Ejemplo n.º 1
func (d *Dal) deleteMovie(msg *pubsub.Message) {
	movie := msg.Payload.(*model.Movie)

	// d.count = 0

	lib.Notify(d.bus, "prune:delete", fmt.Sprintf("STARTED DELETING [%d] %s", movie.Id, movie.Title))

	tx, err := d.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at begin: %s", err)

	stmt, err := tx.Prepare("delete from movie where rowid = ?")
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at prepare: %s", err)
	defer stmt.Close()

	_, err = stmt.Exec(movie.Id)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at exec: %s", err)


	lib.Notify(d.bus, "prune:delete", fmt.Sprintf("FINISHED DELETING [%d] %s", movie.Id, movie.Title))
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (d *Dal) setScore(msg *pubsub.Message) {
	movie := msg.Payload.(*model.Movie)

	mlog.Info("STARTED UPDATING MOVIE SCORE [%d] %s (%d)", movie.Id, movie.Title, movie.Score)

	tx, err := d.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at begin: %s", err)

	stmt, err := tx.Prepare(`update movie set 
								score = ?,
								modified = ? 
								where rowid = ?`)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at prepare: %s", err)
	defer stmt.Close()

	now := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)

	_, err = stmt.Exec(movie.Score, now, movie.Id)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at exec: %s", err)

	mlog.Info("FINISHED UPDATING MOVIE SCORE [%d] %s", movie.Id, movie.Title)

	msg.Reply <- movie
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (d *Dal) checkExists(msg *pubsub.Message) {
	tx, err := d.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at begin: %s", err)

	stmt, err := tx.Prepare("select rowid from movie where location = ?")
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at prepare: %s", err)
	defer stmt.Close()

	movie := msg.Payload.(*model.Movie)

	var id int
	err = stmt.QueryRow(movie.Location).Scan(&id)

	// if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
	// 	mlog.Fatalf("id = %d, err = %d", id, err)
	// }

	// mlog.Fatalf("gone and done")
	if err != sql.ErrNoRows && err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at queryrow: %s", err)


	// mlog.Info("Check exists: [%d] (%s)", id, movie.Location)

	msg.Reply <- (id != 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (d *Dal) listMovies(options *lib.Options) (total uint64, movies []*model.Movie) {
	// mlog.Info("listMovies.options: %+v", options)

	tx, err := d.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("listMovies:Unable to begin transaction: %s", err)

	sql := fmt.Sprintf(`select rowid, title, original_title, file_title, year, runtime, tmdb_id, imdb_id, 
				overview, tagline, resolution, filetype, location, cover, backdrop, genres, vote_average, 
				vote_count, countries, added, modified, last_watched, all_watched, count_watched, score, 
				director, writer, actors, awards, imdb_rating, imdb_votes 
				from movie order by %s %s, rowid desc limit ? offset ?`, options.SortBy, options.SortOrder)

	stmt, err := tx.Prepare(sql)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("Unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)
	defer stmt.Close()

	rows, err := stmt.Query(options.Limit, options.Offset)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("Unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)

	items := make([]*model.Movie, 0)

	// if options.Offset == 0 {
	// if d.count == 0 {
	var count uint64

	err = d.countRows.QueryRow().Scan(&count)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("Unable to count rows: %s", err)
	// }

	for rows.Next() {
		movie := model.Movie{}
			&movie.Id, &movie.Title, &movie.Original_Title, &movie.File_Title, &movie.Year,
			&movie.Runtime, &movie.Tmdb_Id, &movie.Imdb_Id, &movie.Overview, &movie.Tagline,
			&movie.Resolution, &movie.FileType, &movie.Location, &movie.Cover, &movie.Backdrop,
			&movie.Genres, &movie.Vote_Average, &movie.Vote_Count, &movie.Production_Countries,
			&movie.Added, &movie.Modified, &movie.Last_Watched, &movie.All_Watched,
			&movie.Count_Watched, &movie.Score, &movie.Director, &movie.Writer, &movie.Actors,
			&movie.Awards, &movie.Imdb_Rating, &movie.Imdb_Votes,
		items = append(items, &movie)


	mlog.Info("Listed %d movies (total %d)", len(items), count)

	return count, items
Ejemplo n.º 5
func (d *Dal) updateMovie(msg *pubsub.Message) {
	defer d.bus.Pub(nil, "/event/workunit/done")

	movie := msg.Payload.(*model.Movie)

