Ejemplo n.º 1
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) updateStatus(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig, deployments []kapi.ReplicationController) error {
	newStatus, err := c.calculateStatus(*config, deployments)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Cannot calculate the status for %q: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
		return err

	latestExists, latestRC := deployutil.LatestDeploymentInfo(config, deployments)
	if !latestExists {
		latestRC = nil
	updateConditions(config, &newStatus, latestRC)

	// NOTE: We should update the status of the deployment config only if we need to, otherwise
	// we hotloop between updates.
	if reflect.DeepEqual(newStatus, config.Status) {
		return nil

	copied, err := deployutil.DeploymentConfigDeepCopy(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	copied.Status = newStatus
	if _, err := c.dn.DeploymentConfigs(copied.Namespace).UpdateStatus(copied); err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Cannot update the status for %q: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(copied), err)
		return err
	glog.V(4).Infof("Updated the status for %q (observed generation: %d)", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(copied), copied.Status.ObservedGeneration)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Handle processes image change triggers associated with imageRepo.
func (c *ImageChangeController) Handle(imageRepo *imageapi.ImageStream) error {
	configs, err := c.deploymentConfigClient.listDeploymentConfigs()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get list of DeploymentConfig while handling ImageStream %s: %v", labelForRepo(imageRepo), err)

	// Find any configs which should be updated based on the new image state
	configsToUpdate := map[string]*deployapi.DeploymentConfig{}
	for _, config := range configs {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Detecting changed images for DeploymentConfig %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))

		for _, trigger := range config.Triggers {
			params := trigger.ImageChangeParams

			// Only automatic image change triggers should fire
			if trigger.Type != deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnImageChange || !params.Automatic {

			// Check if the image repo matches the trigger
			if !triggerMatchesImage(config, params, imageRepo) {

			// Find the latest tag event for the trigger tag
			latestEvent := imageapi.LatestTaggedImage(imageRepo, params.Tag)
			if latestEvent == nil {
				glog.V(2).Infof("Couldn't find latest tag event for tag %s in ImageStream %s", params.Tag, labelForRepo(imageRepo))

			// Ensure a change occurred
			if len(latestEvent.DockerImageReference) > 0 &&
				latestEvent.DockerImageReference != params.LastTriggeredImage {
				// Mark the config for regeneration
				configsToUpdate[config.Name] = config

	// Attempt to regenerate all configs which may contain image updates
	anyFailed := false
	for _, config := range configsToUpdate {
		err := c.regenerate(config)
		if err != nil {
			anyFailed = true
			glog.V(2).Infof("Couldn't regenerate DeploymentConfig %s: %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)

		glog.V(4).Infof("Regenerated DeploymentConfig %s in response to image change trigger", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))

	if anyFailed {
		return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't update some DeploymentConfig for trigger on ImageStream %s", labelForRepo(imageRepo)))

	glog.V(4).Infof("Updated all DeploymentConfigs for trigger on ImageStream %s", labelForRepo(imageRepo))
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Handle processes change triggers for config.
func (c *DeploymentConfigChangeController) Handle(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	if !deployutil.HasChangeTrigger(config) {
		glog.V(5).Infof("Ignoring DeploymentConfig %s; no change triggers detected", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		return nil

	if config.Status.LatestVersion == 0 {
		_, _, abort, err := c.generateDeployment(config)
		if err != nil {
			if kerrors.IsConflict(err) {
				return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("DeploymentConfig %s updated since retrieval; aborting trigger: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err))
			glog.V(4).Infof("Couldn't create initial deployment for deploymentConfig %q: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
			return nil
		if !abort {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Created initial deployment for deploymentConfig %q", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		return nil

	latestDeploymentName := deployutil.LatestDeploymentNameForConfig(config)
	deployment, err := c.changeStrategy.getDeployment(config.Namespace, latestDeploymentName)
	if err != nil {
		// If there's no deployment for the latest config, we have no basis of
		// comparison. It's the responsibility of the deployment config controller
		// to make the deployment for the config, so return early.
		if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			glog.V(5).Infof("Ignoring change for DeploymentConfig %s; no existing Deployment found", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
			return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't retrieve Deployment for DeploymentConfig %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)

	deployedConfig, err := c.decodeConfig(deployment)
	if err != nil {
		return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("error decoding DeploymentConfig from Deployment %s for DeploymentConfig %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err))

	// Detect template diffs, and return early if there aren't any changes.
	if kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(config.Spec.Template, deployedConfig.Spec.Template) {
		glog.V(5).Infof("Ignoring DeploymentConfig change for %s (latestVersion=%d); same as Deployment %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), config.Status.LatestVersion, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))
		return nil

