Ejemplo n.º 1
func (s *DebugHooksSuite) TestDebugHooksCommand(c *gc.C) {
	//TODO(bogdanteleaga): Fix once debughooks are supported on windows
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		c.Skip("bug 1403084: Skipping on windows for now")
	machines := s.makeMachines(3, c, true)
	dummy := s.AddTestingCharm(c, "dummy")
	srv := s.AddTestingService(c, "mysql", dummy)
	s.addUnit(srv, machines[0], c)

	srv = s.AddTestingService(c, "mongodb", dummy)
	s.addUnit(srv, machines[1], c)
	s.addUnit(srv, machines[2], c)

	for i, t := range debugHooksTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %s\n\t%s\n", i, t.info, t.args)
		ctx := coretesting.Context(c)

		debugHooksCmd := &debugHooksCommand{}
		debugHooksCmd.proxy = true
		err := modelcmd.Wrap(debugHooksCmd).Init(t.args)
		if err == nil {
			err = modelcmd.Wrap(debugHooksCmd).Run(ctx)
		if t.error != "" {
			c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.error)
		} else {
			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (s *UpgradeJujuSuite) TestResetPreviousUpgrade(c *gc.C) {
	fakeAPI := NewFakeUpgradeJujuAPI(c, s.State)

	ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
	var stdin bytes.Buffer
	ctx.Stdin = &stdin

	run := func(answer string, expect bool, args ...string) {
		if answer != "" {


		cmd := &upgradeJujuCommand{}
		err := coretesting.InitCommand(modelcmd.Wrap(cmd),
			append([]string{"--reset-previous-upgrade"}, args...))
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		err = modelcmd.Wrap(cmd).Run(ctx)
		if expect {
			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		} else {
			c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "previous upgrade not reset and no new upgrade triggered")

		c.Assert(fakeAPI.abortCurrentUpgradeCalled, gc.Equals, expect)
		expectedVersion := version.Number{}
		if expect {
			expectedVersion = fakeAPI.nextVersion.Number
		c.Assert(fakeAPI.setVersionCalledWith, gc.Equals, expectedVersion)

	const expectUpgrade = true
	const expectNoUpgrade = false

	// EOF on stdin - equivalent to answering no.
	run("", expectNoUpgrade)

	// -y on command line - no confirmation required
	run("", expectUpgrade, "-y")

	// --yes on command line - no confirmation required
	run("", expectUpgrade, "--yes")

	// various ways of saying "yes" to the prompt
	for _, answer := range []string{"y", "Y", "yes", "YES"} {
		run(answer, expectUpgrade)

	// various ways of saying "no" to the prompt
	for _, answer := range []string{"n", "N", "no", "foo"} {
		run(answer, expectNoUpgrade)
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (s *SCPSuite) TestSCPCommand(c *gc.C) {
	m := s.makeMachines(4, c, true)
	ch := testcharms.Repo.CharmDir("dummy")
	curl := charm.MustParseURL(
		fmt.Sprintf("local:quantal/%s-%d", ch.Meta().Name, ch.Revision()),
	info := state.CharmInfo{
		Charm:       ch,
		ID:          curl,
		StoragePath: "dummy-path",
		SHA256:      "dummy-1-sha256",
	dummyCharm, err := s.State.AddCharm(info)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	srv := s.AddTestingService(c, "mysql", dummyCharm)
	s.addUnit(srv, m[0], c)

	srv = s.AddTestingService(c, "mongodb", dummyCharm)
	s.addUnit(srv, m[1], c)
	s.addUnit(srv, m[2], c)
	srv = s.AddTestingService(c, "ipv6-svc", dummyCharm)
	s.addUnit(srv, m[3], c)
	// Simulate machine 3 has a public IPv6 address.
	ipv6Addr := network.NewScopedAddress("2001:db8::1", network.ScopePublic)
	err = m[3].SetProviderAddresses(ipv6Addr)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	for i, t := range scpTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %s -> %s\n", i, t.about, t.args)
		ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
		scpcmd := &scpCommand{}
		scpcmd.proxy = t.proxy

