Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: main.go Proyecto: noffle/ipcat
func main() {
	cmd := cli.App("ipcat", "Retrieve IPFS object data and output it to stdout.")
	cmd.Spec = "IPFS_PATH"

	hash := cmd.String(cli.StringArg{
		Name:  "IPFS_PATH",
		Value: "",
		Desc:  "the IPFS object path",

	cmd.Action = func() {
		if err := cat(*hash); err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ipcat failed: %s\n", err)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func main() {

	app := cli.App("crowley-pack", "Docker build system.")
	app.Version("v version", fmt.Sprintf("crowley-pack %s", Version))

	app.Command("push", "Compose an image and publish on a registry", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		remote, nocache, nopull := getPushOptions(cmd)
		cmd.Action = func() {
			handle(createRemoteConfigurationParser(remote, nocache, nopull))

	path := getPathOption(app)

	app.Action = func() {

	if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil {
		exit(err, 1)

Ejemplo n.º 3
func main() {
	go func() {
		fmt.Println(http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil))

	cmd := cli.App("mp4tool", "MP4 command line tool")

	cmd.Command("info", "Displays information about a media", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		file := cmd.StringArg("FILE", "", "the file to display")
		cmd.Action = func() {
			rr := &fileRangeReader{fileName: *file}
			v, err := mp4.Decode(rr)
			if err != nil {

	cmd.Command("clip", "Generates a clip", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		start := cmd.IntOpt("s start", 0, "start time (sec)")
		src := cmd.StringArg("SRC", "", "the source file name")
		dst := cmd.StringArg("DST", "", "the destination file name")
		cmd.Action = func() {
			rr := &fileRangeReader{fileName: *src}
			v, err := mp4.Decode(rr)
			if err != nil {
			out, err := os.Create(*dst)
			if err != nil {
			defer closeWithPrintingError(out, "error on closing output file")
			clip, err := clip.New(v, time.Duration(*start)*time.Second, rr)
			if err != nil {
			size, err := clip.WriteTo(out)
			if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("wrote", size)

	cmd.Command("copy", "Decodes a media and reencodes it to another file", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		src := cmd.StringArg("SRC", "", "the source file name")
		dst := cmd.StringArg("DST", "", "the destination file name")
		cmd.Action = func() {
			rr := &fileRangeReader{fileName: *src}
			v, err := mp4.Decode(rr)
			if err != nil {
			out, err := os.Create(*dst)
			if err != nil {
			defer closeWithPrintingError(out, "error on closing output file")
			if err := v.Encode(out); err != nil {
				fmt.Println("error on encoding", err)
	if err := cmd.Run(os.Args); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error form cmd.Run", err)
	fmt.Println("press return to exit the program")
Ejemplo n.º 4
func main() {
	numCPU := runtime.NumCPU()
	gymcmd := cli.App("gym", "golang yum mirror")
	debug := gymcmd.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{Name: "d debug", Desc: "show debug messages"})
	meta := gymcmd.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{Name: "m meta", Desc: "sync only meta data"})
	nocolor := gymcmd.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{Name: "n nocolor", Desc: "disable color output"})
	insecure := gymcmd.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{Name: "i insecure", Desc: "do not verify ssl certificates"})
	workers := gymcmd.Int(cli.IntOpt{Name: "w workers", Value: numCPU, Desc: "number of parallel download workers"})
	gymcmd.Action = func() {
	gymcmd.Command("url", "sync repoository form url", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		cmd.Spec = "[--cert --key] [--cacerts] [-f] URL DESTINATION"

		var (
			filter  = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "f filter", Desc: "sync only packages with names containing filter string"})
			cert    = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "cert", Desc: "spath to ssl certificate"})
			key     = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "key", Desc: "spath to ssl certificate key"})
			cacerts = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "cacerts", Desc: "comma separated list of ca certificates"})

		var (
			urlString = cmd.String(cli.StringArg{Name: "URL", Value: "", Desc: "remote yum repository url"})
			dest      = cmd.String(cli.StringArg{Name: "DESTINATION", Value: "", Desc: "local destination directory"})

		cmd.Action = func() {
			if *debug {
			if *nocolor {
			gym.Log.Info("starting sync",
				"version", gitHashString,
				"mode", "url",
				"debug", *debug,
				"nocolor", *nocolor,
				"insecure", *insecure,
				"meta", *meta,
				"workers", *workers,
				"cert", *cert,
				"key", *key,
				"cacerts", *cacerts,
				"filter", *filter,
				"url", *urlString,
				"destination", *dest,
			u, err := url.Parse(*urlString)
			if err != nil {
				gym.Log.Crit("could not parse url '%s'", urlString)
			var t *http.Transport
			if *insecure && u.Scheme == "https" || len(*cert) > 0 && len(*key) > 0 || len(*cacerts) > 0 {
				caCertList := strings.Split(*cacerts, ",")
				t, err = gym.ConfigureTransport(*insecure, *cert, *key, caCertList...)
				if err != nil {
					gym.Log.Crit("could not configure https transport", "err", err)
			r := gym.NewRepo(*dest, *urlString, t)

