Ejemplo n.º 1
func CreateTestInstance(t *testing.T, uuid dvid.UUID, typename, name string, config dvid.Config) {
	config.Set("typename", typename)
	config.Set("dataname", name)
	jsonData, err := config.MarshalJSON()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to make JSON for instance creation: %v\n", config)
	apiStr := fmt.Sprintf("%srepo/%s/instance", WebAPIPath, uuid)
	TestHTTP(t, "POST", apiStr, bytes.NewBuffer(jsonData))
Ejemplo n.º 2
// NewData returns a pointer to labelvol data.
func NewData(uuid dvid.UUID, id dvid.InstanceID, name dvid.InstanceName, c dvid.Config) (*Data, error) {
	// Make sure we have a valid labelvol source
	s, found, err := c.GetString("Source")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !found {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot make labelsz data without valid 'Source' specifying an associated labelvol.")
	srcname := dvid.InstanceName(s)
	if _, err = labelvol.GetByUUID(uuid, srcname); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	c.Set("sync", s) // This will set base data sync list

	// Initialize the Data for this data type
	basedata, err := datastore.NewDataService(dtype, uuid, id, name, c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Data{basedata, srcname}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// NewData returns a pointer to new tile data with default values.
func (dtype *Type) NewDataService(uuid dvid.UUID, id dvid.InstanceID, name dvid.InstanceName, c dvid.Config) (datastore.DataService, error) {
	// Make sure we have a valid DataService source
	sourcename, found, err := c.GetString("Source")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !found {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot make imagetile data without valid 'Source' setting.")

	// See if we want placeholder imagetile.
	placeholder, found, err := c.GetBool("Placeholder")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Determine encoding for tile storage and this dictates what kind of compression we use.
	encoding, found, err := c.GetString("Format")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	format := PNG
	if found {
		switch strings.ToLower(encoding) {
		case "lz4":
			format = LZ4
		case "png":
			format = PNG
		case "jpg":
			format = JPG
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown encoding specified: '%s' (should be 'lz4', 'png', or 'jpg'", encoding)

	// Compression is determined by encoding.  Inform user if there's a discrepancy.
	var compression string
	switch format {
	case LZ4:
		compression = "lz4"
	case PNG:
		compression = "none"
	case JPG:
		compression = "none"
	compressConfig, found, err := c.GetString("Compression")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if found && strings.ToLower(compressConfig) != compression {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Conflict between specified compression '%s' and format '%s'.  Suggest not dictating compression.",
			compressConfig, encoding)
	c.Set("Compression", compression)

	// Initialize the imagetile data
	basedata, err := datastore.NewDataService(dtype, uuid, id, name, c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	data := &Data{
		Data: basedata,
		Properties: Properties{
			Source:      dvid.InstanceName(sourcename),
			Placeholder: placeholder,
			Encoding:    format,
	return data, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
func TestLabels(t *testing.T) {
	defer datastore.CloseTest()

	// Create testbed volume and data instances
	uuid, _ := datastore.NewTestRepo()
	var config dvid.Config
	server.CreateTestInstance(t, uuid, "labelblk", "labels", config)
	server.CreateTestInstance(t, uuid, "labelvol", "bodies", config)

	// Establish syncs
	server.CreateTestSync(t, uuid, "labels", "bodies")
	server.CreateTestSync(t, uuid, "bodies", "labels")

	// Populate the labels, which should automatically populate the labelvol
	_ = createLabelTestVolume(t, uuid, "labels")

	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "labels"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of labels: %v\n", err)

	// Add annotations syncing with "labels" instance.
	server.CreateTestInstance(t, uuid, "annotation", "mysynapses", config)
	server.CreateTestSync(t, uuid, "mysynapses", "labels,bodies")

	// Create a ROI that will be used for our labelsz.
	server.CreateTestInstance(t, uuid, "roi", "myroi", config)
	roiRequest := fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/myroi/roi", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	server.TestHTTP(t, "POST", roiRequest, getROIReader())

	// Create labelsz instances synced to the above annotations.
	server.CreateTestInstance(t, uuid, "labelsz", "noroi", config)
	server.CreateTestSync(t, uuid, "noroi", "mysynapses")
	config.Set("ROI", fmt.Sprintf("myroi,%s", uuid))
	server.CreateTestInstance(t, uuid, "labelsz", "withroi", config)
	server.CreateTestSync(t, uuid, "withroi", "mysynapses")

