Ejemplo n.º 1
func txNavRun(c *cmdapp.Command, args []string) {
	cmd = c
	var db jdh.DB
	if len(extDBFlag) != 0 {
		openExt(c, extDBFlag, "")
		db = extDB
	} else {
		db = localDB

	title := fmt.Sprintf("%s: please wait", c.Name)
	m := widget.NewMainWindow("main", title)
	geo := m.Property(sparta.Geometry).(image.Rectangle)
	widget.NewButton(m, "upTax", "up", image.Rect(5, 5, 5+(sparta.WidthUnit*10), 5+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2)))
	tx := widget.NewCanvas(m, "info", image.Rect(210, 10+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2), geo.Dx()-10, geo.Dy()-10))
	tx.SetProperty(sparta.Border, true)
	tx.Capture(sparta.Expose, txNavInfoExpose)
	wnd["info"] = tx
	l := widget.NewList(m, "taxonList", image.Rect(5, 10+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2), 200, geo.Dy()-10))
	wnd["taxonList"] = l

	m.Capture(sparta.Configure, txNavConf)
	m.Capture(sparta.Command, txNavComm)
	go txNavInitList(m, l, db, nil, 0)

Ejemplo n.º 2
func txEdRun(c *cmdapp.Command, args []string) {
	cmd = c
	title := fmt.Sprintf("%s: please wait", c.Name)
	m := widget.NewMainWindow("main", title)
	geo := m.Property(sparta.Geometry).(image.Rectangle)
	widget.NewButton(m, "upTax", "up", image.Rect(5, 5, 5+(sparta.WidthUnit*10), 5+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2)))
	widget.NewButton(m, "val", "validate", image.Rect(10+(sparta.WidthUnit*10), 5, 10+(sparta.WidthUnit*20), 5+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2)))
	widget.NewButton(m, "upVal", "up", image.Rect(270, 5, 270+(sparta.WidthUnit*10), 5+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2)))
	widget.NewButton(m, "syn", "syn ->", image.Rect(205, 10+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2), 205+(sparta.WidthUnit*10), 10+(6*sparta.HeightUnit/2)))
	widget.NewButton(m, "move", "move ->", image.Rect(205, 15+(6*sparta.HeightUnit/2), 205+(sparta.WidthUnit*10), 15+(9*sparta.HeightUnit/2)))

	l := widget.NewList(m, "taxonList", image.Rect(5, 10+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2), 200, geo.Dy()-10))
	wnd["taxonList"] = l

	s := widget.NewList(m, "validList", image.Rect(210+(sparta.WidthUnit*10), 10+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2), 405+(sparta.WidthUnit*10), geo.Dy()-10))
	wnd["validList"] = s

	m.Capture(sparta.Configure, txEdConf)
	m.Capture(sparta.Command, txEdComm)

	go func() {
		txEdInitList(m, l, nil, 0, true)
		txEdInitList(m, s, nil, 0, false)

Ejemplo n.º 3
func spNavRun(c *cmdapp.Command, args []string) {
	cmd = c
	var db jdh.DB
	db = localDB

	title := fmt.Sprintf("%s: please wait", c.Name)
	m := widget.NewMainWindow("main", title)
	geo := m.Property(sparta.Geometry).(image.Rectangle)
	widget.NewButton(m, "upTax", "up", image.Rect(5, 5, 5+(sparta.WidthUnit*10), 5+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2)))

	dy := geo.Dy() - 10 - (10 + (3 * sparta.HeightUnit / 2))

	l := widget.NewList(m, "taxonList", image.Rect(5, 10+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2), 200, (dy/2)+10+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2)))
	wnd["taxonList"] = l

	s := widget.NewList(m, "speList", image.Rect(210, 10+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2), 410, (dy/2)+10+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2)))
	wnd["speList"] = s

	tx := widget.NewCanvas(m, "info", image.Rect(5, (dy/2)+20+(3*sparta.HeightUnit/2), geo.Dx()-10, geo.Dy()-10))
	tx.SetProperty(sparta.Border, true)
	tx.Capture(sparta.Expose, spNavInfoExpose)
	wnd["info"] = tx

	m.Capture(sparta.Configure, spNavConf)
	m.Capture(sparta.Command, spNavComm)

	go func() {
		spNavInitTaxList(m, l, db, nil, 0)

Ejemplo n.º 4
func main() {
	// MainWindow is a rootless widget that can contain other widgets.
	// You can create as many as you want. You should drefine a name and
	// a title of the window (depending on the backend, this name will
	// be captured by the OS).
	// Names are not necessary, but it is a good practice to have names,
	// so this will make the identification of widgets earier (using the
	// sparta.Name property).
	widget.NewMainWindow("one", "Window one")
	widget.NewMainWindow("two", "Window two")

	// sparta.Run runs the event loop of the application backend.
Ejemplo n.º 5
func trViewRun(c *cmdapp.Command, args []string) {
	cmd = c
	title := fmt.Sprintf("%s: please wait", c.Name)
	m := widget.NewMainWindow("main", title)
	geo := m.Property(sparta.Geometry).(image.Rectangle)

	tv := widget.NewCanvas(m, "tree", image.Rect(0, 0, geo.Dx(), geo.Dy()))
	wnd["tree"] = tv
	tv.Capture(sparta.Expose, trViewExpose)
	tv.Capture(sparta.KeyEv, trViewKey)
	tv.Capture(sparta.Mouse, trViewMouse)

	m.Capture(sparta.Configure, trViewConf)
	go trViewInitList(m, tv)

