Ejemplo n.º 1
func (sm *StreamManager) parseStream(streamDecoder *json.Decoder, streamEncoder *json.Encoder) error {
	for {
		var decodedJson map[string]interface{}
		if e := streamDecoder.Decode(&decodedJson); e != nil {
			return e
		if _, ok := sm.IncludeFilter[decodedJson["type"].(string)]; ok || len(sm.IncludeFilter) == 0 {
			if e := streamEncoder.Encode(&decodedJson); e != nil {
				return e
Ejemplo n.º 2
func downloadFile(downloadFileDetails *DownloadFileDetails, logMsgPrefix string, flags *DownloadFlags) error {
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetArtifactoryHttpClientDetails(flags.ArtDetails)
	bulkDownload := flags.SplitCount == 0 || flags.MinSplitSize < 0 || flags.MinSplitSize*1000 > downloadFileDetails.Size
	if !bulkDownload {
		acceptRange, err := isFileAcceptRange(downloadFileDetails, flags)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		bulkDownload = !acceptRange
	if bulkDownload {
		resp, err := ioutils.DownloadFile(downloadFileDetails.DownloadPath, downloadFileDetails.LocalPath, downloadFileDetails.LocalFileName, httpClientsDetails)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		log.Debug(logMsgPrefix, "Artifactory response:", resp.Status)
	} else {
		concurrentDownloadFlags := ioutils.ConcurrentDownloadFlags{
			DownloadPath: downloadFileDetails.DownloadPath,
			FileName:     downloadFileDetails.LocalFileName,
			LocalPath:    downloadFileDetails.LocalPath,
			FileSize:     downloadFileDetails.Size,
			SplitCount:   flags.SplitCount}

		ioutils.DownloadFileConcurrently(concurrentDownloadFlags, logMsgPrefix, httpClientsDetails)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
func moveFile(sourcePath, destPath string, flags *MoveFlags, moveType MoveType) (bool, error) {
	message := moveMsgs[moveType].MovingMsg + " artifact: " + sourcePath + " to: " + destPath
	if flags.DryRun == true {
		log.Info("[Dry run] ", message)
		return true, nil


	moveUrl := flags.ArtDetails.Url
	restApi := "api/" + string(moveType) + "/" + sourcePath
	requestFullUrl, err := BuildArtifactoryUrl(moveUrl, restApi, map[string]string{"to": destPath})
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	httpClientsDetails := GetArtifactoryHttpClientDetails(flags.ArtDetails)
	resp, body, err := ioutils.SendPost(requestFullUrl, nil, httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		log.Error("Artifactory response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body))

	log.Debug("Artifactory response:", resp.Status)
	return resp.StatusCode == 200, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
func GpgSignFile(pathDetails *utils.PathDetails, passphrase string, bintrayDetails *config.BintrayDetails) error {
	if bintrayDetails.User == "" {
		bintrayDetails.User = pathDetails.Subject
	url := bintrayDetails.ApiUrl + "gpg/" + pathDetails.Subject + "/" +
		pathDetails.Repo + "/" + pathDetails.Path

	var data string
	if passphrase != "" {
		data = "{ \"passphrase\": \"" + passphrase + "\" }"

	log.Info("GPG signing file...")
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(bintrayDetails)
	resp, body, err := ioutils.SendPost(url, []byte(data), httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("GPG signed file", pathDetails.Path, ", details:")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
func ShowVersion(versionDetails *utils.VersionDetails, bintrayDetails *config.BintrayDetails) error {
	if bintrayDetails.User == "" {
		bintrayDetails.User = versionDetails.Subject
	version := versionDetails.Version
	if versionDetails.Version == "" {
		versionDetails.Version = "_latest"
		version = "latest"

	url := bintrayDetails.ApiUrl + "packages/" + versionDetails.Subject + "/" +
		versionDetails.Repo + "/" + versionDetails.Package + "/versions/" + versionDetails.Version

	log.Info("Getting version details...")
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(bintrayDetails)
	resp, body, _, _ := ioutils.SendGet(url, true, httpClientsDetails)