	// There was a template diff, so generate a new config version.
	fromVersion, toVersion, abort, err := c.generateDeployment(config)
	if err != nil {
		if kerrors.IsConflict(err) {
			return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("DeploymentConfig %s updated since retrieval; aborting trigger: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err))
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't generate deployment for DeploymentConfig %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
	if !abort {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Updated DeploymentConfig %s from version %d to %d for existing deployment %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), fromVersion, toVersion, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) updateStatus(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	if config.Generation > config.Status.ObservedGeneration {
		config.Status.ObservedGeneration = config.Generation
	if _, err := c.osClient.DeploymentConfigs(config.Namespace).UpdateStatus(config); err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Cannot update the status for %q: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
		return transientError(fmt.Sprintf("cannot update the status for %q - requeuing", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config)))
	glog.V(4).Infof("Updated the status for %q (observed generation: %d)", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), config.Status.ObservedGeneration)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) updateStatus(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	// NOTE: We should update the status of the deployment config only if we need to, otherwise
	// we hotloop between updates.
	if !needsUpdate(config) {
		return nil
	config.Status.ObservedGeneration = config.Generation
	if _, err := c.dn.DeploymentConfigs(config.Namespace).UpdateStatus(config); err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Cannot update the status for %q: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
		return err
	glog.V(4).Infof("Updated the status for %q (observed generation: %d)", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), config.Status.ObservedGeneration)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Handle processes change triggers for config.
func (c *DeploymentConfigChangeController) Handle(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	if !deployutil.HasChangeTrigger(config) {
		glog.V(5).Infof("Ignoring deployment config %q; no change triggers detected", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		return nil

	// Try to decode this deployment config from the encoded annotation found in
	// its latest deployment.
	decoded, err := c.decodeFromLatest(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// If this is the initial deployment, then wait for any images that need to be resolved, otherwise
	// automatically start a new deployment.
	if config.Status.LatestVersion == 0 {
		canTrigger, causes := canTrigger(config, decoded)
		if !canTrigger {
			// If we cannot trigger then we need to wait for the image change controller.
			glog.V(5).Infof("Ignoring deployment config %q; template image needs to be resolved by the image change controller", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
			return nil
		return c.updateStatus(config, causes)

	// If this is not the initial deployment, check if there is any template difference between
	// this and the decoded deploymentconfig.
	if kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(config.Spec.Template, decoded.Spec.Template) {
		return nil

	_, causes := canTrigger(config, decoded)
	return c.updateStatus(config, causes)
Ejemplo n.º 7
// regenerate calls the generator to get a new config. If the newly generated
// config's version is newer, update the old config to be the new config.
// Otherwise do nothing.
func (c *ImageChangeController) regenerate(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	// Get a regenerated config which includes the new image repo references
	newConfig, err := c.deploymentConfigClient.generateDeploymentConfig(config.Namespace, config.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error generating new version of DeploymentConfig %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)

	// No update occurred
	if config.LatestVersion == newConfig.LatestVersion {
		glog.V(4).Infof("No version difference for generated DeploymentConfig %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		return nil

	// Persist the new config
	_, err = c.deploymentConfigClient.updateDeploymentConfig(newConfig.Namespace, newConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	glog.Infof("Regenerated DeploymentConfig %s for image updates", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 8
func (g *DeploymentConfigGenerator) findImageStream(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig, params *deployapi.DeploymentTriggerImageChangeParams) (*imageapi.ImageStream, error) {
	if len(params.From.Name) > 0 {
		namespace := params.From.Namespace
		if len(namespace) == 0 {
			namespace = config.Namespace
		name, _, ok := imageapi.SplitImageStreamTag(params.From.Name)
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid ImageStreamTag: %s", params.From.Name)
		return g.Client.GetImageStream(kapi.WithNamespace(kapi.NewContext(), namespace), name)
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find image stream for config %s trigger params", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
Ejemplo n.º 9
func (g *DeploymentConfigGenerator) findImageStream(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig, params *deployapi.DeploymentTriggerImageChangeParams) (*imageapi.ImageStream, error) {
	// Try to find the repo by ObjectReference
	if len(params.From.Name) > 0 {
		namespace := params.From.Namespace
		if len(namespace) == 0 {
			namespace = config.Namespace

		return g.Client.GetImageStream(kapi.WithNamespace(kapi.NewContext(), namespace), params.From.Name)

