Ejemplo n.º 1
func (c *AuthConfig) getAuthenticationHandler(mux cmdutil.Mux, errorHandler handlers.AuthenticationErrorHandler) (handlers.AuthenticationHandler, error) {
	// TODO: make this ordered once we can have more than one
	challengers := map[string]handlers.AuthenticationChallenger{}

	redirectors := new(handlers.AuthenticationRedirectors)

	// Determine if we have more than one password-based Identity Provider
	multiplePasswordProviders := false
	passwordProviderCount := 0
	for _, identityProvider := range c.Options.IdentityProviders {
		if configapi.IsPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider) && identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
			if passwordProviderCount > 1 {
				multiplePasswordProviders = true

	for _, identityProvider := range c.Options.IdentityProviders {
		identityMapper, err := identitymapper.NewIdentityUserMapper(c.IdentityRegistry, c.UserRegistry, identitymapper.MappingMethodType(identityProvider.MappingMethod))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// TODO: refactor handler building per type
		if configapi.IsPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider) {
			passwordAuth, err := c.getPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				// Password auth requires:
				// 1. a session success handler (to remember you logged in)
				// 2. a redirectSuccessHandler (to go back to the "then" param)
				if c.SessionAuth == nil {
					return nil, errors.New("SessionAuth is required for password-based login")
				passwordSuccessHandler := handlers.AuthenticationSuccessHandlers{c.SessionAuth, redirectSuccessHandler{}}

				var (
					// loginPath is unescaped, the way the mux will see it once URL-decoding is done
					loginPath = openShiftLoginPrefix
					// redirectLoginPath is escaped, the way we would need to send a Location redirect to a client
					redirectLoginPath = openShiftLoginPrefix

				if multiplePasswordProviders {
					// If there is more than one Identity Provider acting as a login
					// provider, we need to give each of them their own login path,
					// to avoid ambiguity.
					loginPath = path.Join(openShiftLoginPrefix, identityProvider.Name)
					// url-encode the provider name for redirecting
					redirectLoginPath = path.Join(openShiftLoginPrefix, (&url.URL{Path: identityProvider.Name}).String())

				// Since we're redirecting to a local login page, we don't need to force absolute URL resolution
				redirectors.Add(identityProvider.Name, redirector.NewRedirector(nil, redirectLoginPath+"?then=${url}"))

				var loginTemplateFile string
				if c.Options.Templates != nil {
					loginTemplateFile = c.Options.Templates.Login
				loginFormRenderer, err := login.NewLoginFormRenderer(loginTemplateFile)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err

				login := login.NewLogin(identityProvider.Name, c.getCSRF(), &callbackPasswordAuthenticator{passwordAuth, passwordSuccessHandler}, loginFormRenderer)
				login.Install(mux, loginPath)
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				// For now, all password challenges share a single basic challenger, since they'll all respond to any basic credentials
				challengers["basic-challenge"] = passwordchallenger.NewBasicAuthChallenger("openshift")
		} else if configapi.IsOAuthIdentityProvider(identityProvider) {
			oauthProvider, err := c.getOAuthProvider(identityProvider)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			// Default state builder, combining CSRF and return URL handling
			state := external.CSRFRedirectingState(c.getCSRF())

			// OAuth auth requires
			// 1. a session success handler (to remember you logged in)
			// 2. a state success handler (to go back to the URL encoded in the state)
			if c.SessionAuth == nil {
				return nil, errors.New("SessionAuth is required for OAuth-based login")
			oauthSuccessHandler := handlers.AuthenticationSuccessHandlers{c.SessionAuth, state}

