Ejemplo n.º 1
func updateBlas(t *testing.T, Y1, Y2, C1, C2, T, W *matrix.FloatMatrix) {
	if W.Rows() != C1.Cols() {
		panic("W.Rows != C1.Cols")
	// W = C1.T
	ScalePlus(W, C1, 0.0, 1.0, TRANSB)
	//fmt.Printf("W = C1.T:\n%v\n", W)
	// W = C1.T*Y1
	blas.TrmmFloat(Y1, W, 1.0, linalg.OptLower, linalg.OptUnit, linalg.OptRight)
	t.Logf("W = C1.T*Y1:\n%v\n", W)
	// W = W + C2.T*Y2
	blas.GemmFloat(C2, Y2, W, 1.0, 1.0, linalg.OptTransA)
	t.Logf("W = W + C2.T*Y2:\n%v\n", W)

	// --- here: W == C.T*Y ---
	// W = W*T
	blas.TrmmFloat(T, W, 1.0, linalg.OptUpper, linalg.OptRight)
	t.Logf("W = C.T*Y*T:\n%v\n", W)

	// --- here: W == C.T*Y*T ---
	// C2 = C2 - Y2*W.T
	blas.GemmFloat(Y2, W, C2, -1, 1.0, linalg.OptTransB)
	t.Logf("C2 = C2 - Y2*W.T:\n%v\n", C2)
	//  W = Y1*W.T ==> W.T = W*Y1.T
	blas.TrmmFloat(Y1, W, 1.0, linalg.OptLower,
		linalg.OptUnit, linalg.OptRight, linalg.OptTrans)
	t.Logf("W.T = W*Y1.T:\n%v\n", W)

	// C1 = C1 - W.T
	ScalePlus(C1, W, 1.0, -1.0, TRANSB)
	//fmt.Printf("C1 = C1 - W.T:\n%v\n", C1)

	// --- here: C = (I - Y*T*Y.T).T * C ---
Ejemplo n.º 2
func CTestGemm(m, n, p int) (fnc func(), A, B, C *matrix.FloatMatrix) {
	A, B, C = mperf.MakeData(m, n, p, randomData, false)
	fnc = func() {
		blas.GemmFloat(A, B, C, 1.0, 1.0)
	return fnc, A, B, C
Ejemplo n.º 3
func CTestGemmTransB(m, n, p int) (fnc func(), A, B, C *matrix.FloatMatrix) {
	A, B, C = mperf.MakeData(m, n, p, randomData, false)
	B = B.Transpose()
	fnc = func() {
		blas.GemmFloat(A, B, C, 1.0, 1.0, linalg.OptTransB)
	return fnc, A, B, C
Ejemplo n.º 4
func _TestMultTransABig(t *testing.T) {
	bM := 100*M + 3
	bN := 100*N + 3
	bP := 100*P + 3
	D := matrix.FloatNormal(bM, bP)
	E := matrix.FloatNormal(bP, bN)
	C0 := matrix.FloatZeros(bM, bN)
	C1 := matrix.FloatZeros(bM, bN)
	Dt := D.Transpose()

	Dr := Dt.FloatArray()
	Er := E.FloatArray()
	C1r := C1.FloatArray()

	blas.GemmFloat(Dt, E, C0, 1.0, 1.0, linalg.OptTransA)

	DMult(C1r, Dr, Er, 1.0, 1.0, TRANSA, bM, bM, bP, bP, 0, bN, 0, bM, 32, 32, 32)
	t.Logf("C0 == C1: %v\n", C0.AllClose(C1))
Ejemplo n.º 5
func _TestMultTransASmall(t *testing.T) {
	bM := 7
	bN := 7
	bP := 7
	D := matrix.FloatNormal(bM, bP)
	E := matrix.FloatNormal(bP, bN)
	C0 := matrix.FloatWithValue(bM, bN, 0.0)
	C1 := C0.Copy()
	Dt := D.Transpose()

