Ejemplo n.º 1
// SetMandrill sets the Mandrill API for sending emails. This function is not
// recursive and returns nil. @todo
func SetMandrill(opts ...MandrillOptions) DaemonOption {
	return func(da *Daemon) DaemonOption {
		// this whole func is just a quick write down. no idea if it's working
		// and refactor ... 8-)
		apiKey := da.Config.GetString(config.ScopeStore(da.ScopeID), config.Path(PathSmtpMandrillAPIKey))

		if apiKey == "" {
			da.lastErrs = append(da.lastErrs, errors.New("Mandrill API Key is empty."))
			return nil

		md, err := gochimp.NewMandrill(apiKey)
		if err != nil {
			da.lastErrs = append(da.lastErrs, err)
			return nil
		for _, o := range opts {

		da.sendFunc = func(from string, to []string, msg io.WriterTo) error {

			// @todo figure out if "to" contains To, CC and BCC addresses.

			addr, err := mail.ParseAddress(from)
			if err != nil {
				return log.Error("mail.daemon.Mandrill.ParseAddress", "err", err, "from", from, "to", to)

			r := gochimp.Recipient{
				Name:  addr.Name,
				Email: addr.Address,

			var buf bytes.Buffer
			if _, err := msg.WriteTo(&buf); err != nil {
				return log.Error("mail.daemon.Mandrill.MessageWriteTo", "err", err, "from", from, "to", to, "msg", buf.String())

			resp, err := md.MessageSendRaw(buf.String(), to, r, false)
			if err != nil {
				return log.Error("mail.daemon.Mandrill.MessageSendRaw", "err", err, "from", from, "to", to, "msg", buf.String())
			if log.IsDebug() {
				log.Debug("mail.daemon.Mandrill.MessageSendRaw", "resp", resp, "from", from, "to", to, "msg", buf.String())
			// The last arg in MessageSendRaw means async in the Mandrill API:
			// Async: enable a background sending mode that is optimized for bulk sending.
			// In async mode, messages/send will immediately return a status of "queued"
			// for every recipient. To handle rejections when sending in async mode, set
			// up a webhook for the 'reject' event. Defaults to false for messages with
			// no more than 10 recipients; messages with more than 10 recipients are
			// always sent asynchronously, regardless of the value of async.
			return nil
		da.dialer = nil

		return nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// emailVendors sends an inventory email to each vendor.
// This should probably be defined on vendors itself
func emailVendors(v vendors) error {
	tmpl, err := template.New("inventoryTable").Parse(tableTmpl)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// NewMandrill never actually returns an error.
	mandrill, _ := gochimp.NewMandrill(*key)
	// Check connection to mandrill
	_, err = mandrill.Ping()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Failed to initialize mandrill. Bad Key?")

	// Convenience function for sending vendor emails
	send := func(to string, name string, body string) ([]gochimp.SendResponse, error) {
		message := gochimp.Message{}
		message.AddRecipients(gochimp.Recipient{to, name})
		message.FromEmail = *fromEmail
		message.FromName = *fromName
		message.Subject = "Jonesborough Farmers Market Inventory Report for " + name
		message.Html = body

		return mandrill.MessageSend(message, false)

	// email each vendor
	for _, aVendor := range v {
		// Skip vendors that don't have emails
		if aVendor.Email == "" {
			log.Println("No email found for " + aVendor.Name + ". Skipping...")