	// Fall back to a list based lookup on RepositoryName
	repos, err := g.Client.ListImageStreams(kapi.WithNamespace(kapi.NewContext(), config.Namespace))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for _, repo := range repos.Items {
		if len(repo.Status.DockerImageRepository) > 0 &&
			params.RepositoryName == repo.Status.DockerImageRepository {
			return &repo, nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find image stream for config %s trigger params", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Handle implements the loop that processes deployment configs. Since this controller started
// using caches, the provided config MUST be deep-copied beforehand (see work() in factory.go).
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) Handle(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	// There's nothing to reconcile until the version is nonzero.
	if config.Status.LatestVersion == 0 {
		return c.updateStatus(config, []kapi.ReplicationController{})

	// Find all deployments owned by the deployment config.
	selector := deployutil.ConfigSelector(config.Name)
	existingDeployments, err := c.rcStore.ReplicationControllers(config.Namespace).List(selector)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// In case the deployment config has been marked for deletion, merely update its status with
	// the latest available information. Some deletions make take some time to complete so there
	// is value in doing this.
	if config.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		return c.updateStatus(config, existingDeployments)

	latestIsDeployed, latestDeployment := deployutil.LatestDeploymentInfo(config, existingDeployments)
	// If the latest deployment doesn't exist yet, cancel any running
	// deployments to allow them to be superceded by the new config version.
	awaitingCancellations := false
	if !latestIsDeployed {
		for i := range existingDeployments {
			deployment := existingDeployments[i]
			// Skip deployments with an outcome.
			if deployutil.IsTerminatedDeployment(&deployment) {
			// Cancel running deployments.
			awaitingCancellations = true
			if !deployutil.IsDeploymentCancelled(&deployment) {

				// Retry faster on conflicts
				var updatedDeployment *kapi.ReplicationController
				if err := kclient.RetryOnConflict(kclient.DefaultBackoff, func() error {
					rc, err := c.rcStore.ReplicationControllers(deployment.Namespace).Get(deployment.Name)
					if kapierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
						return nil
					if err != nil {
						return err
					copied, err := deployutil.DeploymentDeepCopy(rc)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					copied.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentCancelledAnnotation] = deployapi.DeploymentCancelledAnnotationValue
					copied.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusReasonAnnotation] = deployapi.DeploymentCancelledNewerDeploymentExists
					updatedDeployment, err = c.rn.ReplicationControllers(copied.Namespace).Update(copied)
					return err
				}); err != nil {
					c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentCancellationFailed", "Failed to cancel deployment %q superceded by version %d: %s", deployment.Name, config.Status.LatestVersion, err)
				} else {
					if updatedDeployment != nil {
						// replace the current deployment with the updated copy so that a future update has a chance at working
						existingDeployments[i] = *updatedDeployment
						c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "DeploymentCancelled", "Cancelled deployment %q superceded by version %d", deployment.Name, config.Status.LatestVersion)
	// Wait for deployment cancellations before reconciling or creating a new
	// deployment to avoid competing with existing deployment processes.
	if awaitingCancellations {
		c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "DeploymentAwaitingCancellation", "Deployment of version %d awaiting cancellation of older running deployments", config.Status.LatestVersion)
		return fmt.Errorf("found previous inflight deployment for %s - requeuing", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
	// If the latest deployment already exists, reconcile existing deployments
	// and return early.
	if latestIsDeployed {
		// If the latest deployment is still running, try again later. We don't
		// want to compete with the deployer.
		if !deployutil.IsTerminatedDeployment(latestDeployment) {
			return c.updateStatus(config, existingDeployments)

		return c.reconcileDeployments(existingDeployments, config)
	// If the config is paused we shouldn't create new deployments for it.
	if config.Spec.Paused {
		// in order for revision history limit cleanup to work for paused
		// deployments, we need to trigger it here
		if err := c.cleanupOldDeployments(existingDeployments, config); err != nil {
			c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentCleanupFailed", "Couldn't clean up deployments: %v", err)

		return c.updateStatus(config, existingDeployments)
	// No deployments are running and the latest deployment doesn't exist, so
	// create the new deployment.
	deployment, err := deployutil.MakeDeployment(config, c.codec)
	if err != nil {
		return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't make deployment from (potentially invalid) deployment config %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err))
	created, err := c.rn.ReplicationControllers(config.Namespace).Create(deployment)
	if err != nil {
		// If the deployment was already created, just move on. The cache could be
		// stale, or another process could have already handled this update.
		if kapierrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
			return c.updateStatus(config, existingDeployments)
		c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentCreationFailed", "Couldn't deploy version %d: %s", config.Status.LatestVersion, err)
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't create deployment for deployment config %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
	c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "DeploymentCreated", "Created new deployment %q for version %d", created.Name, config.Status.LatestVersion)

