Ejemplo n.º 1
// GetMachineActiveNetworks returns the tags of the all networks the
// each given machine has open ports on.
func (f *FirewallerAPI) GetMachineActiveNetworks(args params.Entities) (params.StringsResults, error) {
	result := params.StringsResults{
		Results: make([]params.StringsResult, len(args.Entities)),
	canAccess, err := f.accessMachine()
	if err != nil {
		return params.StringsResults{}, err
	for i, entity := range args.Entities {
		machineTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(entity.Tag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm)
		machine, err := f.getMachine(canAccess, machineTag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
		ports, err := machine.AllPorts()
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
		for _, port := range ports {
			networkTag := names.NewNetworkTag(port.NetworkName()).String()
			result.Results[i].Result = append(result.Results[i].Result, networkTag)
	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// SetInstanceInfo sets the provider specific machine id, nonce,
// metadata and network info for each given machine. Once set, the
// instance id cannot be changed.
func (p *ProvisionerAPI) SetInstanceInfo(args params.InstancesInfo) (params.ErrorResults, error) {
	result := params.ErrorResults{
		Results: make([]params.ErrorResult, len(args.Machines)),
	canAccess, err := p.getAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	for i, arg := range args.Machines {
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(arg.Tag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm)
		machine, err := p.getMachine(canAccess, tag)
		if err == nil {
			var networks []state.NetworkInfo
			var interfaces []state.NetworkInterfaceInfo
			networks, interfaces, err = networkParamsToStateParams(arg.Networks, arg.Interfaces)
			if err == nil {
				err = machine.SetInstanceInfo(
					arg.InstanceId, arg.Nonce, arg.Characteristics,
					networks, interfaces)
			if err != nil {
				// Give the user more context about the error.
				err = fmt.Errorf("aborted instance %q: %v", arg.InstanceId, err)
		result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (d *DiskManagerAPI) SetMachineBlockDevices(args params.SetMachineBlockDevices) (params.ErrorResults, error) {
	result := params.ErrorResults{
		Results: make([]params.ErrorResult, len(args.MachineBlockDevices)),
	canAccess, err := d.getAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	for i, arg := range args.MachineBlockDevices {
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(arg.Machine)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm)
		if !canAccess(tag) {
			err = common.ErrPerm
		} else {
			// TODO(axw) create volumes for block devices without matching
			// volumes, if and only if the block device has a serial. Under
			// the assumption of unique (to a machine) serial IDs, this
			// gives us a guaranteed *persistently* unique way of identifying
			// the volume.
			// NOTE: we must predicate the above on there being no unprovisioned
			// volume attachments for the machine, otherwise we would have
			// a race between the volume attachment info being recorded and
			// the diskmanager publishing block devices and erroneously creating
			// volumes.
			err = d.st.SetMachineBlockDevices(tag.Id(), stateBlockDeviceInfo(arg.BlockDevices))
			// TODO(axw) set volume/filesystem attachment info.
		result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (api *MachinerAPI) getMachineForSettingNetworkConfig(machineTag string) (*state.Machine, error) {
	canModify, err := api.getCanModify()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(machineTag)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	if !canModify(tag) {
		return nil, errors.Trace(common.ErrPerm)

	m, err := api.getMachine(tag)
	if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
		return nil, errors.Trace(common.ErrPerm)
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	if m.IsContainer() {
		logger.Warningf("not updating network config for container %q", m.Id())

	return m, nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// SetSupportedContainers updates the list of containers supported by the machines passed in args.
func (p *ProvisionerAPI) SetSupportedContainers(args params.MachineContainersParams) (params.ErrorResults, error) {
	result := params.ErrorResults{
		Results: make([]params.ErrorResult, len(args.Params)),