	// PUT first batch of synapses.
	var synapses annotation.Elements
	var x, y, z int32
	// This should put 31x31x31 (29,791) PostSyn in volume with fewer in label 200 than 300.
	// There will be 15 along each dimension from 0 -> 63, then 16 from 64 -> 127.
	// Label 100 will have 15 x 31 x 31 = 14415
	// Label 200 will have 16 x 31 x 15 = 7440
	// Label 300 will have 16 x 31 x 16 = 7936
	for z = 4; z < 128; z += 4 {
		for y = 4; y < 128; y += 4 {
			for x = 4; x < 128; x += 4 {
				e := annotation.Element{
						Pos:  dvid.Point3d{x, y, z},
						Kind: annotation.PostSyn,
				synapses = append(synapses, e)
	// This should put 32x32x32 (32,768) PreSyn in volume split 1/2, 1/4, 1/4
	for z = 2; z < 128; z += 4 {
		for y = 2; y < 128; y += 4 {
			for x = 2; x < 128; x += 4 {
				e := annotation.Element{
						Pos:  dvid.Point3d{x, y, z},
						Kind: annotation.PreSyn,
				synapses = append(synapses, e)
	testJSON, err := json.Marshal(synapses)
	if err != nil {
	url := fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/mysynapses/elements", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	server.TestHTTP(t, "POST", url, strings.NewReader(string(testJSON)))

	// Check if we have correct sequencing for no ROI labelsz.
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "noroi"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of noroi labelsz: %v\n", err)

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/3/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data := server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":16384},{"Label":200,"Size":8192},{"Label":300,"Size":8192}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect PreSyn noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/count/100/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `{"Label":100,"PreSyn":16384}` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect PreSyn noroi count for label 100:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/count/200/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `{"Label":200,"PreSyn":8192}` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect PreSyn noroi count for label 200:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/3/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":14415},{"Label":300,"Size":7936},{"Label":200,"Size":7440}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect PostSyn noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/3/AllSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":30799},{"Label":300,"Size":16128},{"Label":200,"Size":15632}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect AllSync noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/threshold/15633/AllSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":30799},{"Label":300,"Size":16128}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect AllSyn noroi threshold:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/threshold/1000/AllSyn?offset=1&n=2", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":300,"Size":16128},{"Label":200,"Size":15632}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect AllSyn noroi threshold:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/threshold/1000/AllSyn?offset=8&n=2", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect AllSyn noroi threshold:\n%v\n", string(data))

	// Check if we have correct sequencing for ROI labelsz.
	// ROI constitutes the inner eight 32^3 blocks.
	// There are 16 PostSyn in each ROI dimension.
	// There are also 16 PreSyn in each ROI dimension.
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "withroi"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of withroi labelsz: %v\n", err)

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/top/0/AllSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[]` {
		t.Errorf("Incorrectly handled top n=0 case, expected [] got: %v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/top/3/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":2048},{"Label":200,"Size":1024},{"Label":300,"Size":1024}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect PreSyn withroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/top/3/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":2048},{"Label":200,"Size":1024},{"Label":300,"Size":1024}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect PostSyn withroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	// Check fewer and larger N requests.
	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/2/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":16384},{"Label":200,"Size":8192}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect N=2 ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/4/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":16384},{"Label":200,"Size":8192},{"Label":300,"Size":8192}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect N=4 ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	// Test annotation move of a PostSyn from label 100->300 and also label 200->300
	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/mysynapses/move/32_32_32/75_21_69", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	server.TestHTTP(t, "POST", url, nil)

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/mysynapses/move/68_20_20/77_21_69", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	server.TestHTTP(t, "POST", url, nil)

	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "noroi"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of noroi labelsz: %v\n", err)
	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/3/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":14414},{"Label":300,"Size":7938},{"Label":200,"Size":7439}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect PostSyn noroi ranking after move from label 100->300:\n%v\n", string(data))

	// First move took synapse out of ROI so there should be one less for label 100.
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "withroi"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of labelsz: %v\n", err)

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/top/5/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":2047},{"Label":200,"Size":1024},{"Label":300,"Size":1024}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-move PostSyn withroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	// Test annotation deletion of moved PostSyn from label 300
	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/mysynapses/element/75_21_69", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	server.TestHTTP(t, "DELETE", url, nil)

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/mysynapses/element/77_21_69", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	server.TestHTTP(t, "DELETE", url, nil)

	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "noroi"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of noroi labelsz: %v\n", err)

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/3/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":14414},{"Label":300,"Size":7936},{"Label":200,"Size":7439}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect PostSyn noroi ranking after deletions from label 300:\n%v\n", string(data))

	// Check sync on merge.
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "bodies"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of bodies: %v\n", err)
	testMerge := mergeJSON(`[200, 300]`)
	testMerge.send(t, uuid, "bodies")

	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "labels"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of labels: %v\n", err)
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "mysynapses"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of synapses: %v\n", err)
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "noroi"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of labelsz: %v\n", err)
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "withroi"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of labelsz: %v\n", err)

