Ejemplo n.º 1
// New creates the internal data structures, and subscribes to
// consensus for changes to the blockchain
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, persistDir string) (*Explorer, error) {
	// Check that input modules are non-nil
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilCS

	// Initialize the explorer.
	e := &Explorer{
		currentBlock:   cs.GenesisBlock(),
		genesisBlockID: cs.GenesisBlock().ID(),
		seenTimes:      make([]time.Time, types.MaturityDelay+1),
		startTime:      time.Now(),

		cs:         cs,
		persistDir: persistDir,
	e.blockchainHeight-- // Set to -1 so the genesis block sets the height to 0.

	// Intialize the persistent structures, including the database.
	err := e.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err


	return e, nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// New creates the internal data structures, and subscribes to
// consensus for changes to the blockchain
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, persistDir string) (*Explorer, error) {
	// Check that input modules are non-nil
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilCS

	// Initialize the explorer.
	e := &Explorer{
		blocksDifficulty:      types.RootDepth,
		blockHashes:           make(map[types.BlockID]types.BlockHeight),
		blockTargets:          make(map[types.BlockID]types.Target),
		transactionHashes:     make(map[types.TransactionID]types.BlockHeight),
		unlockHashes:          make(map[types.UnlockHash]map[types.TransactionID]struct{}),
		siacoinOutputIDs:      make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]map[types.TransactionID]struct{}),
		siacoinOutputs:        make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),
		fileContractIDs:       make(map[types.FileContractID]map[types.TransactionID]struct{}),
		fileContractHistories: make(map[types.FileContractID]*fileContractHistory),
		siafundOutputIDs:      make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]map[types.TransactionID]struct{}),
		siafundOutputs:        make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),

		cs:         cs,
		persistDir: persistDir,
	e.blockchainHeight-- // Set to -1 so the genesis block sets the height to 0.

	// Intialize the persistent structures, including the database.
	err := e.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err


	return e, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// New creates a transaction pool that is ready to receive transactions.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway) (*TransactionPool, error) {
	// Check that the input modules are non-nil.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilCS
	if g == nil {
		return nil, errNilGateway

	// Initialize a transaction pool.
	tp := &TransactionPool{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		knownObjects:        make(map[ObjectID]TransactionSetID),
		transactionSets:     make(map[TransactionSetID][]types.Transaction),
		transactionSetDiffs: make(map[TransactionSetID]modules.ConsensusChange),

		// The consensus change index is intialized to '-1', which indicates
		// that no consensus changes have been sent yet. The first consensus
		// change will then have an index of '0'.
		consensusChangeIndex: -1,

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 5),

	// Register RPCs
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransactionSet", tp.RelayTransactionSet)
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransaction", tp.RelayTransaction) // COMPAT v0.3.3.3

	// Subscribe the transaction pool to the consensus set.

	return tp, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// New creates the internal data structures, and subscribes to
// consensus for changes to the blockchain
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, persistDir string) (*Explorer, error) {
	// Check that input modules are non-nil
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilCS

	// Initialize the explorer.
	e := &Explorer{
		cs:         cs,
		persistDir: persistDir,

	// Initialize the persistent structures, including the database.
	err := e.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// retrieve the current ConsensusChangeID
	var recentChange modules.ConsensusChangeID
	err = e.db.View(dbGetInternal(internalRecentChange, &recentChange))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err = cs.ConsensusSetSubscribe(e, recentChange)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: restart from 0
		return nil, errors.New("explorer subscription failed: " + err.Error())

	return e, nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// newAnnouncementFinder will create and return an announcement finder.
func newAnnouncementFinder(cs modules.ConsensusSet) (*announcementFinder, error) {
	af := &announcementFinder{
		cs: cs,
	err := cs.ConsensusSetSubscribe(af, modules.ConsensusChangeBeginning)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return af, nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
// New returns an empty renter.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, hdb modules.HostDB, wallet modules.Wallet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, persistDir string) (*Renter, error) {
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilCS
	if hdb == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilHostDB
	if wallet == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilWallet
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilTpool

	r := &Renter{
		cs:     cs,
		hostDB: hdb,
		wallet: wallet,
		tpool:  tpool,

		files:     make(map[string]*file),
		contracts: make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		repairSet: make(map[string]string),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	_, err := rand.Read(r.entropy[:])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = r.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err


	go r.threadedRepairUploads()

	return r, nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// New creates and starts up a hostdb. The hostdb that gets returned will not
// have finished scanning the network or blockchain.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, wallet modules.Wallet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, persistDir string) (*HostDB, error) {
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilCS
	if wallet == nil {
		return nil, errNilWallet
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, errNilTpool

	hdb := &HostDB{
		cs:     cs,
		wallet: wallet,
		tpool:  tpool,

		contracts:   make(map[types.FileContractID]hostContract),
		activeHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostNode),
		allHosts:    make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostEntry),
		scanPool:    make(chan *hostEntry, scanPoolSize),

		persistDir: persistDir,
	err := hdb.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Begin listening to consensus and looking for hosts.
	for i := 0; i < scanningThreads; i++ {
		go hdb.threadedProbeHosts()
	go hdb.threadedScan()


	return hdb, nil
Ejemplo n.º 8
// New creates the internal data structures, and subscribes to
// consensus for changes to the blockchain
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet) (be *BlockExplorer, err error) {
	// Check that input modules are non-nil
	if cs == nil {
		err = errors.New("Blockchain explorer cannot use a nil ConsensusSet")

	// Initilize the module state
	be = &BlockExplorer{
		currentBlock:       cs.GenesisBlock(),
		genesisBlockID:     cs.GenesisBlock().ID(),
		blockchainHeight:   0,
		currencySent:       types.NewCurrency64(0),
		activeContractCost: types.NewCurrency64(0),
		totalContractCost:  types.NewCurrency64(0),
		cs:                 cs,
		mu:                 sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),


Ejemplo n.º 9
// New creates a transaction pool that is ready to receive transactions.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway) (tp *TransactionPool, err error) {
	// Check that the input modules are non-nil.
	if cs == nil {
		err = errors.New("transaction pool cannot use a nil state")
	if g == nil {
		err = errors.New("transaction pool cannot use a nil gateway")

	// Initialize a transaction pool.
	tp = &TransactionPool{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		transactions:   make(map[crypto.Hash]struct{}),
		siacoinOutputs: make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),
		fileContracts:  make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		siafundOutputs: make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),

		referenceSiacoinOutputs: make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),
		referenceFileContracts:  make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		referenceSiafundOutputs: make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Register RPCs
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransaction", tp.RelayTransaction)

	// Subscribe the transaction pool to the consensus set.

Ejemplo n.º 10
// New creates and starts up a hostdb. The hostdb that gets returned will not
// have finished scanning the network or blockchain.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway, persistDir string) (*HostDB, error) {
	// Check for nil dependencies.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilConsensusSet
	if g == nil {
		return nil, errNilGateway

	// Build an empty hostdb.
	hdb := &HostDB{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		activeHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostNode),

		allHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostEntry),

		scanPool: make(chan *hostEntry, scanPoolSize),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	err := hdb.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Begin listening to consensus and looking for hosts.
	for i := 0; i < scanningThreads; i++ {
		go hdb.threadedProbeHosts()
	go hdb.threadedScan()
	return hdb, nil