Ejemplo n.º 1
// Single takes a name and returns the potential images of that person.
func Single(name string) (u *url.URL, err error) {
	urls, err := Lookup(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errutil.Err(err)
	if urls == nil {
		return nil, errutil.NewNoPosf("no match found for: %s.", name)
	if len(urls) > 1 {
		log.Println(errutil.NewNoPosf("more than %d hits for: %s.", len(urls), name))
	return urls[0], err
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Parse ini settings section to global setting.
func parseSettings(config ini.Section) (err error) {
	for fieldName := range config {
		if _, found := settingsFields[fieldName]; !found {
			return errutil.NewNoPosf(errFieldNotExist, fieldName)

	// Get time setting from INI.
	// If interval setting wasn't found, default value is 1 minute
	intervalStr := config.S(fieldInterval, settings.DefaultInterval.String())
	// Parse string to duration.
	settings.Global.Interval, err = time.ParseDuration(intervalStr)
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)

	// Set global file permissions.
	settings.Global.FilePerms = os.FileMode(config.I(fieldFilePerms, int(settings.DefaultFilePerms)))

	// Set port number.
	settings.Global.PortNum = config.S(fieldPortNum, settings.DefaultPortNum)

	// Set browser path.
	settings.Global.Browser = config.S(fieldBrowser, "")

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: boop.go Proyecto: karlek/boop
// urlEncode is used for xfingers ISO-8859-1 encoding of special characters.
func urlEncode(name string) (string, error) {
	n, ok := mahonia.NewEncoder("ISO-8859-1").ConvertStringOK(name)
	if !ok {
		return "", errutil.NewNoPosf("name contains non illegal charset characters: %s.", n)
	return url.QueryEscape(n), nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Download the page with or without user specified headers.
func (p *Page) download() (doc *html.Node, err error) {

	// Construct the request.
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", p.ReqUrl.String(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errutil.Err(err)

	// If special headers were specified, add them to the request.
	if p.Settings.Header != nil {
		for key, val := range p.Settings.Header {
			req.Header.Add(key, val)

	// Do request and read response.
	resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		if serr, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok {
			if serr.Err == io.EOF {
				return nil, errutil.NewNoPosf("Update was empty: %s", p.ReqUrl)
		return nil, errutil.Err(err)
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	// If response contained a client or server error, fail with that error.
	if resp.StatusCode >= 400 {
		return nil, errutil.Newf("%s: (%d) - %s", p.ReqUrl.String(), resp.StatusCode, resp.Status)

	// Read the response body to []byte.
	buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errutil.Err(err)

	// Fix charset problems with servers that doesn't use utf-8
	charset := "utf-8"
	content := string(buf)

	types := strings.Split(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), ` `)
	for _, typ := range types {
		if strings.Contains(typ, "charset") {
			keyval := strings.Split(typ, `=`)
			if len(keyval) == 2 {
				charset = keyval[1]
	if charset != "utf-8" {
		content = mahonia.NewDecoder(charset).ConvertString(content)
	// Parse response into html.Node.
	return html.Parse(strings.NewReader(content))
Ejemplo n.º 5
func parseRarity(rarity string) (int, error) {
	switch rarity {
	case "common":
		return Common, nil
	case "magical":
		return Magical, nil
	case "artifact":
		return Artifact, nil
		return 0, errutil.NewNoPosf("invalid rarity: %s", rarity)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: boop.go Proyecto: karlek/boop
// download downloads non-placeholding Osquarulda images and saves them in the
// current folder.
func download(osq Osquarulda) (err error) {
	buf, err := httputil.Get(osq.ImgUrl.String())
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)
	// Compare the image to the placeholder image.
	if bytes.Equal(buf, defaultPic) {
		return errutil.NewNoPosf("%s missing picture.", osq.Name)
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(osq.Name+".png", buf, 0777)
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Parse ini mail section to global setting.
func parseMail(mail ini.Section) (err error) {
	for fieldName := range mail {
		if _, found := mailFields[fieldName]; !found {
			return errutil.NewNoPosf(errFieldNotExist, fieldName)

