Ejemplo n.º 1
// SetUbuntuUser creates an "ubuntu" use for unix systems so the juju client
// can access the machine using ssh with the configuration we expect.
// On precise, the default cloudinit version is too old to support the users
// option, so instead rely on the default user being created and adding keys.
// It may make sense in the future to add a "juju" user instead across
// all distributions.
func SetUbuntuUser(conf cloudinit.CloudConfig, authorizedKeys string) {
	targetSeries := conf.GetSeries()
	if targetSeries == "precise" {
	} else {
		var groups []string
		targetOS, _ := series.GetOSFromSeries(targetSeries)
		switch targetOS {
		case os.Ubuntu:
			groups = UbuntuGroups
		case os.CentOS:
			groups = CentOSGroups
			Name:              "ubuntu",
			Groups:            groups,
			Shell:             "/bin/bash",
			Sudo:              []string{"ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"},
			SSHAuthorizedKeys: authorizedKeys,