Ejemplo n.º 1
// New returns a host database that will still crawling the hosts it finds on
// the blockchain.
func New(cs *consensus.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway) (hdb *HostDB, err error) {
	// Check for nil dependencies.
	if cs == nil {
		err = ErrNilConsensusSet
	if g == nil {
		err = ErrNilGateway

	// Build an empty hostdb.
	hdb = &HostDB{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		activeHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostNode),

		allHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostEntry),

		scanPool: make(chan *hostEntry, scanPoolSize),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Begin listening to consensus and looking for hosts.
	for i := 0; i < scanningThreads; i++ {
		go hdb.threadedProbeHosts()
	go hdb.threadedScan()
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: server.go Proyecto: mantyr/Sia
// NewServer creates a new API server from the provided modules.
func NewServer(APIaddr string, s *consensus.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway, h modules.Host, m modules.Miner, r modules.Renter, tp modules.TransactionPool, w modules.Wallet, explorer modules.Explorer) (*Server, error) {
	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", APIaddr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	srv := &Server{
		cs:       s,
		gateway:  g,
		host:     h,
		miner:    m,
		renter:   r,
		tpool:    tp,
		wallet:   w,
		explorer: explorer,

		listener: l,

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Register API handlers

	return srv, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// New creates a new wallet, loading any known addresses from the input file
// name and then using the file to save in the future. Keys and addresses are
// not loaded into the wallet during the call to 'new', but rather during the
// call to 'Unlock'.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, persistDir string) (*Wallet, error) {
	// Check for nil dependencies.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilConsensusSet
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, errNilTpool

	// Initialize the data structure.
	w := &Wallet{
		cs:    cs,
		tpool: tpool,

		keys:           make(map[types.UnlockHash]spendableKey),
		siacoinOutputs: make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),
		siafundOutputs: make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),
		spentOutputs:   make(map[types.OutputID]types.BlockHeight),

		processedTransactionMap: make(map[types.TransactionID]*modules.ProcessedTransaction),

		historicOutputs:     make(map[types.OutputID]types.Currency),
		historicClaimStarts: make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.Currency),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	err := w.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return w, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// TestRepeatInsert inserts 2 hosts with the same address.
func TestRepeatInsert(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
	hdb := &HostDB{
		activeHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostNode),
		allHosts:    make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostEntry),
		scanPool:    make(chan *hostEntry, scanPoolSize),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	entry1 := hostEntry{
		HostSettings: modules.HostSettings{IPAddress: fakeAddr(0)},
		weight:       types.NewCurrency64(1),
	entry2 := entry1

	entry2.weight = types.NewCurrency64(100)
	if len(hdb.activeHosts) != 1 {
		t.Error("insterting the same entry twice should result in only 1 entry in the hostdb")
Ejemplo n.º 5
// NewServer creates a new API server from the provided modules.
func NewServer(APIaddr string, s *consensus.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway, h modules.Host, hdb modules.HostDB, m modules.Miner, r modules.Renter, tp modules.TransactionPool, w modules.Wallet, exp modules.Explorer) (*Server, error) {
	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", APIaddr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	srv := &Server{
		cs:      s,
		gateway: g,
		host:    h,
		hostdb:  hdb,
		miner:   m,
		renter:  r,
		tpool:   tp,
		wallet:  w,
		exp:     exp,

		blockchainHeight: -1,

		listener: l,

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Set the genesis block and start listening to the consensus package.
	srv.currentBlock = srv.cs.GenesisBlock()

	// Register API handlers

	return srv, nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
// New creates a transaction pool that is ready to receive transactions.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway) (*TransactionPool, error) {
	// Check that the input modules are non-nil.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilCS
	if g == nil {
		return nil, errNilGateway

	// Initialize a transaction pool.
	tp := &TransactionPool{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		knownObjects:        make(map[ObjectID]TransactionSetID),
		transactionSets:     make(map[TransactionSetID][]types.Transaction),
		transactionSetDiffs: make(map[TransactionSetID]modules.ConsensusChange),

		// The consensus change index is intialized to '-1', which indicates
		// that no consensus changes have been sent yet. The first consensus
		// change will then have an index of '0'.
		consensusChangeIndex: -1,

