Ejemplo n.º 1
func TestLintChartByPath(t *testing.T) {
	home1 := test.CreateTmpHome()
	home2 := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "goodChart"
	action.Create(chartName, home1)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Cli().Run([]string{"helmc", "--home", home2, "lint", util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home1, chartName)})

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, fmt.Sprintf("Chart [%s] has passed all necessary checks", chartName))
Ejemplo n.º 2
func TestLintEmptyChartYaml(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "badChart"

	Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	badChartYaml, _ := yaml.Marshal(make(map[string]string))

	chartYaml := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName, Chartfile)

	ioutil.WriteFile(chartYaml, badChartYaml, 0644)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart.yaml has a name field : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart.yaml has a version field : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart.yaml has a description field : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart.yaml has a maintainers field : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, fmt.Sprintf("Chart [%s] has failed some necessary checks", chartName))
Ejemplo n.º 3
func TestEnsurePrereqs(t *testing.T) {
	pp := os.Getenv("PATH")
	defer os.Setenv("PATH", pp)

	os.Setenv("PATH", filepath.Join(test.HelmRoot, "testdata")+":"+pp)

	homedir := test.CreateTmpHome()
Ejemplo n.º 4
func TestLintAllNone(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Cli().Run([]string{"helmc", "--home", tmpHome, "lint", "--all"})

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, fmt.Sprintf("Could not find any charts in \"%s", tmpHome))
Ejemplo n.º 5
func TestLintBadPath(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()
	chartName := "badChart"

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	msg := "Chart found at " + tmpHome + "/workspace/charts/" + chartName + " : false"
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, msg)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func TestListRepos(t *testing.T) {
	log.IsDebugging = true

	homedir := test.CreateTmpHome()

	actual := test.CaptureOutput(func() {

	test.ExpectContains(t, actual, "charts*\thttps://github.com/helm/charts")
Ejemplo n.º 7
func TestFetch(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()
	chartName := "kitchensink"

	actual := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Fetch(chartName, "", tmpHome)

	workspacePath := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName)
	test.ExpectContains(t, actual, "Fetched chart into workspace "+workspacePath)
Ejemplo n.º 8
func TestLintSingle(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "goodChart"
	action.Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Cli().Run([]string{"helmc", "--home", tmpHome, "lint", chartName})

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, fmt.Sprintf("Chart [%s] has passed all necessary checks", chartName))
Ejemplo n.º 9
func TestSearchNotFound(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	// test that a "no chart found" message was printed
	expected := "No results found"

	actual := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Search("nonexistent", tmpHome, false)

	test.ExpectContains(t, actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 10
func TestLintMismatchedChartNameAndDir(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()
	chartName := "chart-0"
	chartDir := "chart-1"
	chart := newSkelChartfile(chartName)
	createWithChart(chart, chartDir, tmpHome)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartDir))

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Name declared in Chart.yaml is the same as directory name. : false")
Ejemplo n.º 11
func TestUninstall(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name     string // Todo: print name on fail
		chart    string
		force    bool
		expected []string
		client   kubectl.Runner
			name:     "with valid input",
			chart:    "redis",
			force:    true,
			expected: []string{"Running `kubectl delete` ...", "hello from redis"},
			client: TestRunner{
				out: []byte("hello from redis"),
			name:     "with a kubectl error",
			chart:    "redis",
			force:    true,
			expected: []string{"Running `kubectl delete` ...", "Could not delete Pod redis (Skipping): oh snap"},
			client: TestRunner{
				err: errors.New("oh snap"),
			name:  "with a helmc annotation",
			chart: "keep",
			force: true,
			expected: []string{"Running `kubectl delete` ...", "Not uninstalling",
				"because of \"helm-keep\" annotation"},