	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Version", version, "details:")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
func DeleteFiles(resultItems []utils.AqlSearchResultItem, flags *DeleteFlags) error {
	for _, v := range resultItems {
		fileUrl, err := utils.BuildArtifactoryUrl(flags.ArtDetails.Url, v.GetFullUrl(), make(map[string]string))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if flags.DryRun {
			log.Info("[Dry run] Deleting:", v.GetFullUrl())

		log.Info("Deleting:", v.GetFullUrl())
		httpClientsDetails := utils.GetArtifactoryHttpClientDetails(flags.ArtDetails)
		resp, body, err := ioutils.SendDelete(fileUrl, nil, httpClientsDetails)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if resp.StatusCode != 204 {
			return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Artifactory response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

		log.Debug("Artifactory response:", resp.Status)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
func AqlSearch(aqlQuery string, flags AqlSearchFlag) ([]AqlSearchResultItem, error) {
	aqlUrl := flags.GetArtifactoryDetails().Url + "api/search/aql"
	log.Debug("Searching Artifactory using AQL query:", aqlQuery)

	httpClientsDetails := GetArtifactoryHttpClientDetails(flags.GetArtifactoryDetails())
	resp, json, err := ioutils.SendPost(aqlUrl, []byte(aqlQuery), httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return nil, cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Artifactory response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(json)))

	log.Debug("Artifactory response: ", resp.Status)
	resultItems, err := parseAqlSearchResponse(json)
	return resultItems, err
Ejemplo n.º 8
func BuildPublish(buildName, buildNumber string, flags *utils.BuildInfoFlags) error {
	err := utils.PreCommandSetup(flags)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	buildData, err := utils.ReadBuildInfoFiles(buildName, buildNumber)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(buildData) == 0 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(fmt.Errorf("Can't find any files related to build name: %q, number: %q", buildName, buildNumber))
	buildInfo := createNewBuildInfo()
	buildInfo.Name = buildName
	buildInfo.Number = buildNumber
	buildGeneralDetails, err := utils.ReadBuildInfoGeneralDetails(buildName, buildNumber)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	buildInfo.Started = buildGeneralDetails.Timestamp.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000-0700")
	artifactsSet, dependenciesSet, env, err := prepareBuildInfoData(buildData, createIncludeFilter(flags), createExcludeFilter(flags))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(env) != 0 {
		buildInfo.Propertires = env
	module := createModule(buildName, artifactsSet, dependenciesSet)
	buildInfo.Modules = append(buildInfo.Modules, module)
	marshaledBuildInfo, err := json.Marshal(buildInfo)
	if cliutils.CheckError(err) != nil {
		return err
	if flags.IsDryRun() {
		return nil
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetArtifactoryHttpClientDetails(flags.ArtDetails)
	utils.SetContentType("application/vnd.org.jfrog.artifactory+json", &httpClientsDetails.Headers)
	log.Info("Deploying build info...")
	resp, body, err := utils.PublishBuildInfo(flags.ArtDetails.Url, marshaledBuildInfo, httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 204 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Artifactory response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Artifactory response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Build info successfully deployed. Browse it in Artifactory under " + flags.ArtDetails.Url + "webapp/builds/" + buildName + "/" + buildNumber)
	if err = utils.RemoveBuildDir(buildName, buildNumber); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 9
func BuildDistribute(buildName, buildNumber, targetRepo string, flags *BuildDistributionFlags) error {
	err := utils.PreCommandSetup(flags)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	dryRun := ""
	if flags.DryRun == true {
		dryRun = "[Dry run] "
	message := "Destributing build..."
	log.Info(dryRun + message)

	distributeUrl := flags.ArtDetails.Url
	restApi := path.Join("api/build/distribute/", buildName, buildNumber)
	requestFullUrl, err := utils.BuildArtifactoryUrl(distributeUrl, restApi, make(map[string]string))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	data := BuildDistributionConfig{
		SourceRepos:           strings.Split(flags.SourceRepos, ","),
		TargetRepo:            targetRepo,
		Publish:               flags.Publish,
		OverrideExistingFiles: flags.OverrideExistingFiles,
		GpgPassphrase:         flags.GpgPassphrase,
		Async:                 flags.Async,
		DryRun:                flags.DryRun}
	requestContent, err := json.Marshal(data)
	if err != nil {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Failed to execute request. " + cliutils.GetDocumentationMessage()))

