Ejemplo n.º 1
func setQuotedString(token string, command *engine.Command, pState *parserState) {
	if pState.IsUsing {
		command.Index += token
	} else if pState.IsCommand {
		command.Key = []byte(string(command.Key) + token)
		command.KeyType = engine.TypeString
	} else if pState.IsValue {
		command.Value = []byte(string(command.Value) + token)
		command.ValueType = engine.TypeString
Ejemplo n.º 2
// FromReader parse the file
func FromReader(file io.Reader, listCommands *[]engine.Command) error {
	var command engine.Command

	pState := parserState{}

	// Create our lexer
	// NewSize(startState, reader, readerBufLen, channelCap)
	lex := lexer.NewSize(lexFunc, file, 100, 1)
	var lastTokenType = TokenNil

	// Process lexer-emitted tokens
	for t := lex.NextToken(); lexer.TokenTypeEOF != t.Type(); t = lex.NextToken() {
		switch t.Type() {
		case TokenWord:
			if lastTokenType != TokenWord {
				tokenValue := string(t.Bytes())

				// TokenWord is a double or single quoted string?
				if pState.IsDoubleQuotedString || pState.IsSingleQuotedString {
					if !pState.IsUsing && !pState.IsCommand && !pState.IsValue {
						return errors.New("Invalid quoted string: " + tokenValue)

					setQuotedString(tokenValue, &command, &pState)

					// TokenWord is the Index name?
					// using <TokenWord> ...
				} else if pState.IsUsing {
					indexDbParts := strings.Split(tokenValue, ".")

					if len(indexDbParts) < 2 {
						return fmt.Errorf("Invalid USING <index>.<database>: %s", tokenValue)

					command.Index = indexDbParts[0]
					command.Database = strings.Join(indexDbParts[1:], ".")
					pState.IsUsing = false

					// TokenWord is the key of command?
					// using document.db mergeset <TokenWord> ...
				} else if pState.IsCommand {
					if strings.HasPrefix(tokenValue, "int(") {
						pState.KVType = engine.TypeInt
						pState.IsCastOpen = true
					} else if strings.HasPrefix(tokenValue, "uint(") {
						pState.KVType = engine.TypeUint
						pState.IsCastOpen = true
					} else if strings.HasPrefix(tokenValue, "float(") {
						pState.KVType = engine.TypeFloat
						pState.IsCastOpen = true
					} else {
						command.Key = []byte(tokenValue)
						command.KeyType = engine.TypeString
						pState.IsCommand = false
						pState.IsValue = true

					// TokenWord is the command value?
					// using document.db mergeset name <TokenWord>
				} else if pState.IsValue {
					if tokenValue == ")" && pState.IsCastOpen {
						pState.IsCastOpen = false
					} else if strings.HasPrefix(tokenValue, "uint(") {
						pState.IsCastOpen = true
						pState.KVType = engine.TypeUint
					} else if strings.HasPrefix(tokenValue, "int(") {
						pState.IsCastOpen = true
						pState.KVType = engine.TypeInt
					} else if strings.HasPrefix(tokenValue, "float(") {
						pState.IsCastOpen = true
						pState.KVType = engine.TypeFloat
					} else {
						command.Value = []byte(tokenValue)
						command.ValueType = engine.TypeString
						pState.IsValue = false
				} else {
					// Here we handle the available KEYWORDS

					if pState.IsCastOpen && strings.HasPrefix(tokenValue, ")") {
						pState.IsCastOpen = false
						pState.KVType = 0

						// Keyword USING
					} else if !pState.IsUsing && strings.ToLower(tokenValue) == "using" {
						pState.IsUsing = true
					} else if !pState.IsCommand {
						// Must be a command KEYWORD
						// see commandsAvailable

						if !isValidCommand(tokenValue) {
							return fmt.Errorf("Invalid keyword '"+tokenValue+"': %s", command)

						pState.IsCommand = true
						pState.IsUsing = false
						command.Command = strings.ToLower(tokenValue)
		case TokenDoubleQuotedString:
			if pState.IsDoubleQuotedString {
				if pState.IsCommand {
					pState.IsCommand = false
					pState.IsValue = true
				} else if pState.IsUsing {
					pState.IsUsing = false
				} else if pState.IsValue {
					pState.IsValue = false

			if pState.IsSingleQuotedString {
				setQuotedString(string(t.Bytes()), &command, &pState)
			} else {
				pState.IsDoubleQuotedString = !pState.IsDoubleQuotedString
		case TokenSingleQuotedString:
			if pState.IsSingleQuotedString {
				if pState.IsCommand {
					pState.IsCommand = false
					pState.IsValue = true
				} else if pState.IsUsing {
					pState.IsUsing = false
				} else if pState.IsValue {
					pState.IsValue = false

			if pState.IsDoubleQuotedString {
				setQuotedString(string(t.Bytes()), &command, &pState)
			} else {
				pState.IsSingleQuotedString = !pState.IsSingleQuotedString

