Ejemplo n.º 1
// OpticFlowHornSchunk computes the optic flow between two images
// the images need to have Dummie borders (see floatimage.Dummies())
// applied.
// It returns the optic flow field as a 2 channel floatimage.FloatImg
func OpticFlowHornSchunk(f1, f2 *floatimage.FloatImg, alpha float32, iterations int) (uv *floatimage.FloatImg) {
	// Compute fx, fy, fz derivatives as FloatImg with 3 channels for faster access
	derivs := deriveMixed(f1, f2)
	// bounds without dummies
	bounds := f1.Bounds()

	// vector field as FloatImg with 2 channels
	uv = floatimage.NewFloatImg(bounds, 2)
	// temporary storage for vector field from previous iteration
	uvOld := floatimage.NewFloatImg(bounds, 2)
	// Process image using the Jacobi method to incrementally compute the vector field
	for k := 1; k <= iterations; k++ {
		flow(float32(alpha), derivs, uvOld, uv)

Ejemplo n.º 2
// MagImage generates a magnitude image from an optic flow
// field and returns it as a single channel floatimage.FloatImg
func MagImage(uv *floatimage.FloatImg) (magImg *floatimage.FloatImg) {
	bounds := uv.Bounds()
	// Magnitude image
	magImg = floatimage.NewFloatImg(bounds, 1)
	// Calculate
	for j := bounds.Min.Y; j < bounds.Max.Y; j++ {
		for i := bounds.Min.X; i < bounds.Max.X; i++ {
			vec := uv.AtF(i, j)
			tmp := vec[0]*vec[0] + vec[1]*vec[1]
			magImg.Set(i, j, 0, float32(math.Sqrt(float64(tmp))))

Ejemplo n.º 3
func deriveMixed(f1, f2 *floatimage.FloatImg) *floatimage.FloatImg {
	const hx = 1.0
	const hy = 1.0
	bounds := f1.Bounds()
	derivs := floatimage.NewFloatImg(bounds, 3)
	for j := bounds.Min.Y + 1; j < bounds.Max.Y-1; j++ {
		for i := bounds.Min.X + 1; i < bounds.Max.X-1; i++ {
			Fx := (f1.AtF(i+1, j)[0] - f1.AtF(i-1, j)[0] + f2.AtF(i+1, j)[0] - f2.AtF(i-1, j)[0]) / (4.0 * hx)
			Fy := (f1.AtF(i, j+1)[0] - f1.AtF(i, j-1)[0] + f2.AtF(i, j+1)[0] - f2.AtF(i, j-1)[0]) / (4.0 * hy)
			Fz := f2.AtF(i, j)[0] - f1.AtF(i, j)[0]
			dvs := derivs.AtF(i, j)
			dvs[Fxc], dvs[Fyc], dvs[Fzc] = Fx, Fy, Fz
	return derivs