	canAccess, err := p.getAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	for i, arg := range args.Params {
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(arg.MachineTag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm)
		machine, err := p.getMachine(canAccess, tag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
		if len(arg.ContainerTypes) == 0 {
			err = machine.SupportsNoContainers()
		} else {
			err = machine.SetSupportedContainers(arg.ContainerTypes)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
// InstanceStatus returns the instance status for each given entity.
// Only machine tags are accepted.
func (p *ProvisionerAPI) InstanceStatus(args params.Entities) (params.StatusResults, error) {
	result := params.StatusResults{
		Results: make([]params.StatusResult, len(args.Entities)),
	canAccess, err := p.getAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("failed to get an authorisation function: %v", err)
		return result, errors.Trace(err)
	for i, arg := range args.Entities {
		mTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(arg.Tag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
		machine, err := p.getMachine(canAccess, mTag)
		if err == nil {
			var statusInfo status.StatusInfo
			statusInfo, err = machine.InstanceStatus()
			result.Results[i].Status = statusInfo.Status
			result.Results[i].Info = statusInfo.Message
			result.Results[i].Data = statusInfo.Data
			result.Results[i].Since = statusInfo.Since
		result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Constraints returns the constraints for each given machine entity.
func (p *ProvisionerAPI) Constraints(args params.Entities) (params.ConstraintsResults, error) {
	result := params.ConstraintsResults{
		Results: make([]params.ConstraintsResult, len(args.Entities)),
	canAccess, err := p.getAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	for i, entity := range args.Entities {
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(entity.Tag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm)
		machine, err := p.getMachine(canAccess, tag)
		if err == nil {
			var cons constraints.Value
			cons, err = machine.Constraints()
			if err == nil {
				result.Results[i].Constraints = cons
		result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 8
// DistributionGroup returns, for each given machine entity,
// a slice of instance.Ids that belong to the same distribution
// group as that machine. This information may be used to
// distribute instances for high availability.
func (p *ProvisionerAPI) DistributionGroup(args params.Entities) (params.DistributionGroupResults, error) {
	result := params.DistributionGroupResults{
		Results: make([]params.DistributionGroupResult, len(args.Entities)),
	canAccess, err := p.getAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	for i, entity := range args.Entities {
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(entity.Tag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm)
		machine, err := p.getMachine(canAccess, tag)
		if err == nil {
			// If the machine is an environment manager, return
			// environment manager instances. Otherwise, return
			// instances with services in common with the machine
			// being provisioned.
			if machine.IsManager() {
				result.Results[i].Result, err = environManagerInstances(p.st)
			} else {
				result.Results[i].Result, err = commonServiceInstances(p.st, machine)
		result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 9
// API2Payload converts an API Payload info struct into
// a payload.FullPayloadInfo struct.
func API2Payload(apiInfo Payload) (payload.FullPayloadInfo, error) {
	labels := make([]string, len(apiInfo.Labels))
	copy(labels, apiInfo.Labels)

	var unit, machine string
	var empty payload.FullPayloadInfo
	if apiInfo.Unit != "" {
		tag, err := names.ParseUnitTag(apiInfo.Unit)
		if err != nil {
			return empty, errors.Trace(err)
		unit = tag.Id()
	if apiInfo.Machine != "" {
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(apiInfo.Machine)
		if err != nil {
			return empty, errors.Trace(err)
		machine = tag.Id()