	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetArtifactoryHttpClientDetails(flags.ArtDetails)
	utils.SetContentType("application/json", &httpClientsDetails.Headers)

	resp, body, err := ioutils.SendPost(requestFullUrl, requestContent, httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Artifactory response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Artifactory response:", resp.Status)
	if flags.Async && !flags.DryRun {
		log.Info("Asynchronously distributed build", buildName, "#"+buildNumber, "to:", targetRepo, "repository, logs are avalable in Artifactory.")
		return nil

	log.Info(dryRun+"Distributed build", buildName, "#"+buildNumber, "to:", targetRepo, "repository.")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 10
func downloadAqlResult(dependecies []DownloadData, flags *DownloadFlags) (buildDependencies [][]utils.DependenciesBuildInfo, err error) {
	size := len(dependecies)
	buildDependencies = make([][]utils.DependenciesBuildInfo, flags.Threads)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for i := 0; i < flags.Threads; i++ {
		go func(threadId int) {
			logMsgPrefix := cliutils.GetLogMsgPrefix(threadId, flags.DryRun)
			for j := threadId; j < size && err == nil; j += flags.Threads {
				downloadPath, e := utils.BuildArtifactoryUrl(flags.ArtDetails.Url, dependecies[j].Dependency.GetFullUrl(), make(map[string]string))
				if e != nil {
					err = e
				log.Info(logMsgPrefix+"Downloading", dependecies[j].Dependency.GetFullUrl())
				if flags.DryRun {

				regexpPattern := cliutils.PathToRegExp(dependecies[j].DownloadPath)
				placeHolderTarget, e := cliutils.ReformatRegexp(regexpPattern, dependecies[j].Dependency.GetFullUrl(), dependecies[j].Target)
				if e != nil {
					err = e
				localPath, localFileName := ioutils.GetLocalPathAndFile(dependecies[j].Dependency.Name, dependecies[j].Dependency.Path, placeHolderTarget, dependecies[j].Flat)
				shouldDownload, e := shouldDownloadFile(path.Join(localPath, dependecies[j].Dependency.Name), dependecies[j].Dependency.Actual_Md5, dependecies[j].Dependency.Actual_Sha1)
				if e != nil {
					err = e
				dependency := createBuildDependencyItem(dependecies[j].Dependency)
				if !shouldDownload {
					buildDependencies[threadId] = append(buildDependencies[threadId], dependency)
					log.Debug(logMsgPrefix, "File already exists locally.")