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 5),

	// Register RPCs
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransactionSet", tp.RelayTransactionSet)
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransaction", tp.RelayTransaction) // COMPAT v0.3.3.3

	// Subscribe the transaction pool to the consensus set.

	return tp, nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// New returns an empty renter.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, wallet modules.Wallet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, persistDir string) (*Renter, error) {
	hdb, err := hostdb.New(cs, wallet, tpool, persistDir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	r := &Renter{
		cs:     cs,
		wallet: wallet,
		hostDB: hdb,

		files:    make(map[string]*file),
		tracking: make(map[string]trackedFile),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	err = r.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	go r.threadedRepairLoop()

	return r, nil
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: gateway.go Proyecto: dlmac/Sia
// New returns an initialized Gateway.
func New(addr string, persistDir string) (g *Gateway, err error) {
	// Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
	err = os.MkdirAll(persistDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {

	// Create the logger.
	logger, err := makeLogger(persistDir)
	if err != nil {

	g = &Gateway{
		handlers:   make(map[rpcID]modules.RPCFunc),
		initRPCs:   make(map[string]modules.RPCFunc),
		peers:      make(map[modules.NetAddress]*peer),
		nodes:      make(map[modules.NetAddress]struct{}),
		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 2),
		log:        logger,

	// Load the old peer list. If it doesn't exist, no problem, but if it does,
	// we want to know about any errors preventing us from loading it.
	if loadErr := g.load(); loadErr != nil && !os.IsNotExist(loadErr) {
		return nil, loadErr

	// Create listener and set address.
	g.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", addr)
	if err != nil {
	_, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(g.listener.Addr().String())
	g.myAddr = modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort("::1", port))

	// Register RPCs.
	g.RegisterRPC("ShareNodes", g.shareNodes)
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayNode", g.relayNode)
	g.RegisterConnectCall("ShareNodes", g.requestNodes)

	g.log.Println("INFO: gateway created, started logging")

	// Learn our external IP.
	go g.learnHostname()

	// Automatically forward the RPC port, if possible.
	go g.forwardPort(port)

	// Spawn the peer and node managers. These will attempt to keep the peer
	// and node lists healthy.
	go g.threadedPeerManager()
	go g.threadedNodeManager()

	// Spawn the primary listener.
	go g.listen()

Ejemplo n.º 9
// TestVariedWeights runs broad statistical tests on selecting hosts with
// multiple different weights.
func TestVariedWeights(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
	hdb := &HostDB{
		activeHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostNode),
		allHosts:    make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostEntry),
		scanPool:    make(chan *hostEntry, scanPoolSize),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// insert i hosts with the weights 0, 1, ..., i-1. 100e3 selections will be made
	// per weight added to the tree, the total number of selections necessary
	// will be tallied up as hosts are created.
	hostCount := 5
	expectedPerWeight := int(10e3)
	selections := 0
	for i := 0; i < hostCount; i++ {
		entry := hostEntry{
			HostSettings: modules.HostSettings{IPAddress: fakeAddr(uint8(i))},
			weight:       types.NewCurrency64(uint64(i)),
		selections += i * expectedPerWeight

	// Perform many random selections, noting which host was selected each
	// time.
	selectionMap := make(map[string]int)
	for i := 0; i < selections; i++ {
		randEntry := hdb.RandomHosts(1)
		if len(randEntry) == 0 {
			t.Fatal("no hosts!")
		node, exists := hdb.activeHosts[randEntry[0].IPAddress]
		if !exists {
			t.Fatal("can't find randomly selected node in tree")
		selectionMap[node.hostEntry.weight.String()] += 1

	// Check that each host was selected an expected number of times. An error
	// will be reported if the host of 0 weight is ever selected.
	acceptableError := 0.2
	for weight, timesSelected := range selectionMap {
		intWeight, err := strconv.Atoi(weight)
		if err != nil {

		expectedSelected := float64(intWeight * expectedPerWeight)
		if float64(expectedSelected)*acceptableError > float64(timesSelected) || float64(expectedSelected)/acceptableError < float64(timesSelected) {
			t.Error("weighted list not selecting in a uniform distribution based on weight")
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: gateway.go Proyecto: mm3/Sia
// New returns an initialized Gateway.
func New(addr string, persistDir string) (g *Gateway, err error) {
	// Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
	err = os.MkdirAll(persistDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {

	// Create the logger.
	logger, err := makeLogger(persistDir)
	if err != nil {

	g = &Gateway{
		handlers:   make(map[rpcID]modules.RPCFunc),
		initRPCs:   make(map[string]modules.RPCFunc),
		peers:      make(map[modules.NetAddress]*peer),
		nodes:      make(map[modules.NetAddress]struct{}),
		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 2),
		log:        logger,

	// Register RPCs.
	g.RegisterRPC("ShareNodes", g.shareNodes)
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayNode", g.relayNode)
	g.RegisterConnectCall("ShareNodes", g.requestNodes)
	g.RegisterConnectCall("RelayNode", g.sendAddress)

	g.log.Println("INFO: gateway created, started logging")

	// Create listener and set address.
	g.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", addr)
	if err != nil {
	_, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(g.listener.Addr().String())
	g.myAddr = modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort(modules.ExternalIP, port))

	g.log.Println("INFO: our address is", g.myAddr)

	// Spawn the primary listener.
	go g.listen()

	// Load the old peer list. If it doesn't exist, no problem, but if it does,
	// we want to know about any errors preventing us from loading it.
	if loadErr := g.load(); loadErr != nil && !os.IsNotExist(loadErr) {
		return nil, loadErr

	// Spawn the connector loop. This will continually attempt to add nodes as
	// peers to ensure we stay well-connected.
	go g.makeOutboundConnections()

Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: wallet.go Proyecto: mm3/Sia
// New creates a new wallet, loading any known addresses from the input file
// name and then using the file to save in the future.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, saveDir string) (w *Wallet, err error) {
	if cs == nil {
		err = errors.New("wallet cannot use a nil state")
	if tpool == nil {
		err = errors.New("wallet cannot use a nil transaction pool")

	w = &Wallet{
		state: cs,
		tpool: tpool,

		saveDir: saveDir,

		age:              AgeDelay + 100,
		keys:             make(map[types.UnlockHash]*key),
		timelockedKeys:   make(map[types.BlockHeight][]types.UnlockHash),
		visibleAddresses: make(map[types.UnlockHash]struct{}),
		siafundAddresses: make(map[types.UnlockHash]struct{}),
		siafundOutputs:   make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),

		transactions: make(map[string]*openTransaction),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Create the wallet folder.
	err = os.MkdirAll(saveDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {

	// Try to load a previously saved wallet file. If it doesn't exist, assume
	// that we're creating a new wallet file.
	// TODO: log warning if no file found?
	err = w.load()
	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
		err = nil
		// No wallet file exists... make a visible address for the user.
		_, _, err = w.coinAddress(true)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't load wallet file %s: %v", saveDir, err)


Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: miner.go Proyecto: mm3/Sia
// New returns a ready-to-go miner that is not mining.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, w modules.Wallet, persistDir string) (*Miner, error) {
	// Create the miner and its dependencies.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil state")
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil transaction pool")
	if w == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil wallet")

	// Grab some starting block variables.
	currentBlock := cs.GenesisBlock().ID()
	currentTarget, exists1 := cs.ChildTarget(currentBlock)
	earliestTimestamp, exists2 := cs.EarliestChildTimestamp(currentBlock)
	if build.DEBUG {
		if !exists1 {
			panic("could not get child target")
		if !exists2 {
			panic("could not get child earliest timestamp")
	addr, _, err := w.CoinAddress(false) // false indicates that the address should not be visible to the user.
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Assemble the miner.
	m := &Miner{
		cs:     cs,
		tpool:  tpool,
		wallet: w,

		parent:            currentBlock,
		target:            currentTarget,
		earliestTimestamp: earliestTimestamp,
		address:           addr,

		blockMem:  make(map[types.BlockHeader]types.Block),
		headerMem: make([]types.BlockHeader, headerForWorkMemory),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	err = m.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return m, nil
Ejemplo n.º 13
// New returns a ready-to-go miner that is not mining.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, w modules.Wallet, persistDir string) (*Miner, error) {
	// Create the miner and its dependencies.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil state")
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil transaction pool")
	if w == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil wallet")