			// If the specified errorHandler doesn't handle the login error, let the state error handler attempt to propagate specific errors back to the token requester
			oauthErrorHandler := handlers.AuthenticationErrorHandlers{errorHandler, state}

			callbackPath := path.Join(OpenShiftOAuthCallbackPrefix, identityProvider.Name)
			oauthRedirector, oauthHandler, err := external.NewExternalOAuthRedirector(oauthProvider, state, c.Options.MasterPublicURL+callbackPath, oauthSuccessHandler, oauthErrorHandler, identityMapper)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

			mux.Handle(callbackPath, oauthHandler)
			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				redirectors.Add(identityProvider.Name, oauthRedirector)
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				// For now, all password challenges share a single basic challenger, since they'll all respond to any basic credentials
				challengers["basic-challenge"] = passwordchallenger.NewBasicAuthChallenger("openshift")
		} else if requestHeaderProvider, isRequestHeader := identityProvider.Provider.(*configapi.RequestHeaderIdentityProvider); isRequestHeader {
			// We might be redirecting to an external site, we need to fully resolve the request URL to the public master
			baseRequestURL, err := url.Parse(c.Options.MasterPublicURL + OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix + osinserver.AuthorizePath)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				challengers["requestheader-"+identityProvider.Name+"-redirect"] = redirector.NewChallenger(baseRequestURL, requestHeaderProvider.ChallengeURL)
			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				redirectors.Add(identityProvider.Name, redirector.NewRedirector(baseRequestURL, requestHeaderProvider.LoginURL))

	if redirectors.Count() > 0 && len(challengers) == 0 {
		// Add a default challenger that will warn and give a link to the web browser token-granting location
		challengers["placeholder"] = placeholderchallenger.New(OpenShiftOAuthTokenRequestURL(c.Options.MasterPublicURL))

	var selectProviderTemplateFile string
	if c.Options.Templates != nil {
		selectProviderTemplateFile = c.Options.Templates.ProviderSelection
	selectProviderRenderer, err := selectprovider.NewSelectProviderRenderer(selectProviderTemplateFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	selectProvider := selectprovider.NewSelectProvider(selectProviderRenderer, c.Options.AlwaysShowProviderSelection)

	authHandler := handlers.NewUnionAuthenticationHandler(challengers, redirectors, errorHandler, selectProvider)
	return authHandler, nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (c *AuthConfig) getAuthenticationHandler(mux cmdutil.Mux, errorHandler handlers.AuthenticationErrorHandler) (handlers.AuthenticationHandler, error) {
	challengers := map[string]handlers.AuthenticationChallenger{}
	redirectors := map[string]handlers.AuthenticationRedirector{}

	for _, identityProvider := range c.Options.IdentityProviders {
		identityMapper := identitymapper.NewAlwaysCreateUserIdentityToUserMapper(c.IdentityRegistry, c.UserRegistry)

		// TODO: refactor handler building per type
		if configapi.IsPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider) {
			passwordAuth, err := c.getPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				// Password auth requires:
				// 1. a session success handler (to remember you logged in)
				// 2. a redirectSuccessHandler (to go back to the "then" param)
				if c.SessionAuth == nil {
					return nil, errors.New("SessionAuth is required for password-based login")
				passwordSuccessHandler := handlers.AuthenticationSuccessHandlers{c.SessionAuth, redirectSuccessHandler{}}

				// Since we're redirecting to a local login page, we don't need to force absolute URL resolution
				redirectors["login-"+identityProvider.Name+"-redirect"] = redirector.NewRedirector(nil, OpenShiftLoginPrefix+"?then=${url}")

				var loginTemplateFile string
				if c.Options.Templates != nil {
					loginTemplateFile = c.Options.Templates.Login
				loginFormRenderer, err := login.NewLoginFormRenderer(loginTemplateFile)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err

				login := login.NewLogin(c.getCSRF(), &callbackPasswordAuthenticator{passwordAuth, passwordSuccessHandler}, loginFormRenderer)
				login.Install(mux, OpenShiftLoginPrefix)
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				// For now, all password challenges share a single basic challenger, since they'll all respond to any basic credentials
				challengers["basic-challenge"] = passwordchallenger.NewBasicAuthChallenger("openshift")
		} else if configapi.IsOAuthIdentityProvider(identityProvider) {
			oauthProvider, err := c.getOAuthProvider(identityProvider)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			// Default state builder, combining CSRF and return URL handling
			state := external.CSRFRedirectingState(c.getCSRF())

