Ejemplo n.º 1
// WatchForFinishedTestRuns simply watches the local cache for any test runs that have test data.
// It will periodically look at the table and send any present test data back to the server as a response.
// When the server has successfully received this data, it will send a task back to this specific agent
// to delete this row from the cache.
func WatchForFinishedTestRuns(cfg config.Config) {

	var ac = cache.NewAgentCache(cfg)

	agentUuid := ac.GetKeyValue("uuid")

	for {

		time.Sleep(5000 * time.Millisecond)

		testruns, err := ac.GetFinishedTestRuns()
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Problem retrieving finished test runs")

		for testUuid, testData := range testruns {

			log.Debug("Found ripe testrun: ", testUuid)

			var utdr = responses.UploadTestDataResponse{
				TestUuid: testUuid,
				TestData: testData,
			utdr.AgentUuid = agentUuid
			utdr.Type = "TestData" //TODO(mierdin): This is an extra step. Maybe a factory function for the task could help here?

			var tc = comms.NewToDDComms(cfg)



Ejemplo n.º 2
// Run contains the logic necessary to perform this task on the agent. This particular task
// will simply pass a key/value pair to the agent cache to be set
func (kvt KeyValueTask) Run() error {

	var ac = cache.NewAgentCache(kvt.Config)

	err := ac.SetKeyValue(kvt.Key, kvt.Value)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("KeyValueTask failed - %s:%s", kvt.Key, kvt.Value))
	log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("KeyValueTask successful - %s:%s", kvt.Key, kvt.Value))

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// WatchForGroup should be run as a goroutine, like other background services. This is because it will itself spawn a goroutine to
// listen for tasks that are sent to groups, and this goroutine can be restarted when group membership changes
func (rmq rabbitMQComms) WatchForGroup() {

	var ac = cache.NewAgentCache(rmq.config)

	// dereg is a channel that allows us to instruct the goroutine that's listening for tests to stop. This allows us to re-register to a new command
	dereg := make(chan bool)

	group := ac.GetKeyValue("group")

	// if the group is nothing, rewrite to "mull". This is being done for now so that we don't have to worry if the goroutine was started or not
	// This way, it's always running, but if the agent is not in a group, it's listening on the "null" queue, which never has anything on it.
	// This is a minor waste of resources on the agent, so TODO(mierdin): you should probably fix this at some point and figure out how to only run
	// the goroutine when needed, but at the same time prevent the dereg channel from blocking unnecessarily in that case
	// This will also handle the cases when the agent first starts up, and the key for this group isn't present in the cache, and therefore is "".
	if group == "" {
		group = "null"

	go func() {
		for {
			err := rmq.ListenForGroupTasks(group, dereg)
			if err != nil {
				log.Warn("ListenForGroupTasks reported a failure. Trying again...")

	// Loop until the unackedGroup flag is set
	for {
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

		// The key "unackedGroup" stores a "true" or "false" to indicate that there has been a group change that we need to acknowledge (handle)
		if ac.GetKeyValue("unackedGroup") == "true" {

			// This will kill the underlying goroutine, and in effect stop listening to the old queue.
			dereg <- true

			// Finally, set the "unackedGroup" to indicate that we've acknowledged the group change, and go back to the "rereg" label
			// to re-register onto the new group name
			ac.SetKeyValue("unackedGroup", "false")
			goto rereg

Ejemplo n.º 4
// Run contains the logic necessary to perform this task on the agent.
// This particular task will install, but not execute a testrun on this agent.
// The installation procedure will first run the referenced testlet in check mode
// to help ensure that the actual testrun execution can take place. If that
// succeeds, the testrun is installed in the agent cache.
func (itt InstallTestRunTask) Run() error {

	if itt.Tr.Testlet == "" {
		log.Error("Testlet parameter for this testrun is null")
		return errors.New("Testlet parameter for this testrun is null")

	// Generate path to testlet and make sure it exists.
	testlet_path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/assets/testlets/%s", itt.Config.LocalResources.OptDir, itt.Tr.Testlet)
	if _, err := os.Stat(testlet_path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		log.Errorf("Testlet %s does not exist on this agent", itt.Tr.Testlet)
		return errors.New("Error installing testrun - testlet doesn't exist on this agent.")

