Ejemplo n.º 1
			for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
				ledgerPtr.TxBegin("txUuid" + strconv.Itoa(i))
				Expect(ledgerPtr.SetState("chaincode"+strconv.Itoa(i), "key"+strconv.Itoa(i), []byte("value"+strconv.Itoa(i)))).To(BeNil())
				ledgerPtr.TxFinished("txUuid"+strconv.Itoa(i), true)

				uuid := util.GenerateUUID()
				tx, err := protos.NewTransaction(protos.ChaincodeID{Path: "testUrl"}, uuid, "anyfunction", []string{"param1, param2"})
				err = ledgerPtr.CommitTxBatch(i, []*protos.Transaction{tx}, nil, []byte("proof"))
		It("verifies the blockchain", func() {
			// Verify the chain
			for lowBlock := uint64(0); lowBlock < ledgerPtr.GetBlockchainSize()-1; lowBlock++ {
				Expect(ledgerPtr.VerifyChain(ledgerPtr.GetBlockchainSize()-1, lowBlock)).To(Equal(lowBlock))
			for highBlock := ledgerPtr.GetBlockchainSize() - 1; highBlock > 0; highBlock-- {
				Expect(ledgerPtr.VerifyChain(highBlock, 0)).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
		It("adds bad blocks to the blockchain", func() {
			// Add bad blocks and test
			badBlock := protos.NewBlock(nil, nil)
			badBlock.PreviousBlockHash = []byte("evil")
			for i := uint64(0); i < ledgerPtr.GetBlockchainSize(); i++ {
				goodBlock, _ := ledgerPtr.GetBlockByNumber(i)
				ledgerPtr.PutRawBlock(badBlock, i)
				for lowBlock := uint64(0); lowBlock < ledgerPtr.GetBlockchainSize()-1; lowBlock++ {
					if i == ledgerPtr.GetBlockchainSize()-1 {