	return payload.FullPayloadInfo{
		Payload: payload.Payload{
			PayloadClass: charm.PayloadClass{
				Name: apiInfo.Class,
				Type: apiInfo.Type,
			ID:     apiInfo.ID,
			Status: apiInfo.Status,
			Labels: labels,
			Unit:   unit,
		Machine: machine,
	}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 10
// RequestedNetworks returns the requested networks for each given
// machine entity. Each entry in both lists is returned with its
// provider specific id.
func (p *ProvisionerAPI) RequestedNetworks(args params.Entities) (params.RequestedNetworksResults, error) {
	result := params.RequestedNetworksResults{
		Results: make([]params.RequestedNetworkResult, len(args.Entities)),
	canAccess, err := p.getAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	for i, entity := range args.Entities {
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(entity.Tag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm)
		machine, err := p.getMachine(canAccess, tag)
		if err == nil {
			var networks []string
			networks, err = machine.RequestedNetworks()
			if err == nil {
				// TODO(dimitern) For now, since network names and
				// provider ids are the same, we return what we got
				// from state. In the future, when networks can be
				// added before provisioning, we should convert both
				// slices from juju network names to provider-specific
				// ids before returning them.
				result.Results[i].Networks = networks
		result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 11
// WatchBlockDevices watches for changes to the specified machines' block devices.
func (s *StorageProvisionerAPI) WatchBlockDevices(args params.Entities) (params.NotifyWatchResults, error) {
	canAccess, err := s.getBlockDevicesAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		return params.NotifyWatchResults{}, common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm)
	results := params.NotifyWatchResults{
		Results: make([]params.NotifyWatchResult, len(args.Entities)),
	one := func(arg params.Entity) (string, error) {
		machineTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(arg.Tag)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		if !canAccess(machineTag) {
			return "", common.ErrPerm
		w := s.st.WatchBlockDevices(machineTag)
		if _, ok := <-w.Changes(); ok {
			return s.resources.Register(w), nil
		return "", watcher.EnsureErr(w)
	for i, arg := range args.Entities {
		var result params.NotifyWatchResult
		id, err := one(arg)
		if err != nil {
			result.Error = common.ServerError(err)
		} else {
			result.NotifyWatcherId = id
		results.Results[i] = result
	return results, nil
Ejemplo n.º 12
func maybeReleaseContainerAddresses(
	api APICalls,
	instanceID instance.Id,
	namespace string,
	log loggo.Logger,
) {
	if environs.AddressAllocationEnabled() {
		// The addresser worker will take care of the addresses.
	// If we're not using addressable containers, we might still have used MAAS
	// 1.8+ device to register the container when provisioning. In that case we
	// need to attempt releasing the device, but ignore a NotSupported error
	// (when we're not using MAAS 1.8+).
	namespacePrefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s-", namespace)
	tagString := strings.TrimPrefix(string(instanceID), namespacePrefix)
	containerTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(tagString)
	if err != nil {
		// Not a reason to cause StopInstances to fail though..
		log.Warningf("unexpected container tag %q: %v", instanceID, err)
	err = api.ReleaseContainerAddresses(containerTag)
	switch {
	case err == nil:
		log.Infof("released all addresses for container %q", containerTag.Id())
	case errors.IsNotSupported(err):
		log.Warningf("not releasing all addresses for container %q: %v", containerTag.Id(), err)
			"unexpected error trying to release container %q addreses: %v",
			containerTag.Id(), err,
Ejemplo n.º 13
func (api *MachinerAPI) SetMachineAddresses(args params.SetMachinesAddresses) (params.ErrorResults, error) {
	results := params.ErrorResults{
		Results: make([]params.ErrorResult, len(args.MachineAddresses)),
	canModify, err := api.getCanModify()
	if err != nil {
		return results, err
	for i, arg := range args.MachineAddresses {
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(arg.Tag)
		if err != nil {
			results.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm)
		err = common.ErrPerm
		if canModify(tag) {
			var m *state.Machine
			m, err = api.getMachine(tag)
			if err == nil {
				err = m.SetMachineAddresses(arg.Addresses...)
			} else if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
				err = common.ErrPerm
		results.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
	return results, nil
Ejemplo n.º 14
// prepareContainerAccessEnvironment retrieves the environment, host machine, and access
// for working with containers.
func (p *ProvisionerAPI) prepareContainerAccessEnvironment() (environs.NetworkingEnviron, *state.Machine, common.AuthFunc, error) {
	cfg, err := p.st.EnvironConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get environment config")
	environ, err := environs.New(cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to construct an environment from config")
	netEnviron, supported := environs.SupportsNetworking(environ)
	if !supported {
		// " not supported" will be appended to the message below.
		return nil, nil, nil, errors.NotSupportedf("environment %q networking", cfg.Name())

	canAccess, err := p.getAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot authenticate request")
	hostAuthTag := p.authorizer.GetAuthTag()
	if hostAuthTag == nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, errors.Errorf("authenticated entity tag is nil")
	hostTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(hostAuthTag.String())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
	host, err := p.getMachine(canAccess, hostTag)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
	return netEnviron, host, canAccess, nil
Ejemplo n.º 15
func constructStartInstanceParams(
	machine *apiprovisioner.Machine,
	instanceConfig *instancecfg.InstanceConfig,
	provisioningInfo *params.ProvisioningInfo,
	possibleTools coretools.List,
) (environs.StartInstanceParams, error) {