	// Grab some starting block variables.
	currentBlock := cs.GenesisBlock().ID()
	currentTarget, exists1 := cs.ChildTarget(currentBlock)
	earliestTimestamp, exists2 := cs.EarliestChildTimestamp(currentBlock)
	if build.DEBUG {
		if !exists1 {
			panic("could not get child target")
		if !exists2 {
			panic("could not get child earliest timestamp")

	// Assemble the miner. The miner is assembled without an address because
	// the wallet is likely not unlocked yet. The miner will grab an address
	// after the miner is unlocked (this must be coded manually for each
	// function that potentially requires the miner to have an address.
	m := &Miner{
		cs:     cs,
		tpool:  tpool,
		wallet: w,

		parent:            currentBlock,
		target:            currentTarget,
		earliestTimestamp: earliestTimestamp,

		blockMem:   make(map[types.BlockHeader]*types.Block),
		arbDataMem: make(map[types.BlockHeader][]byte),
		headerMem:  make([]types.BlockHeader, headerForWorkMemory),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	err := m.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return m, nil
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: hostdb.go Proyecto: mantyr/Sia
// New creates and starts up a hostdb. The hostdb that gets returned will not
// have finished scanning the network or blockchain.
func New() *HostDB {
	hdb := &HostDB{
		activeHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostNode),
		allHosts:    make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostEntry),
		scanPool:    make(chan *hostEntry, scanPoolSize),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Begin listening to consensus and looking for hosts.
	for i := 0; i < scanningThreads; i++ {
		go hdb.threadedProbeHosts()
	go hdb.threadedScan()

	return hdb
Ejemplo n.º 15
// New returns an empty renter.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, hdb modules.HostDB, wallet modules.Wallet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, saveDir string) (*Renter, error) {
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilCS
	if hdb == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilHostDB
	if wallet == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilWallet
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilTpool

	r := &Renter{
		cs:     cs,
		hostDB: hdb,
		wallet: wallet,
		tpool:  tpool,

		files:     make(map[string]*file),
		contracts: make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		saveDir:   saveDir,

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	_, err := rand.Read(r.entropy[:])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err = os.MkdirAll(saveDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err = r.load()
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return nil, err


	return r, nil
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: renter.go Proyecto: mm3/Sia
// New returns an empty renter.
func New(cs *consensus.State, hdb modules.HostDB, wallet modules.Wallet, saveDir string) (*Renter, error) {
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilCS
	if hdb == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilHostDB
	if wallet == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilWallet

	r := &Renter{
		cs:     cs,
		hostDB: hdb,
		wallet: wallet,

		files:   make(map[string]*file),
		saveDir: saveDir,

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	err := os.MkdirAll(saveDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err = r.load()
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return nil, err

	// TODO: I'm worried about balances here. Because of the way that the
	// re-try algorithm works, it won't be a problem, but without that we would
	// need to make sure that scanAllFiles() didn't get called until the entire
	// balance had loaded, which would require loading the entire blockchain.
	// This also won't be a problem once we're also saving the addresses.
	// TODO: bring back this functionality when we have resumable uploads.


	return r, nil
Ejemplo n.º 17
// New returns an empty renter.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, hdb modules.HostDB, wallet modules.Wallet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, persistDir string) (*Renter, error) {
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilCS
	if hdb == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilHostDB
	if wallet == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilWallet
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilTpool

	r := &Renter{
		cs:     cs,
		hostDB: hdb,
		wallet: wallet,
		tpool:  tpool,

		files:     make(map[string]*file),
		contracts: make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		repairSet: make(map[string]string),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	_, err := rand.Read(r.entropy[:])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = r.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err


	go r.threadedRepairUploads()

	return r, nil
Ejemplo n.º 18
func newRenter(cs modules.ConsensusSet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, hdb hostDB, hc hostContractor, persistDir string) (*Renter, error) {
	r := &Renter{
		cs:             cs,
		hostDB:         hdb,
		hostContractor: hc,

		files:    make(map[string]*file),
		tracking: make(map[string]trackedFile),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	if err := r.initPersist(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	go r.threadedRepairLoop()

	return r, nil
Ejemplo n.º 19
// New creates the internal data structures, and subscribes to
// consensus for changes to the blockchain
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet) (be *BlockExplorer, err error) {
	// Check that input modules are non-nil
	if cs == nil {
		err = errors.New("Blockchain explorer cannot use a nil ConsensusSet")