	// As we've just created a new deployment, we need to make sure to clean
	// up old deployments if we have reached our deployment history quota
	existingDeployments = append(existingDeployments, *created)
	if err := c.cleanupOldDeployments(existingDeployments, config); err != nil {
		c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentCleanupFailed", "Couldn't clean up deployments: %v", err)

	return c.updateStatus(config, existingDeployments)
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Handle processes change triggers for config.
func (c *DeploymentConfigChangeController) Handle(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	hasChangeTrigger := false
	for _, trigger := range config.Triggers {
		if trigger.Type == deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnConfigChange {
			hasChangeTrigger = true

	if !hasChangeTrigger {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Ignoring DeploymentConfig %s; no change triggers detected", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		return nil

	if config.LatestVersion == 0 {
		_, _, err := c.generateDeployment(config)
		if err != nil {
			if kerrors.IsConflict(err) {
				return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("DeploymentConfig %s updated since retrieval; aborting trigger: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err))
			// TODO: This needs handled by setting some state within the API so
			// users know why the trigger isn't doing anything.
			// https://github.com/openshift/origin/issues/3526
			return nil
		glog.V(4).Infof("Created initial Deployment for DeploymentConfig %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		return nil

	latestDeploymentName := deployutil.LatestDeploymentNameForConfig(config)
	deployment, err := c.changeStrategy.getDeployment(config.Namespace, latestDeploymentName)
	if err != nil {
		// If there's no deployment for the latest config, we have no basis of
		// comparison. It's the responsibility of the deployment config controller
		// to make the deployment for the config, so return early.
		if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			glog.V(2).Infof("Ignoring change for DeploymentConfig %s; no existing Deployment found", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
			return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't retrieve Deployment for DeploymentConfig %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)

	deployedConfig, err := c.decodeConfig(deployment)
	if err != nil {
		return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("error decoding DeploymentConfig from Deployment %s for DeploymentConfig %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err))

	newSpec, oldSpec := config.Template.ControllerTemplate.Template.Spec, deployedConfig.Template.ControllerTemplate.Template.Spec
	if kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(oldSpec, newSpec) {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Ignoring DeploymentConfig change for %s (latestVersion=%d); same as Deployment %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), config.LatestVersion, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))
		return nil

	fromVersion, toVersion, err := c.generateDeployment(config)
	if err != nil {
		if kerrors.IsConflict(err) {
			return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("DeploymentConfig %s updated since retrieval; aborting trigger: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err))
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't generate deployment for DeploymentConfig %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
	glog.V(4).Infof("Updated DeploymentConfig %s from version %d to %d for existing deployment %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), fromVersion, toVersion, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 12
// reconcileDeployments reconciles existing deployment replica counts which
// could have diverged outside the deployment process (e.g. due to auto or
// manual scaling, or partial deployments). The active deployment is the last
// successful deployment, not necessarily the latest in terms of the config
// version. The active deployment replica count should follow the config, and
// all other deployments should be scaled to zero.
// Previously, scaling behavior was that the config replica count was used
// only for initial deployments and the active deployment had to be scaled up
// directly. To continue supporting that old behavior we must detect when the
// deployment has been directly manipulated, and if so, preserve the directly
// updated value and sync the config with the deployment.
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) reconcileDeployments(existingDeployments []kapi.ReplicationController, config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	latestIsDeployed, latestDeployment := deployutil.LatestDeploymentInfo(config, existingDeployments)
	if !latestIsDeployed {
		// We shouldn't be reconciling if the latest deployment hasn't been
		// created; this is enforced on the calling side, but double checking
		// can't hurt.
		return c.updateStatus(config, existingDeployments)
	activeDeployment := deployutil.ActiveDeployment(existingDeployments)
	// Compute the replica count for the active deployment (even if the active
	// deployment doesn't exist). The active replica count is the value that
	// should be assigned to the config, to allow the replica propagation to
	// flow downward from the config.
	// By default we'll assume the config replicas should be used to update the
	// active deployment except in special cases (like first sync or externally
	// updated deployments.)
	activeReplicas := config.Spec.Replicas
	source := "the deploymentConfig itself (no change)"

	activeDeploymentExists := activeDeployment != nil
	activeDeploymentIsLatest := activeDeploymentExists && activeDeployment.Name == latestDeployment.Name
	latestDesiredReplicas, latestHasDesiredReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(latestDeployment)