	volumes := make([]storage.VolumeParams, len(provisioningInfo.Volumes))
	for i, v := range provisioningInfo.Volumes {
		volumeTag, err := names.ParseVolumeTag(v.VolumeTag)
		if err != nil {
			return environs.StartInstanceParams{}, errors.Trace(err)
		if v.Attachment == nil {
			return environs.StartInstanceParams{}, errors.Errorf("volume params missing attachment")
		machineTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(v.Attachment.MachineTag)
		if err != nil {
			return environs.StartInstanceParams{}, errors.Trace(err)
		if machineTag != machine.Tag() {
			return environs.StartInstanceParams{}, errors.Errorf("volume attachment params has invalid machine tag")
		if v.Attachment.InstanceId != "" {
			return environs.StartInstanceParams{}, errors.Errorf("volume attachment params specifies instance ID")
		volumes[i] = storage.VolumeParams{
				AttachmentParams: storage.AttachmentParams{
					Machine:  machineTag,
					ReadOnly: v.Attachment.ReadOnly,
				Volume: volumeTag,
	var subnetsToZones map[network.Id][]string
	if provisioningInfo.SubnetsToZones != nil {
		// Convert subnet provider ids from string to network.Id.
		subnetsToZones = make(map[network.Id][]string, len(provisioningInfo.SubnetsToZones))
		for providerId, zones := range provisioningInfo.SubnetsToZones {
			subnetsToZones[network.Id(providerId)] = zones

	return environs.StartInstanceParams{
		Constraints:       provisioningInfo.Constraints,
		Tools:             possibleTools,
		InstanceConfig:    instanceConfig,
		Placement:         provisioningInfo.Placement,
		DistributionGroup: machine.DistributionGroup,
		Volumes:           volumes,
		SubnetsToZones:    subnetsToZones,
	}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 16
func (mr *Machiner) SetUp() (watcher.NotifyWatcher, error) {
	// Find which machine we're responsible for.
	tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(mr.tag)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	m, err := mr.st.Machine(tag)
	if params.IsCodeNotFoundOrCodeUnauthorized(err) {
		return nil, worker.ErrTerminateAgent
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	mr.machine = m

	// Set the addresses in state to the host's addresses.
	if err := setMachineAddresses(m); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Mark the machine as started and log it.
	if err := m.SetStatus(params.StatusStarted, "", nil); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s failed to set status started: %v", mr.tag, err)
	logger.Infof("%q started", mr.tag)

	return m.Watch()
Ejemplo n.º 17
func (p *ProvisionerAPI) watchOneMachineContainers(arg params.WatchContainer) (params.StringsWatchResult, error) {
	nothing := params.StringsWatchResult{}
	canAccess, err := p.getAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		return nothing, common.ErrPerm
	tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(arg.MachineTag)
	if err != nil {
		return nothing, common.ErrPerm
	if !canAccess(tag) {
		return nothing, common.ErrPerm
	machine, err := p.st.Machine(tag.Id())
	if err != nil {
		return nothing, err
	var watch state.StringsWatcher
	if arg.ContainerType != "" {
		watch = machine.WatchContainers(instance.ContainerType(arg.ContainerType))
	} else {
		watch = machine.WatchAllContainers()
	// Consume the initial event and forward it to the result.
	if changes, ok := <-watch.Changes(); ok {
		return params.StringsWatchResult{
			StringsWatcherId: p.resources.Register(watch),
			Changes:          changes,
		}, nil
	return nothing, watcher.EnsureErr(watch)
Ejemplo n.º 18
func (d *Deployer) SetUp() (watcher.StringsWatcher, error) {
	machineTag := d.ctx.AgentConfig().Tag()
	tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(machineTag)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	machine, err := d.st.Machine(tag)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	machineUnitsWatcher, err := machine.WatchUnits()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	deployed, err := d.ctx.DeployedUnits()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for _, unitName := range deployed {
		if err := d.changed(unitName); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return machineUnitsWatcher, nil
Ejemplo n.º 19
// ReleaseContainerAddresses finds addresses allocated to a container
// and marks them as Dead, to be released and removed. It accepts
// container tags as arguments. If address allocation feature flag is
// not enabled, it will return a NotSupported error.
func (p *ProvisionerAPI) ReleaseContainerAddresses(args params.Entities) (params.ErrorResults, error) {
	result := params.ErrorResults{
		Results: make([]params.ErrorResult, len(args.Entities)),

	canAccess, err := p.getAuthFunc()
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("failed to get an authorisation function: %v", err)
		return result, errors.Trace(err)
	// Loop over the passed container tags.
	for i, entity := range args.Entities {
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(entity.Tag)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Warningf("failed to parse machine tag %q: %v", entity.Tag, err)
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm)