			gym.Log.Info("start metadata sync", "url", *urlString, "dest", *dest, "workers", *workers)
			if err := r.SyncMeta(); err != nil {
				gym.Log.Crit("metadata sync failed", "err", err)

			if *meta {
			if err := r.Sync(*filter, *workers); err != nil {
				gym.Log.Crit("rpm sync failed", "err", err)
	gymcmd.Command("repo", "sync repoository form yum repository file", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {

		cmd.Spec = "[([--exclude] [--enabled]) | ([--repoid] [--name])] [--arch] [-f] -r REPOFILE DESTINATION"

		var (
			filter  = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "f filter", Desc: "sync only packages with names containing filter string"})
			exclude = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "exclude", Desc: "exclude repositories containing this string"})
			enabled = cmd.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{Name: "enabled", Desc: "sync only enabled repositories"})
			arch    = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "arch", Value: "x86_64", Desc: "base architecture e.g: x86_64, PPC"})
			release = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "r release", Desc: "release version e.g: Server7, 7.1"})
			repoid  = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "repoid", Desc: "only sync repository with name repoid"})
			name    = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "name", Desc: "use name instead of repoid as directory name"})

		var (
			repo = cmd.String(cli.StringArg{Name: "REPOFILE", Value: "", Desc: "path to the yum repository file"})
			dest = cmd.String(cli.StringArg{Name: "DESTINATION", Value: "", Desc: "local destination directory"})

		cmd.Action = func() {
			if *debug {
			if *nocolor {
			gym.Log.Info("starting sync",
				"version", gitHashString,
				"mode", "repo",
				"debug", *debug,
				"nocolor", *nocolor,
				"insecure", *insecure,
				"meta", *meta,
				"workers", *workers,
				"exclude", *exclude,
				"enabled", *enabled,
				"filter", *filter,
				"arch", *arch,
				"release", *release,
				"repo", *repo,
				"repoid", *repoid,
				"destination", *dest,
				"name", *name,

			start := time.Now()
			failedRepositories := []string{}
			skippedRepositories := []string{}
			syncedRepositories := []string{}
			gym.Log.Info("parsing repofile", "file", *repo)
			repos, err := gym.NewRepoList(*repo, *dest, *insecure, *release, *arch)
			if err != nil {
				gym.Log.Crit("could not create repolist", "repofile", *repo, "err", err)
			for _, re := range repos {
				if len(*repoid) > 0 && *repoid != re.Name {
					gym.Log.Info("skipping repository", "name", re.Name, "reason", "excluded")
					skippedRepositories = append(skippedRepositories, re.Name)
				if *enabled && !re.Enabled {
					gym.Log.Info("skipping repository", "name", re.Name, "reason", "not enabled")
					skippedRepositories = append(skippedRepositories, re.Name)
				if len(*exclude) > 0 {
					excludedRepoList := strings.Split(*exclude, ",")
					for _, excludeString := range excludedRepoList {
						gym.Log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%v", excludedRepoList))
						if strings.Contains(re.Name, excludeString) {
							skippedRepositories = append(skippedRepositories, re.Name)
							gym.Log.Info("skipping repository", "name", re.Name, "reason", "excluded")
							continue Loop
				if len(*name) > 0 {
					re.Name = *name
					re.LocalPath = path.Join(path.Dir(re.LocalPath), "/", *name)
				gym.Log.Info("matadata sync", "name", re.Name)
				if err := re.SyncMeta(); err != nil {
					failedRepositories = append(failedRepositories, re.Name)
					gym.Log.Error("metadata sync failed", "err", err)
				if *meta {
				if err := re.Sync(*filter, *workers); err != nil {
					failedRepositories = append(failedRepositories, re.Name)
					gym.Log.Error("rpm sync failed", "err", err)
				syncedRepositories = append(syncedRepositories, re.Name)
				"duration", time.Since(start),
				"failedRepositories", len(failedRepositories),
				"skippedRepositories", len(skippedRepositories),
				"syncedRepositories", len(syncedRepositories),


	gymcmd.Command("snapshot", "create snapshot of exsiting yum repository", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		cmd.Spec = "[-c] [-l] SOURCE... DESTINATION"
		var (
			link       = cmd.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{Name: "link l", Desc: "create symlinks instead of copy"})
			createRepo = cmd.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{Name: "createrepo c", Desc: "run create repo"})
		var (
			sources = cmd.Strings(cli.StringsArg{Name: "SOURCE", Value: []string{}, Desc: "path to the yum repository file"})
			dest    = cmd.String(cli.StringArg{Name: "DESTINATION", Value: "", Desc: "local destination directory"})
		cmd.Action = func() {
			if *debug {
			if *nocolor {
			gym.Log.Info("starting snapshot",
				"version", gitHashString,
				"mode", "snapshot",
				"debug", *debug,
				"nocolor", *nocolor,
				"workers", *workers,
				"destination", *dest,
				"createLinks", *link,
				"createrepo", *createRepo,
				"sources", strings.Join(*sources, ", "),
			start := time.Now()
			failedSources := []string{}
			for _, source := range *sources {
				r := gym.NewRepo(source, "", nil)
				if err := r.Snapshot(*dest, *link, *createRepo, *workers); err != nil {
					failedSources = append(failedSources, source)
					gym.Log.Crit("could not create snapshot", "err", err)
				"duration", time.Since(start),
				"failedSources", len(failedSources),

