Ejemplo n.º 1
// transformUnstructuredResponseError handles an error from the server that is not in a structured form.
// It is expected to transform any response that is not recognizable as a clear server sent error from the
// K8S API using the information provided with the request. In practice, HTTP proxies and client libraries
// introduce a level of uncertainty to the responses returned by servers that in common use result in
// unexpected responses. The rough structure is:
// 1. Assume the server sends you something sane - JSON + well defined error objects + proper codes
//    - this is the happy path
//    - when you get this output, trust what the server sends
// 2. Guard against empty fields / bodies in received JSON and attempt to cull sufficient info from them to
//    generate a reasonable facsimile of the original failure.
//    - Be sure to use a distinct error type or flag that allows a client to distinguish between this and error 1 above
// 3. Handle true disconnect failures / completely malformed data by moving up to a more generic client error
// 4. Distinguish between various connection failures like SSL certificates, timeouts, proxy errors, unexpected
//    initial contact, the presence of mismatched body contents from posted content types
//    - Give these a separate distinct error type and capture as much as possible of the original message
// TODO: introduce transformation of generic http.Client.Do() errors that separates 4.
func (r *Request) transformUnstructuredResponseError(resp *http.Response, req *http.Request, body []byte) error {
	if body == nil && resp.Body != nil {
		if data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err == nil {
			body = data
	message := "unknown"
	if isTextResponse(resp) {
		message = strings.TrimSpace(string(body))
	retryAfter, _ := retryAfterSeconds(resp)
	return errors.NewGenericServerResponse(resp.StatusCode, req.Method, r.resource, r.resourceName, message, retryAfter, true)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func serviceErrorHandler(requestResolver *APIRequestInfoResolver, apiVersions []string, serviceErr restful.ServiceError, request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response) {
	requestInfo, err := requestResolver.GetAPIRequestInfo(request.Request)
	codec := latest.Codec
	if err == nil && requestInfo.APIVersion != "" {
		// check if the api version is valid.
		for _, version := range apiVersions {
			if requestInfo.APIVersion == version {
				// valid api version.
				codec = runtime.CodecFor(api.Scheme, requestInfo.APIVersion)

	errorJSON(apierrors.NewGenericServerResponse(serviceErr.Code, "", "", "", "", 0, false), codec, response.ResponseWriter)