		// Generate a table of items and quantities
		// for the vendor
		var t bytes.Buffer

		err = tmpl.Execute(&t, aVendor)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Send the email
		_, err = send(aVendor.Email, aVendor.Name, t.String())
		if err != nil {
			// Perhaps just log the error instead of dying?
			return err
		log.Println("Email sent to " + aVendor.Name + " (" + aVendor.Email + ")")

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
func newSMTP(api string, sendLimiter *rerate.Limiter, spamLimiter *rerate.Limiter) (*smtpd.Server, error) {
	mandrillAPI, err := gochimp.NewMandrill(api)
	if err != nil {
		return &smtpd.Server{}, err
	mailHandler := makeMailHandler(mandrillAPI, sendLimiter, spamLimiter)
	heloChecker := makeHeloChecker(sendLimiter, spamLimiter)
	return &smtpd.Server{
		WelcomeMessage: "Heimdall SMTP Server",
		Handler:        mailHandler,
		HeloChecker:    heloChecker,
	}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Send Email Verification
func SendVerificationEmail(user *models.User, baseURL string) error {
	// Open New Mandrill API
	api, err := gochimp.NewMandrill(MandrillAPIKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Create the message
	message := gochimp.Message{
		To: []gochimp.Recipient{
			// Only One Recipient!
				Email: user.Email,
				Name:  user.FullName,
		TrackOpens:       true,
		TrackClicks:      true,
		InlineCss:        true,
		AutoText:         true,
		TrackingDomain:   "track.list.hunterleath.com",
		SigningDomain:    "list.hunterleath.com",
		ReturnPathDomain: "track.list.hunterleath.com",
		Merge:            true,
		GlobalMergeVars: []gochimp.Var{
				Name:    "NAME",
				Content: user.FullName,
				Name:    "LDATE",
				Content: time.Now().Format("Monday, January 2"),
				Name:    "VERIFICATION_URL",
				Content: fmt.Sprintf("%v/verify/%v/%v", baseURL, user.VerificationKey, url.QueryEscape(user.Email)),

	// Send the message
	response, err := api.MessageSendTemplate("leath-s-list-email-verification", nil, message, false)
	for _, v := range response {
		if v.RejectedReason != "" {
			return errors.New(v.RejectedReason)

	return err
Ejemplo n.º 5
func init() {

	stripeSecretKey := config.StripeTestSecretKey
	stripePublicKey = config.StripeTestPublicKey

	var cwd, _ = filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]))
	if os.Getenv("ENV") == "production" {
		STATIC_DIR = cwd + "/" + STATIC_DIR
		stripeSecretKey = config.StripeLiveSecretKey
		stripePublicKey = config.StripeLivePublicKey
	chimp = gochimp.NewChimp(config.MailchimpKey, true)
	mandrill, _ = gochimp.NewMandrill(config.MandrillKey)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func main() {
	apiKey := os.Getenv("MANDRILL_KEY")
	mandrillApi, err := gochimp.NewMandrill(apiKey)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error instantiating client")

	templateName := "welcome email"
	contentVar := gochimp.Var{"main", "<h1>Welcome aboard!</h1>"}
	content := []gochimp.Var{contentVar}

	_, err = mandrillApi.TemplateAdd(templateName, fmt.Sprintf("%s", contentVar.Content), true)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error adding template: %v", err)
	defer mandrillApi.TemplateDelete(templateName)
	renderedTemplate, err := mandrillApi.TemplateRender(templateName, content, nil)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error rendering template: %v", err)

	recipients := []gochimp.Recipient{
		gochimp.Recipient{Email: "*****@*****.**"},

	message := gochimp.Message{
		Html:      renderedTemplate,
		Subject:   "Welcome aboard!",
		FromEmail: "*****@*****.**",
		FromName:  "Boss Man",
		To:        recipients,

	_, err = mandrillApi.MessageSend(message, false)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error sending message")
Ejemplo n.º 7
func main() {
	apiKey := os.Getenv("MANDRILL_KEY")
	mandrillApi, err := gochimp.NewMandrill(apiKey)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error instantiating client")

	templateName := "welcome email"
	contentVar := gochimp.Var{"main", "<h1>Welcome aboard!</h1>"}
	content := []gochimp.Var{contentVar}

	renderedTemplate, err := mandrillApi.TemplateRender(templateName, content, nil)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error rendering template")

	recipients := []gochimp.Recipient{
		gochimp.Recipient{Email: "*****@*****.**"},

	message := gochimp.Message{
		Html:      renderedTemplate,
		Subject:   "Welcome aboard!",
		FromEmail: "*****@*****.**",
		FromName:  "Boss Man",
		To:        recipients,