Ejemplo n.º 6
func main() {

	// The main window.
	m := widget.NewMainWindow("main", "Event Window")

	// Functions to capture the events.
	// Capture close event.This event is produced when attepting to
	// close a rootless widget (such as MainWindow), or when a child
	// is closed.
	m.Capture(sparta.CloseEv, closeFunc)
	// Capture command event. This event is produced when another
	// process, or a widget send a message to another widget.
	m.Capture(sparta.Command, commandFunc)
	// Capture configure event. This event is produced when a widget
	// changes its size.
	m.Capture(sparta.Configure, configureFunc)
	// Capture Expose event. This event is produced when a previously
	// obscured part of a widget is exposed (in some backends, other
	// backends save obscured part of the widget and simply copy them
	// when the widget is exposed. Expose event are also produced when
	// the widget is resized (configure), and when an explicit update
	// method is called.
	m.Capture(sparta.Expose, exposeFunc)
	// Capture Key event. This event is produced when a key in the
	// keyboard is pressed or released.
	m.Capture(sparta.KeyEv, keyFunc)
	// Capture Mouse event. This event is produced when the mouse is
	// moved, a button is pressed or released.
	m.Capture(sparta.Mouse, mouseFunc)

	// this helper function is used to send command events to the window.
	// it will send a random number each second.
	go func() {
		for {
			time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
			sparta.SendEvent(m, sparta.CommandEvent{Value: rand.Intn(255)})

Ejemplo n.º 7
func main() {
	m := widget.NewMainWindow("main", "Canvas")

	// The method Property returns an interface of the asked property. If
	// the widget does not process that property, it will return nil.
	// sparta.Geometry is a property that indicate the dimensions (and
	// position) of the widget relative to its parent.
	geo := m.Property(sparta.Geometry).(image.Rectangle)

	// NewCanvas creates a new drawable canvas.
	sn := widget.NewCanvas(m, "sine", image.Rect(0, 0, geo.Dx()/2, geo.Dy()/2))
	// The method SetProperty sets a property in the widget.
	// We want that the widget have a border, so we set sparta.Border as true.
	sn.SetProperty(sparta.Border, true)
	// create the points for the sine function.
	pts := make([]image.Point, 1000)
	// set the initial values of the sine function.
	sine(pts, geo.Dx()/2, geo.Dy()/2)
	// sparta.Data is a property that store client defined data of a widget.
	sn.SetProperty(sparta.Data, pts)
	// We want to process the configure event, to update the position of
	// the sine points.
	sn.Capture(sparta.Configure, snConf)
	// We wnat to process the expose event, to draw the content of the widget.
	sn.Capture(sparta.Expose, snExpose)
	// We send and update request to guarantee that the content of the
	// widget will be drawn.

	pg := widget.NewCanvas(m, "polygon", image.Rect(geo.Dx()/2, 0, geo.Dx(), geo.Dy()/2))
	pg.SetProperty(sparta.Border, true)

	// We set the background of the widget to be light grey, using the
	// property sparta.Background.
	pg.SetProperty(sparta.Background, color.RGBA{190, 190, 190, 0})
	// We set the foreground of the widget (i.e. the color used to draw
	// objects to be drak grey, using the property sparta.Foreground.
	pg.SetProperty(sparta.Foreground, color.RGBA{90, 90, 90, 0})

	poly := []widget.Polygon{
		widget.Polygon{Pt: make([]image.Point, len(polyPts))},
		widget.Polygon{Pt: make([]image.Point, len(polyPts)), Fill: true},
	setPoly(poly, geo.Dx()-(geo.Dx()/2), geo.Dy()/2)
	pg.SetProperty(sparta.Data, poly)
	pg.Capture(sparta.Configure, pgConf)
	pg.Capture(sparta.Expose, pgExpose)

	ob := widget.NewCanvas(m, "objects", image.Rect(0, geo.Dy()/2, geo.Dx()/2, geo.Dy()))
	ob.SetProperty(sparta.Border, true)
	objs := &objData{
		l1: make([]image.Point, 2),
		l2: make([]image.Point, 2),
		arc: widget.Arc{
			Angle2: math.Pi * 2,
			Fill:   true,
	setObj(objs, geo.Dx()/2, geo.Dy()-(geo.Dy()/2))
	ob.SetProperty(sparta.Data, objs)
	ob.Capture(sparta.Configure, obConf)
	ob.Capture(sparta.Expose, obExpose)

	tx := widget.NewCanvas(m, "poem", image.Rect(geo.Dx()/2, geo.Dy()/2, geo.Dx(), geo.Dy()))
	tx.SetProperty(sparta.Border, true)
	// In sparta the size of a text glyph is given by sparta.HeightUnit
	// and sparta.WidthUnit.
	txtData := &pageData{
		pos:  0,
		page: (geo.Dy() - (geo.Dy() / 2)) / sparta.HeightUnit,
	tx.SetProperty(sparta.Data, txtData)
	tx.Capture(sparta.Configure, txConf)
	tx.Capture(sparta.Expose, txExpose)

	// To navigate the text we also capture the mouse and the keyboard.
	tx.Capture(sparta.Mouse, txMouse)
	tx.Capture(sparta.KeyEv, txKey)

	// We want to capture the mainwindow configure event so if the
	// mainWindow changes its size, we can update the size and position
	// of the all other widgets.
	m.Capture(sparta.Configure, mConf)