		err := modelcmd.Wrap(scpcmd).Init(t.args)
		c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		err = modelcmd.Wrap(scpcmd).Run(ctx)
		if t.error != "" {
			c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.error)
			c.Check(t.result, gc.Equals, "")
		} else {
			c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
			// we suppress stdout from scp
			c.Check(ctx.Stderr.(*bytes.Buffer).String(), gc.Equals, "")
			c.Check(ctx.Stdout.(*bytes.Buffer).String(), gc.Equals, "")
			data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(s.bin, "scp.args"))
			c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
			actual := string(data)
			if t.proxy {
				actual = strings.Replace(actual, ".dns", ".internal", 2)
			c.Check(actual, gc.Equals, t.result)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (s *UpgradeJujuSuite) TestBlockUpgradeInProgress(c *gc.C) {
	fakeAPI := NewFakeUpgradeJujuAPI(c, s.State)
	fakeAPI.setVersionErr = common.OperationBlockedError("the operation has been blocked")
	cmd := &upgradeJujuCommand{}
	err := coretesting.InitCommand(modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), []string{})
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	// Block operation
	s.BlockAllChanges(c, "TestBlockUpgradeInProgress")
	err = modelcmd.Wrap(cmd).Run(coretesting.Context(c))
	s.AssertBlocked(c, err, ".*To enable changes.*")
Ejemplo n.º 5
func NewRestoreCommandForTest(
	store jujuclient.ClientStore,
	api RestoreAPI,
	getArchive func(string) (ArchiveReader, *params.BackupsMetadataResult, error),
	newEnviron func(environs.OpenParams) (environs.Environ, error),
	getRebootstrapParams func(*cmd.Context, string, *params.BackupsMetadataResult) (*restoreBootstrapParams, error),
) cmd.Command {
	c := &restoreCommand{
		getArchiveFunc:           getArchive,
		newEnvironFunc:           newEnviron,
		getRebootstrapParamsFunc: getRebootstrapParams,
		newAPIClientFunc: func() (RestoreAPI, error) {
			return api, nil
		waitForAgentFunc: func(ctx *cmd.Context, c *modelcmd.ModelCommandBase, controllerName, hostedModelName string) error {
			return nil
	if getRebootstrapParams == nil {
		c.getRebootstrapParamsFunc = c.getRebootstrapParams
	if newEnviron == nil {
		c.newEnvironFunc = environs.New
	c.Log = &cmd.Log{}
	return modelcmd.Wrap(c)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func newVolumeListCommand() cmd.Command {
	cmd := &volumeListCommand{}
	cmd.newAPIFunc = func() (VolumeListAPI, error) {
		return cmd.NewStorageAPI()
	return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 7
func newFilesystemListCommand() cmd.Command {
	cmd := &filesystemListCommand{}
	cmd.newAPIFunc = func() (FilesystemListAPI, error) {
		return cmd.NewStorageAPI()
	return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 8
// NewDestroyCommand returns a command used to destroy a model.
func NewDestroyCommand() cmd.Command {
	return modelcmd.Wrap(
Ejemplo n.º 9
func NewDeployCommandWithDefaultAPI(steps []DeployStep) cmd.Command {
	deployCmd := &DeployCommand{Steps: steps}
	cmd := modelcmd.Wrap(deployCmd)
	deployCmd.NewAPIRoot = func() (DeployAPI, error) {
		apiRoot, err := deployCmd.ModelCommandBase.NewAPIRoot()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		bakeryClient, err := deployCmd.BakeryClient()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		cstoreClient := newCharmStoreClient(bakeryClient).WithChannel(deployCmd.Channel)

		adapter := &deployAPIAdapter{
			Connection:        apiRoot,
			apiClient:         &apiClient{Client: apiRoot.Client()},
			charmsClient:      &charmsClient{Client: apicharms.NewClient(apiRoot)},
			applicationClient: &applicationClient{Client: application.NewClient(apiRoot)},
			modelConfigClient: &modelConfigClient{Client: modelconfig.NewClient(apiRoot)},
			charmstoreClient:  &charmstoreClient{Client: cstoreClient},
			annotationsClient: &annotationsClient{Client: annotations.NewClient(apiRoot)},
			charmRepoClient:   &charmRepoClient{CharmStore: charmrepo.NewCharmStoreFromClient(cstoreClient)},