	// Set global sender mail.
	settings.Global.SenderMail.Address = mail.S(fieldSendMail, "")
	if settings.Global.SenderMail.Address == "" {
		return errutil.NewNoPosf(errMailAddressNotFound)
	} else if !strings.Contains(settings.Global.SenderMail.Address, "@") {
		return errutil.NewNoPosf(errInvalidMailAddress, settings.Global.SenderMail.Address)

	// Set global sender mail password.
	settings.Global.SenderMail.Password = mail.S(fieldSendPass, "")

	// Set global sender authorization server.
	settings.Global.SenderMail.AuthServer = mail.S(fieldSendAuthServer, "")
	if settings.Global.SenderMail.AuthServer == "" {
		return errutil.NewNoPosf(errMailAuthServerNotFound)

	// Set global sender mail outgoing server.
	settings.Global.SenderMail.OutServer = mail.S(fieldSendOutServer, "")
	if settings.Global.SenderMail.OutServer == "" {
		return errutil.NewNoPosf(errMailOutServerNotFound)

	// Set global receive mail.
	settings.Global.RecvMail = mail.S(fieldRecvMail, "")
	if settings.Global.RecvMail == "" {
		return errutil.NewNoPosf(errMailAddressNotFound)
	} else if !strings.Contains(settings.Global.RecvMail, "@") {
		return errutil.NewNoPosf(errInvalidMailAddress, settings.Global.RecvMail)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 8
// check is an non-exported function for better error handling.
func (p *Page) check() (err error) {
	if settings.Verbose {
		fmt.Println("[/] Downloading:", p.ReqUrl.String())

	// Retrieve result from download or return timeout error.
	var r struct {
	select {
	case r = <-errWrapDownload(p):
		if r.error != nil {
			return errutil.Err(r.error)
	case <-time.After(settings.TimeoutDuration):
		return errutil.NewNoPosf("timeout: %s", p.ReqUrl.String())

	// Extract selection from downloaded source.
	selection, err := p.makeSelection(r.Node)
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)

	// Filename is the URL encoded and the protocol is stripped.
	linuxPath, err := filename.Encode(p.UrlAsFilename())
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)

	// Debug - no selection.
	debug, err := htmlutil.RenderClean(r.Node)
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)
	// Update the debug comparison file.
	debugCachePathName := settings.DebugCacheRoot + linuxPath + ".htm"
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(debugCachePathName, []byte(debug), settings.Global.FilePerms)
	if err != nil {
		return errutil.Err(err)

	// If the selection is empty, the CSS selection is probably wrong so we will
	// alert the user about this problem.
	if len(selection) == 0 {
		return errutil.NewNoPosf("Update was empty. URL: %s", p.ReqUrl)

	cachePathName := settings.CacheRoot + linuxPath + ".htm"

	// Read in comparison.
	buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cachePathName)
	if err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		// If the page hasn't been checked before, create a new comparison file.
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		readPathName := settings.ReadRoot + linuxPath + ".htm"
		// If the page hasn't been checked before, create a new comparison file.
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		debugReadPathName := settings.DebugReadRoot + linuxPath + ".htm"

		// Update the debug prev file.
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(debugReadPathName, []byte(debug), settings.Global.FilePerms)
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		if settings.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("[+] New site added:", p.ReqUrl.String())

		return nil

	// The distance between to strings in percentage.
	dist := distance.Approx(string(buf), selection)

	// If the distance is within the threshold level, i.e if the check was a
	// match.
	if dist > p.Settings.Threshold {
		u := p.ReqUrl.String()
		settings.Updates[u] = true

		if settings.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("[!] Updated:", p.ReqUrl.String())