	gymcmd.Command("version", "show version info", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		cmd.Spec = "[-d]"
		var (
			detail = cmd.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{Name: "d detail", Desc: "show detail version info"})
		cmd.Action = func() {
			v := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%v", gitHashString, runtime.Version())
			if *detail {
				v = v + fmt.Sprintf(" - build date: %s, commit date: %s", buildDateString, gitDateString)
			v = v + ")"

	gymcmd.Command("iso", "download iso", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		cmd.Spec = "--repoid --release [--arch] REPOFILE DESTINATION"
		var (
			arch    = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "arch", Value: "x86_64", Desc: "base architecture e.g: x86_64, PPC"})
			release = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "release", Desc: "release version e.g: Server7, 7.1"})
			repoid  = cmd.String(cli.StringOpt{Name: "repoid", Value: "rhel-7-server-rpms", Desc: "repo id where the boot iso can be downloaded"})
		var (
			repo = cmd.String(cli.StringArg{Name: "REPOFILE", Value: "/etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo", Desc: "path to the yum repository file"})
			dest = cmd.String(cli.StringArg{Name: "DESTINATION", Value: "/tmp", Desc: "local destination directory"})
		cmd.Action = func() {
			gym.Log.Info("parsing repofile", "file", *repo)
			repos, err := gym.NewRepoList(*repo, *dest, *insecure, *release, *arch)
			if err != nil {
				gym.Log.Crit("could not create repolist", "repofile", *repo, "err", err)

			r := repos.Find(*repoid)
			if r == nil {
				gym.Log.Crit("could not find repoid", "repoid", *repoid)
			isoFileName := fmt.Sprintf("rhel-server-%s-%s-boot.iso", *release, *arch)
			url := fmt.Sprintf("https://cdn.redhat.com/content/dist/rhel/server/%s/%sServer/%s/iso/%s", string((*release)[0]), string((*release)[0]), *arch, isoFileName)

			tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "gym")
			if err != nil {
				gym.Log.Crit("could not create tmp directory", "path", tmpDir)
			defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
			tmpfile := path.Join(tmpDir, isoFileName)

			gym.Log.Info("download boot iso", "url", url, "dest", tmpfile)
			_, err = r.Download(url, tmpfile)
			if err != nil {
				gym.Log.Crit("could not download", "url", url, "dest", tmpfile, "err", err)

			cmd := exec.Command("7z", "e", "-y", "-r", "-o"+*dest, tmpfile)
			err = os.MkdirAll(*dest, 0755)
			if err != nil {
				gym.Log.Crit("could not create directory", "path", *dest)
			out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
			if err != nil {
				gym.Log.Crit("could not run command", "cmd", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), "err", err, "out", string(out))


	if err := gymcmd.Run(os.Args); err != nil {

Ejemplo n.º 5
func main() {
	cmd := cli.App("mp4tool", "MP4 command line tool")

	cmd.Command("info", "Displays information about a media", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		file := cmd.StringArg("FILE", "", "the file to display")
		cmd.Action = func() {
			fd, err := os.Open(*file)
			defer fd.Close()
			v, err := mp4.Decode(fd)
			if err != nil {

	cmd.Command("clip", "Generates a clip", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		start := cmd.IntOpt("s start", 0, "start time (sec)")
		duration := cmd.IntOpt("d duration", 10, "duration (sec)")
		src := cmd.StringArg("SRC", "", "the source file name")
		dst := cmd.StringArg("DST", "", "the destination file name")
		cmd.Action = func() {
			in, err := os.Open(*src)
			if err != nil {
			defer in.Close()
			v, err := mp4.Decode(in)
			if err != nil {
			out, err := os.Create(*dst)
			if err != nil {
			defer out.Close()
			filter.EncodeFiltered(out, v, filter.Clip(time.Duration(*start)*time.Second, time.Duration(*duration)*time.Second))

	cmd.Command("copy", "Decodes a media and reencodes it to another file", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		src := cmd.StringArg("SRC", "", "the source file name")
		dst := cmd.StringArg("DST", "", "the destination file name")
		cmd.Action = func() {
			in, err := os.Open(*src)
			if err != nil {
			defer in.Close()
			v, err := mp4.Decode(in)
			if err != nil {
			out, err := os.Create(*dst)
			if err != nil {
			defer out.Close()