Ejemplo n.º 1
// Handle() is part of the interface State.
// It would be called with input events.
// Please refer to the state chart for all state transfers and
// actions round them.
func (self *CodeState) Handle(sm hsm.HSM, event hsm.Event) hsm.State {
	Logln(self.ID(), "- Handle")
	switch event.Type() {
	case EventSlash:
		// Trigger a state transfer. The target state is slash state.
		sm.QTranOnEvent(StateSlashID, event)
		// Return nil to tell the state machine that this event is completely
		// handled. No need to propagrate it to our super state.
		return nil
	case EventChar:
		e, ok := event.(*CCommentCharEvent)
		commentHSM, ok := sm.(*CCommentHSM)
		return nil
	// Return super state to tell the state machine that this event is
	// not completely handled. Please propagrate it to our super state.
	return self.Super()