Ejemplo n.º 1
func (s *FilesystemStateSuite) testFilesystemAttachmentParamsConcurrent(c *gc.C, locBefore, locAfter, expectErr string) {
	machine, err := s.State.AddMachine("quantal", state.JobHostUnits)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	storage := map[string]state.StorageConstraints{
		"data": makeStorageCons("rootfs", 1024, 1),

	deploy := func(rev int, location, serviceName string) error {
		ch := s.createStorageCharmRev(c, "storage-filesystem", charm.Storage{
			Name:     "data",
			Type:     charm.StorageFilesystem,
			CountMin: 1,
			CountMax: 1,
			Location: location,
		}, rev)
		service := s.AddTestingServiceWithStorage(c, serviceName, ch, storage)
		unit, err := service.AddUnit()
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		return unit.AssignToMachine(machine)

	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		err := deploy(1, locBefore, "storage-filesystem-before")
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	err = deploy(2, locAfter, "storage-filesystem-after")
	if expectErr != "" {
		c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, expectErr)
	} else {
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (s *ModelSuite) TestDestroyControllerRemoveEmptyAddNonEmptyModel(c *gc.C) {
	st2 := s.Factory.MakeModel(c, nil)
	defer st2.Close()

	// Simulate an empty model being removed, and a new non-empty
	// model being added, just before the remove txn is called.
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		// Destroy the empty model, which should move it right
		// along to Dead, and then remove it.
		model, err := st2.Model()
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		c.Assert(model.Destroy(), jc.ErrorIsNil)
		err = st2.RemoveAllModelDocs()
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

		// Add a new, non-empty model. This should still prevent
		// the controller from being destroyed.
		st3 := s.Factory.MakeModel(c, nil)
		defer st3.Close()
		factory.NewFactory(st3).MakeService(c, nil)

	env, err := s.State.Model()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(env.Destroy(), gc.ErrorMatches, "failed to destroy model: hosting 1 other models")
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (s *FilesystemStateSuite) TestFilesystemAttachmentParamsConcurrentRemove(c *gc.C) {
	// this creates a filesystem mounted at "/srv".
	filesystem, machine := s.setupFilesystemAttachment(c, "rootfs")

	ch := s.createStorageCharm(c, "storage-filesystem", charm.Storage{
		Name:     "data",
		Type:     charm.StorageFilesystem,
		CountMin: 1,
		CountMax: 1,
		Location: "/not/in/srv",
	service := s.AddTestingService(c, "storage-filesystem", ch)
	unit, err := service.AddUnit()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		err := s.State.DetachFilesystem(machine.MachineTag(), filesystem.FilesystemTag())
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		err = s.State.RemoveFilesystemAttachment(
			machine.MachineTag(), filesystem.FilesystemTag(),
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	err = unit.AssignToMachine(machine)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (s *UpgradeSuite) TestSetControllerDoneMultipleServersRace(c *gc.C) {
	v100 := vers("1.0.0")
	v200 := vers("2.0.0")
	serverIdB, serverIdC := s.addControllers(c)
	s.provision(c, serverIdB, serverIdC)

	info, err := s.State.EnsureUpgradeInfo(s.serverIdA, v100, v200)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	_, err = s.State.EnsureUpgradeInfo(serverIdB, v100, v200)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	_, err = s.State.EnsureUpgradeInfo(serverIdC, v100, v200)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	s.setToFinishing(c, info)

	// Interrupt the transaction for controller A twice with calls
	// from the other machines.
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		err = info.SetControllerDone(serverIdB)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	}, func() {
		err = info.SetControllerDone(serverIdC)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	err = info.SetControllerDone(s.serverIdA)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	s.assertUpgrading(c, false)