	// Run the testlet in check mode to verify that everything is okay to run this test
	log.Debug("Running testlet in check mode: ", testlet_path)
	cmd := exec.Command(testlet_path, "check")

	// Stdout buffer
	cmdOutput := &bytes.Buffer{}
	// Attach buffer to command
	cmd.Stdout = cmdOutput
	// Execute collector

	// This is probably the best cross-platform way to see if check mode passed.
	if strings.Contains(string(cmdOutput.Bytes()), "Check mode PASSED") {
		log.Debugf("Check mode for %s passed", testlet_path)
	} else {
		log.Error("Testlet returned an error during check mode: ", string(cmdOutput.Bytes()))
		return errors.New("Testlet returned an error during check mode")

	// Insert testrun into agent cache
	var ac = cache.NewAgentCache(itt.Config)
	err := ac.InsertTestRun(itt.Tr)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Problem installing test run into agent cache")

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Run contains the logic necessary to perform this task on the agent.
func (sgt SetGroupTask) Run() error {

	var ac = cache.NewAgentCache(sgt.Config)

	// First, see what the current group is. If it matches what this task is instructing, we don't need to do anything.
	if ac.GetKeyValue("group") != sgt.GroupName {
		err := ac.SetKeyValue("group", sgt.GroupName)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set keyvalue pair - %s:%s", "group", sgt.GroupName))
		err = ac.SetKeyValue("unackedGroup", "true")
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set keyvalue pair - %s:%s", "unackedGroup", "true"))
	} else {
		log.Info("Already in the group being dictated by the server: ", sgt.GroupName)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: main.go Proyecto: twm1010/todd
func main() {

	cfg := config.GetConfig(arg_config)

	// Set up cache
	var ac = cache.NewAgentCache(cfg)

	// Generate UUID
	uuid := hostresources.GenerateUuid()
	ac.SetKeyValue("uuid", uuid)

	log.Infof("ToDD Agent Activated: %s", uuid)

	// Start test data reporting service
	go testing.WatchForFinishedTestRuns(cfg)

	// Construct comms package
	var tc = comms.NewToDDComms(cfg)

	// Spawn goroutine to listen for tasks issued by server
	go func() {
		for {
			err := tc.CommsPackage.ListenForTasks(uuid)
			if err != nil {
				log.Warn("ListenForTasks reported a failure. Trying again...")

	// Watch for changes to group membership
	go tc.CommsPackage.WatchForGroup()

	// Continually advertise agent status into message queue
	for {

		// Gather assets here as a map, and refer to a key in that map in the below struct
		gatheredAssets := GetLocalAssets(cfg)

		var defaultaddr string
		if cfg.LocalResources.IPAddrOverride != "" {
			defaultaddr = cfg.LocalResources.IPAddrOverride
		} else {
			defaultaddr = hostresources.GetIPOfInt(cfg.LocalResources.DefaultInterface).String()

		// Create an AgentAdvert instance to represent this particular agent
		me := defs.AgentAdvert{
			Uuid:           uuid,
			DefaultAddr:    defaultaddr,
			FactCollectors: gatheredAssets["factcollectors"],
			Testlets:       gatheredAssets["testlets"],
			Facts:          facts.GetFacts(cfg),
			LocalTime:      time.Now().UTC(),

		// Advertise this agent
		err := tc.CommsPackage.AdvertiseAgent(me)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Failed to advertise agent after several retries")

		time.Sleep(15 * time.Second) // TODO(moswalt): make configurable

Ejemplo n.º 7
// ListenForTasks is a method that recieves task notices from the server
func (rmq rabbitMQComms) ListenForTasks(uuid string) error {

	// Connect to RabbitMQ with retry logic
	conn, err := connectRabbitMQ(rmq.queueUrl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("(AdvertiseAgent) Failed to connect to RabbitMQ")
		return err
	defer conn.Close()

	ch, err := conn.Channel()
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to open a channel")
	defer ch.Close()