				downloadFileDetails := createDownloadFileDetails(downloadPath, localPath, localFileName, nil, dependecies[j].Dependency.Size)
				e = downloadFile(downloadFileDetails, logMsgPrefix, flags)
				if e != nil {
					err = e
				buildDependencies[threadId] = append(buildDependencies[threadId], dependency)
Ejemplo n.º 11
func ShowAccessKey(flags *AccessKeyFlags, org string) (err error) {
	url := GetAccessKeyPath(flags.BintrayDetails, flags.Id, org)
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(flags.BintrayDetails)
	log.Info("Getting access key...")
	resp, body, _, _ := ioutils.SendGet(url, true, httpClientsDetails)
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Access keys details:")
Ejemplo n.º 12
func ShowAccessKeys(bintrayDetails *config.BintrayDetails, org string) error {
	path := GetAccessKeysPath(bintrayDetails, org)
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(bintrayDetails)
	log.Info("Getting access keys...")
	resp, body, _, _ := ioutils.SendGet(path, true, httpClientsDetails)
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Access keys details:")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 13
func CreateVersion(versionDetails *utils.VersionDetails, flags *utils.VersionFlags) error {
	log.Info("Creating version...")
	resp, body, err := doCreateVersion(versionDetails, flags, flags.BintrayDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 201 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))
	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Created version", versionDetails.Version+", details:")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 14
func CreatePackage(packageDetails *utils.VersionDetails, flags *utils.PackageFlags) error {
	log.Info("Creating package...")
	resp, body, err := DoCreatePackage(packageDetails, flags)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 201 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Created package", packageDetails.Package+", details:")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 15
func (sm *StreamManager) handleStream(ioReader io.Reader, writer io.Writer, lastServerInteraction *time.Time) {
	bodyReader := bufio.NewReader(ioReader)
	pReader, pWriter := io.Pipe()
	defer pWriter.Close()
	go func() {
		defer pReader.Close()
		for {
			line, _, err := bodyReader.ReadLine()
			if err != nil {
			*lastServerInteraction = time.Now()
			_, err = pWriter.Write(line)
			if err != nil {
	streamDecoder := json.NewDecoder(pReader)
	streamEncoder := json.NewEncoder(writer)
	sm.parseStream(streamDecoder, streamEncoder)
Ejemplo n.º 16
func DeleteAccessKey(flags *AccessKeyFlags, org string) error {
	url := GetAccessKeyPath(flags.BintrayDetails, flags.Id, org)
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(flags.BintrayDetails)
	log.Info("Deleting access key...")
	resp, body, err := ioutils.SendDelete(url, nil, httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Deleted access key.")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 17
func UpdateAccessKey(flags *AccessKeyFlags, org string) error {
	data := BuildAccessKeyJson(flags, false)
	url := GetAccessKeyPath(flags.BintrayDetails, flags.Id, org)
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(flags.BintrayDetails)
	log.Info("Updating access key...")
	resp, body, err := ioutils.SendPatch(url, []byte(data), httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Updated access key, details:")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 18
func ShowPackage(packageDetails *utils.VersionDetails, bintrayDetails *config.BintrayDetails) (err error) {
	if bintrayDetails.User == "" {
		bintrayDetails.User = packageDetails.Subject
	url := bintrayDetails.ApiUrl + "packages/" + packageDetails.Subject + "/" +
		packageDetails.Repo + "/" + packageDetails.Package

	log.Info("Getting package details...")
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(bintrayDetails)
	resp, body, _, _ := ioutils.SendGet(url, true, httpClientsDetails)
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Package", packageDetails.Package, "details:")
Ejemplo n.º 19
func LogsList(packageDetails *utils.VersionDetails, details *config.BintrayDetails) error {
	if details.User == "" {
		details.User = packageDetails.Subject
	path := details.ApiUrl + "packages/" + packageDetails.Subject + "/" +
		packageDetails.Repo + "/" + packageDetails.Package + "/logs/"
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(details)
	log.Info("Getting logs...")
	resp, body, _, _ := ioutils.SendGet(path, true, httpClientsDetails)

	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Log details:")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 20
func ShowEntitlement(flags *EntitlementFlags, details *utils.VersionDetails) error {
	url := BuildEntitlementUrl(flags.BintrayDetails, details, flags.Id)
	if flags.BintrayDetails.User == "" {
		flags.BintrayDetails.User = details.Subject
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(flags.BintrayDetails)
	log.Info("Getting entitlement...")
	resp, body, _, err := ioutils.SendGet(url, true, httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Entitlement details:")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 21
func DownloadLog(packageDetails *utils.VersionDetails, logName string,
	details *config.BintrayDetails) error {
	if details.User == "" {
		details.User = packageDetails.Subject
	path := details.ApiUrl + "packages/" + packageDetails.Subject + "/" +
		packageDetails.Repo + "/" + packageDetails.Package + "/logs/" + logName
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(details)
	log.Info("Downloading logs...")
	resp, err := ioutils.DownloadFile(path, "", logName, httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status))
	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Downloaded log.")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 22
func uploadFile(artifact cliutils.Artifact, url, logMsgPrefix string, bintrayDetails *config.BintrayDetails) (bool, error) {
	log.Info(logMsgPrefix+"Uploading artifact:", artifact.LocalPath)