		case TokenEscapedDoubleQuotedString:
			if pState.IsSingleQuotedString {
				panic("Escaped double quoted string inside single quoted string...")
			} else if pState.IsDoubleQuotedString {
				setQuotedString(string(t.Bytes()[1:]), &command, &pState)

			pState.IsEscapedDoubleQuotedString = !pState.IsEscapedDoubleQuotedString

		case TokenEscapedSingleQuotedString:
			if pState.IsDoubleQuotedString {
				return errors.New("Escaped single quoted string inside double quoted string...")
			} else if pState.IsSingleQuotedString {
				setQuotedString(string(t.Bytes()), &command, &pState)
		case TokenSpace:
			// Spaces only makes difference inside quotes
			if pState.IsDoubleQuotedString || pState.IsSingleQuotedString {
				setQuotedString(string(t.Bytes()), &command, &pState)

		case TokenNewline:
			// New lines only makes difference inside quotes
			if pState.IsDoubleQuotedString || pState.IsSingleQuotedString {
				setQuotedString(string(t.Bytes()), &command, &pState)
		case TokenSemiColon:
			if pState.IsSingleQuotedString || pState.IsDoubleQuotedString {
				setQuotedString(string(t.Bytes()), &command, &pState)
			} else {
				*listCommands = append(*listCommands, command)
				command = engine.Command{}
				pState = parserState{}
		case TokenNumbers:
			tokenValue := string(t.Bytes())

			if pState.IsSingleQuotedString || pState.IsDoubleQuotedString {
				setQuotedString(tokenValue, &command, &pState)
			} else if pState.IsUsing {
				if index.ValidateIndexName(tokenValue) {
					command.Index = tokenValue
					pState.IsUsing = false

					// TokenNumbers is the key of command?
					// using document.db mergeset <TokenNumbers> ...
			} else if pState.IsCommand {
				var (
					keyBytes []byte
					keyType  uint8

				if strings.Contains(tokenValue, ".") {
					tokenFloatValue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(tokenValue, 64)

					if err != nil {
						return fmt.Errorf("Failed to convert %s to float", tokenValue)

					keyBytes = utils.Float64ToBytes(tokenFloatValue)
					keyType = engine.TypeFloat
				} else {
					tokenIntValue, err := strconv.Atoi(tokenValue)

					if err != nil {
						return fmt.Errorf("Failed to convert %s to integer", tokenValue)

					if pState.KVType == engine.TypeUint {
						keyBytes = utils.Uint64ToBytes(uint64(tokenIntValue))
						keyType = engine.TypeUint
					} else if pState.KVType == engine.TypeFloat {
						keyBytes = utils.Float64ToBytes(float64(tokenIntValue))
						keyType = engine.TypeFloat
					} else {
						keyBytes = utils.Int64ToBytes(int64(tokenIntValue))
						keyType = engine.TypeInt

				command.Key = keyBytes
				command.KeyType = keyType
				pState.IsCommand = false
				pState.IsValue = true

				pState.KVType = 0

				// TokenNumbers is the command value?
				// using document.db mergeset name <TokenNumbers>
			} else if pState.IsValue {
				var (
					valueBytes      []byte
					valueType       uint8
					tokenIntValue   int64
					tokenFloatValue float64
					err             error

				if strings.Contains(tokenValue, ".") {
					tokenFloatValue, err = strconv.ParseFloat(tokenValue, 64)

					if err != nil {
						return fmt.Errorf("Failed to convert %s to float", tokenValue)

					valueBytes = utils.Float64ToBytes(tokenFloatValue)
					valueType = engine.TypeFloat
				} else {
					tokenInt, err := strconv.Atoi(tokenValue)

					if err != nil {
						return fmt.Errorf("Failed to convert %s to integer", tokenValue)

					tokenIntValue = int64(tokenInt)
					valueBytes = utils.Int64ToBytes(int64(tokenIntValue))
					valueType = engine.TypeInt

				if command.Command == "mergeset" {
					if valueType == engine.TypeFloat {
						return fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse command. "+
							"MergeSet value shall be a unsigned integer "+
							"value: %v", tokenValue)

					command.Value = utils.Uint64ToBytes(uint64(tokenIntValue))
					command.ValueType = engine.TypeUint
				} else {
					command.Value = valueBytes
					command.ValueType = valueType

				pState.IsValue = false
			return errors.New("Failed to parse line at '" + string(t.Bytes()) + "'")

		lastTokenType = t.Type()

	// Checks if the last command was correctly parsed but
	// doesn't have the semicolon at the end...
	if validateCommand(command) {
		*listCommands = append(*listCommands, command)
		command = engine.Command{}
		pState = parserState{}

		// Checks if exists a invalid partial command
	} else if command.Index != "" || command.Command != "" ||
		command.Key != nil || command.Value != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("The last command wasn't correctly finished nor have the semicolon at end: %v", command)

	return nil