	switch {
	case activeDeploymentExists && activeDeploymentIsLatest:
		// The active/latest deployment follows the config unless this is its first
		// sync or if an external change to the deployment replicas is detected.
		lastActiveReplicas, hasLastActiveReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(activeDeployment)
		if !hasLastActiveReplicas || lastActiveReplicas != activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas {
			activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the latest/active deployment %q which was scaled directly or has not previously been synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
	case activeDeploymentExists && !activeDeploymentIsLatest:
		// The active/non-latest deployment follows the config if it was
		// previously synced; if this is the first sync, infer what the config
		// value should be based on either the latest desired or whatever the
		// deployment is currently scaled to.
		_, hasLastActiveReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(activeDeployment)
		if hasLastActiveReplicas {
		if latestHasDesiredReplicas {
			activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))
		} else if activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas > 0 {
			activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the active deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
	case !activeDeploymentExists && latestHasDesiredReplicas:
		// If there's no active deployment, use the latest desired, if available.
		activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
		source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q with no active deployment", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))

	// Bring the config in sync with the deployment. Once we know the config
	// accurately represents the desired replica count of the active deployment,
	// we can safely reconcile deployments.
	// If the deployment config is test, never update the deployment config based
	// on deployments, since test behavior overrides user scaling.
	switch {
	case config.Spec.Replicas == activeReplicas:
	case config.Spec.Test:
		glog.V(4).Infof("Detected changed replicas for test deploymentConfig %q, ignoring that change", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		copied, err := deployutil.DeploymentConfigDeepCopy(config)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		oldReplicas := copied.Spec.Replicas
		copied.Spec.Replicas = activeReplicas
		config, err = c.dn.DeploymentConfigs(copied.Namespace).Update(copied)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		glog.V(4).Infof("Synced deploymentConfig %q replicas from %d to %d based on %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), oldReplicas, activeReplicas, source)

	// Reconcile deployments. The active deployment follows the config, and all
	// other deployments should be scaled to zero.
	var updatedDeployments []kapi.ReplicationController
	for i := range existingDeployments {
		deployment := existingDeployments[i]
		toAppend := deployment

		isActiveDeployment := activeDeployment != nil && deployment.Name == activeDeployment.Name

		oldReplicaCount := deployment.Spec.Replicas
		newReplicaCount := int32(0)
		if isActiveDeployment {
			newReplicaCount = activeReplicas
		if config.Spec.Test {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Deployment config %q is test and deployment %q will be scaled down", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&deployment))
			newReplicaCount = 0
		lastReplicas, hasLastReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(&deployment)
		// Only update if necessary.
		var copied *kapi.ReplicationController
		if !hasLastReplicas || newReplicaCount != oldReplicaCount || lastReplicas != newReplicaCount {
			if err := kclient.RetryOnConflict(kclient.DefaultBackoff, func() error {
				// refresh the replication controller version
				rc, err := c.rcStore.ReplicationControllers(deployment.Namespace).Get(deployment.Name)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				copied, err = deployutil.DeploymentDeepCopy(rc)
				if err != nil {
					glog.V(2).Infof("Deep copy of deployment %q failed: %v", rc.Name, err)
					return err
				copied.Spec.Replicas = newReplicaCount
				copied.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentReplicasAnnotation] = strconv.Itoa(int(newReplicaCount))
				_, err = c.rn.ReplicationControllers(copied.Namespace).Update(copied)
				return err
			}); err != nil {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentScaleFailed",
					"Failed to scale deployment %q from %d to %d: %v", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount, err)
				return err

			// Only report scaling events if we changed the replica count.
			if oldReplicaCount != newReplicaCount {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "DeploymentScaled",
					"Scaled deployment %q from %d to %d", copied.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount)
			} else {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Updated deployment %q replica annotation to match current replica count %d", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(copied), newReplicaCount)
			toAppend = *copied

		updatedDeployments = append(updatedDeployments, toAppend)

	// As the deployment configuration has changed, we need to make sure to clean
	// up old deployments if we have now reached our deployment history quota
	if err := c.cleanupOldDeployments(existingDeployments, config); err != nil {
		c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentCleanupFailed", "Couldn't clean up deployments: %v", err)

	return c.updateStatus(config, updatedDeployments)
Ejemplo n.º 13
func (c *DeploymentTriggerController) updateDeploymentConfig(old, cur interface{}) {
	newDc := cur.(*deployapi.DeploymentConfig)
	oldDc := old.(*deployapi.DeploymentConfig)