	mlog.Info("STARTED UPDATING [%d] %s", movie.Id, movie.Title)

	tx, err := d.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at begin: %s", err)

	stmt, err := tx.Prepare(`update movie set title = ?, 
								original_title = ?, 
								year = ?, 
								runtime = ?, 
								tmdb_id = ?, 
								imdb_id = ?, 
								overview = ?, 
								tagline = ?, 
								cover = ?, 
								backdrop = ?, 
								genres = ?, 
								vote_average = ?, 
								vote_count = ?, 
								countries = ?, 
								modified = ?, 
								director = ?, 
								writer = ?, 
								actors = ?, 
								awards = ?, 
								imdb_rating = ?, 
								imdb_votes = ? 
								where rowid = ?`)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at prepare: %s", err)
	defer stmt.Close()

	_, err = stmt.Exec(movie.Title, movie.Original_Title, movie.Year, movie.Runtime, movie.Tmdb_Id, movie.Imdb_Id, movie.Overview, movie.Tagline, movie.Cover, movie.Backdrop, movie.Genres, movie.Vote_Average, movie.Vote_Count, movie.Production_Countries, movie.Modified, movie.Director, movie.Writer, movie.Actors, movie.Awards, movie.Imdb_Rating, movie.Imdb_Votes, movie.Id)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at exec: %s", err)

	mlog.Info("FINISHED UPDATING [%d] %s", movie.Id, movie.Title)

	// updated := &pubsub.Message{}
	// d.bus.Pub(updated, "/event/movie/updated")
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (d *Dal) prepare(sql string) *sql.Stmt {
	stmt, err := d.db.Prepare(sql)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("prepare sql: %s (%s)", err, sql)
	return stmt
Ejemplo n.º 7
func (d *Dal) Start() {
	mlog.Info("Starting service Dal ...")

	dbPath := filepath.Join(d.settings.DataDir, "mediagui.db")

	var err error
	d.db, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", dbPath)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("Unable to open database (%s): %s", dbPath, err)

	d.mailbox = d.register(d.bus, "/get/movies/cover", d.getCover)
	d.registerAdditional(d.bus, "/get/movies", d.getMovies, d.mailbox)
	d.registerAdditional(d.bus, "/get/movies/duplicates", d.getDuplicates, d.mailbox)
	d.registerAdditional(d.bus, "/command/movie/exists", d.checkExists, d.mailbox)
	d.registerAdditional(d.bus, "/command/movie/store", d.storeMovie, d.mailbox)
	d.registerAdditional(d.bus, "/command/movie/partialstore", d.partialStoreMovie, d.mailbox)
	d.registerAdditional(d.bus, "/command/movie/update", d.updateMovie, d.mailbox)
	d.registerAdditional(d.bus, "/command/movie/delete", d.deleteMovie, d.mailbox)
	d.registerAdditional(d.bus, "/put/movies/score", d.setScore, d.mailbox)
	d.registerAdditional(d.bus, "/put/movies/watched", d.setWatched, d.mailbox)

	d.countRows = d.prepare("select count(*) from movie;")

	mlog.Info("Connected to database %s", dbPath)

	go d.react()
Ejemplo n.º 8
func (d *Dal) partialStoreMovie(msg *pubsub.Message) {
	defer d.bus.Pub(nil, "/event/workunit/done")

	movie := msg.Payload.(*model.Movie)

	// d.count = 0
	now := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
	movie.Added = now
	movie.Modified = now

	mlog.Info("STARTED PARTIAL SAVING %s", movie.Title)

	tx, err := d.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at begin: %s", err)

	stmt, err := tx.Prepare(`insert into movie(title, original_title, file_title, 
								year, runtime, tmdb_id, imdb_id, overview, tagline, 
								resolution, filetype, location, cover, backdrop, genres, 
								vote_average, vote_count, countries, added, modified, 
								last_watched, all_watched, count_watched, score, director, 
								writer, actors, awards, imdb_rating, imdb_votes) 
								values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 
									?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at prepare: %s", err)
	defer stmt.Close()