	Dr := Dt.FloatArray()
	Er := E.FloatArray()
	C1r := C1.FloatArray()
	blas.GemmFloat(Dt, E, C0, 1.0, 1.0, linalg.OptTransA)
	t.Logf("blas: C=D*E\n%v\n", C0)

	DMult(C1r, Dr, Er, 1.0, 1.0, TRANSA, bM, bM, bP, bP, 0, bN, 0, bM, 4, 4, 4)
	t.Logf("C0 == C1: %v\n", C0.AllClose(C1))
	t.Logf("C1: C1=D*E\n%v\n", C1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func _TestMultBig(t *testing.T) {
	bM := 100*M + 3
	bN := 100*N + 3
	bP := 100*P + 3
	D := matrix.FloatNormal(bM, bP)
	E := matrix.FloatNormal(bP, bN)
	C0 := matrix.FloatZeros(bM, bN)
	C1 := matrix.FloatZeros(bM, bN)

	Dr := D.FloatArray()
	Er := E.FloatArray()
	C1r := C1.FloatArray()

	blas.GemmFloat(D, E, C0, 1.0, 1.0)
	//t.Logf("blas: C=D*E\n%v\n", C0)

	DMult(C1r, Dr, Er, 1.0, 1.0, NOTRANS, bM, bM, bP, bP, 0, bN, 0, bM, 32, 32, 32)
	res := C0.AllClose(C1)
	t.Logf("C0 == C1: %v\n", res)
Ejemplo n.º 7
func _TestMultSmall(t *testing.T) {
	bM := 6
	bN := 6
	bP := 6
	D := matrix.FloatNormal(bM, bP)
	E := matrix.FloatNormal(bP, bN)
	C0 := matrix.FloatWithValue(bM, bN, 1.0)
	C1 := C0.Copy()

	Dr := D.FloatArray()
	Er := E.FloatArray()
	C1r := C1.FloatArray()

	blas.GemmFloat(D, E, C0, 1.0, 1.0)
	t.Logf("blas: C=D*E\n%v\n", C0)

	DMult(C1r, Dr, Er, 1.0, 1.0, NOTRANS, bM, bM, bP, bP, 0, bN, 0, bM, 4, 4, 4)
	t.Logf("C0 == C1: %v\n", C0.AllClose(C1))
	t.Logf("C1: C1=D*E\n%v\n", C1)
Ejemplo n.º 8
func _TestMultTransABSmall(t *testing.T) {
	bM := 7
	bN := 7
	bP := 7
	D := matrix.FloatNormal(bM, bP)
	E := matrix.FloatNormal(bP, bN)
	C0 := matrix.FloatZeros(bM, bN)
	C1 := matrix.FloatZeros(bM, bN)
	Dt := D.Transpose()
	Et := E.Transpose()

	Dr := Dt.FloatArray()
	Er := Et.FloatArray()
	C1r := C1.FloatArray()

	blas.GemmFloat(Dt, Et, C0, 1.0, 1.0, linalg.OptTransA, linalg.OptTransB)
	t.Logf("blas: C=D.T*E.T\n%v\n", C0)

	DMult(C1r, Dr, Er, 1.0, 1.0, TRANSA|TRANSB, bM, bM, bP, bP, 0, bN, 0, bM, 4, 4, 4)
	t.Logf("C0 == C1: %v\n", C0.AllClose(C1))
	t.Logf("C1: C1=D.T*E.T\n%v\n", C1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
func mcsdp(w *matrix.FloatMatrix) (*Solution, error) {
	// Returns solution x, z to
	//    (primal)  minimize    sum(x)
	//              subject to  w + diag(x) >= 0
	//    (dual)    maximize    -tr(w*z)
	//              subject to  diag(z) = 1
	//                          z >= 0.
	n := w.Rows()
	G := &matrixFs{n}

	cngrnc := func(r, x *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha float64) (err error) {
		// Congruence transformation
		//    x := alpha * r'*x*r.
		// r and x are square matrices.
		err = nil

