Ejemplo n.º 1
func TestPointsWriter_WritePoints(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name            string
		database        string
		retentionPolicy string

		// the responses returned by each shard write call.  node ID 1 = pos 0
		err    []error
		expErr error
			name:            "write one success",
			database:        "mydb",
			retentionPolicy: "myrp",
			err:             []error{nil, nil, nil},
			expErr:          nil,

		// Write to non-existent database
			name:            "write to non-existent database",
			database:        "doesnt_exist",
			retentionPolicy: "",
			err:             []error{nil, nil, nil},
			expErr:          fmt.Errorf("database not found: doesnt_exist"),

	for _, test := range tests {

		pr := &cluster.WritePointsRequest{
			Database:        test.database,
			RetentionPolicy: test.retentionPolicy,

		// Three points that range over the shardGroup duration (1h) and should map to two
		// distinct shards
		pr.AddPoint("cpu", 1.0, time.Unix(0, 0), nil)
		pr.AddPoint("cpu", 2.0, time.Unix(0, 0).Add(time.Hour), nil)
		pr.AddPoint("cpu", 3.0, time.Unix(0, 0).Add(time.Hour+time.Second), nil)

		// copy to prevent data race
		theTest := test
		sm := cluster.NewShardMapping()
			&meta.ShardInfo{ID: uint64(1), Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
				{NodeID: 1},
				{NodeID: 2},
				{NodeID: 3},
			&meta.ShardInfo{ID: uint64(2), Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
				{NodeID: 1},
				{NodeID: 2},
				{NodeID: 3},
			&meta.ShardInfo{ID: uint64(2), Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
				{NodeID: 1},
				{NodeID: 2},
				{NodeID: 3},

		// Local cluster.Node ShardWriter
		// lock on the write increment since these functions get called in parallel
		var mu sync.Mutex
		sw := &fakeShardWriter{
			ShardWriteFn: func(shardID, nodeID uint64, points []models.Point) error {
				defer mu.Unlock()
				return theTest.err[int(nodeID)-1]

		store := &fakeStore{
			WriteFn: func(shardID uint64, points []models.Point) error {
				defer mu.Unlock()
				return theTest.err[0]

		hh := &fakeShardWriter{
			ShardWriteFn: func(shardID, nodeID uint64, points []models.Point) error {
				return nil

		ms := NewPointsWriterMetaClient()
		ms.DatabaseFn = func(database string) *meta.DatabaseInfo {
			return nil
		ms.NodeIDFn = func() uint64 { return 1 }

		subPoints := make(chan *cluster.WritePointsRequest, 1)
		sub := Subscriber{}
		sub.PointsFn = func() chan<- *cluster.WritePointsRequest {
			return subPoints

		c := cluster.NewPointsWriter()
		c.MetaClient = ms
		c.ShardWriter = sw
		c.TSDBStore = store
		c.HintedHandoff = hh
		c.Subscriber = sub
		c.Node = &influxdb.Node{ID: 1}

		defer c.Close()

		err := c.WritePoints(pr.Database, pr.RetentionPolicy, models.ConsistencyLevelOne, pr.Points)
		if err == nil && test.expErr != nil {
			t.Errorf("PointsWriter.WritePoints(): '%s' error: got %v, exp %v", test.name, err, test.expErr)

		if err != nil && test.expErr == nil {
			t.Errorf("PointsWriter.WritePoints(): '%s' error: got %v, exp %v", test.name, err, test.expErr)
		if err != nil && test.expErr != nil && err.Error() != test.expErr.Error() {
			t.Errorf("PointsWriter.WritePoints(): '%s' error: got %v, exp %v", test.name, err, test.expErr)
		if test.expErr == nil {
			select {
			case p := <-subPoints:
				if !reflect.DeepEqual(p, pr) {
					t.Errorf("PointsWriter.WritePoints(): '%s' error: unexpected WritePointsRequest got %v, exp %v", test.name, p, pr)
				t.Errorf("PointsWriter.WritePoints(): '%s' error: Subscriber.Points not called", test.name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// NewServer returns a new instance of Server built from a config.
func NewServer(c *Config, buildInfo *BuildInfo) (*Server, error) {
	// We need to ensure that a meta directory always exists even if
	// we don't start the meta store.  node.json is always stored under
	// the meta directory.
	if err := os.MkdirAll(c.Meta.Dir, 0777); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("mkdir all: %s", err)