	f, err := os.Open(artifact.LocalPath)
	err = cliutils.CheckError(err)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	defer f.Close()
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(bintrayDetails)
	resp, body, err := ioutils.UploadFile(f, url, httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	log.Debug(logMsgPrefix+"Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	if resp.StatusCode != 201 && resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		log.Error(logMsgPrefix + "Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body))

	return resp.StatusCode == 201 || resp.StatusCode == 200, nil
Ejemplo n.º 23
func UpdateEntitlement(flags *EntitlementFlags, details *utils.VersionDetails) error {
	path := BuildEntitlementUrl(flags.BintrayDetails, details, flags.Id)
	if flags.BintrayDetails.User == "" {
		flags.BintrayDetails.User = details.Subject
	data := buildEntitlementJson(flags, true)
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(flags.BintrayDetails)
	log.Info("Updating entitlement...")
	resp, body, err := ioutils.SendPatch(path, []byte(data), httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Updated entitlement, details:")
	return err
Ejemplo n.º 24
func DeleteVersion(versionDetails *utils.VersionDetails, bintrayDetails *config.BintrayDetails) error {
	if bintrayDetails.User == "" {
		bintrayDetails.User = versionDetails.Subject
	url := bintrayDetails.ApiUrl + "packages/" + versionDetails.Subject + "/" +
		versionDetails.Repo + "/" + versionDetails.Package + "/versions/" + versionDetails.Version

	log.Info("Deleting version...")
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(bintrayDetails)
	resp, body, err := ioutils.SendDelete(url, nil, httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Deleted version", versionDetails.Version+".")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 25
func createVersionIfNeeded(versionDetails *utils.VersionDetails, uploadFlags *UploadFlags) error {
	log.Info("Verifying version", versionDetails.Version, "exists...")
	resp, err := utils.HeadVersion(versionDetails, uploadFlags.BintrayDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
		log.Info("Creating version...")
		resp, body, err := DoCreateVersion(versionDetails, uploadFlags.BintrayDetails)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if resp.StatusCode != 201 {
			return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))
		log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
		log.Info("Created version", versionDetails.Version+".")
	} else if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		err = cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status))
	return err
Ejemplo n.º 26
func PublishVersion(versionDetails *utils.VersionDetails, bintrayDetails *config.BintrayDetails) error {
	if bintrayDetails.User == "" {
		bintrayDetails.User = versionDetails.Subject
	url := bintrayDetails.ApiUrl + "content/" + versionDetails.Subject + "/" +
		versionDetails.Repo + "/" + versionDetails.Package + "/" +
		versionDetails.Version + "/publish"

	log.Info("Publishing version...")
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(bintrayDetails)
	resp, body, err := ioutils.SendPost(url, nil, httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Published version", versionDetails.Version+", details:")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 27
func UpdatePackage(packageDetails *utils.VersionDetails, flags *utils.PackageFlags) error {
	if flags.BintrayDetails.User == "" {
		flags.BintrayDetails.User = packageDetails.Subject
	data := utils.CreatePackageJson(packageDetails.Package, flags)
	url := flags.BintrayDetails.ApiUrl + "packages/" + packageDetails.Subject + "/" +
		packageDetails.Repo + "/" + packageDetails.Package