	_, err = stmt.Exec(movie.Title, movie.Original_Title, movie.File_Title, movie.Year,
		movie.Runtime, movie.Tmdb_Id, movie.Imdb_Id, movie.Overview, movie.Tagline,
		movie.Resolution, movie.FileType, movie.Location, movie.Cover, movie.Backdrop,
		movie.Genres, movie.Vote_Average, movie.Vote_Count, movie.Production_Countries,
		movie.Added, movie.Modified, movie.Last_Watched, movie.All_Watched, movie.Count_Watched,
		movie.Score, movie.Director, movie.Writer, movie.Actors, movie.Awards, movie.Imdb_Rating,
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at exec: %s", err)

	mlog.Info("FINISHED PARTIAL SAVING %s [%d]", movie.Title, movie.Id)
Ejemplo n.º 9
func (d *Dal) getDuplicates(msg *pubsub.Message) {

	tx, err := d.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("Unable to begin transaction: %s", err)

	// rows, err := self.listMovies.Query()
	// if err != nil {
	// 	mlog.Fatalf("unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)
	// }

	// rows, err := self.db.Query("select rowid, title, original_title, file_title, year, runtime, tmdb_id, imdb_id, overview, tagline, resolution, filetype, location, cover, backdrop, genres, vote_average, vote_count, countries, added, modified, last_watched, all_watched, count_watched from movie where title in (select title from movie group by title having count(*) > 1);")
	rows, err := d.db.Query(`select a.rowid, a.title, a.original_title, a.file_title, 
				a.year, a.runtime, a.tmdb_id, a.imdb_id, a.overview, a.tagline, a.resolution, 
				a.filetype, a.location, a.cover, a.backdrop, a.genres, a.vote_average, 
				a.vote_count, a.countries, a.added, a.modified, a.last_watched, a.all_watched, 
				a.count_watched, a.score, a.director, a.writer, a.actors, a.awards, a.imdb_rating, 
				movie a 
				(select title, year from movie group by title, year having count(*) > 1) b 
				on a.title = b.title and a.year = b.year;`)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("Unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)

	items := make([]*model.Movie, 0)

	for rows.Next() {
		movie := model.Movie{}
		rows.Scan(&movie.Id, &movie.Title, &movie.Original_Title, &movie.File_Title, &movie.Year, &movie.Runtime, &movie.Tmdb_Id, &movie.Imdb_Id, &movie.Overview, &movie.Tagline, &movie.Resolution, &movie.FileType, &movie.Location, &movie.Cover, &movie.Backdrop, &movie.Genres, &movie.Vote_Average, &movie.Vote_Count, &movie.Production_Countries, &movie.Added, &movie.Modified, &movie.Last_Watched, &movie.All_Watched, &movie.Count_Watched, &movie.Score, &movie.Director, &movie.Writer, &movie.Actors, &movie.Awards, &movie.Imdb_Rating, &movie.Imdb_Votes)
		items = append(items, &movie)


	mlog.Info("Found %d duplicate movies", len(items))

	msg.Reply <- &model.MoviesDTO{Total: uint64(len(items)), Items: items}
Ejemplo n.º 10
func (s *Scraper) Start() {
	mlog.Info("Starting service Scraper ...")

	var err error
	s.tmdb, err = tmdb.NewClient("e610ded10c3f47d05fe797961d90fea6", false)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("Unable to create tmdb client: %s", err)

	s.mailbox = s.register(s.bus, "/command/movie/scrape", s.scrapeMovie)
	s.registerAdditional(s.bus, "/command/movie/rescrape", s.reScrapeMovie, s.mailbox)
	s.registerAdditional(s.bus, "/event/config/changed", s.configChanged, s.mailbox)

	s.pool = lib.NewPool(12, 4000)

	go s.react()
Ejemplo n.º 11
func (d *Dal) setWatched(msg *pubsub.Message) {
	dto := msg.Payload.(*model.Movie)

	mlog.Info("STARTED UPDATING MOVIE WATCHED DATE [%d] %s (%s)", dto.Id, dto.Title, dto.Last_Watched)

	now := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)

	stmt, err := d.db.Prepare("select all_watched from movie where rowid = ?")
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at prepare: %s", err)

	// get all watched times from the db
	var when string
	err = stmt.QueryRow(dto.Id).Scan(&when)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at queryrow: %s", err)

	// create an array with all watched times
	var watched_times []string
	if when != "" {
		watched_times = strings.Split(when, "|")

	// convert incoming watched time to sane format
	watched, err := parseToday(dto.Last_Watched)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at parseToday: %s", err)
	last_watched := watched.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)

	// add last watched to array, only if it doesn't already exist
	if !strings.Contains(when, last_watched) {
		watched_times = append(watched_times, last_watched)

	// this sorts the dates in ascending order by default

	// set final variables
	last_watched = watched_times[len(watched_times)-1]
	count_watched := uint64(len(watched_times))
	all_watched := strings.Join(watched_times, "|")

