Ejemplo n.º 1
// Finish is called once the controller method completes
func Finish(service *services.Service) {
	defer func() {
		if service.MongoSession != nil {
			mongo.CloseSession(service.UserId, service.MongoSession)
			service.MongoSession = nil

	tracelog.COMPLETED(service.UserId, "Finish")
Ejemplo n.º 2
// FindRegion retrieves the stations for the specified region
func FindRegion(service *services.Service, region string) (buoyStations []*buoyModels.BuoyStation, err error) {
	defer helper.CatchPanic(&err, service.UserId, "FindRegion")

	tracelog.STARTED(service.UserId, "FindRegion")

	// Find the specified region
	queryMap := bson.M{"region": region}
	tracelog.TRACE(service.UserId, "FindRegion", "Query : %s", mongo.ToString(queryMap))

	// Capture the specified buoy
	buoyStations = []*buoyModels.BuoyStation{}
	err = service.DBAction(Config.Database, "buoy_stations",
		func(collection *mgo.Collection) error {
			return collection.Find(queryMap).All(&buoyStations)

	if err != nil {
		tracelog.COMPLETED_ERROR(err, service.UserId, "FindRegion")
		return buoyStations, err

	tracelog.COMPLETED(service.UserId, "FindRegion")
	return buoyStations, err
Ejemplo n.º 3
// FindStation retrieves the specified station
func FindStation(service *services.Service, stationId string) (buoyStation *buoyModels.BuoyStation, err error) {
	defer helper.CatchPanic(&err, service.UserId, "FindStation")

	tracelog.STARTED(service.UserId, "FindStation")

	// Find the specified station id
	queryMap := bson.M{"station_id": stationId}
	tracelog.TRACE(service.UserId, "FindStation", "Query : %s", mongo.ToString(queryMap))

	// Execute the query
	buoyStation = &buoyModels.BuoyStation{}
	err = service.DBAction(Config.Database, "buoy_stations",
		func(collection *mgo.Collection) error {
			return collection.Find(queryMap).One(buoyStation)

	if err != nil {
		tracelog.COMPLETED_ERROR(err, service.UserId, "FindStation")
		return buoyStation, err

	tracelog.COMPLETED(service.UserId, "FindStation")
	return buoyStation, err