	// Initilize the module state
	be = &BlockExplorer{
		currentBlock:       cs.GenesisBlock(),
		genesisBlockID:     cs.GenesisBlock().ID(),
		blockchainHeight:   0,
		currencySent:       types.NewCurrency64(0),
		activeContractCost: types.NewCurrency64(0),
		totalContractCost:  types.NewCurrency64(0),
		cs:                 cs,
		mu:                 sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),


Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: server.go Proyecto: mm3/Sia
// NewServer creates a new API server from the provided modules.
func NewServer(APIaddr string, s *consensus.State, g modules.Gateway, h modules.Host, hdb modules.HostDB, m modules.Miner, r modules.Renter, tp modules.TransactionPool, w modules.Wallet, be modules.BlockExplorer) (*Server, error) {
	srv := &Server{
		cs:      s,
		gateway: g,
		host:    h,
		hostdb:  hdb,
		miner:   m,
		renter:  r,
		tpool:   tp,
		wallet:  w,
		blocke:  be,

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Set the genesis block and start listening to the consensus package.
	srv.currentBlock = srv.cs.GenesisBlock()

	// Register API handlers

	return srv, nil
Ejemplo n.º 21
// New creates and starts up a hostdb. The hostdb that gets returned will not
// have finished scanning the network or blockchain.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway, persistDir string) (*HostDB, error) {
	// Check for nil dependencies.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilConsensusSet
	if g == nil {
		return nil, errNilGateway

	// Build an empty hostdb.
	hdb := &HostDB{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		activeHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostNode),

		allHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostEntry),

		scanPool: make(chan *hostEntry, scanPoolSize),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	err := hdb.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Begin listening to consensus and looking for hosts.
	for i := 0; i < scanningThreads; i++ {
		go hdb.threadedProbeHosts()
	go hdb.threadedScan()
	return hdb, nil
Ejemplo n.º 22
// New creates a transaction pool that is ready to receive transactions.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway) (tp *TransactionPool, err error) {
	// Check that the input modules are non-nil.
	if cs == nil {
		err = errors.New("transaction pool cannot use a nil state")
	if g == nil {
		err = errors.New("transaction pool cannot use a nil gateway")

	// Initialize a transaction pool.
	tp = &TransactionPool{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		transactions:   make(map[crypto.Hash]struct{}),
		siacoinOutputs: make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),
		fileContracts:  make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		siafundOutputs: make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),

		referenceSiacoinOutputs: make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),
		referenceFileContracts:  make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		referenceSiafundOutputs: make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Register RPCs
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransaction", tp.RelayTransaction)

	// Subscribe the transaction pool to the consensus set.

Ejemplo n.º 23
// New returns a new ConsensusSet, containing at least the genesis block. If
// there is an existing block database present in saveDir, it will be loaded.
// Otherwise, a new database will be created.
func New(gateway modules.Gateway, saveDir string) (*ConsensusSet, error) {
	if gateway == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilGateway

	// Create the genesis block.
	genesisBlock := types.Block{
		Timestamp: types.GenesisTimestamp,
		Transactions: []types.Transaction{
			{SiafundOutputs: types.GenesisSiafundAllocation},

	// Create the ConsensusSet object.
	cs := &ConsensusSet{
		gateway: gateway,

		blockRoot: processedBlock{
			Block:       genesisBlock,
			ChildTarget: types.RootTarget,
			Depth:       types.RootDepth,

			DiffsGenerated: true,

		dosBlocks: make(map[types.BlockID]struct{}),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Allocate the Siafund addresses by putting them all in a big transaction inside the genesis block
	for i, siafundOutput := range genesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputs {
		sfid := genesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputID(i)
		sfod := modules.SiafundOutputDiff{
			Direction:     modules.DiffApply,
			ID:            sfid,
			SiafundOutput: siafundOutput,
		cs.blockRoot.SiafundOutputDiffs = append(cs.blockRoot.SiafundOutputDiffs, sfod)

	// Create the consensus directory.
	err := os.MkdirAll(saveDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Try to load an existing database from disk.
	err = cs.load(saveDir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Send the genesis block to subscribers.
	cs.updateSubscribers(nil, []*processedBlock{&cs.blockRoot})

	// Send any blocks that were loaded from disk to subscribers.

