Ejemplo n.º 1
// InstanceTags returns the minimum set of tags that should be set on a
// machine instance, if the provider supports them.
func InstanceTags(cfg *config.Config, jobs []multiwatcher.MachineJob) map[string]string {
	instanceTags := tags.ResourceTags(names.NewModelTag(cfg.UUID()), cfg)
	if multiwatcher.AnyJobNeedsState(jobs...) {
		instanceTags[tags.JujuController] = "true"
	return instanceTags
Ejemplo n.º 2
// InstanceTags returns the minimum set of tags that should be set on a
// machine instance, if the provider supports them.
func InstanceTags(cfg *config.Config, jobs []multiwatcher.MachineJob) map[string]string {
	uuid, _ := cfg.UUID()
	instanceTags := tags.ResourceTags(names.NewEnvironTag(uuid), cfg)
	if multiwatcher.AnyJobNeedsState(jobs...) {
		instanceTags[tags.JujuStateServer] = "true"
	return instanceTags
Ejemplo n.º 3
// InstanceTags returns the minimum set of tags that should be set on a
// machine instance, if the provider supports them.
func InstanceTags(modelUUID, controllerUUID string, tagger tags.ResourceTagger, jobs []multiwatcher.MachineJob) map[string]string {
	instanceTags := tags.ResourceTags(
	if multiwatcher.AnyJobNeedsState(jobs...) {
		instanceTags[tags.JujuIsController] = "true"
	return instanceTags
Ejemplo n.º 4
// storageTags returns the tags that should be set on a volume or filesystem,
// if the provider supports them.
func storageTags(
	storageInstance state.StorageInstance,
	cfg *config.Config,
) (map[string]string, error) {
	storageTags := tags.ResourceTags(names.NewModelTag(cfg.UUID()), cfg)
	if storageInstance != nil {
		storageTags[tags.JujuStorageInstance] = storageInstance.Tag().Id()
		storageTags[tags.JujuStorageOwner] = storageInstance.Owner().Id()
	return storageTags, nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// initResourceGroup creates and initialises a resource group for this
// environment. The resource group will have a storage account and a
// subnet associated with it (but not necessarily contained within:
// see subnet creation).
func (env *azureEnviron) initResourceGroup() (*config.Config, error) {
	location := env.config.location
	tags := tags.ResourceTags(
	resourceGroupsClient := resources.GroupsClient{env.resources}

	logger.Debugf("creating resource group %q", env.resourceGroup)
	_, err := resourceGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdate(env.resourceGroup, resources.Group{
		Location: to.StringPtr(location),
		Tags:     toTagsPtr(tags),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "creating resource group")

	// Create an internal network for all VMs in the
	// resource group to connect to.
	vnetPtr, err := createInternalVirtualNetwork(
		env.network, env.resourceGroup, location, tags,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "creating virtual network")

	_, err = createInternalSubnet(
		env.network, env.resourceGroup, vnetPtr, location, tags,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "creating subnet")

	// Create a storage account for the resource group.
	storageAccountsClient := storage.AccountsClient{env.storage}
	storageAccountName, storageAccountKey, err := createStorageAccount(
		storageAccountsClient, env.config.storageAccountType,
		env.resourceGroup, location, tags,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "creating storage account")
	return env.config.Config.Apply(map[string]interface{}{
		configAttrStorageAccount:    storageAccountName,
		configAttrStorageAccountKey: storageAccountKey,
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: storage.go Proyecto: bac/juju
// storageTags returns the tags that should be set on a volume or filesystem,
// if the provider supports them.
func storageTags(
	storageInstance state.StorageInstance,
	modelUUID, controllerUUID string,
	tagger tags.ResourceTagger,
) (map[string]string, error) {
	storageTags := tags.ResourceTags(
	if storageInstance != nil {
		storageTags[tags.JujuStorageInstance] = storageInstance.Tag().Id()
		storageTags[tags.JujuStorageOwner] = storageInstance.Owner().Id()
	return storageTags, nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: environ.go Proyecto: bac/juju
// initResourceGroup creates a resource group for this environment.
func (env *azureEnviron) initResourceGroup(controllerUUID string) error {
	location := env.location
	resourceGroupsClient := resources.GroupsClient{env.resources}

