Ejemplo n.º 1
// Wait for input and send output to client.
func takeInput(conn net.Conn) (err error) {
	for {
		query, err := bufioutil.NewReader(conn).ReadLine()
		if err != nil {
			if err.Error() == "EOF" {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		// Do something with the query
		switch query {
		case settings.QueryUpdates:
			// Encode (send) the value.
			err = gob.NewEncoder(conn).Encode(settings.Updates)
		case settings.QueryClearAll:
			settings.Updates = make(map[string]bool)
			err = settings.SaveUpdates()
		case settings.QueryForceRecheck:
			pages, err := ini.ReadPages(settings.PagesPath)
			if err != nil {
				return errutil.Err(err)
			err = page.ForceUpdate(pages)
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// check is an non-exported function for better error handling.
func (p *Page) check() (err error) {
	if settings.Verbose {
		fmt.Println("[/] Downloading:", p.ReqUrl.String())

	// Retrieve result from download or return timeout error.
	var r struct {
	select {
	case r = <-errWrapDownload(p):
		if r.error != nil {
			return errutil.Err(r.error)
	case <-time.After(settings.TimeoutDuration):
		return errutil.NewNoPosf("timeout: %s", p.ReqUrl.String())

	// Extract selection from downloaded source.
	selection, err := p.makeSelection(r.Node)
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)

	// Filename is the URL encoded and the protocol is stripped.
	linuxPath, err := filename.Encode(p.UrlAsFilename())
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)

	// Debug - no selection.
	debug, err := htmlutil.RenderClean(r.Node)
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)
	// Update the debug comparison file.
	debugCachePathName := settings.DebugCacheRoot + linuxPath + ".htm"
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(debugCachePathName, []byte(debug), settings.Global.FilePerms)
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)

	// If the selection is empty, the CSS selection is probably wrong so we will
	// alert the user about this problem.
	if len(selection) == 0 {
		return errutil.NewNoPosf("Update was empty. URL: %s", p.ReqUrl)

	cachePathName := settings.CacheRoot + linuxPath + ".htm"

	// Read in comparison.
	buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cachePathName)
	if err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		// If the page hasn't been checked before, create a new comparison file.
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		readPathName := settings.ReadRoot + linuxPath + ".htm"
		// If the page hasn't been checked before, create a new comparison file.
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		debugReadPathName := settings.DebugReadRoot + linuxPath + ".htm"

		// Update the debug prev file.
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(debugReadPathName, []byte(debug), settings.Global.FilePerms)
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		if settings.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("[+] New site added:", p.ReqUrl.String())

		return nil

	// The distance between to strings in percentage.
	dist := distance.Approx(string(buf), selection)

	// If the distance is within the threshold level, i.e if the check was a
	// match.
	if dist > p.Settings.Threshold {
		u := p.ReqUrl.String()
		settings.Updates[u] = true

		if settings.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("[!] Updated:", p.ReqUrl.String())

		// If the page has a mail and all compulsory global mail settings are
		// set, send a mail to notify the user about an update.
		if p.Settings.RecvMail != "" &&
			settings.Global.SenderMail.AuthServer != "" &&
			settings.Global.SenderMail.OutServer != "" &&
			settings.Global.SenderMail.Address != "" {

			// Mail the selection without the stripping functions, since their
			// only purpose is to remove false-positives. It will make the
			// output look better.
			mailPage := Page{p.ReqUrl, p.Settings}
			mailPage.Settings.StripFuncs = nil
			mailPage.Settings.Regexp = ""
			sel, err := mailPage.makeSelection(r.Node)
			if err != nil {
				return errutil.Err(err)

			err = mail.Send(p.ReqUrl, p.Settings.RecvMail, sel)
			if err != nil {
				return errutil.Err(err)
			delete(settings.Updates, u)
		// Save updates to file.
		err = settings.SaveUpdates()
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		// Update the comparison file.
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(cachePathName, []byte(selection), settings.Global.FilePerms)
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)
	} else {
		if settings.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("[-] No update:", p.ReqUrl.String())
	return nil