		// The auth function (canAccess) checks that the machine is a
		// top level machine (we filter those out next) or that the
		// machine has the host as a parent.
		container, err := p.getMachine(canAccess, tag)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Warningf("failed to get machine %q: %v", tag, err)
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
		} else if !container.IsContainer() {
			err = errors.Errorf("cannot mark addresses for removal for %q: not a container", tag)
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)

		id := container.Id()
		addresses, err := p.st.AllocatedIPAddresses(id)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Warningf("failed to get Id for container %q: %v", tag, err)
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)

		deadErrors := []error{}
		logger.Debugf("for container %q found addresses %v", tag, addresses)
		for _, addr := range addresses {
			err = addr.EnsureDead()
			if err != nil {
				deadErrors = append(deadErrors, err)
		if len(deadErrors) != 0 {
			err = errors.Errorf("failed to mark all addresses for removal for %q: %v", tag, deadErrors)
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)

	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 20
// NewProvisionerAPI creates a new server-side ProvisionerAPI facade.
func NewProvisionerAPI(st *state.State, resources *common.Resources, authorizer common.Authorizer) (*ProvisionerAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthMachineAgent() && !authorizer.AuthEnvironManager() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	getAuthFunc := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		isEnvironManager := authorizer.AuthEnvironManager()
		isMachineAgent := authorizer.AuthMachineAgent()
		authEntityTag := authorizer.GetAuthTag()

		// TODO(dfc) this func should take a Tag
		return func(tag string) bool {
			if isMachineAgent && tag == authEntityTag.String() {
				// A machine agent can always access its own machine.
				return true
			t, err := names.ParseMachineTag(tag)
			if err != nil {
				return false
			parentId := state.ParentId(t.Id())
			if parentId == "" {
				// All top-level machines are accessible by the
				// environment manager.
				return isEnvironManager
			// All containers with the authenticated machine as a
			// parent are accessible by it.
			// TODO(dfc) sometimes authEntity tag is nil, which is fine because nil is
			// only equal to nil, but it suggests someone is passing an authorizer
			// with a nil tag.
			return isMachineAgent && names.NewMachineTag(parentId) == authEntityTag
		}, nil
	// Both provisioner types can watch the environment.
	getCanWatch := common.AuthAlways(true)
	// Only the environment provisioner can read secrets.
	getCanReadSecrets := common.AuthAlways(authorizer.AuthEnvironManager())
	return &ProvisionerAPI{
		Remover:                common.NewRemover(st, false, getAuthFunc),
		StatusSetter:           common.NewStatusSetter(st, getAuthFunc),
		DeadEnsurer:            common.NewDeadEnsurer(st, getAuthFunc),
		PasswordChanger:        common.NewPasswordChanger(st, getAuthFunc),
		LifeGetter:             common.NewLifeGetter(st, getAuthFunc),
		StateAddresser:         common.NewStateAddresser(st),
		APIAddresser:           common.NewAPIAddresser(st, resources),
		ToolsGetter:            common.NewToolsGetter(st, getAuthFunc),
		EnvironWatcher:         common.NewEnvironWatcher(st, resources, getCanWatch, getCanReadSecrets),
		EnvironMachinesWatcher: common.NewEnvironMachinesWatcher(st, resources, getCanReadSecrets),
		InstanceIdGetter:       common.NewInstanceIdGetter(st, getAuthFunc),
		st:                     st,
		resources:              resources,
		authorizer:             authorizer,
		getAuthFunc:            getAuthFunc,
		getCanWatchMachines:    getCanReadSecrets,
	}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 21
func (s *MachineSuite) TestManageEnvironServesAPI(c *gc.C) {
	s.assertJobWithState(c, state.JobManageEnviron, func(conf agent.Config, agentState *state.State) {
		st, err := api.Open(conf.APIInfo(), fastDialOpts)
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		defer st.Close()
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(conf.Tag())
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		m, err := st.Machiner().Machine(tag)
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		c.Assert(m.Life(), gc.Equals, params.Alive)
Ejemplo n.º 22
// VolumeAttachmentToState converts a params.VolumeAttachment
// to a state.VolumeAttachmentInfo and tags.
func VolumeAttachmentToState(in params.VolumeAttachment) (names.MachineTag, names.VolumeTag, state.VolumeAttachmentInfo, error) {
	machineTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(in.MachineTag)
	if err != nil {
		return names.MachineTag{}, names.VolumeTag{}, state.VolumeAttachmentInfo{}, err
	volumeTag, err := names.ParseVolumeTag(in.VolumeTag)
	if err != nil {
		return names.MachineTag{}, names.VolumeTag{}, state.VolumeAttachmentInfo{}, err
	info := VolumeAttachmentInfoToState(in.Info)
	return machineTag, volumeTag, info, nil
Ejemplo n.º 23
func (s *machineSuite) TestParseMachineTag(c *gc.C) {
	for i, t := range parseMachineTagTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %s", i, t.tag)
		got, err := names.ParseMachineTag(t.tag)
		if err != nil || t.err != nil {
			c.Check(err, gc.DeepEquals, t.err)
		c.Check(got, gc.FitsTypeOf, t.expected)
		c.Check(got, gc.Equals, t.expected)
Ejemplo n.º 24
// GetMachinePorts returns the port ranges opened on a machine for the specified
// subnet as a map mapping port ranges to the tags of the units that opened
// them.
func (f *FirewallerAPI) GetMachinePorts(args params.MachinePortsParams) (params.MachinePortsResults, error) {
	result := params.MachinePortsResults{
		Results: make([]params.MachinePortsResult, len(args.Params)),
	canAccess, err := f.accessMachine()
	if err != nil {
		return params.MachinePortsResults{}, err
	for i, param := range args.Params {
		machineTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(param.MachineTag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
		var subnetTag names.SubnetTag
		if param.SubnetTag != "" {
			subnetTag, err = names.ParseSubnetTag(param.SubnetTag)
			if err != nil {
				result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
		machine, err := f.getMachine(canAccess, machineTag)
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
		ports, err := machine.OpenedPorts(subnetTag.Id())
		if err != nil {
			result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
		if ports != nil {
			portRangeMap := ports.AllPortRanges()
			var portRanges []network.PortRange
			for portRange := range portRangeMap {
				portRanges = append(portRanges, portRange)

