Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: slack.go Proyecto: ynoca/slack
func run(api *slack.Client) int {
	rtm := api.NewRTM()
	go rtm.ManageConnection()

	for {
		select {
		case msg := <-rtm.IncomingEvents:
			switch ev := msg.Data.(type) {
			case *slack.HelloEvent:
				log.Print("Hello Event")

			case *slack.MessageEvent:
				log.Printf("Message: %v\n", ev)
				text := ev.Text
				r := regexp.MustCompile(`weather`)

				if r.MatchString(text) {
					out, err := exec.Command("./bin/weather", "140010").Output()
					rtm.SendMessage(rtm.NewOutgoingMessage(string(out), ev.Channel))

			case *slack.InvalidAuthEvent:
				log.Print("Invalid credentials")
				return 1

Ejemplo n.º 2
func monitorSlack(api *slack.Client, threadWait *sync.WaitGroup, recipientChan chan eventRecipient) {
	defer threadWait.Done()
	defer logging.Log.Notice("Finished monitoring Slack")

	eventRecipients := make(map[string]chan *slack.MessageEvent)

	logging.Log.Info("Connecting to RTM")
	rtm := api.NewRTM()
	go rtm.ManageConnection()
	defer func() {
		logging.Log.Info("Disconnecting from RTM")
		if discErr := rtm.Disconnect(); discErr != nil {
			logging.Log.Error("Error while disconnecting from the Slack RTM")

	logging.Log.Info("Waiting for events")
	for {
		select {
		case recipient := <-recipientChan:
			eventRecipients[recipient.channelID] = recipient.eventChan
			logging.Log.Debugf("Added event recipient for %v", recipient.channelID)

		case event, chanOpen := <-rtm.IncomingEvents:
			if !chanOpen {
				logging.Log.Warning("Incoming events channel is closed")
				break monitorLoop
			switch evData := event.Data.(type) {
			case *slack.HelloEvent:
				logging.Log.Info("Slack says \"hello\"")

			case *slack.ConnectedEvent:
				//logging.Log.Info("Infos:", evData.Info)
				logging.Log.Info("Connected to Slack")
				logging.Log.Infof("Connection counter: %v", evData.ConnectionCount)
				// Replace #general with your Channel ID
				//rtm.SendMessage(rtm.NewOutgoingMessage("Hello world", "#general"))

			case *slack.MessageEvent:
				//logging.Log.Infof("Message: %v", evData)
				if evData.SubType != "" {
				if eventChan, hasEventChan := eventRecipients[evData.Channel]; hasEventChan {
					eventChan <- evData

			//case *slack.PresenceChangeEvent:
			//	logging.Log.Infof("Presence Change: %v", evData)

			case *slack.LatencyReport:
				logging.Log.Infof("Current latency: %v", evData.Value)

			case *slack.RTMError:
				logging.Log.Warningf("RTM Error: %s", evData.Error())

			case *slack.InvalidAuthEvent:
				logging.Log.Error("Invalid credentials")
				break monitorLoop


				// Ignore other events..
				//logging.Log.Infof("Unexpected: %v", event.Data)
