Ejemplo n.º 1
func (c *HomeCloud) PostConstruct() error {

	c.log = logger.GetLogger("HomeCloud")


	ledController := c.Conn.GetServiceClient("$home/led-controller")
	err := ledController.Call("enableControl", nil, nil, 0)
	if err != nil {
		c.log.Infof("Failed to enable control on LED controller: %s", err)

	if syncEnabled {
		// We wait for at least one sync to happen, or fail

	// This is required to enable sphere-reset to clear out redis, then push this empty db to
	// cloud.
	if config.Bool(false, "clearcloud") {
		c.log.Infof("Just clearing cloud so exiting now!")


	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (c *HomeCloud) AutoStartModules() {

	do := func(name string, task string) error {
		return c.Conn.SendNotification("$node/"+config.Serial()+"/module/"+task, name)

	interval := config.MustDuration("homecloud.autoStart.interval")

	for _, name := range c.findAutoStartModules() {
		log.Infof("-- (Re)starting '%s'", name)

		err := do(name, "stop")
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to send %s stop message! %s", name, err)


		err = do(name, "start")
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to send %s start message! %s", name, err)

Ejemplo n.º 3


var log = logger.GetLogger("HomeCloud")

var syncEnabled = config.Bool(true, "homecloud.sync.enabled")
var syncTimeout = config.MustDuration("homecloud.sync.timeout")

type HomeCloud struct {
	Conn         *ninja.Connection    `inject:""`
	Pool         *redis.Pool          `inject:""`
	ThingModel   *models.ThingModel   `inject:""`
	DeviceModel  *models.DeviceModel  `inject:""`
	ChannelModel *models.ChannelModel `inject:""`
	RoomModel    *models.RoomModel    `inject:""`
	ModuleModel  *models.ModuleModel  `inject:""`
	SiteModel    *models.SiteModel    `inject:""`
	log          *logger.Logger

func (c *HomeCloud) PostConstruct() error {
package ui

import (


var onOffTapTimeout = config.MustDuration("led.onoff.tapTimeout")

type OnOffPane struct {
	log  *logger.Logger
	conn *ninja.Connection

	devices []*ninja.ServiceClient

	state         bool
	onStateChange func(bool)

	onImage  util.Image
	offImage util.Image

	lastTap time.Time

	ignoringGestures bool



var volumeModeReset = config.MustDuration("led.media.volumeModeReset")
var mediaTapTimeout = config.MustDuration("led.media.tapInterval")
var volumeInterval = config.MustDuration("led.media.volumeInterval")
var airWheelReset = config.MustDuration("led.media.airWheelReset")

type MediaPane struct {
	log  *logger.Logger
	conn *ninja.Connection

	volumeMode       bool
	volumeModeReset  *time.Timer
	volumeUpDownMode bool
	volumeUpDown     *bool

	lastAirWheelTime time.Time
	lastAirWheel     *uint8


var enableClockPane = config.Bool(true, "led.clock.enabled")
var enableAlarm = config.Bool(true, "led.clock.alarmEnabled")
var alarmFlashTimes = config.Int(2, "led.clock.alarmFlashTimes") * 2
var alarmFlashInterval = config.MustDuration("led.clock.alarmFlashInterval")

type ClockPane struct {
	alarm       *time.Time
	timer       *time.Timer
	tapThrottle *throttle
	lights      []*ninja.ServiceClient
	tickTock    bool

func NewClockPane() *ClockPane {
	var pane *ClockPane
	pane = &ClockPane{
		timer: time.AfterFunc(time.Minute, func() {
			pane.alarm = nil

	owm "github.com/ninjasphere/openweathermap"

var enableWeatherPane = config.MustBool("led.weather.enabled")
var weatherUpdateInterval = config.MustDuration("led.weather.updateInterval")
var temperatureDisplayTime = config.Duration(time.Second*5, "led.weather.temperatureDisplayTime")

var globalSite *model.Site
var timezone *time.Location

type WeatherPane struct {
	siteModel   *ninja.ServiceClient
	site        *model.Site
	getWeather  *time.Timer
	tempTimeout *time.Timer
	temperature bool
	weather     *owm.ForecastWeatherData
	image       util.Image
Ejemplo n.º 8
func main() {

	log.Infof("Welcome home, Ninja.")

	if config.Bool(true, "homecloud.waitForNTP") {

	// The MQTT Connection
	conn, err := ninja.Connect("sphere-go-homecloud")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to connect to sphere: %s", err)

	// An MQTT Connection used for outbound syncing connections
	syncConn := &models.SyncConnection{}
	syncConn.Conn, err = ninja.Connect("sphere-go-homecloud.sync")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to connect to sphere (sync): %s", err)

	// Our redis pool
	pool := &redis.Pool{
		MaxIdle:     config.MustInt("homecloud.redis.maxIdle"),
		MaxActive:   config.Int(10, "homecloud.redis.maxActive"),
		IdleTimeout: config.MustDuration("homecloud.redis.idleTimeout"),
		Wait:        true,
		Dial: func() (redis.Conn, error) {
			c, err := redis.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", config.String("", "homecloud.redis.host"), config.MustInt("homecloud.redis.port")))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return c, err
		TestOnBorrow: func(c redis.Conn, t time.Time) error {
			_, err := c.Do("PING")
			return err

	// Not pretty.
	rpc.RedisPool = pool

	// Wait until we connect to redis successfully.
	for {
		c := pool.Get()

		if c.Err() == nil {
		log.Warningf("Failed to connect to redis: %s", c.Err())

	// Build the object graph using dependency injection
	injectables := []interface{}{}

	injectables = append(injectables, pool, conn, syncConn)
	injectables = append(injectables, &homecloud.HomeCloud{}, &homecloud.TimeSeriesManager{}, &homecloud.DeviceManager{}, &homecloud.ModuleManager{})
	injectables = append(injectables, state.NewStateManager())
	injectables = append(injectables, &rest.RestServer{})
	injectables = append(injectables, models.GetInjectables()...)

	err = inject.Populate(injectables...)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to construct the object graph: %s", err)

	// Run PostConstruct on any objects that have it
	for _, node := range injectables {
		if n, ok := node.(postConstructable); ok {
			go func(c postConstructable) {
				if err := c.PostConstruct(); err != nil {
					log.Fatalf("Failed PostConstruct on object %s: %s", reflect.TypeOf(c).String(), err)

	// So long, and thanks for all the fish.



const width = 16
const height = 16

var panDuration = config.MustDuration("led.panDuration")
var wakeTransitionDuration = config.MustDuration("led.wakeTransition")
var sleepTransitionDuration = config.MustDuration("led.sleepTransition")
var sleepTimeout = config.MustDuration("led.sleepTimeout")
var forceAllPanes = config.Bool(false, "led.forceAllPanes")

var logGestures = config.Bool(false, "led.gestures.log")
var enableGestures = config.Bool(true, "led.gestures.enable")

type PaneLayout struct {
	currentPane int
	targetPane  int
	panes       []Pane
	lastGesture time.Time

	panTween *Tween


var lightTapInterval = config.MustDuration("led.light.tapInterval")
var colorInterval = config.MustDuration("led.light.colorInterval")

var colorAdjustSpeed = config.MustFloat("led.light.colorSpeed")
var brightnessAdjustSpeed = config.MustFloat("led.light.brightnessSpeed")

var brightnessMinimum = uint8(config.MustInt("led.light.brightnessMinimum"))

type LightPane struct {
	log      *logger.Logger
	conn     *ninja.Connection
	onEnable chan bool

	onOffDevices    *[]*ninja.ServiceClient
	airwheelDevices *[]*ninja.ServiceClient