	_, err = mandrillApi.MessageSend(message, false)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error sending message")
Ejemplo n.º 8
func main() {
	var firstName string
	var lastName string
	var confirmationNumber string
	var email string
	url := "http://mobile.southwest.com/middleware/MWServlet"

	flag.StringVar(&firstName, "firstName", "", "First name for check in")
	flag.StringVar(&lastName, "lastName", "", "Last name for check in")
	flag.StringVar(&confirmationNumber, "confirmationNumber", "", "Confirmation Number for check in")
	flag.StringVar(&email, "email", "", "Email address to receive notifications")


	if firstName == "" || lastName == "" || confirmationNumber == "" {
		log.Panic("Please ensure first name, last name and confirmation number are filled out")

	s := NewSouthwest(firstName, lastName, confirmationNumber, url)
	resp, err := s.CheckIn()
	if err != nil {

	if email != "" {
		apiKey := os.Getenv("MANDRILL_KEY")
		mandrillApi, err := gochimp.NewMandrill(apiKey)

		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("Error instantiating client")

		templateName := "notification"
		content := []gochimp.Var{
			gochimp.Var{"header", "<h1>Howdy and welcome!</h1>"},
			gochimp.Var{"main", fmt.Sprintf("<div>%s</div>", resp.Errmsg)},

		renderedTemplate, err := mandrillApi.TemplateRender(templateName, content, nil)

		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("Error rendering template")
		recipients := []gochimp.Recipient{
			gochimp.Recipient{Email: email},

		message := gochimp.Message{
			Html:      renderedTemplate,
			Subject:   "All Set!",
			FromEmail: "*****@*****.**",
			FromName:  "Checkin Agent",
			To:        recipients,

		_, err = mandrillApi.MessageSend(message, false)

		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("Error sending message")

Ejemplo n.º 9
func main() {
	flag.BoolVar(&prod, "o", false, ":sync the MailChimp templates to the official account of Mandrill.")

	start := time.Now()

	var config Config
	content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("config.json")
	if err != nil {
	if err = json.Unmarshal(content, &config); err != nil {

	key := config.MailChimp.APIKey
	if key == "" {
		log.Println("Please specify PROD_MAILCHIMP_KEY")
	mailchimp := gochimp.NewChimp(key, true)

	var accounts []account
	if prod {
		log.Println("Updating Production Templates")
		accounts = append(accounts, config.Official)
	} else {
		log.Println("Updating Dev/Test Templates")
		accounts = config.Accounts

	slugs := config.Slugs

	chimpList, err := mailchimp.TemplatesList(gochimp.TemplatesList{
		Types:   gochimp.TemplateListType{User: true, Gallery: true, Base: true},
		Filters: gochimp.TemplateListFilter{IncludeDragAndDrop: true},
	if err != nil {

	for _, tmpl := range chimpList.User {
		slug, ok := slugs[tmpl.Name]
		if !ok {
		log.Println("Slug:", slug)

		info, err := mailchimp.TemplatesInfo(gochimp.TemplateInfo{
			TemplateID: tmpl.Id,
			Type:       "user",
		if err != nil {

		for _, account := range accounts {
			log.Println("Account:", account.Email)
			mandril, err := gochimp.NewMandrill(account.APIKey)
			if err != nil {

			var exists bool
			_, err = mandril.TemplateInfo(slug)
			if err != nil {
				if merr, ok := err.(gochimp.MandrillError); !ok && merr.Name != "Unknown_Template" {
			} else {
				exists = true

			if exists {
				log.Println("Action: Update")
				_, err = mandril.TemplateUpdate(slug, info.Source, true)
			} else {
				log.Println("Action: Add")
				_, err = mandril.TemplateAdd(slug, info.Source, true)
			if err != nil {
	log.Println("Took", time.Now().Sub(start))