	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpHome)

	for _, tt := range tests {
		Fetch(tt.chart, "", tmpHome)

		actual := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
			Uninstall(tt.chart, tmpHome, "default", tt.force, tt.client)

		for _, exp := range tt.expected {
			test.ExpectContains(t, actual, exp)
Ejemplo n.º 12
func TestInfoFormat(t *testing.T) {

	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	format := `Hello {{.Name}}`
	expected := `Hello kitchensink`

	actual := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Info("kitchensink", tmpHome, format)

	test.ExpectContains(t, actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 13
func TestLintMissingReadme(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "badChart"

	Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	os.Remove(filepath.Join(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName), "README.md"))

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "README.md is present and not empty : false")
Ejemplo n.º 14
func TestLintSuccess(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "goodChart"

	Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	expected := "Chart [goodChart] has passed all necessary checks"

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 15
func TestLintMissingManifestDirectory(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "brokeChart"

	Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName), "manifests"))

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	test.ExpectMatches(t, output, "Manifests directory is present : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart ["+chartName+"] has failed some necessary checks")
Ejemplo n.º 16
func TestLintMissingChartYaml(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "badChart"

	Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	os.Remove(filepath.Join(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName), Chartfile))

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Lint(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, chartName))

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart.yaml is present : false")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart [badChart] has failed some necessary checks.")
Ejemplo n.º 17
func TestInfo(t *testing.T) {

	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	format := ""
	expected := `Name: kitchensink
Home: http://github.com/helm/helm
Version: 0.0.1
Description: All the things, all semantically, none working
Details: This package provides a sampling of all of the different manifest types. It can be used to test ordering and other properties of a chart.`

	actual := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Info("kitchensink", tmpHome, format)

	test.ExpectContains(t, actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 18
func TestEdit(t *testing.T) {
	editor := os.Getenv("EDITOR")
	os.Setenv("EDITOR", "echo")
	defer os.Setenv("EDITOR", editor)

	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpHome)

	Fetch("redis", "", tmpHome)

	expected := path.Join(tmpHome, "workspace/charts/redis")
	actual := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Edit("redis", tmpHome)

	test.ExpectContains(t, actual, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 19
func TestGenerate(t *testing.T) {
	ch := "generate"
	homedir := test.CreateTmpHome()
	Fetch(ch, ch, homedir)

	Generate(ch, homedir, []string{"ignore"}, true)

	// Now we should be able to load and read the `pod.yaml` file.
	path := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, "generate/manifests/pod.yaml")
	d, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
	if err != nil {
	pod := string(d)
	test.ExpectContains(t, pod, "image: ozo")
	test.ExpectContains(t, pod, "name: www-server")
Ejemplo n.º 20
func TestLintAll(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	missingReadmeChart := "missingReadme"

	action.Create(missingReadmeChart, tmpHome)
	os.Remove(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, missingReadmeChart, "README.md"))

	action.Create("goodChart", tmpHome)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Cli().Run([]string{"helmc", "--home", tmpHome, "lint", "--all"})

	test.ExpectMatches(t, output, "A README file was not found.*"+missingReadmeChart)
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart [goodChart] has passed all necessary checks")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart [missingReadme] failed some checks")
Ejemplo n.º 21
func TestTRemove(t *testing.T) {
	kg := kubeGet
	defer func() { kubeGet = kg }()

	tests := []struct {
		chartName string
		getter    kubeGetter
		force     bool
		expected  string
		{"kitchensink", mockNotFoundGetter, false, "All clear! You have successfully removed kitchensink from your workspace."},

		// when manifests are installed
		{"kitchensink", mockFoundGetter, false, "Found 12 installed manifests for kitchensink.  To remove a chart that has been installed the --force flag must be set."},

		// when manifests are installed and force is set
		{"kitchensink", mockNotFoundGetter, true, "All clear! You have successfully removed kitchensink from your workspace."},

		// when kubectl cannot connect
		{"kitchensink", mockFailConnection, false, "Could not determine if kitchensink is installed.  To remove the chart --force flag must be set."},