			// OAuth auth requires
			// 1. a session success handler (to remember you logged in)
			// 2. a state success handler (to go back to the URL encoded in the state)
			if c.SessionAuth == nil {
				return nil, errors.New("SessionAuth is required for OAuth-based login")
			oauthSuccessHandler := handlers.AuthenticationSuccessHandlers{c.SessionAuth, state}

			// If the specified errorHandler doesn't handle the login error, let the state error handler attempt to propagate specific errors back to the token requester
			oauthErrorHandler := handlers.AuthenticationErrorHandlers{errorHandler, state}

			callbackPath := path.Join(OpenShiftOAuthCallbackPrefix, identityProvider.Name)
			oauthHandler, err := external.NewExternalOAuthRedirector(oauthProvider, state, c.Options.MasterPublicURL+callbackPath, oauthSuccessHandler, oauthErrorHandler, identityMapper)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

			mux.Handle(callbackPath, oauthHandler)
			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				redirectors["oauth-"+identityProvider.Name+"-redirect"] = oauthHandler
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				return nil, errors.New("oauth identity providers cannot issue challenges")
		} else if requestHeaderProvider, isRequestHeader := identityProvider.Provider.Object.(*configapi.RequestHeaderIdentityProvider); isRequestHeader {
			// We might be redirecting to an external site, we need to fully resolve the request URL to the public master
			baseRequestURL, err := url.Parse(c.Options.MasterPublicURL + OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix + osinserver.AuthorizePath)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				challengers["requestheader-"+identityProvider.Name+"-redirect"] = redirector.NewChallenger(baseRequestURL, requestHeaderProvider.ChallengeURL)
			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				redirectors["requestheader-"+identityProvider.Name+"-redirect"] = redirector.NewRedirector(baseRequestURL, requestHeaderProvider.LoginURL)

	if len(redirectors) > 0 && len(challengers) == 0 {
		// Add a default challenger that will warn and give a link to the web browser token-granting location
		challengers["placeholder"] = placeholderchallenger.New(OpenShiftOAuthTokenRequestURL(c.Options.MasterPublicURL))

	authHandler := handlers.NewUnionAuthenticationHandler(challengers, redirectors, errorHandler)
	return authHandler, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
func TestCLIGetToken(t *testing.T) {

	// setup
	etcdClient := testutil.NewEtcdClient()
	etcdHelper, _ := master.NewEtcdStorage(etcdClient, latest.InterfacesFor, latest.Version, etcdtest.PathPrefix())

	accessTokenStorage := accesstokenetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	accessTokenRegistry := accesstokenregistry.NewRegistry(accessTokenStorage)
	authorizeTokenStorage := authorizetokenetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	authorizeTokenRegistry := authorizetokenregistry.NewRegistry(authorizeTokenStorage)
	clientStorage := clientetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	clientRegistry := clientregistry.NewRegistry(clientStorage)
	clientAuthStorage := clientauthetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	clientAuthRegistry := clientauthregistry.NewRegistry(clientAuthStorage)

	userStorage := useretcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	userRegistry := userregistry.NewRegistry(userStorage)
	identityStorage := identityetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	identityRegistry := identityregistry.NewRegistry(identityStorage)

	identityMapper := identitymapper.NewAlwaysCreateUserIdentityToUserMapper(identityRegistry, userRegistry)

	authRequestHandler := basicauthrequest.NewBasicAuthAuthentication(allowanypassword.New("get-token-test", identityMapper), true)
	authHandler := oauthhandlers.NewUnionAuthenticationHandler(
		map[string]oauthhandlers.AuthenticationChallenger{"login": passwordchallenger.NewBasicAuthChallenger("openshift")}, nil, nil)

	storage := registrystorage.New(accessTokenRegistry, authorizeTokenRegistry, clientRegistry, oauthregistry.NewUserConversion())
	config := osinserver.NewDefaultServerConfig()

	grantChecker := oauthregistry.NewClientAuthorizationGrantChecker(clientAuthRegistry)
	grantHandler := oauthhandlers.NewAutoGrant()

	server := osinserver.New(
	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	server.Install(mux, origin.OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix)
	oauthServer := httptest.NewServer(http.Handler(mux))
	defer oauthServer.Close()
	t.Logf("oauth server is on %v\n", oauthServer.URL)