	// Register RPCs
	gateway.RegisterRPC("SendBlocks", cs.sendBlocks)
	gateway.RegisterRPC("RelayBlock", cs.RelayBlock)
	gateway.RegisterConnectCall("SendBlocks", cs.receiveBlocks)

	return cs, nil
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: host.go Proyecto: zoutaiqi/Sia
// New returns an initialized Host.
func New(cs *consensus.ConsensusSet, hdb modules.HostDB, tpool modules.TransactionPool, wallet modules.Wallet, addr string, saveDir string) (*Host, error) {
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("host cannot use a nil state")
	if hdb == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("host cannot use a nil hostdb")
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("host cannot use a nil tpool")
	if wallet == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("host cannot use a nil wallet")

	// Create host directory if it does not exist.
	err := os.MkdirAll(saveDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	h := &Host{
		cs:     cs,
		hostdb: hdb,
		tpool:  tpool,
		wallet: wallet,

		// default host settings
		HostSettings: modules.HostSettings{
			TotalStorage: 10e9,                        // 10 GB
			MaxFilesize:  5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,      // 5 GiB
			MaxDuration:  144 * 60,                    // 60 days
			WindowSize:   288,                         // 48 hours
			Price:        types.NewCurrency64(100e12), // 0.1 siacoin / mb / week
			Collateral:   types.NewCurrency64(0),

		saveDir: saveDir,

		obligationsByID:     make(map[types.FileContractID]contractObligation),
		obligationsByHeight: make(map[types.BlockHeight][]contractObligation),

		mu: safesync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	h.spaceRemaining = h.TotalStorage

	// Generate signing key, for revising contracts.
	sk, pk, err := crypto.StdKeyGen.Generate()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	h.secretKey = sk
	h.publicKey = types.SiaPublicKey{
		Algorithm: types.SignatureEd25519,
		Key:       pk[:],

	// Load the old host data.
	err = h.load()
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return nil, err

	// Create listener and set address.
	h.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", addr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	_, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(h.listener.Addr().String())
	h.myAddr = modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort("::1", port))

	// Learn our external IP.
	go h.learnHostname()

	// Forward the hosting port, if possible.
	go h.forwardPort(port)

	// spawn listener
	go h.listen()


	return h, nil
Ejemplo n.º 25
// TestWeightedList inserts and removes nodes in a semi-random manner and
// verifies that the tree stays consistent through the adjustments.
func TestWeightedList(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {

	// Create a hostdb and 3 equal entries to insert.
	hdb := &HostDB{
		activeHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostNode),
		allHosts:    make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostEntry),
		scanPool:    make(chan *hostEntry, scanPoolSize),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Create a bunch of host entries of equal weight.
	firstInsertions := 64
	for i := 0; i < firstInsertions; i++ {
		entry := hostEntry{
			HostSettings: modules.HostSettings{IPAddress: fakeAddr(uint8(i))},
			weight:       types.NewCurrency64(10),
	err := uniformTreeVerification(hdb, firstInsertions)
	if err != nil {

	// Remove a few hosts and check that the tree is still in order.
	removals := 12
	// Keep a map of what we've removed so far.
	removedMap := make(map[uint8]struct{})
	for i := 0; i < removals; i++ {
		// Try numbers until we roll a number that's not been removed yet.
		var randInt uint8
		for {
			randBig, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(int64(firstInsertions)))
			if err != nil {
			randInt = uint8(randBig.Int64())
			_, exists := removedMap[randInt]
			if !exists {