			for _, portRange := range portRanges {
				unitTag := names.NewUnitTag(portRangeMap[portRange]).String()
				result.Results[i].Ports = append(result.Results[i].Ports,
						UnitTag:   unitTag,
						PortRange: params.FromNetworkPortRange(portRange),
	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 25
func (p *containerProvisioner) getMachine() (*apiprovisioner.Machine, error) {
	if p.machine == nil {
		tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(p.agentConfig.Tag())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if p.machine, err = p.st.Machine(tag); err != nil {
			logger.Errorf("%s is not in state", p.agentConfig.Tag())
			return nil, err
	return p.machine, nil
Ejemplo n.º 26
func filterVolumes(
	st storageAccess,
	f params.VolumeFilter,
) ([]state.Volume, map[names.VolumeTag][]state.VolumeAttachment, error) {
	if f.IsEmpty() {
		// No filter was specified: get all volumes, and all attachments.
		volumes, err := st.AllVolumes()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
		volumeAttachments := make(map[names.VolumeTag][]state.VolumeAttachment)
		for _, v := range volumes {
			attachments, err := st.VolumeAttachments(v.VolumeTag())
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
			volumeAttachments[v.VolumeTag()] = attachments
		return volumes, volumeAttachments, nil
	volumesByTag := make(map[names.VolumeTag]state.Volume)
	volumeAttachments := make(map[names.VolumeTag][]state.VolumeAttachment)
	for _, machine := range f.Machines {
		machineTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(machine)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
		attachments, err := st.MachineVolumeAttachments(machineTag)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
		for _, attachment := range attachments {
			volumeTag := attachment.Volume()
			volumesByTag[volumeTag] = nil
			volumeAttachments[volumeTag] = append(volumeAttachments[volumeTag], attachment)
	for volumeTag := range volumesByTag {
		volume, err := st.Volume(volumeTag)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
		volumesByTag[volumeTag] = volume
	volumes := make([]state.Volume, 0, len(volumesByTag))
	for _, volume := range volumesByTag {
		volumes = append(volumes, volume)
	return volumes, volumeAttachments, nil
Ejemplo n.º 27
func filterFilesystems(
	st storageAccess,
	f params.FilesystemFilter,
) ([]state.Filesystem, map[names.FilesystemTag][]state.FilesystemAttachment, error) {
	if f.IsEmpty() {
		// No filter was specified: get all filesystems, and all attachments.
		filesystems, err := st.AllFilesystems()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
		filesystemAttachments := make(map[names.FilesystemTag][]state.FilesystemAttachment)
		for _, f := range filesystems {
			attachments, err := st.FilesystemAttachments(f.FilesystemTag())
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
			filesystemAttachments[f.FilesystemTag()] = attachments
		return filesystems, filesystemAttachments, nil
	filesystemsByTag := make(map[names.FilesystemTag]state.Filesystem)
	filesystemAttachments := make(map[names.FilesystemTag][]state.FilesystemAttachment)
	for _, machine := range f.Machines {
		machineTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(machine)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
		attachments, err := st.MachineFilesystemAttachments(machineTag)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
		for _, attachment := range attachments {
			filesystemTag := attachment.Filesystem()
