetCommit(opts.NewCommitID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("gitRepo.GetCommit: %v", err)

	// Push new branch.
	var l *list.List
	if isNewRef {
		l, err = newCommit.CommitsBeforeLimit(10)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("newCommit.CommitsBeforeLimit: %v", err)
	} else {
		l, err = newCommit.CommitsBeforeUntil(opts.OldCommitID)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("newCommit.CommitsBeforeUntil: %v", err)

	if err := CommitRepoAction(CommitRepoActionOptions{
		PusherName:  opts.PusherName,
		RepoOwnerID: owner.ID,
		RepoName:    repo.Name,
		RefFullName: opts.RefFullName,
		OldCommitID: opts.OldCommitID,
		NewCommitID: opts.NewCommitID,
		Commits:     ListToPushCommits(l),
	}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CommitRepoAction (branch): %v", err)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// UpdateRepoFile adds or updates a file in repository.
func (repo *Repository) UpdateRepoFile(doer *User, opts UpdateRepoFileOptions) (err error) {
	defer repoWorkingPool.CheckOut(com.ToStr(repo.ID))

	if err = repo.DiscardLocalRepoBranchChanges(opts.OldBranch); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("DiscardLocalRepoBranchChanges [branch: %s]: %v", opts.OldBranch, err)
	} else if err = repo.UpdateLocalCopyBranch(opts.OldBranch); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateLocalCopyBranch [branch: %s]: %v", opts.OldBranch, err)

	if opts.OldBranch != opts.NewBranch {
		if err := repo.CheckoutNewBranch(opts.OldBranch, opts.NewBranch); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("CheckoutNewBranch [old_branch: %s, new_branch: %s]: %v", opts.OldBranch, opts.NewBranch, err)

	localPath := repo.LocalCopyPath()
	oldFilePath := path.Join(localPath, opts.OldTreeName)
	filePath := path.Join(localPath, opts.NewTreeName)
	os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(filePath), os.ModePerm)

	// If it's meant to be a new file, make sure it doesn't exist.
	if opts.IsNewFile {
		if com.IsExist(filePath) {
			return ErrRepoFileAlreadyExist{filePath}

	// Ignore move step if it's a new file under a directory.
	// Otherwise, move the file when name changed.
	if com.IsFile(oldFilePath) && opts.OldTreeName != opts.NewTreeName {
		if err = git.MoveFile(localPath, opts.OldTreeName, opts.NewTreeName); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("git mv %s %s: %v", opts.OldTreeName, opts.NewTreeName, err)

	if err = ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, []byte(opts.Content), 0666); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("WriteFile: %v", err)

	if err = git.AddChanges(localPath, true); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("git add --all: %v", err)
	} else if err = git.CommitChanges(localPath, git.CommitChangesOptions{
		Committer: doer.NewGitSig(),
		Message:   opts.Message,
	}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CommitChanges: %v", err)
	} else if err = git.Push(localPath, "origin", opts.NewBranch); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("git push origin %s: %v", opts.NewBranch, err)

	gitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(repo.RepoPath())
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(4, "OpenRepository: %v", err)
		return nil
	commit, err := gitRepo.GetBranchCommit(opts.NewBranch)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(4, "GetBranchCommit [branch: %s]: %v", opts.NewBranch, err)
		return nil

	// Simulate push event.
	pushCommits := &PushCommits{
		Len:     1,
		Commits: []*PushCommit{CommitToPushCommit(commit)},
	oldCommitID := opts.LastCommitID
	if opts.NewBranch != opts.OldBranch {
		oldCommitID = git.EMPTY_SHA
	if err := CommitRepoAction(CommitRepoActionOptions{
		PusherName:  doer.Name,
		RepoOwnerID: repo.MustOwner().ID,
		RepoName:    repo.Name,
		RefFullName: git.BRANCH_PREFIX + opts.NewBranch,
		OldCommitID: oldCommitID,
		NewCommitID: commit.ID.String(),
		Commits:     pushCommits,
	}); err != nil {
		log.Error(4, "CommitRepoAction: %v", err)
		return nil