	// A periodic relist will send update events for all known deployment configs.
	if newDc.ResourceVersion == oldDc.ResourceVersion {
	// No need to enqueue deployment configs that have no triggers or are paused.
	if len(newDc.Spec.Triggers) == 0 || newDc.Spec.Paused {
	// We don't want to compete with the main deployment config controller. Let's process this
	// config once it's synced. Note that this does not eliminate conflicts between the two
	// controllers because the main controller is constantly updating deployment configs as
	// owning replication controllers and pods are updated.
	if !deployutil.HasSynced(newDc, newDc.Generation) {
	// Enqueue the deployment config if it hasn't been deployed yet.
	if newDc.Status.LatestVersion == 0 {
	// Compare deployment config templates before enqueueing. This reduces the amount of times
	// we will try to instantiate a deployment config at the expense of duplicating some of the
	// work that the instantiate endpoint is already doing but I think this is fine.
	shouldInstantiate := true
	latestRc, err := c.rcLister.ReplicationControllers(newDc.Namespace).Get(deployutil.LatestDeploymentNameForConfig(newDc))
	if err != nil {
		// If we get an error here it may be due to the rc cache lagging behind. In such a case
		// just defer to the api server (instantiate REST) where we will retry this.
		glog.V(2).Infof("Cannot get latest rc for dc %s:%d (%v) - will defer to instantiate", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(newDc), newDc.Status.LatestVersion, err)
	} else {
		initial, err := deployutil.DecodeDeploymentConfig(latestRc, c.codec)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(2).Infof("Cannot decode dc from replication controller %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestRc), err)
		shouldInstantiate = !reflect.DeepEqual(newDc.Spec.Template, initial.Spec.Template)
	if !shouldInstantiate {

Ejemplo n.º 14
// addDeploymentConfig is used for making sure that new deployment configs with triggers pointing
// to existing images will be deployed as soon as they are created.
func (c *ImageChangeController) addDeploymentConfig(obj interface{}) {
	dc := obj.(*deployapi.DeploymentConfig)
	for _, stream := range c.streamLister.GetStreamsForConfig(dc) {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Reconciling stream %q for config %q\n", imageapi.LabelForStream(stream), deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(dc))
Ejemplo n.º 15
// decodeFromLatest will try to return the decoded version of the current deploymentconfig found
// in the annotations of its latest deployment. If there is no previous deploymentconfig (ie.
// latestVersion == 0), the returned deploymentconfig will be the same.
func (c *DeploymentTriggerController) decodeFromLatest(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) (*deployapi.DeploymentConfig, error) {
	if config.Status.LatestVersion == 0 {
		return config, nil

	latestDeploymentName := deployutil.LatestDeploymentNameForConfig(config)
	deployment, err := c.rn.ReplicationControllers(config.Namespace).Get(latestDeploymentName)
	if err != nil {
		// If there's no deployment for the latest config, we have no basis of
		// comparison. It's the responsibility of the deployment config controller
		// to make the deployment for the config, so return early.
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't retrieve deployment for deployment config %q: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)

	latest, err := deployutil.DecodeDeploymentConfig(deployment, c.codec)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fatalError(err.Error())
	return latest, nil
Ejemplo n.º 16
// Create generates a new DeploymentConfig representing a rollback.
func (r *REST) Create(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	namespace, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kerrors.NewBadRequest("namespace parameter required.")
	rollback, ok := obj.(*deployapi.DeploymentConfigRollback)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kerrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("not a rollback spec: %#v", obj))

	if errs := validation.ValidateDeploymentConfigRollback(rollback); len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, kerrors.NewInvalid(deployapi.Kind("DeploymentConfigRollback"), rollback.Name, errs)

	from, err := r.dn.DeploymentConfigs(namespace).Get(rollback.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, newInvalidError(rollback, fmt.Sprintf("cannot get deployment config %q: %v", rollback.Name, err))

	switch from.Status.LatestVersion {
	case 0:
		return nil, newInvalidError(rollback, "cannot rollback an undeployed config")
	case 1:
		return nil, newInvalidError(rollback, fmt.Sprintf("no previous deployment exists for %q", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(from)))

	revision := from.Status.LatestVersion - 1
	if rollback.Spec.Revision > 0 {
		revision = rollback.Spec.Revision

	// Find the target deployment and decode its config.
	name := deployutil.DeploymentNameForConfigVersion(from.Name, revision)
	targetDeployment, err := r.rn.ReplicationControllers(namespace).Get(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, newInvalidError(rollback, err.Error())

	to, err := deployutil.DecodeDeploymentConfig(targetDeployment, r.codec)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, newInvalidError(rollback, fmt.Sprintf("couldn't decode deployment config from deployment: %v", err))

	if from.Annotations == nil && len(rollback.UpdatedAnnotations) > 0 {
		from.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
	for key, value := range rollback.UpdatedAnnotations {
		from.Annotations[key] = value

	return r.generator.GenerateRollback(from, to, &rollback.Spec)
Ejemplo n.º 17
// Handle processes image change triggers associated with imagestream.
func (c *ImageChangeController) Handle(stream *imageapi.ImageStream) error {
	configs, err := c.listDeploymentConfigs()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get list of deployment configs while handling image stream %q: %v", imageapi.LabelForStream(stream), err)