	tags := tags.ResourceTags(

	logger.Debugf("creating resource group %q", env.resourceGroup)
	err := env.callAPI(func() (autorest.Response, error) {
		group, err := resourceGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdate(env.resourceGroup, resources.ResourceGroup{
			Location: to.StringPtr(location),
			Tags:     to.StringMapPtr(tags),
		return group.Response, err
	return errors.Annotate(err, "creating resource group")
Ejemplo n.º 8
func testResourceTags(c *gc.C, tag names.EnvironTag, taggers []tags.ResourceTagger, expectTags map[string]string) {
	tags := tags.ResourceTags(tag, taggers...)
	c.Assert(tags, jc.DeepEquals, expectTags)
Ejemplo n.º 9
func testResourceTags(c *gc.C, model, controller names.ModelTag, taggers []tags.ResourceTagger, expectTags map[string]string) {
	tags := tags.ResourceTags(model, controller, taggers...)
	c.Assert(tags, jc.DeepEquals, expectTags)
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: environ.go Proyecto: bac/juju
// StartInstance is specified in the InstanceBroker interface.
func (env *azureEnviron) StartInstance(args environs.StartInstanceParams) (*environs.StartInstanceResult, error) {
	if args.ControllerUUID == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("missing controller UUID")

	// Get the required configuration and config-dependent information
	// required to create the instance. We take the lock just once, to
	// ensure we obtain all information based on the same configuration.
	envTags := tags.ResourceTags(
	storageAccountType := env.config.storageAccountType
	imageStream := env.config.ImageStream()
	instanceTypes, err := env.getInstanceTypesLocked()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	// If the user has not specified a root-disk size, then
	// set a sensible default.
	var rootDisk uint64
	if args.Constraints.RootDisk != nil {
		rootDisk = *args.Constraints.RootDisk
	} else {
		rootDisk = defaultRootDiskSize
		args.Constraints.RootDisk = &rootDisk

	// Identify the instance type and image to provision.
	series := args.Tools.OneSeries()
	instanceSpec, err := findInstanceSpec(
			Region:      env.location,
			Series:      series,
			Arches:      args.Tools.Arches(),
			Constraints: args.Constraints,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if rootDisk < uint64(instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk) {
		// The InstanceType's RootDisk is set to the maximum
		// OS disk size; override it with the user-specified
		// or default root disk size.
		instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk = rootDisk

	// Windows images are 127GiB, and cannot be made smaller.
	const windowsMinRootDiskMB = 127 * 1024
	seriesOS, err := jujuseries.GetOSFromSeries(series)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	if seriesOS == os.Windows {
		if instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk < windowsMinRootDiskMB {
			instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk = windowsMinRootDiskMB

	// Pick tools by filtering the available tools down to the architecture of
	// the image that will be provisioned.
	selectedTools, err := args.Tools.Match(tools.Filter{
		Arch: instanceSpec.Image.Arch,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	logger.Infof("picked tools %q", selectedTools[0].Version)

	// Finalize the instance config, which we'll render to CustomData below.
	if err := args.InstanceConfig.SetTools(selectedTools); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	if err := instancecfg.FinishInstanceConfig(
		args.InstanceConfig, env.Config(),
	); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	machineTag := names.NewMachineTag(args.InstanceConfig.MachineId)
	vmName := resourceName(machineTag)
	vmTags := make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range args.InstanceConfig.Tags {
		vmTags[k] = v
	// jujuMachineNameTag identifies the VM name, in which is encoded
	// the Juju machine name. We tag all resources related to the
	// machine with this.
	vmTags[jujuMachineNameTag] = vmName

	if err := env.createVirtualMachine(
		vmName, vmTags, envTags,
		instanceSpec, args.InstanceConfig,
	); err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("creating instance failed, destroying: %v", err)
		if err := env.StopInstances(instance.Id(vmName)); err != nil {
			logger.Errorf("could not destroy failed virtual machine: %v", err)
		return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "creating virtual machine %q", vmName)