	log.Info("Updating package...")
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(flags.BintrayDetails)
	resp, body, err := ioutils.SendPatch(url, []byte(data), httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Updated package", packageDetails.Package+".")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 28
func SignVersion(urlSigningDetails *utils.PathDetails, flags *UrlSigningFlags) error {
	if flags.BintrayDetails.User == "" {
		flags.BintrayDetails.User = urlSigningDetails.Subject
	path := urlSigningDetails.Subject + "/" + urlSigningDetails.Repo + "/" + urlSigningDetails.Path
	url := flags.BintrayDetails.ApiUrl + "signed_url/" + path
	data := builJson(flags)

	log.Info("Signing URL...")
	httpClientsDetails := utils.GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(flags.BintrayDetails)
	resp, body, err := ioutils.SendPost(url, []byte(data), httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + cliutils.IndentJson(body)))

	log.Debug("Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	log.Info("Signed URL", path+", details:")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 29
func DownloadBintrayFile(bintrayDetails *config.BintrayDetails, pathDetails *PathDetails, targetPath string,
	flags *DownloadFlags, logMsgPrefix string) (err error) {

	cleanPath := strings.Replace(pathDetails.Path, "(", "", -1)
	cleanPath = strings.Replace(cleanPath, ")", "", -1)
	downloadPath := path.Join(pathDetails.Subject, pathDetails.Repo, cleanPath)

	fileName, filePath := ioutils.GetFileAndDirFromPath(cleanPath)

	url := bintrayDetails.DownloadServerUrl + downloadPath
	if flags.IncludeUnpublished {
		url += "?include_unpublished=1"
	log.Info(logMsgPrefix+"Downloading", downloadPath)

	httpClientsDetails := GetBintrayHttpClientDetails(bintrayDetails)
	var details *ioutils.FileDetails
	details, err = ioutils.GetRemoteFileDetails(url, httpClientsDetails)
	if err != nil {
		err = cliutils.CheckError(errors.New("Bintray " + err.Error()))
		if err != nil {

	regexpPattern := cliutils.PathToRegExp(pathDetails.Path)
	placeHolderTarget, e := cliutils.ReformatRegexp(regexpPattern, cleanPath, targetPath)
	if e != nil {
		err = e

	localPath, localFileName := ioutils.GetLocalPathAndFile(fileName, filePath, placeHolderTarget, flags.Flat)
	var shouldDownload bool
	shouldDownload, err = shouldDownloadFile(path.Join(localPath, localFileName), details)
	if err != nil {
	if !shouldDownload {
		log.Info(logMsgPrefix, "File already exists locally.")

	// Check if the file should be downloaded concurrently.
	if flags.SplitCount == 0 || flags.MinSplitSize < 0 || flags.MinSplitSize*1000 > details.Size {
		// File should not be downloaded concurrently. Download it as one block.
		resp, err := ioutils.DownloadFile(url, localPath, localFileName, httpClientsDetails)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		log.Debug(logMsgPrefix, "Bintray response:", resp.Status)
	} else {
		// We should attempt to download the file concurrently, but only if it is provided through the DSN.
		// To check if the file is provided through the DSN, we first attempt to download the file
		// with 'follow redirect' disabled.

		var resp *http.Response
		var redirectUrl string
		resp, redirectUrl, err =
			ioutils.DownloadFileNoRedirect(url, localPath, localFileName, httpClientsDetails)
		// There are two options now. Either the file has just been downloaded as one block, or
		// we got a redirect to DSN download URL. In case of the later, we should download the file
		// concurrently from the DSN URL.
		// 'err' is not nil in case 'redirectUrl' was returned.
		if redirectUrl != "" {
			concurrentDownloadFlags := ioutils.ConcurrentDownloadFlags{
				DownloadPath: redirectUrl,
				FileName:     localFileName,
				LocalPath:    localPath,
				FileSize:     details.Size,
				SplitCount:   flags.SplitCount,
				Flat:         flags.Flat}

			ioutils.DownloadFileConcurrently(concurrentDownloadFlags, "", httpClientsDetails)
		} else {
			err = cliutils.CheckError(err)
			if err != nil {
			log.Info(logMsgPrefix, "Bintray response:", resp.Status)