Ejemplo n.º 1
// ReportLeaders returns a string of the leaderboard
func ReportLeaders(ag *accessors.AccessorGroup) string {
	users := ag.GetAllUsers()
	pValues := []models.PortfolioValue{}

	// Compile portfolio data
	for _, user := range users {
		portfolio := ag.GetPortfolio(user.UserID)
		worth := portfolio.Turnips

		if worth != 1000000 && len(portfolio.Investments) > 0 {
			for _, value := range portfolio.Investments {
				if value.Quantity > 0 {
					price := models.CheckStock(value.Ticker).Price
					worth = worth + price*value.Quantity

			pValues = append(pValues, models.PortfolioValue{UserID: user.UserID, Username: user.Username, Value: worth})

	// Sort the portfolios by value

	message := []string{}
	message = append(message, fmt.Sprintf("*End of the Day Leaderboard*"))
	// Run through the sorted values and compile the message
	for _, pValue := range pValues {
		message = append(message, fmt.Sprintf("<@%s|%s> has a net worth of %s turnips.", pValue.UserID, pValue.Username, Comma(pValue.Value)))

	response := strings.Join(message, "\\n") // Double escape the newline because Slack incoming webhooks are obsessive with JSON formatting while the /slash-command "endpoints" are now

	return response
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Buy buys a given number of stocks for the user
func Buy(userID string, quantity int, symbol string, ag *accessors.AccessorGroup) string {
	if !MarketOpen() {
		return fmt.Sprintf("The Stalk Market is currently closed.")

	stock := models.CheckStock(symbol)
	user := ag.GetUser(userID)

	if stock.Name == "N/A" || stock.Price == 0 {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s does not appear to be a valid stock...\n", strings.ToUpper(symbol)) // Return the price through the API endpoint

	// Make sure they have enough turnips to buy
	if user.Turnips < stock.Price*quantity {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s shares of %s costs %s turnips and you have %s turnips.\n", Comma(quantity), strings.ToUpper(symbol), Comma(stock.Price*quantity), Comma(user.Turnips)) // Return information about a user's portfolio

	ag.SubtractTurnips(userID, stock.Price*quantity)

	if quantity == 0 {
		quantity = 1

	ag.AddShares(userID, symbol, quantity)

	Webhook(fmt.Sprintf("<@%s|%s> purchased %s share(s) of %s for %s turnips.", user.UserID, user.Username, Comma(quantity), strings.ToUpper(symbol), Comma(stock.Price*quantity)))

	return fmt.Sprintf("%s turnips were spent to add %s share(s) of %s to your portfolio.\n", Comma(stock.Price*quantity), Comma(quantity), strings.ToUpper(symbol)) // Return information about a user's portfolio
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Check checks the given symbol for current price
func Check(symbol string) string {
	stock := models.CheckStock(symbol)

	if stock.Name != "N/A" && stock.Price > 0 { // Make sure Yahoo gave us a valid stock
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s) is currently worth %s turnips (%s).\n", stock.Name, strings.ToUpper(symbol), Comma(stock.Price), stock.Change) // Return the price through the API endpoint
	} else {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s does not appear to be a valid stock...\n", strings.ToUpper(symbol)) // Return the price through the API endpoint
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Portfolio gets the given user's portfolio and returns it in string form
func Portfolio(userID string, ag *accessors.AccessorGroup) string {
	portfolio := ag.GetPortfolio(userID)
	message := []string{}
	worth := portfolio.Turnips

	message = append(message, fmt.Sprintf("You have %s turnips in your wallet.", Comma(portfolio.Turnips)))

	for _, value := range portfolio.Investments {
		if value.Quantity > 0 {
			price := models.CheckStock(value.Ticker).Price
			worth = worth + price*value.Quantity
			message = append(message, fmt.Sprintf("You have %s share(s) of %s worth %s turnips total.", Comma(value.Quantity), value.Ticker, Comma(price*value.Quantity)))

	message = append(message, fmt.Sprintf("Your net worth is %s turnips.", Comma(worth)))

	response := strings.Join(message, "\n")

	return response
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Sell sells a given number of the user's holdings in the symbol
func Sell(userID string, quantity int, symbol string, ag *accessors.AccessorGroup) string {
	if !MarketOpen() {
		return fmt.Sprintf("The Stalk Market is currently closed.")

	stock := models.CheckStock(symbol)
	user := ag.GetUser(userID)

	if stock.Name == "N/A" || stock.Price == 0 {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s does not appear to be a valid stock...\n", strings.ToUpper(symbol)) // Return the price through the API endpoint

	holdings := ag.GetShare(userID, symbol)
	if holdings >= quantity { // If we successfully sell
		ag.SubtractShares(userID, symbol, quantity)
		ag.AddTurnips(userID, stock.Price*quantity) // Add turnips to our wallet
	} else { // Else return a human-readable error
		return fmt.Sprintf("You do not have enough shares of %s to sell %s. You have %s shares.\n", strings.ToUpper(symbol), Comma(quantity), Comma(holdings)) // Return information about a user's portfolio

	Webhook(fmt.Sprintf("<@%s|%s> sold %s share(s) of %s for %s turnips.", user.UserID, user.Username, Comma(quantity), strings.ToUpper(symbol), Comma(stock.Price*quantity)))

	return fmt.Sprintf("%s share(s) of %s have been sold for a total of %s turnips.\n", Comma(quantity), strings.ToUpper(symbol), Comma(quantity*stock.Price)) // Return information about a user's portfolio