	// Note: the instance is initialised without addresses to keep the
	// API chatter down. We will refresh the instance if we need to know
	// the addresses.
	inst := &azureInstance{vmName, "Creating", env, nil, nil}
	amd64 := arch.AMD64
	hc := &instance.HardwareCharacteristics{
		Arch:     &amd64,
		Mem:      &instanceSpec.InstanceType.Mem,
		RootDisk: &instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk,
		CpuCores: &instanceSpec.InstanceType.CpuCores,
	return &environs.StartInstanceResult{
		Instance: inst,
		Hardware: hc,
	}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 11
// StartInstance is specified in the InstanceBroker interface.
func (env *azureEnviron) StartInstance(args environs.StartInstanceParams) (*environs.StartInstanceResult, error) {
	// Get the required configuration and config-dependent information
	// required to create the instance. We take the lock just once, to
	// ensure we obtain all information based on the same configuration.
	location := env.config.location
	envTags := tags.ResourceTags(
	apiPort := env.config.APIPort()
	vmClient := compute.VirtualMachinesClient{env.compute}
	availabilitySetClient := compute.AvailabilitySetsClient{env.compute}
	networkClient := env.network
	vmImagesClient := compute.VirtualMachineImagesClient{env.compute}
	vmExtensionClient := compute.VirtualMachineExtensionsClient{env.compute}
	imageStream := env.config.ImageStream()
	storageEndpoint := env.config.storageEndpoint
	storageAccountName := env.config.storageAccount
	instanceTypes, err := env.getInstanceTypesLocked()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	internalNetworkSubnet, err := env.getInternalSubnetLocked()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	// Identify the instance type and image to provision.
	instanceSpec, err := findInstanceSpec(
			Region:      location,
			Series:      args.Tools.OneSeries(),
			Arches:      args.Tools.Arches(),
			Constraints: args.Constraints,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Pick tools by filtering the available tools down to the architecture of
	// the image that will be provisioned.
	selectedTools, err := args.Tools.Match(tools.Filter{
		Arch: instanceSpec.Image.Arch,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	logger.Infof("picked tools %q", selectedTools[0].Version)

	// Finalize the instance config, which we'll render to CustomData below.
	if err := args.InstanceConfig.SetTools(selectedTools); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	if err := instancecfg.FinishInstanceConfig(
		args.InstanceConfig, env.Config(),
	); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	machineTag := names.NewMachineTag(args.InstanceConfig.MachineId)
	vmName := resourceName(machineTag)
	vmTags := make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range args.InstanceConfig.Tags {
		vmTags[k] = v
	// jujuMachineNameTag identifies the VM name, in which is encoded
	// the Juju machine name. We tag all resources related to the
	// machine with this.
	vmTags[jujuMachineNameTag] = vmName

	// If the machine will run a controller, then we need to open the
	// API port for it.
	var apiPortPtr *int
	if multiwatcher.AnyJobNeedsState(args.InstanceConfig.Jobs...) {
		apiPortPtr = &apiPort

	vm, err := createVirtualMachine(
		env.resourceGroup, location, vmName,
		vmTags, envTags,
		instanceSpec, args.InstanceConfig,
		apiPortPtr, internalNetworkSubnet,
		storageEndpoint, storageAccountName,
		networkClient, vmClient,
		availabilitySetClient, vmExtensionClient,
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("creating instance failed, destroying: %v", err)
		if err := env.StopInstances(instance.Id(vmName)); err != nil {
			logger.Errorf("could not destroy failed virtual machine: %v", err)
		return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "creating virtual machine %q", vmName)

	// Note: the instance is initialised without addresses to keep the
	// API chatter down. We will refresh the instance if we need to know
	// the addresses.
	inst := &azureInstance{vm, env, nil, nil}
	amd64 := arch.AMD64
	hc := &instance.HardwareCharacteristics{
		Arch:     &amd64,
		Mem:      &instanceSpec.InstanceType.Mem,
		RootDisk: &instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk,
		CpuCores: &instanceSpec.InstanceType.CpuCores,
	return &environs.StartInstanceResult{
		Instance: inst,
		Hardware: hc,
	}, nil