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
func (repo *Repository) UploadRepoFiles(doer *User, opts UploadRepoFileOptions) (err error) {
	if len(opts.Files) == 0 {
		return nil

	uploads, err := GetUploadsByUUIDs(opts.Files)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("GetUploadsByUUIDs [uuids: %v]: %v", opts.Files, err)

	defer repoWorkingPool.CheckOut(com.ToStr(repo.ID))

	if err = repo.DiscardLocalRepoBranchChanges(opts.OldBranch); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("DiscardLocalRepoBranchChanges [branch: %s]: %v", opts.OldBranch, err)
	} else if err = repo.UpdateLocalCopyBranch(opts.OldBranch); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateLocalCopyBranch [branch: %s]: %v", opts.OldBranch, err)

	if opts.OldBranch != opts.NewBranch {
		if err = repo.CheckoutNewBranch(opts.OldBranch, opts.NewBranch); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("CheckoutNewBranch [old_branch: %s, new_branch: %s]: %v", opts.OldBranch, opts.NewBranch, err)

	localPath := repo.LocalCopyPath()
	dirPath := path.Join(localPath, opts.TreePath)
	os.MkdirAll(dirPath, os.ModePerm)

	// Copy uploaded files into repository.
	for _, upload := range uploads {
		tmpPath := upload.LocalPath()
		targetPath := path.Join(dirPath, upload.Name)
		if !com.IsFile(tmpPath) {

		if err = com.Copy(tmpPath, targetPath); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Copy: %v", err)

	if err = git.AddChanges(localPath, true); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("git add --all: %v", err)
	} else if err = git.CommitChanges(localPath, git.CommitChangesOptions{
		Committer: doer.NewGitSig(),
		Message:   opts.Message,
	}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CommitChanges: %v", err)
	} else if err = git.Push(localPath, "origin", opts.NewBranch); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("git push origin %s: %v", opts.NewBranch, err)

	gitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(repo.RepoPath())
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(4, "OpenRepository: %v", err)
		return nil
	commit, err := gitRepo.GetBranchCommit(opts.NewBranch)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(4, "GetBranchCommit [branch: %s]: %v", opts.NewBranch, err)
		return nil

	// Simulate push event.
	pushCommits := &PushCommits{
		Len:     1,
		Commits: []*PushCommit{CommitToPushCommit(commit)},
	if err := CommitRepoAction(CommitRepoActionOptions{
		PusherName:  doer.Name,
		RepoOwnerID: repo.MustOwner().ID,
		RepoName:    repo.Name,
		RefFullName: git.BRANCH_PREFIX + opts.NewBranch,
		OldCommitID: opts.LastCommitID,
		NewCommitID: commit.ID.String(),
		Commits:     pushCommits,
	}); err != nil {
		log.Error(4, "CommitRepoAction: %v", err)
		return nil

	return DeleteUploads(uploads...)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (repo *Repository) DeleteRepoFile(doer *User, opts DeleteRepoFileOptions) (err error) {
	defer repoWorkingPool.CheckOut(com.ToStr(repo.ID))

	if err = repo.DiscardLocalRepoBranchChanges(opts.OldBranch); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("DiscardLocalRepoBranchChanges [branch: %s]: %v", opts.OldBranch, err)
	} else if err = repo.UpdateLocalCopyBranch(opts.OldBranch); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateLocalCopyBranch [branch: %s]: %v", opts.OldBranch, err)

	if opts.OldBranch != opts.NewBranch {
		if err := repo.CheckoutNewBranch(opts.OldBranch, opts.NewBranch); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("CheckoutNewBranch [old_branch: %s, new_branch: %s]: %v", opts.OldBranch, opts.NewBranch, err)

	localPath := repo.LocalCopyPath()
	if err = os.Remove(path.Join(localPath, opts.TreePath)); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Remove: %v", err)

	if err = git.AddChanges(localPath, true); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("git add --all: %v", err)
	} else if err = git.CommitChanges(localPath, git.CommitChangesOptions{
		Committer: doer.NewGitSig(),
		Message:   opts.Message,
	}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CommitChanges: %v", err)
	} else if err = git.Push(localPath, "origin", opts.NewBranch); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("git push origin %s: %v", opts.NewBranch, err)

	gitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(repo.RepoPath())
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(4, "OpenRepository: %v", err)
		return nil
	commit, err := gitRepo.GetBranchCommit(opts.NewBranch)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(4, "GetBranchCommit [branch: %s]: %v", opts.NewBranch, err)
		return nil

	// Simulate push event.
	pushCommits := &PushCommits{
		Len:     1,
		Commits: []*PushCommit{CommitToPushCommit(commit)},
	if err := CommitRepoAction(CommitRepoActionOptions{
		PusherName:  doer.Name,
		RepoOwnerID: repo.MustOwner().ID,
		RepoName:    repo.Name,
		RefFullName: git.BRANCH_PREFIX + opts.NewBranch,
		OldCommitID: opts.LastCommitID,
		NewCommitID: commit.ID.String(),
		Commits:     pushCommits,
	}); err != nil {
		log.Error(4, "CommitRepoAction: %v", err)
		return nil

	return nil