		// Remove the entry and add it to the list of removed entries
		err := hdb.RemoveHost(fakeAddr(randInt))
		if err != nil {
		removedMap[randInt] = struct{}{}
	err = uniformTreeVerification(hdb, firstInsertions-removals)
	if err != nil {

	// Do some more insertions.
	secondInsertions := 64
	for i := firstInsertions; i < firstInsertions+secondInsertions; i++ {
		entry := hostEntry{
			HostSettings: modules.HostSettings{IPAddress: fakeAddr(uint8(i))},
			weight:       types.NewCurrency64(10),
	err = uniformTreeVerification(hdb, firstInsertions-removals+secondInsertions)
	if err != nil {
Ejemplo n.º 26
// TestRandomHosts probles the RandomHosts function.
func TestRandomHosts(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
	hdb := &HostDB{
		activeHosts: make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostNode),
		allHosts:    make(map[modules.NetAddress]*hostEntry),
		scanPool:    make(chan *hostEntry, scanPoolSize),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Insert 3 hosts to be selected.
	entry1 := hostEntry{
		HostSettings: modules.HostSettings{IPAddress: fakeAddr(1)},
		weight:       types.NewCurrency64(1),
	entry2 := hostEntry{
		HostSettings: modules.HostSettings{IPAddress: fakeAddr(2)},
		weight:       types.NewCurrency64(2),
	entry3 := hostEntry{
		HostSettings: modules.HostSettings{IPAddress: fakeAddr(3)},
		weight:       types.NewCurrency64(3),

	if len(hdb.activeHosts) != 3 {
		t.Error("wrong number of hosts")
	if hdb.hostTree.weight.Cmp(types.NewCurrency64(6)) != 0 {
		t.Error("unexpected weight at initialization")

	// Grab 1 random host.
	randHosts := hdb.RandomHosts(1)
	if len(randHosts) != 1 {
		t.Error("didn't get 1 hosts")
	if len(hdb.activeHosts) != 3 {
		t.Error("wrong number of hosts")
	if hdb.hostTree.weight.Cmp(types.NewCurrency64(6)) != 0 {
		t.Error("unexpected weight at initialization")

	// Grab 2 random hosts.
	randHosts = hdb.RandomHosts(2)
	if len(randHosts) != 2 {
		t.Error("didn't get 2 hosts")
	if len(hdb.activeHosts) != 3 {
		t.Error("wrong number of hosts")
	if hdb.hostTree.weight.Cmp(types.NewCurrency64(6)) != 0 {
		t.Error("unexpected weight at initialization")
	if randHosts[0].IPAddress == randHosts[1].IPAddress {
		t.Error("doubled up")

	// Grab 3 random hosts.
	randHosts = hdb.RandomHosts(3)
	if len(randHosts) != 3 {
		t.Error("didn't get 3 hosts")
	if len(hdb.activeHosts) != 3 {
		t.Error("wrong number of hosts")
	if hdb.hostTree.weight.Cmp(types.NewCurrency64(6)) != 0 {
		t.Error("unexpected weight at initialization")
	if randHosts[0].IPAddress == randHosts[1].IPAddress || randHosts[0].IPAddress == randHosts[2].IPAddress || randHosts[1].IPAddress == randHosts[2].IPAddress {
		t.Error("doubled up")

	// Grab 4 random hosts. 3 should be returned.
	randHosts = hdb.RandomHosts(4)
	if len(randHosts) != 3 {
		t.Error("didn't get 3 hosts")
	if len(hdb.activeHosts) != 3 {
		t.Error("wrong number of hosts")
	if hdb.hostTree.weight.Cmp(types.NewCurrency64(6)) != 0 {
		t.Error("unexpected weight at initialization")
	if randHosts[0].IPAddress == randHosts[1].IPAddress || randHosts[0].IPAddress == randHosts[2].IPAddress || randHosts[1].IPAddress == randHosts[2].IPAddress {
		t.Error("doubled up")
Ejemplo n.º 27
// New returns a new State, containing at least the genesis block. If there is
// an existing block database present in saveDir, it will be loaded. Otherwise,
// a new database will be created.
func New(gateway modules.Gateway, saveDir string) (*State, error) {
	if gateway == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilGateway

	// Create the State object.
	cs := &State{
		blockMap:  make(map[types.BlockID]*blockNode),
		dosBlocks: make(map[types.BlockID]struct{}),

		currentPath: make([]types.BlockID, 1),

		siacoinOutputs:        make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),
		fileContracts:         make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		siafundOutputs:        make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),
		delayedSiacoinOutputs: make(map[types.BlockHeight]map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),

		gateway: gateway,

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Create the genesis block and add it as the BlockRoot.
	genesisBlock := types.Block{
		Timestamp: types.GenesisTimestamp,
		Transactions: []types.Transaction{
			{SiafundOutputs: types.GenesisSiafundAllocation},
	cs.blockRoot = &blockNode{
		block:       genesisBlock,
		childTarget: types.RootTarget,
		depth:       types.RootDepth,

		diffsGenerated: true,
	cs.blockMap[genesisBlock.ID()] = cs.blockRoot

	// Fill out the consensus information for the genesis block.
	cs.currentPath[0] = genesisBlock.ID()
	cs.siacoinOutputs[genesisBlock.MinerPayoutID(0)] = types.SiacoinOutput{
		Value:      types.CalculateCoinbase(0),
		UnlockHash: types.ZeroUnlockHash,

	// Allocate the Siafund addresses by putting them all in a big transaction
	// and applying the diffs.
	for i, siafundOutput := range genesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputs {
		sfid := genesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputID(i)
		sfod := modules.SiafundOutputDiff{
			Direction:     modules.DiffApply,
			ID:            sfid,
			SiafundOutput: siafundOutput,
		cs.commitSiafundOutputDiff(sfod, modules.DiffApply)
		cs.blockRoot.siafundOutputDiffs = append(cs.blockRoot.siafundOutputDiffs, sfod)

	// Send out genesis block update.
	cs.updateSubscribers(nil, []*blockNode{cs.blockRoot})

	// Create the consensus directory.
	err := os.MkdirAll(saveDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// During short tests, use an in-memory database.
	if build.Release == "testing" && testing.Short() {
		cs.db = persist.NilDB
	} else {
		// Otherwise, try to load an existing database from disk.
		err = cs.load(saveDir)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// Register RPCs
	gateway.RegisterRPC("SendBlocks", cs.sendBlocks)
	gateway.RegisterRPC("RelayBlock", cs.RelayBlock)
	gateway.RegisterConnectCall("SendBlocks", cs.receiveBlocks)

	// Spawn resynchronize loop.
	go cs.threadedResynchronize()

	return cs, nil
Ejemplo n.º 28
Archivo: host.go Proyecto: mm3/Sia
// New returns an initialized Host.
func New(cs *consensus.State, hdb modules.HostDB, tpool modules.TransactionPool, wallet modules.Wallet, addr string, saveDir string) (*Host, error) {
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("host cannot use a nil state")
	if hdb == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("host cannot use a nil hostdb")
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("host cannot use a nil tpool")
	if wallet == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("host cannot use a nil wallet")

	coinAddr, _, err := wallet.CoinAddress(false) // false indicates that the address should not be visible to the user.
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	h := &Host{
		cs:     cs,
		hostdb: hdb,
		tpool:  tpool,
		wallet: wallet,

		// default host settings
		HostSettings: modules.HostSettings{
			TotalStorage: 10e9,                        // 10 GB
			MaxFilesize:  1e9,                         // 1 GB
			MaxDuration:  144 * 60,                    // 60 days
			WindowSize:   288,                         // 48 hours
			Price:        types.NewCurrency64(100e12), // 0.1 siacoin / mb / week
			Collateral:   types.NewCurrency64(0),
			UnlockHash:   coinAddr,

		saveDir: saveDir,

		obligationsByID:     make(map[types.FileContractID]contractObligation),
		obligationsByHeight: make(map[types.BlockHeight][]contractObligation),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	h.spaceRemaining = h.TotalStorage

	// Create listener and set address.
	h.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", addr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	_, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(h.listener.Addr().String())
	h.myAddr = modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort(modules.ExternalIP, port))

	err = os.MkdirAll(saveDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = h.load()
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return nil, err

	// spawn listener
	go h.listen()


	return h, nil