		// tx = matrix(x, (n,n)) is copying and reshaping
		// scale diagonal of x by 1/2, (x is (n,n))
		tx := x.Copy()
		matrix.Reshape(tx, n, n)

		// a := tril(x)*r
		// (python: a = +r is really making a copy of r)
		a := r.Copy()

		err = blas.TrmmFloat(tx, a, 1.0, linalg.OptLeft)

		// x := alpha*(a*r' + r*a')
		err = blas.Syr2kFloat(r, a, tx, alpha, 0.0, linalg.OptTrans)

		// x[:] = tx[:]

	Fkkt := func(W *sets.FloatMatrixSet) (KKTFunc, error) {

		//    Solve
		//                  -diag(z)                           = bx
		//        -diag(x) - inv(rti*rti') * z * inv(rti*rti') = bs
		//    On entry, x and z contain bx and bs.
		//    On exit, they contain the solution, with z scaled
		//    (inv(rti)'*z*inv(rti) is returned instead of z).
		//    We first solve
		//        ((rti*rti') .* (rti*rti')) * x = bx - diag(t*bs*t)
		//    and take z  = -rti' * (diag(x) + bs) * rti.

		var err error = nil
		rti := W.At("rti")[0]

		// t = rti*rti' as a nonsymmetric matrix.
		t := matrix.FloatZeros(n, n)
		err = blas.GemmFloat(rti, rti, t, 1.0, 0.0, linalg.OptTransB)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Cholesky factorization of tsq = t.*t.
		tsq := matrix.Mul(t, t)
		err = lapack.Potrf(tsq)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		f := func(x, y, z *matrix.FloatMatrix) (err error) {
			// tbst := t * zs * t = t * bs * t
			tbst := z.Copy()
			matrix.Reshape(tbst, n, n)
			cngrnc(t, tbst, 1.0)

			// x := x - diag(tbst) = bx - diag(rti*rti' * bs * rti*rti')
			diag := tbst.Diag().Transpose()

			// x := (t.*t)^{-1} * x = (t.*t)^{-1} * (bx - diag(t*bs*t))
			err = lapack.Potrs(tsq, x)

			// z := z + diag(x) = bs + diag(x)
			// z, x are really column vectors here
			z.AddIndexes(matrix.MakeIndexSet(0, n*n, n+1), x.FloatArray())

			// z := -rti' * z * rti = -rti' * (diag(x) + bs) * rti
			cngrnc(rti, z, -1.0)
			return nil
		return f, nil

	c := matrix.FloatWithValue(n, 1, 1.0)

	// initial feasible x: x = 1.0 - min(lmbda(w))
	lmbda := matrix.FloatZeros(n, 1)
	wp := w.Copy()
	lapack.Syevx(wp, lmbda, nil, 0.0, nil, []int{1, 1}, linalg.OptRangeInt)
	x0 := matrix.FloatZeros(n, 1).Add(-lmbda.GetAt(0, 0) + 1.0)
	s0 := w.Copy()
	matrix.Reshape(s0, n*n, 1)

	// initial feasible z is identity
	z0 := matrix.FloatIdentity(n)
	matrix.Reshape(z0, n*n, 1)

	dims := sets.DSetNew("l", "q", "s")
	dims.Set("s", []int{n})

	primalstart := sets.FloatSetNew("x", "s")
	dualstart := sets.FloatSetNew("z")
	primalstart.Set("x", x0)
	primalstart.Set("s", s0)
	dualstart.Set("z", z0)

	var solopts SolverOptions
	solopts.MaxIter = 30
	solopts.ShowProgress = false
	h := w.Copy()
	matrix.Reshape(h, h.NumElements(), 1)
	return ConeLpCustomMatrix(c, G, h, nil, nil, dims, Fkkt, &solopts, primalstart, dualstart)
Ejemplo n.º 10
func updateScaling(W *sets.FloatMatrixSet, lmbda, s, z *matrix.FloatMatrix) (err error) {
	err = nil
	var stmp, ztmp *matrix.FloatMatrix
	   Nonlinear and 'l' blocks