	// var all_watched string
	// count_watched := dto.Count_Watched
	// if !strings.Contains(dto.All_Watched, dto.Last_Watched) {
	// 	count_watched++
	// 	if dto.All_Watched == "" {
	// 		all_watched = dto.Last_Watched
	// 	} else {
	// 		all_watched += "|" + dto.Last_Watched
	// 	}
	// }

	tx, err := d.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at begin: %s", err)

	stmt, err = tx.Prepare(`update movie set 
								last_watched = ?, 
								all_watched = ?, 
								count_watched = ?, 
								modified = ? 
								where rowid = ?`)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at prepare: %s", err)
	defer stmt.Close()

	_, err = stmt.Exec(last_watched, all_watched, count_watched, now, dto.Id)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("at exec: %s", err)

	mlog.Info("FINISHED UPDATING MOVIE WATCHED DATE [%d] %s", dto.Id, dto.Title)

	dto.All_Watched = all_watched
	dto.Count_Watched = count_watched
	dto.Modified = now

	msg.Reply <- dto
Ejemplo n.º 12
func (d *Dal) regularSearch(options *lib.Options) (total uint64, movies []*model.Movie) {
	mlog.Info("searchMovies.options: %+v", options)

	tx, err := d.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("searchMovies:Unable to begin transaction: %s", err)

	term := options.Query + "*"
	args := options.FilterBy

	mlog.Info("this is: %s %s", term, args)

	// if self.searchArgs != args {
	// self.searchArgs = args

	countQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`select count(*) from movie dt, %s vt 
		where vt.%s match ? and dt.rowid = vt.docid;`,
		"movie"+options.FilterBy, "movie"+options.FilterBy)

	stmt, err := tx.Prepare(countQuery)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("searchMovies:Unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)
	defer stmt.Close()

	mlog.Info("searchMovies:CountQuery:%s", countQuery)

	var count uint64
	err = stmt.QueryRow(term).Scan(&count)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("searchMovies:Unable to count rows: %s", err)

	listQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`select dt.rowid, dt.title, dt.original_title, dt.year, dt.runtime, 
			dt.tmdb_id, dt.imdb_id, dt.overview, dt.tagline, dt.resolution, 
			dt.filetype, dt.location, dt.cover, dt.backdrop, dt.genres, dt.vote_average, 
			dt.vote_count, dt.countries, dt.added, dt.modified, dt.last_watched, 
			dt.all_watched, dt.count_watched, dt.score, dt.director, dt.writer, dt.actors, 
			dt.awards, dt.imdb_rating, dt.imdb_votes
			from movie dt, %s vt 
			where vt.%s match ? and dt.rowid = vt.docid order by dt.%s %s limit ? offset ?`,
		"movie"+options.FilterBy, "movie"+options.FilterBy, options.SortBy, options.SortOrder)

	// mlog.Info("my main man: %s", sql)

	stmt, err = tx.Prepare(listQuery)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("searchMovies:listQuery:Unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)
	defer stmt.Close()

	rows, err := stmt.Query(term, options.Limit, options.Offset)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("searchMovies:listQuery:Unable to begin transaction: %s", err)

	items := make([]*model.Movie, 0)

	for rows.Next() {
		movie := model.Movie{}
		rows.Scan(&movie.Id, &movie.Title, &movie.Original_Title, &movie.Year, &movie.Runtime, &movie.Tmdb_Id, &movie.Imdb_Id, &movie.Overview, &movie.Tagline, &movie.Resolution, &movie.FileType, &movie.Location, &movie.Cover, &movie.Backdrop, &movie.Genres, &movie.Vote_Average, &movie.Vote_Count, &movie.Production_Countries, &movie.Added, &movie.Modified, &movie.Last_Watched, &movie.All_Watched, &movie.Count_Watched, &movie.Score, &movie.Director, &movie.Writer, &movie.Actors, &movie.Awards, &movie.Imdb_Rating, &movie.Imdb_Votes)
		// movie := &model.Movie{}
		// rows.Scan(movie.Id, movie.Title, movie.Original_Title, movie.Year, movie.Runtime, movie.Tmdb_Id, movie.Imdb_Id, movie.Overview, movie.Tagline, movie.Resolution, movie.FileType, movie.Location, movie.Cover, movie.Backdrop)
		// mlog.Info("title: (%s)", movie.Title)
		items = append(items, &movie)