	_, err = ch.QueueDeclare(
		uuid,  // name
		false, // durable
		false, // delete when usused
		false, // exclusive
		false, // no-wait
		nil,   // arguments
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to declare a queue")

	msgs, err := ch.Consume(
		uuid,  // queue
		uuid,  // consumer
		true,  // auto-ack
		false, // exclusive
		false, // no-local
		false, // no-wait
		nil,   // args
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to register a consumer")

	forever := make(chan bool)

	go func() {
		for d := range msgs {

			// Unmarshal into BaseTaskMessage to determine type
			var base_msg tasks.BaseTask
			err = json.Unmarshal(d.Body, &base_msg)
			// TODO(mierdin): Need to handle this error

			log.Debugf("Agent task received: %s", d.Body)

			// call agent task method based on type
			switch base_msg.Type {
			case "DownloadAsset":

				downloadAssetTask := tasks.DownloadAssetTask{
					HTTPClient:   &http.Client{},
					Fs:           tasks.OsFS{},
					Ios:          tasks.IoSys{},
					CollectorDir: fmt.Sprintf("%s/assets/factcollectors", rmq.config.LocalResources.OptDir),
					TestletDir:   fmt.Sprintf("%s/assets/testlets", rmq.config.LocalResources.OptDir),

				err = json.Unmarshal(d.Body, &downloadAssetTask)
				// TODO(mierdin): Need to handle this error

				err = downloadAssetTask.Run()
				if err != nil {
					log.Warning("The KeyValue task failed to initialize")

			case "KeyValue":

				kv_task := tasks.KeyValueTask{
					Config: rmq.config,

				err = json.Unmarshal(d.Body, &kv_task)
				// TODO(mierdin): Need to handle this error

				err = kv_task.Run()
				if err != nil {
					log.Warning("The KeyValue task failed to initialize")

			case "SetGroup":

				sg_task := tasks.SetGroupTask{
					Config: rmq.config,

				err = json.Unmarshal(d.Body, &sg_task)
				// TODO(mierdin): Need to handle this error

				err = sg_task.Run()
				if err != nil {
					log.Warning("The SetGroup task failed to initialize")

			case "DeleteTestData":

				dtdt_task := tasks.DeleteTestDataTask{
					Config: rmq.config,

				err = json.Unmarshal(d.Body, &dtdt_task)
				// TODO(mierdin): Need to handle this error

				err = dtdt_task.Run()
				if err != nil {
					log.Warning("The DeleteTestData task failed to initialize")

			case "InstallTestRun":

				// Retrieve UUID
				var ac = cache.NewAgentCache(rmq.config)
				uuid := ac.GetKeyValue("uuid")

				itr_task := tasks.InstallTestRunTask{
					Config: rmq.config,

				err = json.Unmarshal(d.Body, &itr_task)
				// TODO(mierdin): Need to handle this error

				var response responses.SetAgentStatusResponse
				response.Type = "AgentStatus" //TODO(mierdin): This is an extra step. Maybe a factory function for the task could help here?
				response.AgentUuid = uuid
				response.TestUuid = itr_task.Tr.Uuid

				err = itr_task.Run()
				if err != nil {
					log.Warning("The InstallTestRun task failed to initialize")
					response.Status = "fail"
				} else {
					response.Status = "ready"

			case "ExecuteTestRun":

				// Retrieve UUID
				var ac = cache.NewAgentCache(rmq.config)
				uuid := ac.GetKeyValue("uuid")

				etr_task := tasks.ExecuteTestRunTask{
					Config: rmq.config,

				err = json.Unmarshal(d.Body, &etr_task)
				// TODO(mierdin): Need to handle this error

				// Send status that the testing has begun, right now.
				response := responses.SetAgentStatusResponse{
					TestUuid: etr_task.TestUuid,
					Status:   "testing",
				response.AgentUuid = uuid     // TODO(mierdin): Can't declare this in the literal, it's that embedding behavior again. Need to figure this out.
				response.Type = "AgentStatus" //TODO(mierdin): This is an extra step. Maybe a factory function for the task could help here?

				err = etr_task.Run()
				if err != nil {
					log.Warning("The ExecuteTestRun task failed to initialize")
					response.Status = "fail"

				log.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected type value for received task: %s", base_msg.Type))

	log.Infof(" [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C")

	return nil