	      d :=  d .* sqrt( s ./ z )
	      lmbda := lmbda .* sqrt(s) .* sqrt(z)
	mnl := 0
	dnlset := W.At("dnl")
	dnliset := W.At("dnli")
	dset := W.At("d")
	diset := W.At("di")
	beta := W.At("beta")[0]
	if dnlset != nil && dnlset[0].NumElements() > 0 {
		mnl = dnlset[0].NumElements()
	ml := dset[0].NumElements()
	m := mnl + ml
	//fmt.Printf("ml=%d, mnl=%d, m=%d'n", ml, mnl, m)

	stmp = matrix.FloatVector(s.FloatArray()[:m])
	s.SetIndexesFromArray(stmp.FloatArray(), matrix.MakeIndexSet(0, m, 1)...)

	ztmp = matrix.FloatVector(z.FloatArray()[:m])
	z.SetIndexesFromArray(ztmp.FloatArray(), matrix.MakeIndexSet(0, m, 1)...)

	// d := d .* s .* z
	if len(dnlset) > 0 {
		blas.TbmvFloat(s, dnlset[0], &la_.IOpt{"n", mnl}, &la_.IOpt{"k", 0}, &la_.IOpt{"lda", 1})
		blas.TbsvFloat(z, dnlset[0], &la_.IOpt{"n", mnl}, &la_.IOpt{"k", 0}, &la_.IOpt{"lda", 1})
		//dnliset[0].Apply(dnlset[0], func(a float64)float64 { return 1.0/a})
		//--dnliset[0] = matrix.Inv(dnlset[0])
		matrix.Set(dnliset[0], dnlset[0])
	blas.TbmvFloat(s, dset[0], &la_.IOpt{"n", ml},
		&la_.IOpt{"k", 0}, &la_.IOpt{"lda", 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offseta", mnl})
	blas.TbsvFloat(z, dset[0], &la_.IOpt{"n", ml},
		&la_.IOpt{"k", 0}, &la_.IOpt{"lda", 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offseta", mnl})
	//diset[0].Apply(dset[0], func(a float64)float64 { return 1.0/a})
	//--diset[0] = matrix.Inv(dset[0])
	matrix.Set(diset[0], dset[0])

	// lmbda := s .* z
	blas.CopyFloat(s, lmbda, &la_.IOpt{"n", m})
	blas.TbmvFloat(z, lmbda, &la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"k", 0}, &la_.IOpt{"lda", 1})

	// 'q' blocks.
	// Let st and zt be the new variables in the old scaling:
	//     st = s_k,   zt = z_k
	// and a = sqrt(st' * J * st),  b = sqrt(zt' * J * zt).
	// 1. Compute the hyperbolic Householder transformation 2*q*q' - J
	//    that maps st/a to zt/b.
	//        c = sqrt( (1 + st'*zt/(a*b)) / 2 )
	//        q = (st/a + J*zt/b) / (2*c).
	//    The new scaling point is
	//        wk := betak * sqrt(a/b) * (2*v[k]*v[k]' - J) * q
	//    with betak = W['beta'][k].
	// 3. The scaled variable:
	//        lambda_k0 = sqrt(a*b) * c
	//        lambda_k1 = sqrt(a*b) * ( (2vk*vk' - J) * (-d*q + u/2) )_1
	//    where
	//        u = st/a - J*zt/b
	//        d = ( vk0 * (vk'*u) + u0/2 ) / (2*vk0 *(vk'*q) - q0 + 1).
	// 4. Update scaling
	//        v[k] := wk^1/2
	//              = 1 / sqrt(2*(wk0 + 1)) * (wk + e).
	//        beta[k] *=  sqrt(a/b)

	ind := m
	for k, v := range W.At("v") {
		m = v.NumElements()

		// ln = sqrt( lambda_k' * J * lambda_k ) !! NOT USED!!
		jnrm2(lmbda, m, ind) // ?? NOT USED ??