		return adapter, nil
	return cmd
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: add.go Proyecto: pmatulis/juju
func newAddCommand() cmd.Command {
	cmd := &addCommand{}
	cmd.newAPIFunc = func() (StorageAddAPI, error) {
		return cmd.NewStorageAPI()
	return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 11
// NewDestroyCommand returns a command used to destroy a model.
func NewDestroyCommand() cmd.Command {
	return modelcmd.Wrap(
Ejemplo n.º 12
func NewAddCommandForTest(api StorageAddAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command {
	cmd := &addCommand{newAPIFunc: func() (StorageAddAPI, error) {
		return api, nil
	return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 13
func NewPoolCreateCommandForTest(api PoolCreateAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command {
	cmd := &poolCreateCommand{newAPIFunc: func() (PoolCreateAPI, error) {
		return api, nil
	return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: show.go Proyecto: bac/juju
// NewShowCommand returns a command that shows storage details
// on the specified machine
func NewShowCommand() cmd.Command {
	cmd := &showCommand{}
	cmd.newAPIFunc = func() (StorageShowAPI, error) {
		return cmd.NewStorageAPI()
	return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 15
// NewListCommand returns a command for listing storage instances.
func NewListCommand() cmd.Command {
	cmd := &listCommand{}
	cmd.newAPIFunc = func() (StorageListAPI, error) {
		return cmd.NewStorageAPI()
	return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 16
func newDeleteImageMetadataCommand() cmd.Command {
	deleteCmd := &deleteImageMetadataCommand{}
	deleteCmd.newAPIFunc = func() (MetadataDeleteAPI, error) {
		return deleteCmd.NewImageMetadataAPI()
	return modelcmd.Wrap(deleteCmd)
Ejemplo n.º 17
func newPoolCreateCommand() cmd.Command {
	cmd := &poolCreateCommand{}
	cmd.newAPIFunc = func() (PoolCreateAPI, error) {
		return cmd.NewStorageAPI()
	return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 18
// NewEnableCommand returns a new command that eanbles previously disabled
// command sets.
func NewEnableCommand() cmd.Command {
	return modelcmd.Wrap(&enableCommand{
		apiFunc: func(c newAPIRoot) (unblockClientAPI, error) {
			return getBlockAPI(c)
Ejemplo n.º 19
func RunPlugin(ctx *cmd.Context, subcommand string, args []string) error {
	cmdName := JujuPluginPrefix + subcommand
	plugin := modelcmd.Wrap(&PluginCommand{name: cmdName})

	// We process common flags supported by Juju commands.
	// To do this, we extract only those supported flags from the
	// argument list to avoid confusing flags.Parse().
	flags := gnuflag.NewFlagSet(cmdName, gnuflag.ContinueOnError)
	jujuArgs := extractJujuArgs(args)
	if err := flags.Parse(false, jujuArgs); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := plugin.Init(args); err != nil {
		return err
	err := plugin.Run(ctx)
	_, execError := err.(*exec.Error)
	// exec.Error results are for when the executable isn't found, in
	// those cases, drop through.
	if !execError {
		return err
	return &cmd.UnrecognizedCommand{Name: subcommand}
Ejemplo n.º 20
func (s *UpgradeJujuSuite) TestUpgradeUnknownSeriesInStreams(c *gc.C) {
	fakeAPI := NewFakeUpgradeJujuAPI(c, s.State)

	cmd := &upgradeJujuCommand{}
	err := coretesting.InitCommand(modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), []string{})
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	err = modelcmd.Wrap(cmd).Run(coretesting.Context(c))
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	// ensure find tools was called
	c.Assert(fakeAPI.findToolsCalled, jc.IsTrue)
	c.Assert(fakeAPI.tools, gc.DeepEquals, []string{"2.1.0-weird-amd64", fakeAPI.nextVersion.String()})
Ejemplo n.º 21
// NewAddCommand returns an AddCommand with the api provided as specified.
func NewAddCommandForTest(api AddMachineAPI, mmApi MachineManagerAPI) (cmd.Command, *AddCommand) {
	cmd := &addCommand{
		api:               api,
		machineManagerAPI: mmApi,
	return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), &AddCommand{cmd}
Ejemplo n.º 22
func (*RunSuite) TestTimeoutArgParsing(c *gc.C) {
	for i, test := range []struct {
		message  string
		args     []string
		errMatch string
		timeout  time.Duration
		message: "default time",
		args:    []string{"--all", "sudo reboot"},
		timeout: 5 * time.Minute,
	}, {
		message:  "invalid time",
		args:     []string{"--timeout=foo", "--all", "sudo reboot"},
		errMatch: `invalid value "foo" for flag --timeout: time: invalid duration foo`,
	}, {
		message: "two hours",
		args:    []string{"--timeout=2h", "--all", "sudo reboot"},
		timeout: 2 * time.Hour,
	}, {
		message: "3 minutes 30 seconds",
		args:    []string{"--timeout=3m30s", "--all", "sudo reboot"},
		timeout: (3 * time.Minute) + (30 * time.Second),
	}} {
		c.Log(fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s", i, test.message))
		cmd := &runCommand{}
		runCmd := modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)
		testing.TestInit(c, runCmd, test.args, test.errMatch)
		if test.errMatch == "" {
			c.Check(cmd.timeout, gc.Equals, test.timeout)
Ejemplo n.º 23
func (s *ModelCommandSuite) TestWrapWithoutFlags(c *gc.C) {
	cmd := new(testCommand)
	wrapped := modelcmd.Wrap(cmd, modelcmd.ModelSkipFlags)
	args := []string{"-m", "testenv"}
	err := cmdtesting.InitCommand(wrapped, args)
	// 1st position is always the flag
	msg := fmt.Sprintf("flag provided but not defined: %v", args[0])
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, msg)
func (s *ValidateToolsMetadataSuite) TestInitErrors(c *gc.C) {
	for i, t := range validateInitToolsErrorTests {
		c.Logf("test %d", i)
		cmd := &validateToolsMetadataCommand{}
		err := coretesting.InitCommand(modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), t.args)
		c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err)
Ejemplo n.º 25
func (s *PublishSuite) TestFullPublish(c *gc.C) {
	addMeta(c, s.branch, "")