	// 0.10-rc1 and prior would sometimes put the node.json at the root
	// dir which breaks backup/restore and restarting nodes.  This moves
	// the file from the root so it's always under the meta dir.
	oldPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(c.Meta.Dir), "node.json")
	newPath := filepath.Join(c.Meta.Dir, "node.json")

	if _, err := os.Stat(oldPath); err == nil {
		if err := os.Rename(oldPath, newPath); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	_, err := influxdb.LoadNode(c.Meta.Dir)
	if err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return nil, err

	// In 0.10.0 bind-address got moved to the top level. Check
	// The old location to keep things backwards compatible
	bind := c.BindAddress

	s := &Server{
		buildInfo: *buildInfo,
		err:       make(chan error),
		closing:   make(chan struct{}),

		BindAddress: bind,

		MetaClient: meta.NewClient(c.Meta),

		Monitor: monitor.New(c.Monitor),

		reportingDisabled: c.ReportingDisabled,

		httpAPIAddr: c.HTTPD.BindAddress,
		httpUseTLS:  c.HTTPD.HTTPSEnabled,
		tcpAddr:     bind,

		config: c,

	if err := s.MetaClient.Open(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	s.TSDBStore = tsdb.NewStore(c.Data.Dir)
	s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.Config = c.Data

	// Copy TSDB configuration.
	s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.EngineVersion = c.Data.Engine

	// Create the Subscriber service
	s.Subscriber = subscriber.NewService(c.Subscriber)

	// Initialize points writer.
	s.PointsWriter = cluster.NewPointsWriter()
	s.PointsWriter.WriteTimeout = time.Duration(c.Cluster.WriteTimeout)
	s.PointsWriter.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
	s.PointsWriter.Subscriber = s.Subscriber

	// Initialize query executor.
	s.QueryExecutor = cluster.NewQueryExecutor()
	s.QueryExecutor.MetaClient = s.MetaClient
	s.QueryExecutor.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
	s.QueryExecutor.Monitor = s.Monitor
	s.QueryExecutor.PointsWriter = s.PointsWriter
	s.QueryExecutor.QueryTimeout = time.Duration(c.Cluster.QueryTimeout)
	s.QueryExecutor.QueryManager = influxql.DefaultQueryManager(c.Cluster.MaxConcurrentQueries)
	s.QueryExecutor.MaxSelectSeriesN = c.Cluster.MaxSelectSeriesN
	if c.Data.QueryLogEnabled {
		s.QueryExecutor.LogOutput = os.Stderr

	// Initialize the monitor
	s.Monitor.Version = s.buildInfo.Version
	s.Monitor.Commit = s.buildInfo.Commit
	s.Monitor.Branch = s.buildInfo.Branch
	s.Monitor.BuildTime = s.buildInfo.Time
	s.Monitor.PointsWriter = (*monitorPointsWriter)(s.PointsWriter)

	return s, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// NewServer returns a new instance of Server built from a config.
func NewServer(c *Config, buildInfo *BuildInfo) (*Server, error) {
	// We need to ensure that a meta directory always exists even if
	// we don't start the meta store.  node.json is always stored under
	// the meta directory.
	if err := os.MkdirAll(c.Meta.Dir, 0777); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("mkdir all: %s", err)

	// 0.10-rc1 and prior would sometimes put the node.json at the root
	// dir which breaks backup/restore and restarting nodes.  This moves
	// the file from the root so it's always under the meta dir.
	oldPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(c.Meta.Dir), "node.json")
	newPath := filepath.Join(c.Meta.Dir, "node.json")

	if _, err := os.Stat(oldPath); err == nil {
		if err := os.Rename(oldPath, newPath); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	_, err := influxdb.LoadNode(c.Meta.Dir)
	if err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return nil, err