		// a = sqrt( sk' * J * sk ) = sqrt( st' * J * st )
		// s := s / a = st / a
		aa := jnrm2(s, m, ind)
		blas.ScalFloat(s, 1.0/aa, &la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", ind})

		// b = sqrt( zk' * J * zk ) = sqrt( zt' * J * zt )
		// z := z / a = zt / b
		bb := jnrm2(z, m, ind)
		blas.ScalFloat(z, 1.0/bb, &la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", ind})

		// c = sqrt( ( 1 + (st'*zt) / (a*b) ) / 2 )
		cc := blas.DotFloat(s, z, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", ind},
			&la_.IOpt{"n", m})
		cc = math.Sqrt((1.0 + cc) / 2.0)

		// vs = v' * st / a
		vs := blas.DotFloat(v, s, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m})

		// vz = v' * J *zt / b
		vz := jdot(v, z, m, 0, ind)

		// vq = v' * q where q = (st/a + J * zt/b) / (2 * c)
		vq := (vs + vz) / 2.0 / cc

		// vq = v' * q where q = (st/a + J * zt/b) / (2 * c)
		vu := vs - vz
		// lambda_k0 = c
		lmbda.SetIndex(ind, cc)

		// wk0 = 2 * vk0 * (vk' * q) - q0
		wk0 := 2.0*v.GetIndex(0)*vq - (s.GetIndex(ind)+z.GetIndex(ind))/2.0/cc

		// d = (v[0] * (vk' * u) - u0/2) / (wk0 + 1)
		dd := (v.GetIndex(0)*vu - s.GetIndex(ind)/2.0 + z.GetIndex(ind)/2.0) / (wk0 + 1.0)

		// lambda_k1 = 2 * v_k1 * vk' * (-d*q + u/2) - d*q1 + u1/2
		blas.CopyFloat(v, lmbda, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", ind + 1},
			&la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1})
		blas.ScalFloat(lmbda, (2.0 * (-dd*vq + 0.5*vu)),
			&la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", ind + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1})
		blas.AxpyFloat(s, lmbda, 0.5*(1.0-dd/cc),
			&la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", ind + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1})
		blas.AxpyFloat(z, lmbda, 0.5*(1.0+dd/cc),
			&la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", ind + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1})

		// Scale so that sqrt(lambda_k' * J * lambda_k) = sqrt(aa*bb).
		blas.ScalFloat(lmbda, math.Sqrt(aa*bb), &la_.IOpt{"offset", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m})

		// v := (2*v*v' - J) * q
		//    = 2 * (v'*q) * v' - (J* st/a + zt/b) / (2*c)
		blas.ScalFloat(v, 2.0*vq)
		v.SetIndex(0, v.GetIndex(0)-(s.GetIndex(ind)/2.0/cc))
		blas.AxpyFloat(s, v, 0.5/cc, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", 1},
			&la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1})
		blas.AxpyFloat(z, v, -0.5/cc, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m})

		// v := v^{1/2} = 1/sqrt(2 * (v0 + 1)) * (v + e)
		v0 := v.GetIndex(0) + 1.0
		v.SetIndex(0, v0)
		blas.ScalFloat(v, 1.0/math.Sqrt(2.0*v0))

		// beta[k] *= ( aa / bb )**1/2
		bk := beta.GetIndex(k)
		beta.SetIndex(k, bk*math.Sqrt(aa/bb))

		ind += m
	//fmt.Printf("-- end of q:\nz=\n%v\nlmbda=\n%v\n", z.ConvertToString(), lmbda.ConvertToString())
	//fmt.Printf("beta=\n%v\n", beta.ConvertToString())