	// create the default oauth clients with redirects to our server
	origin.CreateOrUpdateDefaultOAuthClients(oauthServer.URL, []string{oauthServer.URL}, clientRegistry)

	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test-flags", pflag.ContinueOnError)
	clientCfg := clientcmd.NewConfig()
	flags.Parse(strings.Split("--master="+oauthServer.URL, " "))

	reader := bytes.NewBufferString("user\npass")

	accessToken, err := tokencmd.RequestToken(clientCfg.OpenShiftConfig(), reader, "", "")

	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
	if len(accessToken) == 0 {
		t.Error("Expected accessToken, but did not get one")

	// lets see if this access token is any good
	token, err := accessTokenRegistry.GetAccessToken(kapi.NewContext(), accessToken)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
	if token.UserName != "user" {
		t.Errorf("Expected token for \"user\", but got: %#v", token)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (c *AuthConfig) getAuthenticationHandler(mux cmdutil.Mux, errorHandler handlers.AuthenticationErrorHandler) (handlers.AuthenticationHandler, error) {
	challengers := map[string]handlers.AuthenticationChallenger{}
	redirectors := map[string]handlers.AuthenticationRedirector{}

	for _, identityProvider := range c.Options.IdentityProviders {
		identityMapper := identitymapper.NewAlwaysCreateUserIdentityToUserMapper(c.IdentityRegistry, c.UserRegistry)

		if configapi.IsPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider) {
			passwordAuth, err := c.getPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				// Password auth requires:
				// 1. a session success handler (to remember you logged in)
				// 2. a redirectSuccessHandler (to go back to the "then" param)
				if c.SessionAuth == nil {
					return nil, errors.New("SessionAuth is required for password-based login")
				passwordSuccessHandler := handlers.AuthenticationSuccessHandlers{c.SessionAuth, redirectSuccessHandler{}}

				redirectors["login"] = &redirector{RedirectURL: OpenShiftLoginPrefix, ThenParam: "then"}
				login := login.NewLogin(c.getCSRF(), &callbackPasswordAuthenticator{passwordAuth, passwordSuccessHandler}, login.DefaultLoginFormRenderer)
				login.Install(mux, OpenShiftLoginPrefix)
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				challengers["login"] = passwordchallenger.NewBasicAuthChallenger("openshift")

		} else if configapi.IsOAuthIdentityProvider(identityProvider) {
			oauthProvider, err := c.getOAuthProvider(identityProvider)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			// Default state builder, combining CSRF and return URL handling
			state := external.CSRFRedirectingState(c.getCSRF())

			// OAuth auth requires
			// 1. a session success handler (to remember you logged in)
			// 2. a state success handler (to go back to the URL encoded in the state)
			if c.SessionAuth == nil {
				return nil, errors.New("SessionAuth is required for OAuth-based login")
			oauthSuccessHandler := handlers.AuthenticationSuccessHandlers{c.SessionAuth, state}

			// If the specified errorHandler doesn't handle the login error, let the state error handler attempt to propagate specific errors back to the token requester
			oauthErrorHandler := handlers.AuthenticationErrorHandlers{errorHandler, state}

			callbackPath := path.Join(OpenShiftOAuthCallbackPrefix, identityProvider.Name)
			oauthHandler, err := external.NewExternalOAuthRedirector(oauthProvider, state, c.Options.MasterPublicURL+callbackPath, oauthSuccessHandler, oauthErrorHandler, identityMapper)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

			mux.Handle(callbackPath, oauthHandler)
			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				redirectors[identityProvider.Name] = oauthHandler
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				return nil, errors.New("oauth identity providers cannot issue challenges")

	if len(redirectors) > 0 && len(challengers) == 0 {
		// Add a default challenger that will warn and give a link to the web browser token-granting location
		challengers["placeholder"] = placeholderchallenger.New(OpenShiftOAuthTokenRequestURL(c.Options.MasterPublicURL))

	authHandler := handlers.NewUnionAuthenticationHandler(challengers, redirectors, errorHandler)
	return authHandler, nil