	// Find any configs which should be updated based on the new image state
	configsToUpdate := []*deployapi.DeploymentConfig{}
	for _, config := range configs {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Detecting image changes for deployment config %q", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		hasImageChange := false

		for _, trigger := range config.Spec.Triggers {
			params := trigger.ImageChangeParams

			// Only automatic image change triggers should fire
			if trigger.Type != deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnImageChange {

			// All initial deployments (latestVersion == 0) should have their images resolved in order
			// to be able to work and not try to pull non-existent images from DockerHub.
			// Deployments with automatic set to false that have been deployed at least once (latestVersion > 0)
			// shouldn't have their images updated.
			if !params.Automatic && config.Status.LatestVersion != 0 {

			// Check if the image stream matches the trigger
			if !triggerMatchesImage(config, params, stream) {

			_, tag, ok := imageapi.SplitImageStreamTag(params.From.Name)
			if !ok {
				glog.Warningf("Invalid image stream tag %q in %q", params.From.Name, deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))

			// Find the latest tag event for the trigger tag
			latestEvent := imageapi.LatestTaggedImage(stream, tag)
			if latestEvent == nil {
				glog.V(5).Infof("Couldn't find latest tag event for tag %q in image stream %q", tag, imageapi.LabelForStream(stream))

			// Ensure a change occurred
			if len(latestEvent.DockerImageReference) == 0 || latestEvent.DockerImageReference == params.LastTriggeredImage {
				glog.V(4).Infof("No image changes for deployment config %q were detected", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))

			names := sets.NewString(params.ContainerNames...)
			for i := range config.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers {
				container := &config.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[i]
				if !names.Has(container.Name) {
				// Update the image
				container.Image = latestEvent.DockerImageReference
				// Log the last triggered image ID
				params.LastTriggeredImage = latestEvent.DockerImageReference
				hasImageChange = true

		if hasImageChange {
			configsToUpdate = append(configsToUpdate, config)

	// Attempt to regenerate all configs which may contain image updates
	anyFailed := false
	for _, config := range configsToUpdate {
		if _, err := c.client.DeploymentConfigs(config.Namespace).Update(config); err != nil {
			anyFailed = true
			glog.V(2).Infof("Couldn't update deployment config %q: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)

	if anyFailed {
		return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't update some deployment configs for trigger on image stream %q", imageapi.LabelForStream(stream)))

	glog.V(5).Infof("Updated all deployment configs for trigger on image stream %q", imageapi.LabelForStream(stream))
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 18
// updateDeploymentConfig is used for making sure that deployment configs with new triggers
// pointing to existing images will be deployed as soon as they are updated.
func (c *ImageChangeController) updateDeploymentConfig(old, cur interface{}) {
	// A periodic relist will send update events for all known configs.
	newDc := cur.(*deployapi.DeploymentConfig)
	oldDc := old.(*deployapi.DeploymentConfig)
	if newDc.ResourceVersion == oldDc.ResourceVersion {

	for _, stream := range c.streamLister.GetStreamsForConfig(newDc) {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Reconciling stream %q for config %q\n", imageapi.LabelForStream(stream), deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(newDc))
Ejemplo n.º 19
// Handle processes config and creates a new deployment if necessary.
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) Handle(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	// Inspect a deployment configuration every time the controller reconciles it
	details, existingDeployments, latestDeploymentExists, err := c.findDetails(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	config, err = c.updateDetails(config, details)
	if err != nil {
		return transientError(err.Error())

	// Only deploy when the version has advanced past 0.
	if config.LatestVersion == 0 {
		glog.V(5).Infof("Waiting for first version of %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		return nil

	var inflightDeployment *kapi.ReplicationController
	for _, deployment := range existingDeployments.Items {

		deploymentStatus := deployutil.DeploymentStatusFor(&deployment)
		switch deploymentStatus {
		case deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed,
			// Previous deployment in terminal state - can ignore
			// Ignoring specific deployment states so that any newly introduced
			// deployment state will not be ignored
			if inflightDeployment == nil {
				inflightDeployment = &deployment
			var deploymentForCancellation *kapi.ReplicationController
			if deployutil.DeploymentVersionFor(inflightDeployment) < deployutil.DeploymentVersionFor(&deployment) {
				deploymentForCancellation, inflightDeployment = inflightDeployment, &deployment
			} else {
				deploymentForCancellation = &deployment

			deploymentForCancellation.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentCancelledAnnotation] = deployapi.DeploymentCancelledAnnotationValue
			deploymentForCancellation.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusReasonAnnotation] = deployapi.DeploymentCancelledNewerDeploymentExists
			if _, err := c.deploymentClient.updateDeployment(deploymentForCancellation.Namespace, deploymentForCancellation); err != nil {
				util.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("couldn't cancel deployment %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deploymentForCancellation), err))
			glog.V(4).Infof("Cancelled deployment %s for deployment config %s", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deploymentForCancellation), deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))