	// 's' blocks
	// Let st, zt be the updated variables in the old scaling:
	//     st = Ls * Ls', zt = Lz * Lz'.
	// where Ls and Lz are the 's' components of s, z.
	// 1.  SVD Lz'*Ls = Uk * lambda_k^+ * Vk'.
	// 2.  New scaling is
	//         r[k] := r[k] * Ls * Vk * diag(lambda_k^+)^{-1/2}
	//         rti[k] := r[k] * Lz * Uk * diag(lambda_k^+)^{-1/2}.

	maxr := 0
	for _, m := range W.At("r") {
		if m.Rows() > maxr {
			maxr = m.Rows()
	work := matrix.FloatZeros(maxr*maxr, 1)
	vlensum := 0
	for _, m := range W.At("v") {
		vlensum += m.NumElements()
	ind = mnl + ml + vlensum
	ind2 := ind
	ind3 := 0
	rset := W.At("r")
	rtiset := W.At("rti")

	for k, _ := range rset {
		r := rset[k]
		rti := rtiset[k]
		m = r.Rows()
		//fmt.Printf("m=%d, r=\n%v\nrti=\n%v\n", m, r.ConvertToString(), rti.ConvertToString())

		// r := r*sk = r*Ls
		blas.GemmFloat(r, s, work, 1.0, 0.0, &la_.IOpt{"m", m}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"k", m}, &la_.IOpt{"ldb", m}, &la_.IOpt{"ldc", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"offsetb", ind2})
		//fmt.Printf("1 work=\n%v\n", work.ConvertToString())
		blas.CopyFloat(work, r, &la_.IOpt{"n", m * m})

		// rti := rti*zk = rti*Lz
		blas.GemmFloat(rti, z, work, 1.0, 0.0, &la_.IOpt{"m", m}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"k", m}, &la_.IOpt{"ldb", m}, &la_.IOpt{"ldc", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"offsetb", ind2})
		//fmt.Printf("2 work=\n%v\n", work.ConvertToString())
		blas.CopyFloat(work, rti, &la_.IOpt{"n", m * m})

		// SVD Lz'*Ls = U * lmbds^+ * V'; store U in sk and V' in zk. '
		blas.GemmFloat(z, s, work, 1.0, 0.0, la_.OptTransA, &la_.IOpt{"m", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"k", m}, &la_.IOpt{"lda", m}, &la_.IOpt{"ldb", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"ldc", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offseta", ind2}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetb", ind2})
		//fmt.Printf("3 work=\n%v\n", work.ConvertToString())

		// U = s, Vt = z
		lapack.GesvdFloat(work, lmbda, s, z, la_.OptJobuAll, la_.OptJobvtAll,
			&la_.IOpt{"m", m}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"lda", m}, &la_.IOpt{"ldu", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"ldvt", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offsets", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetu", ind2},
			&la_.IOpt{"offsetvt", ind2})

		// r := r*V
		blas.GemmFloat(r, z, work, 1.0, 0.0, la_.OptTransB, &la_.IOpt{"m", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"k", m}, &la_.IOpt{"ldb", m}, &la_.IOpt{"ldc", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"offsetb", ind2})
		//fmt.Printf("4 work=\n%v\n", work.ConvertToString())
		blas.CopyFloat(work, r, &la_.IOpt{"n", m * m})

		// rti := rti*U
		blas.GemmFloat(rti, s, work, 1.0, 0.0, &la_.IOpt{"m", m}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"k", m}, &la_.IOpt{"ldb", m}, &la_.IOpt{"ldc", m},
			&la_.IOpt{"offsetb", ind2})
		//fmt.Printf("5 work=\n%v\n", work.ConvertToString())
		blas.CopyFloat(work, rti, &la_.IOpt{"n", m * m})

		for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
			a := 1.0 / math.Sqrt(lmbda.GetIndex(ind+i))
			blas.ScalFloat(r, a, &la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", m * i})
			blas.ScalFloat(rti, a, &la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", m * i})
		ind += m
		ind2 += m * m
		ind3 += m // !!NOT USED: ind3!!