		// when kubectl cannot connect and force is set
		{"kitchensink", mockFailConnection, true, "All clear! You have successfully removed kitchensink from your workspace."},

	for _, tt := range tests {
		tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

		Fetch("kitchensink", "", tmpHome)

		// set the mock getter
		kubeGet = tt.getter

		actual := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
			Remove(tt.chartName, tmpHome, tt.force)

		test.ExpectContains(t, actual, tt.expected)

Ejemplo n.º 22
func TestEnsureRepo(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	repo := "https://github.com/helm/charts"
	ensureRepo(repo, filepath.Join(tmpHome, "cache", "charts"))
Ejemplo n.º 23
func TestEnsureHome(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()
Ejemplo n.º 24
func TestInstall(t *testing.T) {
	// Todo: add tests
	// - with an invalid chart name
	// - with failure to check dependencies
	// - with failure to check dependencies and force option
	// - with chart in current directly
	tests := []struct {
		name     string // Todo: print name on fail
		chart    string
		force    bool
		expected []string
		client   kubectl.Runner
			name:     "with valid input",
			chart:    "redis",
			expected: []string{"hello from redis"},
			client: TestRunner{
				out: []byte("hello from redis"),
			name:     "with dry-run option",
			chart:    "redis",
			expected: []string{"[CMD] kubectl create -f -"},
			client:   kubectl.PrintRunner{},
			name:     "with unsatisfied dependencies",
			chart:    "kitchensink",
			expected: []string{"Stopping install. Re-run with --force to install anyway."},
			client:   TestRunner{},
			name:     "with unsatisfied dependencies and force option",
			chart:    "kitchensink",
			force:    true,
			expected: []string{"Unsatisfied dependencies", "Running `kubectl create -f`"},
			client:   TestRunner{},
			name:     "with a kubectl error",
			chart:    "redis",
			expected: []string{"Failed to upload manifests: oh snap"},
			client: TestRunner{
				err: errors.New("oh snap"),

	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpHome)

	// Todo: get rid of this hacky mess
	pp := os.Getenv("PATH")
	defer os.Setenv("PATH", pp)
	os.Setenv("PATH", filepath.Join(test.HelmRoot, "testdata")+":"+pp)

	for _, tt := range tests {
		actual := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
			Install(tt.chart, tmpHome, "", tt.force, false, []string{}, tt.client)

		for _, exp := range tt.expected {
			test.ExpectContains(t, actual, exp)
Ejemplo n.º 25
func TestCreate(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	Create("mychart", tmpHome)

	// assert chartfile
	chartfile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, "mychart/Chart.yaml"))
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Could not read chartfile: %s", err)
	actualChartfile := string(chartfile)
	expectedChartfile := `name: mychart
home: http://example.com/your/project/home
version: 0.1.0
description: Provide a brief description of your application here.
- Your Name <email@address>
details: |-
  This section allows you to provide additional details about your application.
  Provide any information that would be useful to users at a glance.
	test.ExpectEquals(t, actualChartfile, expectedChartfile)

	// asset readme
	readme, err := ioutil.ReadFile(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, "mychart/README.md"))
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Could not read README.md: %s", err)
	actualReadme := string(readme)
	expectedReadme := `# mychart

Describe your chart here. Link to upstream repositories, Docker images or any
external documentation.

If your application requires any specific configuration like Secrets, you may
include that information here.
	test.ExpectEquals(t, expectedReadme, actualReadme)

	// assert example manifest
	manifest, err := ioutil.ReadFile(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, "mychart/manifests/example-pod.yaml"))
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Could not read manifest: %s", err)
	actualManifest := string(manifest)
	expectedManifest := `---
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: example-pod
    heritage: helm
  restartPolicy: Never
  - name: example
    image: "alpine:3.2"
    command: ["/bin/sleep","9000"]
	test.ExpectEquals(t, actualManifest, expectedManifest)
Ejemplo n.º 26
func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	Search("homeslice", tmpHome, false)