			filesystemsByTag[filesystemTag] = nil
			filesystemAttachments[filesystemTag] = append(filesystemAttachments[filesystemTag], attachment)
	for filesystemTag := range filesystemsByTag {
		filesystem, err := st.Filesystem(filesystemTag)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
		filesystemsByTag[filesystemTag] = filesystem
	filesystems := make([]state.Filesystem, 0, len(filesystemsByTag))
	for _, filesystem := range filesystemsByTag {
		filesystems = append(filesystems, filesystem)
	return filesystems, filesystemAttachments, nil
Ejemplo n.º 28
// FilesystemAttachmentToState converts a storage.FilesystemAttachment
// to a state.FilesystemAttachmentInfo.
func FilesystemAttachmentToState(in params.FilesystemAttachment) (names.MachineTag, names.FilesystemTag, state.FilesystemAttachmentInfo, error) {
	machineTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(in.MachineTag)
	if err != nil {
		return names.MachineTag{}, names.FilesystemTag{}, state.FilesystemAttachmentInfo{}, err
	filesystemTag, err := names.ParseFilesystemTag(in.FilesystemTag)
	if err != nil {
		return names.MachineTag{}, names.FilesystemTag{}, state.FilesystemAttachmentInfo{}, err
	info := state.FilesystemAttachmentInfo{
	return machineTag, filesystemTag, info, nil
Ejemplo n.º 29
func (c *dumpLogsCommand) findMachineId(dataDir string) (string, error) {
	entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(agent.BaseDir(dataDir))
	if err != nil {
		return "", errors.Annotate(err, "failed to read agent configuration base directory")
	for _, entry := range entries {
		if entry.IsDir() {
			tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(entry.Name())
			if err == nil {
				return tag.Id(), nil
	return "", errors.New("no machine agent configuration found")
Ejemplo n.º 30
// updateSupportedContainers records in state that a machine can run the specified containers.
// It starts a watcher and when a container of a given type is first added to the machine,
// the watcher is killed, the machine is set up to be able to start containers of the given type,
// and a suitable provisioner is started.
func (a *MachineAgent) updateSupportedContainers(
	runner worker.Runner,
	st *api.State,
	machineTag string,
	containers []instance.ContainerType,
	agentConfig agent.Config,
) error {
	pr := st.Provisioner()
	tag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(machineTag)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	machine, err := pr.Machine(tag)
	if errors.IsNotFound(err) || err == nil && machine.Life() == params.Dead {
		return worker.ErrTerminateAgent
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot load machine %s from state", tag)
	if len(containers) == 0 {
		if err := machine.SupportsNoContainers(); err != nil {
			return errors.Annotatef(err, "clearing supported containers for %s", tag)
		return nil
	if err := machine.SetSupportedContainers(containers...); err != nil {
		return errors.Annotatef(err, "setting supported containers for %s", tag)
	initLock, err := hookExecutionLock(agentConfig.DataDir())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Start the watcher to fire when a container is first requested on the machine.
	watcherName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-container-watcher", machine.Id())
	handler := provisioner.NewContainerSetupHandler(
	a.startWorkerAfterUpgrade(runner, watcherName, func() (worker.Worker, error) {
		return worker.NewStringsWorker(handler), nil
	return nil