	//fmt.Printf("-- end of s:\nz=\n%v\nlmbda=\n%v\n", z.ConvertToString(), lmbda.ConvertToString())


Ejemplo n.º 11
func CheckTransAB(A, B, C *matrix.FloatMatrix) {
	blas.GemmFloat(A, B, C, 1.0, 1.0, linalg.OptTransA, linalg.OptTransB)
Ejemplo n.º 12
func CheckNoTrans(A, B, C *matrix.FloatMatrix) {
	blas.GemmFloat(A, B, C, 1.0, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 13
func kktChol2(G *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, A *matrix.FloatMatrix, mnl int) (kktFactor, error) {

	if len(dims.At("q")) > 0 || len(dims.At("s")) > 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("'chol2' solver only for problems with no second-order or " +
			"semidefinite cone constraints")

	p, n := A.Size()
	ml := dims.At("l")[0]
	F := &chol2Data{firstcall: true, singular: false, A: A, G: G, dims: dims}

	factor := func(W *sets.FloatMatrixSet, H, Df *matrix.FloatMatrix) (KKTFunc, error) {
		var err error = nil
		minor := 0
		if !checkpnt.MinorEmpty() {
			minor = checkpnt.MinorTop()
		if F.firstcall {
			F.Gs = matrix.FloatZeros(F.G.Size())
			if mnl > 0 {
				F.Dfs = matrix.FloatZeros(Df.Size())
			F.S = matrix.FloatZeros(n, n)
			F.K = matrix.FloatZeros(p, p)
			checkpnt.AddMatrixVar("Gs", F.Gs)
			checkpnt.AddMatrixVar("Dfs", F.Dfs)
			checkpnt.AddMatrixVar("S", F.S)
			checkpnt.AddMatrixVar("K", F.K)

		if mnl > 0 {
			dnli := matrix.FloatZeros(mnl, mnl)
			dnli.SetIndexesFromArray(W.At("dnli")[0].FloatArray(), matrix.DiagonalIndexes(dnli)...)
			blas.GemmFloat(dnli, Df, F.Dfs, 1.0, 0.0)
		checkpnt.Check("02factor_chol2", minor)
		di := matrix.FloatZeros(ml, ml)
		di.SetIndexesFromArray(W.At("di")[0].FloatArray(), matrix.DiagonalIndexes(di)...)
		err = blas.GemmFloat(di, G, F.Gs, 1.0, 0.0)
		checkpnt.Check("06factor_chol2", minor)

		if F.firstcall {
			blas.SyrkFloat(F.Gs, F.S, 1.0, 0.0, la.OptTrans)
			if mnl > 0 {
				blas.SyrkFloat(F.Dfs, F.S, 1.0, 1.0, la.OptTrans)
			if H != nil {
			checkpnt.Check("10factor_chol2", minor)
			err = lapack.Potrf(F.S)
			if err != nil {
				err = nil // reset error
				F.singular = true
				// original code recreates F.S as dense if it is sparse and
				// A is dense, we don't do it as currently no sparse matrices
				//F.S = matrix.FloatZeros(n, n)
				//checkpnt.AddMatrixVar("S", F.S)
				blas.SyrkFloat(F.Gs, F.S, 1.0, 0.0, la.OptTrans)
				if mnl > 0 {
					blas.SyrkFloat(F.Dfs, F.S, 1.0, 1.0, la.OptTrans)
				checkpnt.Check("14factor_chol2", minor)
				blas.SyrkFloat(F.A, F.S, 1.0, 1.0, la.OptTrans)
				if H != nil {
			F.firstcall = false
			checkpnt.Check("20factor_chol2", minor)
		} else {
			blas.SyrkFloat(F.Gs, F.S, 1.0, 0.0, la.OptTrans)
			if mnl > 0 {
				blas.SyrkFloat(F.Dfs, F.S, 1.0, 1.0, la.OptTrans)
			if H != nil {
			checkpnt.Check("40factor_chol2", minor)
			if F.singular {
				blas.SyrkFloat(F.A, F.S, 1.0, 1.0, la.OptTrans)
			checkpnt.Check("50factor_chol2", minor)