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/top/5/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":200,"Size":2048},{"Label":100,"Size":2047}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-merge PostSyn withroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/count/100/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `{"Label":100,"PostSyn":2047}` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-merge PostSyn withroi count of label 100:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/3/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":16384},{"Label":200,"Size":16384}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-merge PreSyn noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/3/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":200,"Size":15375},{"Label":100,"Size":14414}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-merge PostSyn noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/3/AllSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":200,"Size":31759},{"Label":100,"Size":30798}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-merge AllSyn noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	// Check threshold endpoint

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/threshold/2048/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":200,"Size":2048}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-merge PostSyn withroi threshold:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/threshold/16384/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":16384},{"Label":200,"Size":16384}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-merge PreSyn noroi threshold:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/threshold/15000/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":200,"Size":15375}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-merge PostSyn noroi threshold:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/threshold/0/PostSyn?offset=1&n=1", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":14414}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-merge PostSyn noroi threshold with offset/n:\n%v\n", string(data))

	// Create the sparsevol encoding for split area with label 100 -> 150.
	// Split has offset (0, 0, 0) with size (19, 19, 19).
	// PreSyn in split = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125
	// PostSyn in split = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64
	var rles dvid.RLEs
	for z := int32(0); z < 19; z++ {
		for y := int32(0); y < 19; y++ {
			start := dvid.Point3d{0, y, z}
			rles = append(rles, dvid.NewRLE(start, 19))
	buf := getBytesRLE(t, rles)

	// Submit the split sparsevol
	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/%s/split/%d?splitlabel=150", server.WebAPIPath, uuid, "bodies", 100)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "POST", url, buf)
	jsonVal := make(map[string]uint64)
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &jsonVal); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unable to get new label from split.  Instead got: %v\n", jsonVal)

	// Check sync on split.
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "labels"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of labels: %v\n", err)
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "mysynapses"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of synapses: %v\n", err)
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "noroi"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of labelsz: %v\n", err)

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/3/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":200,"Size":16384},{"Label":100,"Size":16259},{"Label":150,"Size":125}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-split PreSyn noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/3/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":200,"Size":15375},{"Label":100,"Size":14350},{"Label":150,"Size":64}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-split PostSyn noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	// Create the encoding for coarse split area in block coordinates from label 200.
	// Split has offset (64, 96, 96) with size (64, 32, 32).
	// PreSyn in split = 16 x 8 x 8 = 1024
	// PostSyn in split = 16 x 8 x 8 = 1024
	rles = dvid.RLEs{
		dvid.NewRLE(dvid.Point3d{2, 3, 3}, 2),
	buf = getBytesRLE(t, rles)

	// Submit the coarse split of 200 -> 250
	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/%s/split-coarse/200?splitlabel=250", server.WebAPIPath, uuid, "bodies")
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "POST", url, buf)
	jsonVal = make(map[string]uint64)
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &jsonVal); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unable to get new label from split.  Instead got: %v\n", jsonVal)

	// Check sync on split.
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "labels"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of labels: %v\n", err)
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "mysynapses"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of synapses: %v\n", err)
	if err := datastore.BlockOnUpdating(uuid, "noroi"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error blocking on sync of labelsz: %v\n", err)

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/5/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":16259},{"Label":200,"Size":15360},{"Label":250,"Size":1024},{"Label":150,"Size":125}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-coarsesplit PreSyn noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/5/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":200,"Size":14351},{"Label":100,"Size":14350},{"Label":250,"Size":1024},{"Label":150,"Size":64}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-coarsesplit PostSyn noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/top/5/AllSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":30609},{"Label":200,"Size":29711},{"Label":250,"Size":2048},{"Label":150,"Size":189}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-coarsesplit AllSyn noroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/noroi/count/200/AllSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `{"Label":200,"AllSyn":29711}` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-coarsesplit AllSyn noroi count of label 200:\n%v\n", string(data))

	// Check the ROI-restricted labelsz instance which should only be affected by merge.
	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/top/5/PreSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":100,"Size":2048},{"Label":200,"Size":2048}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-coarsesplit PreSyn withroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/top/5/PostSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":200,"Size":2048},{"Label":100,"Size":2047}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-coarsesplit PostSyn withroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/top/5/AllSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `[{"Label":200,"Size":4096},{"Label":100,"Size":4095}]` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-coarsesplit AllSyn withroi ranking:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/count/200/AllSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `{"Label":200,"AllSyn":4096}` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-coarsesplit AllSyn withroi count of label 200:\n%v\n", string(data))

	url = fmt.Sprintf("%snode/%s/withroi/count/100/AllSyn", server.WebAPIPath, uuid)
	data = server.TestHTTP(t, "GET", url, nil)
	if string(data) != `{"Label":100,"AllSyn":4095}` {
		t.Errorf("Got back incorrect post-coarsesplit AllSyn withroi count of label 100:\n%v\n", string(data))