Ejemplo n.º 1
func BenchmarkWorkerA(b *testing.B) {
	log.Println("Testing now WorkerA which is not using any go routines!")

	// test database configuration
	pwd := ""
	dbPort := 13

	// establish a connection with the database
	Db := new(database.RedisMulti)
	Db.InitPool(pwd, dbPort)

	worker := new(analyse.WorkerA)
	worker.Db = Db
	worker.SNIPPET_LENGTH = 120

	worker.InfiniteWorking = false

	// we do not have a heavy setup, but just in case we reset the timer

	// run the actual task to test against

	r := Db.Pool.Get()
	defer r.Close()

	amount, _ := r.Do("SCARD", searchTerm)
	log.Println("Items have been added to db: " + strconv.FormatInt(amount.(int64), 10))
Ejemplo n.º 2
func BenchmarkDefaultWorker(b *testing.B) {
	log.Println("Testing now Worker which is using go routines to process a text block and to store it into redis!")

	// test database configuration
	pwd := ""
	dbPort := 13

	// establish a connection with the database
	Db := new(database.RedisMulti)
	Db.InitPool(pwd, dbPort)

	worker := new(analyse.Worker)
	worker.Db = Db
	worker.SNIPPET_LENGTH = 120

	worker.IsFastMode = false
	worker.IsInfiniteWorking = false


	r := Db.Pool.Get()
	defer r.Close()

	amount, _ := r.Do("SCARD", searchTerm)
	log.Println("Items have been added to db: " + strconv.FormatInt(amount.(int64), 10))
func testRunnerRedisMulti(t *testing.T, Db *database.RedisMulti) {

	r := Db.Pool.Get()

	// flush database before tests
	log.Println("Flush Database")

	Convey("should allow to initialise and establish a connection ", t, func() {

		Convey("should save and receive a key from the database by accessing the redis client directly", func() {
			key := "testkey for test " + time.Now().String()
			keyValue := time.Now().String()

			Convey("should save the key", func() {
				_, e := r.Do("SET", key, keyValue)
				So(e, ShouldEqual, nil)

				Convey("should receive the key", func() {
					value, e := redis.String(r.Do("GET", key))
					So(e, ShouldEqual, nil)
					So(keyValue, ShouldEqual, value)

		Convey("should handle queued pages proper", func() {

			pagesToQueue := []string{"pageOne", "Geographic Names Information System"}

			Convey("should add pages to the queue by a function call", func() {

				So(len(pagesToQueue), ShouldEqual, 2)

				// get a slice which will exclude the first element as we processing this one soon
				amountQueuedPages, _ := redis.Strings(r.Do("SMEMBERS", database.QUEUED_PAGES))

				So(len(amountQueuedPages), ShouldEqual, 2)

				Convey("should get a random page from the queued pages and remove it from the database", func() {
					randomPage := Db.RandomPageFromQueue()

					So(randomPage, ShouldBeIn, pagesToQueue)

					// refresh local variable
					amountQueuedPages, _ := redis.Strings(r.Do("SMEMBERS", database.QUEUED_PAGES))

					So(len(amountQueuedPages), ShouldEqual, 1)

					amountDonePages, _ := redis.Strings(r.Do("SMEMBERS", database.DONE_PAGES))
					So(len(amountDonePages), ShouldEqual, 1)

		Convey("should add a new relation to a word with a counter and receive it", func() {

			word := "bacon"
			relations := []string{"cheese", "ham", "gorgonzola", "salami", "ham", "ham", "cheese"}

			Convey("should add all relation", func() {
				// loop trough all relations
				for _, relation := range relations {
					Db.AddWordRelation(word, relation)

			Convey("should have added a coutner for ham", func() {
				hamCounter, _ := redis.Int(r.Do("GET", "bacon:ham"))
				So(hamCounter, ShouldEqual, 3)

			Convey("should have added a coutner for salami", func() {
				hamCounter, _ := redis.Int(r.Do("GET", "bacon:salami"))
				So(hamCounter, ShouldEqual, 1)

			Convey("should receive all distinct existing relation", func() {
				amountRelations := Db.GetPopularWordRelations(word)
				So(len(amountRelations), ShouldEqual, 4)      // because we added 5 distinct keys
				So(amountRelations[0], ShouldEqual, "ham")    // because it was added 3 times
				So(amountRelations[1], ShouldEqual, "cheese") // because it was added 2 times

