Ejemplo n.º 1
// HTTPTrackerError reports a bencoded []byte response as specified by input string
func HTTPTrackerError(err string) []byte {
	return bencode.EncDictMap(map[string][]byte{
		"failure reason": bencode.EncString(err),
		"interval":       bencode.EncInt(RandRange(Static.Config.Interval-600, Static.Config.Interval)),
		"min interval":   bencode.EncInt(Static.Config.Interval / 2),
Ejemplo n.º 2
// HTTPTrackerAnnounce announces using HTTP format
func HTTPTrackerAnnounce(query map[string]string, file FileRecord, fileUser FileUserRecord) []byte {
	// Begin generating response map, with current number of known seeders/leechers
	res := map[string][]byte{
		"complete":   bencode.EncInt(file.Seeders()),
		"incomplete": bencode.EncInt(file.Leechers()),

	// If client has not yet completed torrent, ask them to announce more frequently, so they can gather
	// more peers and quickly report their statistics
	if fileUser.Completed == false {
		res["interval"] = bencode.EncInt(RandRange(300, 600))
		res["min interval"] = bencode.EncInt(300)
	} else {
		// Once a torrent has been completed, report statistics less frequently
		res["interval"] = bencode.EncInt(RandRange(Static.Config.Interval-600, Static.Config.Interval))
		res["min interval"] = bencode.EncInt(Static.Config.Interval / 2)

	// Check for numwant parameter, return up to that number of peers
	// Default is 50 per protocol
	numwant := 50
	if _, ok := query["numwant"]; ok {
		// Verify numwant is an integer
		num, err := strconv.Atoi(query["numwant"])
		if err == nil {
			numwant = num

	// Generaate compact peer list of length numwant, exclude this user
	res["peers"] = bencode.EncBytes(file.PeerList(query["ip"], numwant))

	// Bencode entire map and return
	return bencode.EncDictMap(res)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// HTTPTrackerScrape reports scrape using HTTP format
func HTTPTrackerScrape(query map[string]string, file FileRecord) []byte {
	// Decode hex string to byte format
	hash, err := hex.DecodeString(file.InfoHash)
	if err != nil {
		hash = []byte("")

	return bencode.EncDictMap(map[string][]byte{
		"files":      bencode.EncBytes(hash),
		"complete":   bencode.EncInt(file.Seeders()),
		"downloaded": bencode.EncInt(file.Completed()),
		"incomplete": bencode.EncInt(file.Leechers()),
		// optional field: name, string