		// If the page has a mail and all compulsory global mail settings are
		// set, send a mail to notify the user about an update.
		if p.Settings.RecvMail != "" &&
			settings.Global.SenderMail.AuthServer != "" &&
			settings.Global.SenderMail.OutServer != "" &&
			settings.Global.SenderMail.Address != "" {

			// Mail the selection without the stripping functions, since their
			// only purpose is to remove false-positives. It will make the
			// output look better.
			mailPage := Page{p.ReqUrl, p.Settings}
			mailPage.Settings.StripFuncs = nil
			mailPage.Settings.Regexp = ""
			sel, err := mailPage.makeSelection(r.Node)
			if err != nil {
				return errutil.Err(err)

			err = mail.Send(p.ReqUrl, p.Settings.RecvMail, sel)
			if err != nil {
				return errutil.Err(err)
			delete(settings.Updates, u)
		// Save updates to file.
		err = settings.SaveUpdates()
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)

		// Update the comparison file.
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(cachePathName, []byte(selection), settings.Global.FilePerms)
		if err != nil {
			return errutil.Err(err)
	} else {
		if settings.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("[-] No update:", p.ReqUrl.String())
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 9
// ReadPages reads pages file and returns a slice of pages.
func ReadPages(pagesPath string) (pages []*page.Page, err error) {

	// Parse pages file.
	file := ini.New()
	err = file.Load(pagesPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errutil.Err(err)

	// Loop through the INI sections ([section]) and parse page settings.
	for name, section := range file.Sections {
		// Skip global scope INI values since they are empty.
		if len(name) == 0 {

		if settings.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("[o] Watching:", name)

		for fieldName := range section {
			if _, found := siteFields[fieldName]; !found {
				return nil, errutil.NewNoPosf(errFieldNotExist, fieldName)

		var p page.Page
		var pageSettings settings.Page

		// Make INI section ([http://example.org]) into url.URL.
		p.ReqUrl, err = url.Parse(name)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errutil.Err(err)

		// Set CSS selector.
		pageSettings.Selection = section.S(fieldSelection, "")

		// Set regular expression string.
		pageSettings.Regexp = section.S(fieldRegexp, "")

		// Set "negexp" (negative regular expression) string which removes all
		// that matches it.
		pageSettings.Negexp = section.S(fieldNegexp, "")

		// Set threshold value.
		pageSettings.Threshold = section.F64(fieldThreshold, 0)

		// Set interval time.
		intervalStr := section.S(fieldInterval, settings.Global.Interval.String())
		// Parse string to duration.
		pageSettings.Interval, err = time.ParseDuration(intervalStr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errutil.Err(err)

		// Set individual mail address.
		pageSettings.RecvMail = section.S(fieldRecvMail, settings.Global.RecvMail)
		if pageSettings.RecvMail != "" && !strings.Contains(pageSettings.RecvMail, "@") {
			return nil, errutil.NewNoPosf(errInvalidMailAddress, pageSettings.RecvMail)

		// Set individual header.
		headers := section.List(fieldHeader)
		m := make(map[string]string)
		for _, header := range headers {
			if strings.Contains(header, ":") {
				keyVal := strings.SplitN(header, ":", 2)
				m[strings.TrimSpace(keyVal[0])] = strings.TrimSpace(keyVal[1])
			} else {
				return nil, errutil.NewNoPosf(errInvalidHeader, header)
		pageSettings.Header = m

		// Set strip functions to use.
		pageSettings.StripFuncs = section.List(fieldStrip)
		if pageSettings.StripFuncs == nil {
			if _, found := section[fieldStrip]; found {
				return nil, errutil.NewNoPosf(errInvalidListDeclaration)
		for _, stripFunc := range pageSettings.StripFuncs {
			if _, found := stripFunctions[stripFunc]; !found {
				return nil, errutil.NewNoPosf(errInvalidStripFunction, stripFunc)
		p.Settings = pageSettings

		pages = append(pages, &p)

	if pages == nil {
		return nil, errutil.NewNoPosf("no pages in %s", settings.PagesPath)
	return pages, nil