	info = s.getOneUpgradeInfo(c)
	c.Assert(info.Status(), gc.Equals, state.UpgradeComplete)
	c.Assert(info.ControllersDone(), jc.SameContents, []string{"0", "1", "2"})
Ejemplo n.º 5
func (s *MachineRemovalSuite) TestMarkForRemovalAssertsMachineStillExists(c *gc.C) {
	m := s.makeMachine(c, true)
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		c.Assert(m.Remove(), gc.IsNil)
	err := m.MarkForRemoval()
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "cannot remove machine 0: machine 0 not found")
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Whitebox race tests to trigger different paths through the SetStatus
// code; use arbitrary sample transitions, full set of valid transitions
// are checked further down.
func (s *RestoreInfoSuite) TestInsertRaceHarmless(c *gc.C) {
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(
		c, s.State, func() {
			s.checkSetStatus(c, state.RestorePending)
	s.checkSetStatus(c, state.RestorePending)
Ejemplo n.º 7
func (s *MinUnitsSuite) testEnsureMinUnitsBefore(c *gc.C, f func(), minUnits, expectedUnits int) {
	service := s.service
	err := service.SetMinUnits(minUnits)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, f).Check()
	err = service.EnsureMinUnits()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	assertAllUnits(c, service, expectedUnits)
Ejemplo n.º 8
func (s *RestoreInfoSuite) TestUpdateRaceHarmless(c *gc.C) {
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(
		c, s.State, func() {
			s.checkSetStatus(c, state.RestoreFinished)
	s.checkSetStatus(c, state.RestoreFinished)
Ejemplo n.º 9
func (s *RestoreInfoSuite) TestInsertRaceFailure(c *gc.C) {
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(
		c, s.State, func() {
			s.checkSetStatus(c, state.RestorePending)
			s.checkSetStatus(c, state.RestoreInProgress)
	s.checkBadSetStatus(c, state.RestorePending)
	s.checkStatus(c, state.RestoreInProgress)
Ejemplo n.º 10
func (s *MinUnitsSuite) TestEnsureMinUnitsDestroyServiceBefore(c *gc.C) {
	s.addUnits(c, 1)
	err := s.service.SetMinUnits(42)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		err := s.service.Destroy()
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(s.service.EnsureMinUnits(), gc.ErrorMatches,
		`cannot ensure minimum units for service "dummy-service": service is not alive`)
Ejemplo n.º 11
func (s *VolumeStateSuite) TestDetachVolume(c *gc.C) {
	volume, machine := s.setupVolumeAttachment(c)
	assertDetach := func() {
		err := s.State.DetachVolume(machine.MachineTag(), volume.VolumeTag())
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		attachment := s.volumeAttachment(c, machine.MachineTag(), volume.VolumeTag())
		c.Assert(attachment.Life(), gc.Equals, state.Dying)
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, assertDetach).Check()
Ejemplo n.º 12
func (s *VolumeStateSuite) TestDestroyVolume(c *gc.C) {
	volume, _ := s.setupVolumeAttachment(c)
	assertDestroy := func() {
		err := s.State.DestroyVolume(volume.VolumeTag())
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		volume = s.volume(c, volume.VolumeTag())
		c.Assert(volume.Life(), gc.Equals, state.Dying)
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, assertDestroy).Check()
Ejemplo n.º 13
func (s *MigrationSuite) TestCreateMigrationRace(c *gc.C) {
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State2, func() {
		mig, err := s.State2.CreateMigration(s.stdSpec)
		c.Assert(mig, gc.Not(gc.IsNil))
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	mig, err := s.State2.CreateMigration(s.stdSpec)
	c.Check(mig, gc.IsNil)
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "failed to create migration: already in progress")
Ejemplo n.º 14
func (s *CharmSuite) TestDestroyReferencedCharmRace(c *gc.C) {

	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		s.Factory.MakeApplication(c, &factory.ApplicationParams{
			Charm: s.charm,

	err := s.charm.Destroy()
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "charm in use")
Ejemplo n.º 15
func (s *FilesystemStateSuite) TestDestroyFilesystem(c *gc.C) {
	filesystem, _ := s.setupFilesystemAttachment(c, "rootfs")
	assertDestroy := func() {
		err := s.State.DestroyFilesystem(filesystem.FilesystemTag())
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		filesystem = s.filesystem(c, filesystem.FilesystemTag())
		c.Assert(filesystem.Life(), gc.Equals, state.Dying)
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, assertDestroy).Check()
Ejemplo n.º 16
func (s *FilesystemStateSuite) TestEnsureMachineDeadRemoveFilesystemConcurrently(c *gc.C) {
	filesystem, machine := s.setupFilesystemAttachment(c, "rootfs")
	removeFilesystem := func() {
		s.obliterateFilesystem(c, filesystem.FilesystemTag())
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, removeFilesystem).Check()

	// Removing a filesystem concurrently does not cause a transaction failure.
	err := machine.EnsureDead()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
Ejemplo n.º 17
func (s *FilesystemStateSuite) TestDetachFilesystem(c *gc.C) {
	filesystem, machine := s.setupFilesystemAttachment(c, "rootfs")
	assertDetach := func() {
		err := s.State.DetachFilesystem(machine.MachineTag(), filesystem.FilesystemTag())
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		attachment := s.filesystemAttachment(c, machine.MachineTag(), filesystem.FilesystemTag())
		c.Assert(attachment.Life(), gc.Equals, state.Dying)
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, assertDetach).Check()
Ejemplo n.º 18
func (s *linkLayerDevicesStateSuite) assertSetLinkLayerDevicesToContainerFailsWithBeforeHook(c *gc.C, beforeHook func(), expectedError string) {
	_, children := s.addParentBridgeDeviceWithContainerDevicesAsChildren(c, "br-eth1", "eth", 1)
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, beforeHook).Check()