	// Check to see if there is a raft db, if so, error out with a message
	// to downgrade, export, and then import the meta data
	raftFile := filepath.Join(c.Meta.Dir, "raft.db")
	if _, err := os.Stat(raftFile); err == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("detected %s. To proceed, you'll need to either 1) downgrade to v0.11.x, export your metadata, upgrade to the current version again, and then import the metadata or 2) delete the file, which will effectively reset your database. For more assistance with the upgrade, see: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v0.12/administration/upgrading/", raftFile)

	// In 0.10.0 bind-address got moved to the top level. Check
	// The old location to keep things backwards compatible
	bind := c.BindAddress

	s := &Server{
		buildInfo: *buildInfo,
		err:       make(chan error),
		closing:   make(chan struct{}),

		BindAddress: bind,

		MetaClient: meta.NewClient(c.Meta),

		Monitor: monitor.New(c.Monitor),

		reportingDisabled: c.ReportingDisabled,

		httpAPIAddr: c.HTTPD.BindAddress,
		httpUseTLS:  c.HTTPD.HTTPSEnabled,
		tcpAddr:     bind,

		config: c,

	if err := s.MetaClient.Open(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	s.TSDBStore = tsdb.NewStore(c.Data.Dir)
	s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.Config = c.Data

	// Copy TSDB configuration.
	s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.EngineVersion = c.Data.Engine

	// Create the Subscriber service
	s.Subscriber = subscriber.NewService(c.Subscriber)

	// Initialize points writer.
	s.PointsWriter = cluster.NewPointsWriter()
	s.PointsWriter.WriteTimeout = time.Duration(c.Cluster.WriteTimeout)
	s.PointsWriter.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
	s.PointsWriter.Subscriber = s.Subscriber

	// Initialize query executor.
	s.QueryExecutor = influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	s.QueryExecutor.StatementExecutor = &cluster.StatementExecutor{
		MetaClient:        s.MetaClient,
		TSDBStore:         cluster.LocalTSDBStore{Store: s.TSDBStore},
		Monitor:           s.Monitor,
		PointsWriter:      s.PointsWriter,
		MaxSelectPointN:   c.Cluster.MaxSelectPointN,
		MaxSelectSeriesN:  c.Cluster.MaxSelectSeriesN,
		MaxSelectBucketsN: c.Cluster.MaxSelectBucketsN,
	s.QueryExecutor.QueryTimeout = time.Duration(c.Cluster.QueryTimeout)
	s.QueryExecutor.MaxConcurrentQueries = c.Cluster.MaxConcurrentQueries
	if c.Data.QueryLogEnabled {
		s.QueryExecutor.LogOutput = os.Stderr

	// Initialize the monitor
	s.Monitor.Version = s.buildInfo.Version
	s.Monitor.Commit = s.buildInfo.Commit
	s.Monitor.Branch = s.buildInfo.Branch
	s.Monitor.BuildTime = s.buildInfo.Time
	s.Monitor.PointsWriter = (*monitorPointsWriter)(s.PointsWriter)

	return s, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// NewServer returns a new instance of Server built from a config.
func NewServer(c *Config, buildInfo *BuildInfo) (*Server, error) {
	// We need to ensure that a meta directory always exists even if
	// we don't start the meta store.  node.json is always stored under
	// the meta directory.
	if err := os.MkdirAll(c.Meta.Dir, 0777); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("mkdir all: %s", err)