	digest, err := s.branch.RevisionId()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	pushBranch := bzr.New(c.MkDir())
	err = pushBranch.Init()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	cmd := &publishCommand{}
	cmd.ChangePushLocation(func(location string) string {
		c.Assert(location, gc.Equals, "lp:~user/charms/precise/wordpress/trunk")
		return pushBranch.Location()

	var body string

	// The local digest isn't found.
	body = `{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress": {"kind": "", "errors": ["entry not found"]}}`
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(body))

	// But the charm exists with an arbitrary non-matching digest.
	body = `{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress": {"kind": "published", "digest": "other-digest"}}`
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(body))

	// After the branch is pushed we fake the publishing delay.
	body = `{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress": {"kind": "published", "digest": "other-digest"}}`
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(body))

	// And finally report success.
	body = `{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress": {"kind": "published", "digest": %q, "revision": 42}}`
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(body, digest)))

	ctx, err := testing.RunCommandInDir(c, modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), []string{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress"}, s.dir)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(testing.Stdout(ctx), gc.Equals, "cs:~user/precise/wordpress-42\n")

	// Ensure the branch was actually pushed.
	pushDigest, err := pushBranch.RevisionId()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(pushDigest, gc.Equals, digest)

	// And that all the requests were sent with the proper data.
	req := gitjujutesting.Server.WaitRequest()
	c.Assert(req.URL.Path, gc.Equals, "/charm-event")
	c.Assert(req.Form.Get("charms"), gc.Equals, "cs:~user/precise/wordpress@"+digest)

	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		// The second request grabs tip to see the current state, and the
		// following requests are done after pushing to see when it changes.
		req = gitjujutesting.Server.WaitRequest()
		c.Assert(req.URL.Path, gc.Equals, "/charm-event")
		c.Assert(req.Form.Get("charms"), gc.Equals, "cs:~user/precise/wordpress")
Ejemplo n.º 26
// NewDeployCommand returns a command to deploy services.
func NewDeployCommand() cmd.Command {
	return modelcmd.Wrap(&DeployCommand{
		Steps: []DeployStep{
				RegisterURL: planURL + "/plan/authorize",
				QueryURL:    planURL + "/charm",
Ejemplo n.º 27
func newRestoreCommand() cmd.Command {
	restoreCmd := &restoreCommand{}
	restoreCmd.getEnvironFunc = restoreCmd.getEnviron
	restoreCmd.newAPIClientFunc = func() (RestoreAPI, error) {
		return restoreCmd.newClient()
	restoreCmd.getArchiveFunc = getArchive
	return modelcmd.Wrap(restoreCmd)
Ejemplo n.º 28
// NewRestoreCommand returns a command used to restore a backup.
func NewRestoreCommand() cmd.Command {
	restoreCmd := &restoreCommand{}
	restoreCmd.getEnvironFunc = restoreCmd.getEnviron
	restoreCmd.newAPIClientFunc = func() (RestoreAPI, error) {
		return restoreCmd.newClient()
	restoreCmd.getArchiveFunc = getArchive
	restoreCmd.waitForAgentFunc = common.WaitForAgentInitialisation
	return modelcmd.Wrap(restoreCmd)
Ejemplo n.º 29
func (s *UpgradeJujuSuite) TestUpgradeInProgress(c *gc.C) {
	fakeAPI := NewFakeUpgradeJujuAPI(c, s.State)
	fakeAPI.setVersionErr = &params.Error{
		Message: "a message from the server about the problem",
		Code:    params.CodeUpgradeInProgress,
	cmd := &upgradeJujuCommand{}
	err := coretesting.InitCommand(modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), []string{})
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	err = modelcmd.Wrap(cmd).Run(coretesting.Context(c))
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "a message from the server about the problem\n"+
		"Please wait for the upgrade to complete or if there was a problem with\n"+
		"the last upgrade that has been resolved, consider running the\n"+
		"upgrade-juju command with the --reset-previous-upgrade flag.",
Ejemplo n.º 30
Archivo: list.go Proyecto: bac/juju
// NewListCommand returns the command that lists the disabled
// commands for the model.
func NewListCommand() cmd.Command {
	return modelcmd.Wrap(&listCommand{
		apiFunc: func(c newAPIRoot) (blockListAPI, error) {
			return getBlockAPI(c)
		controllerAPIFunc: func(c newControllerAPIRoot) (controllerListAPI, error) {
			return getControllerAPI(c)