		// Asct := L^{-1}*A'.  Factor K = Asct'*Asct.
		Asct := F.A.Transpose()
		blas.TrsmFloat(F.S, Asct, 1.0)
		blas.SyrkFloat(Asct, F.K, 1.0, 0.0, la.OptTrans)
		checkpnt.Check("90factor_chol2", minor)

		solve := func(x, y, z *matrix.FloatMatrix) (err error) {
			// Solve
			//     [ H          A'  GG'*W^{-1} ]   [ ux   ]   [ bx        ]
			//     [ A          0   0          ] * [ uy   ] = [ by        ]
			//     [ W^{-T}*GG  0   -I         ]   [ W*uz ]   [ W^{-T}*bz ]
			// and return ux, uy, W*uz.
			// If not F['singular']:
			//     K*uy = A * S^{-1} * ( bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz ) - by
			//     S*ux = bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz - A'*uy
			//     W*uz = W^{-T} * ( GG*ux - bz ).
			// If F['singular']:
			//     K*uy = A * S^{-1} * ( bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*by )
			//            - by
			//     S*ux = bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*by - A'*y.
			//     W*uz = W^{-T} * ( GG*ux - bz ).

			minor := 0
			if !checkpnt.MinorEmpty() {
				minor = checkpnt.MinorTop()

			// z := W^{-1} * z = W^{-1} * bz
			scale(z, W, true, true)
			checkpnt.Check("10solve_chol2", minor)

			// If not F['singular']:
			//     x := L^{-1} * P * (x + GGs'*z)
			//        = L^{-1} * P * (x + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz)
			// If F['singular']:
			//     x := L^{-1} * P * (x + GGs'*z + A'*y))
			//        = L^{-1} * P * (x + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*y)
			if mnl > 0 {
				blas.GemvFloat(F.Dfs, z, x, 1.0, 1.0, la.OptTrans)
			blas.GemvFloat(F.Gs, z, x, 1.0, 1.0, la.OptTrans, &la.IOpt{"offsetx", mnl})
			//checkpnt.Check("20solve_chol2", minor)
			if F.singular {
				blas.GemvFloat(F.A, y, x, 1.0, 1.0, la.OptTrans)
			checkpnt.Check("30solve_chol2", minor)
			blas.TrsvFloat(F.S, x)
			//checkpnt.Check("50solve_chol2", minor)

			// y := K^{-1} * (Asc*x - y)
			//    = K^{-1} * (A * S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz) - by)
			//      (if not F['singular'])
			//    = K^{-1} * (A * S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz +
			//      A'*by) - by)
			//      (if F['singular']).
			blas.GemvFloat(Asct, x, y, 1.0, -1.0, la.OptTrans)
			//checkpnt.Check("55solve_chol2", minor)
			lapack.Potrs(F.K, y)
			//checkpnt.Check("60solve_chol2", minor)

			// x := P' * L^{-T} * (x - Asc'*y)
			//    = S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz - A'*y)
			//      (if not F['singular'])
			//    = S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*by - A'*y)
			//      (if F['singular'])
			blas.GemvFloat(Asct, y, x, -1.0, 1.0)
			blas.TrsvFloat(F.S, x, la.OptTrans)
			checkpnt.Check("70solve_chol2", minor)

			// W*z := GGs*x - z = W^{-T} * (GG*x - bz)
			if mnl > 0 {
				blas.GemvFloat(F.Dfs, x, z, 1.0, -1.0)
			blas.GemvFloat(F.Gs, x, z, 1.0, -1.0, &la.IOpt{"offsety", mnl})

			checkpnt.Check("90solve_chol2", minor)
			return nil
		return solve, err
	return factor, nil