	// 0.10-rc1 and prior would sometimes put the node.json at the root
	// dir which breaks backup/restore and restarting nodes.  This moves
	// the file from the root so it's always under the meta dir.
	oldPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(c.Meta.Dir), "node.json")
	newPath := filepath.Join(c.Meta.Dir, "node.json")

	if _, err := os.Stat(oldPath); err == nil {
		if err := os.Rename(oldPath, newPath); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	nodeAddr, err := meta.DefaultHost(DefaultHostname, c.Meta.HTTPBindAddress)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// load the node information
	metaAddresses := []string{nodeAddr}
	if !c.Meta.Enabled {
		metaAddresses = c.Meta.JoinPeers

	node, err := influxdb.LoadNode(c.Meta.Dir, metaAddresses)
	if err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return nil, err
		} else {
			node = influxdb.NewNode(c.Meta.Dir, metaAddresses)

	// In 0.10.0 bind-address got moved to the top level. Check
	// The old location to keep things backwards compatible
	bind := c.BindAddress
	if c.Meta.BindAddress != "" {
		bind = c.Meta.BindAddress

	if !c.Data.Enabled && !c.Meta.Enabled {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("must run as either meta node or data node or both")

	httpBindAddress, err := meta.DefaultHost(DefaultHostname, c.HTTPD.BindAddress)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	tcpBindAddress, err := meta.DefaultHost(DefaultHostname, bind)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	s := &Server{
		buildInfo: *buildInfo,
		err:       make(chan error),
		closing:   make(chan struct{}),

		BindAddress: bind,

		Node: node,

		Monitor: monitor.New(c.Monitor),

		reportingDisabled: c.ReportingDisabled,
		joinPeers:         c.Meta.JoinPeers,
		metaUseTLS:        c.Meta.HTTPSEnabled,

		httpAPIAddr: httpBindAddress,
		httpUseTLS:  c.HTTPD.HTTPSEnabled,
		tcpAddr:     tcpBindAddress,

		config: c,

	if c.Meta.Enabled {
		s.MetaService = meta.NewService(c.Meta)

	if c.Data.Enabled {
		s.TSDBStore = tsdb.NewStore(c.Data.Dir)
		s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.Config = c.Data

		// Copy TSDB configuration.
		s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.EngineVersion = c.Data.Engine
		s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.MaxWALSize = c.Data.MaxWALSize
		s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.WALFlushInterval = time.Duration(c.Data.WALFlushInterval)
		s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.WALPartitionFlushDelay = time.Duration(c.Data.WALPartitionFlushDelay)

		// Initialize query executor.
		s.QueryExecutor = tsdb.NewQueryExecutor()
		s.QueryExecutor.Store = s.TSDBStore
		s.QueryExecutor.MonitorStatementExecutor = &monitor.StatementExecutor{Monitor: s.Monitor}
		s.QueryExecutor.QueryLogEnabled = c.Data.QueryLogEnabled

		// Set the shard writer
		s.ShardWriter = cluster.NewShardWriter(time.Duration(c.Cluster.ShardWriterTimeout),

		// Create the hinted handoff service
		s.HintedHandoff = hh.NewService(c.HintedHandoff, s.ShardWriter, s.MetaClient)
		s.HintedHandoff.Monitor = s.Monitor

		// Create the Subscriber service
		s.Subscriber = subscriber.NewService(c.Subscriber)

		// Initialize points writer.
		s.PointsWriter = cluster.NewPointsWriter()
		s.PointsWriter.WriteTimeout = time.Duration(c.Cluster.WriteTimeout)
		s.PointsWriter.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
		s.PointsWriter.ShardWriter = s.ShardWriter
		s.PointsWriter.HintedHandoff = s.HintedHandoff
		s.PointsWriter.Subscriber = s.Subscriber
		s.PointsWriter.Node = s.Node

		// needed for executing INTO queries.
		s.QueryExecutor.IntoWriter = s.PointsWriter

		// Initialize the monitor
		s.Monitor.Version = s.buildInfo.Version
		s.Monitor.Commit = s.buildInfo.Commit
		s.Monitor.Branch = s.buildInfo.Branch
		s.Monitor.BuildTime = s.buildInfo.Time
		s.Monitor.PointsWriter = s.PointsWriter

	return s, nil