	mlog.Info("searchMovies:Listed %d movies (total %d)", len(items), count)

	return count, items
Ejemplo n.º 13
func (d *Dal) searchByYear(options *lib.Options) (total uint64, movies []*model.Movie) {
	var start, end, year uint64
	var decade bool = false

	if strings.Contains(options.Query, "-") {
		decade = true
		parts := strings.Split(options.Query, "-")

		start, _ = strconv.ParseUint(parts[0], 0, 64)
		end, _ = strconv.ParseUint(parts[1], 0, 64)
	} else {
		year, _ = strconv.ParseUint(options.Query, 0, 64)

	var countQuery string
	if decade {
		countQuery = `select count(*) from movie where year between ? and ?;`
	} else {
		countQuery = `select count(*) from movie where year = ?;`

	// mlog.Info("this is: %s %s", term, args)

	tx, err := d.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("searchByYear:Unable to begin transaction: %s", err)

	stmt, err := tx.Prepare(countQuery)
	if err != nil {
		mlog.Fatalf("searchByYear:Unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)
	defer stmt.Close()

	var count uint64

	var rows *sql.Rows
	if decade {
		err = stmt.QueryRow(start, end).Scan(&count)
		if err != nil {
			mlog.Fatalf("searchByYear:Unable to count rows: %s", err)

		sql := fmt.Sprintf(`select rowid, title, original_title, file_title, year, runtime, tmdb_id, imdb_id, 
					overview, tagline, resolution, filetype, location, cover, backdrop, genres, vote_average, 
					vote_count, countries, added, modified, last_watched, all_watched, count_watched, score, 
					director, writer, actors, awards, imdb_rating, imdb_votes 
					from movie where year between ? and ? order by %s %s, rowid desc limit ? offset ?`, options.SortBy, options.SortOrder)

		stmt, err := tx.Prepare(sql)
		if err != nil {
			mlog.Fatalf("Unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)
		defer stmt.Close()

		rows, err = stmt.Query(start, end, options.Limit, options.Offset)
		if err != nil {
			mlog.Fatalf("Unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)
	} else {
		err = stmt.QueryRow(year).Scan(&count)
		if err != nil {
			mlog.Fatalf("searchByYear:Unable to count rows: %s", err)

		sql := fmt.Sprintf(`select rowid, title, original_title, file_title, year, runtime, tmdb_id, imdb_id, 
					overview, tagline, resolution, filetype, location, cover, backdrop, genres, vote_average, 
					vote_count, countries, added, modified, last_watched, all_watched, count_watched, score, 
					director, writer, actors, awards, imdb_rating, imdb_votes 
					from movie where year = ? order by %s %s, rowid desc limit ? offset ?`, options.SortBy, options.SortOrder)

		mlog.Info("sql.: %s", sql)

		stmt, err := tx.Prepare(sql)
		if err != nil {
			mlog.Fatalf("Unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)
		defer stmt.Close()

		rows, err = stmt.Query(year, options.Limit, options.Offset)
		if err != nil {
			mlog.Fatalf("Unable to prepare transaction: %s", err)

	items := make([]*model.Movie, 0)

	for rows.Next() {
		movie := model.Movie{}
			&movie.Id, &movie.Title, &movie.Original_Title, &movie.File_Title, &movie.Year,
			&movie.Runtime, &movie.Tmdb_Id, &movie.Imdb_Id, &movie.Overview, &movie.Tagline,
			&movie.Resolution, &movie.FileType, &movie.Location, &movie.Cover, &movie.Backdrop,
			&movie.Genres, &movie.Vote_Average, &movie.Vote_Count, &movie.Production_Countries,
			&movie.Added, &movie.Modified, &movie.Last_Watched, &movie.All_Watched,
			&movie.Count_Watched, &movie.Score, &movie.Director, &movie.Writer, &movie.Actors,
			&movie.Awards, &movie.Imdb_Rating, &movie.Imdb_Votes,
		// movie := &model.Movie{}
		// rows.Scan(movie.Id, movie.Title, movie.Original_Title, movie.Year, movie.Runtime, movie.Tmdb_Id, movie.Imdb_Id, movie.Overview, movie.Tagline, movie.Resolution, movie.FileType, movie.Location, movie.Cover, movie.Backdrop)
		// mlog.Info("title: (%s)", movie.Title)
		items = append(items, &movie)
		// mlog.Info("movie: %+v:", movie)


	mlog.Info("searchByYear:Listed %d movies (total %d)", len(items), count)

	return count, items