	newChildArgs := state.LinkLayerDeviceArgs{
		Name:       "eth1",
		Type:       state.EthernetDevice,
		ParentName: children[0].ParentName(),
	err := s.containerMachine.SetLinkLayerDevices(newChildArgs)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, expectedError)
Ejemplo n.º 19
func (s *VolumeStateSuite) TestRemoveVolumeAttachmentConcurrently(c *gc.C) {
	volume, machine := s.setupVolumeAttachment(c)
	err := s.State.DetachVolume(machine.MachineTag(), volume.VolumeTag())
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	remove := func() {
		err := s.State.RemoveVolumeAttachment(machine.MachineTag(), volume.VolumeTag())
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		assertMachineStorageRefs(c, s.State, machine.MachineTag())
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, remove).Check()
Ejemplo n.º 20
func (s *FilesystemStateSuite) TestRemoveFilesystemAttachmentConcurrently(c *gc.C) {
	filesystem, machine := s.setupFilesystemAttachment(c, "rootfs")
	err := s.State.DetachFilesystem(machine.MachineTag(), filesystem.FilesystemTag())
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	remove := func() {
		err := s.State.RemoveFilesystemAttachment(machine.MachineTag(), filesystem.FilesystemTag())
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		assertMachineStorageRefs(c, s.State, machine.MachineTag())
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, remove).Check()
Ejemplo n.º 21
func (s *MinUnitsSuite) TestMinUnitsRemoveBefore(c *gc.C) {
	err := s.service.SetMinUnits(41)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		err := s.service.SetMinUnits(0)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		s.assertRevno(c, 0, mgo.ErrNotFound)
	err = s.service.SetMinUnits(0)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(s.service.MinUnits(), gc.Equals, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 22
func (s *ModelSuite) TestDestroyControllerAlreadyDyingRaceNoOp(c *gc.C) {
	env, err := s.State.Model()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	// Simulate an model being destroyed by another client just before
	// the remove txn is called.
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		c.Assert(env.Destroy(), jc.ErrorIsNil)

	c.Assert(env.Destroy(), jc.ErrorIsNil)
Ejemplo n.º 23
func (s *EnvironSuite) TestDestroyControllerEnvironmentRace(c *gc.C) {
	// Simulate an environment being added just before the remove txn is
	// called.
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		blocker := s.Factory.MakeEnvironment(c, nil)
		err := blocker.Close()
		c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	env, err := s.State.Environment()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(env.Destroy(), gc.ErrorMatches, "failed to destroy environment: hosting 1 other environments")
Ejemplo n.º 24
func (s *ModelSuite) TestDestroyControllerNonEmptyModelRace(c *gc.C) {
	// Simulate an empty model being added just before the
	// remove txn is called.
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		st := s.Factory.MakeModel(c, nil)
		defer st.Close()
		factory.NewFactory(st).MakeService(c, nil)

	env, err := s.State.Model()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(env.Destroy(), gc.ErrorMatches, "failed to destroy model: hosting 1 other models")
Ejemplo n.º 25
func (s *ModelSuite) TestDestroyControllerEmptyModelRace(c *gc.C) {
	defer s.Factory.MakeModel(c, nil).Close()

	// Simulate an empty model being added just before the
	// remove txn is called.
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		s.Factory.MakeModel(c, nil).Close()

	env, err := s.State.Model()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(env.Destroy(), jc.ErrorIsNil)
Ejemplo n.º 26
func (s *UpgradeSuite) TestAbortRace(c *gc.C) {
	info, err := s.State.EnsureUpgradeInfo(s.serverIdA, vers("1.2.3"), vers("2.3.4"))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		err = info.Abort()
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	err = info.Abort()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	s.checkUpgradeInfoArchived(c, info, state.UpgradeAborted, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 27
func (s *AnnotationsSuite) TestSetAnnotationsConcurrently(c *gc.C) {
	key := "conkey"
	first := "alpha"
	last := "omega"

	setAnnotations := func() {
		s.assertSetAnnotation(c, key, first)
		assertAnnotation(c, s.State, s.testEntity, key, first)
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, setAnnotations).Check()
	s.assertSetAnnotation(c, key, last)
	assertAnnotation(c, s.State, s.testEntity, key, last)
Ejemplo n.º 28
func (s *ModelSuite) TestDestroyControllerModelRace(c *gc.C) {
	// Simulate an model being added just before the remove txn is
	// called.
	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		blocker := s.Factory.MakeModel(c, nil)
		err := blocker.Close()
		c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	env, err := s.State.Model()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(env.Destroy(), gc.ErrorMatches, "failed to destroy model: hosting 1 other models")
Ejemplo n.º 29
func (s *UnitSuite) TestSetCharmURLRetriesWithDeadUnit(c *gc.C) {
	preventUnitDestroyRemove(c, s.unit)

	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		err := s.unit.Destroy()
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		err = s.unit.EnsureDead()
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		assertLife(c, s.unit, state.Dead)

	err := s.unit.SetCharmURL(s.charm.URL())
	c.Assert(err, gc.Equals, state.ErrDead)
Ejemplo n.º 30
func (s *UnitSuite) TestRemoveUnitMachineRetryVoter(c *gc.C) {
	host, err := s.State.AddMachine("quantal", state.JobHostUnits)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	target, err := s.service.AddUnit()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(target.AssignToMachine(host), gc.IsNil)

	defer state.SetBeforeHooks(c, s.State, func() {
		s.setMachineVote(c, host.Id(), true)
	}, nil).Check()

	c.Assert(target.Destroy(), gc.IsNil)
	assertLife(c, host, state.Alive)