	// if the latest deployment exists then nothing else needs to be done
	if latestDeploymentExists {
		return nil

	// check to see if there are inflight deployments
	if inflightDeployment != nil {
		// raise a transientError so that the deployment config can be re-queued
		glog.V(4).Infof("Found previous inflight deployment for %s - will requeue", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		return transientError(fmt.Sprintf("found previous inflight deployment for %s - requeuing", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config)))

	// Try and build a deployment for the config.
	deployment, err := c.makeDeployment(config)
	if err != nil {
		return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't make deployment from (potentially invalid) deployment config %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err))

	// Compute the desired replicas for the deployment. Use the last completed
	// deployment's current replica count, or the config template if there is no
	// prior completed deployment available.
	desiredReplicas := config.Template.ControllerTemplate.Replicas
	if len(existingDeployments.Items) > 0 {
		for _, existing := range existingDeployments.Items {
			if deployutil.DeploymentStatusFor(&existing) == deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete {
				desiredReplicas = existing.Spec.Replicas
				glog.V(4).Infof("Desired replicas for %s set to %d based on prior completed deployment %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), desiredReplicas, existing.Name)
	deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DesiredReplicasAnnotation] = strconv.Itoa(desiredReplicas)

	// Create the deployment.
	if _, err := c.deploymentClient.createDeployment(config.Namespace, deployment); err == nil {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Created deployment for deployment config %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		return nil
	} else {
		// If the deployment was already created, just move on. The cache could be stale, or another
		// process could have already handled this update.
		if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Deployment already exists for deployment config %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
			return nil

		glog.Warningf("Cannot create latest deployment for deployment config %q: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't create deployment for deployment config %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
Ejemplo n.º 20
// findDetails inspects the given deployment configuration for any failure causes
// and returns any found details about it
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) findDetails(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) (string, *kapi.ReplicationControllerList, bool, error) {
	// Check if any existing inflight deployments (any non-terminal state).
	existingDeployments, err := c.deploymentClient.listDeploymentsForConfig(config.Namespace, config.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return "", nil, false, fmt.Errorf("couldn't list deployments for deployment config %q: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
	// check if the latest deployment exists
	// we'll return after we've dealt with the multiple-active-deployments case
	latestDeploymentExists, latestDeploymentStatus := deployutil.LatestDeploymentInfo(config, existingDeployments)
	if latestDeploymentExists && latestDeploymentStatus != deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed {
		// If the latest deployment exists and is not failed, clear the dc message
		return "", existingDeployments, latestDeploymentExists, nil

	// Rest of the code will handle non-existing or failed latest deployment causes
	// TODO: Inspect pod logs in case of failed latest

	details := ""
	allDetails := []string{}
	if config.Details != nil && len(config.Details.Message) > 0 {
		// Populate details with the previous message so that in case we stumble upon
		// an unexpected client error, the message won't be overwritten
		details = config.Details.Message
	// Look into image change triggers and find out possible deployment failures such as
	// missing image stream tags with or without build configurations pointing at them
	for _, trigger := range config.Triggers {
		if trigger.Type != deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnImageChange || trigger.ImageChangeParams == nil || !trigger.ImageChangeParams.Automatic {
		name := trigger.ImageChangeParams.From.Name
		tag := trigger.ImageChangeParams.Tag
		istag := imageapi.JoinImageStreamTag(name, tag)

		// Check if the image stream tag pointed by the trigger exists
		if _, err := c.osClient.ImageStreamTags(config.Namespace).Get(name, tag); err != nil {
			if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
				glog.V(2).Infof("Error while trying to get image stream tag %q: %v", istag, err)
				return details, existingDeployments, latestDeploymentExists, nil
			// In case the image stream tag was not found, then it either doesn't exist or doesn't exist yet
			// (a build configuration output points to it so it's going to be populated at some point in the
			// future)
			details = fmt.Sprintf("The image trigger for image stream tag %q will have no effect because image stream tag %q does not exist.", istag, istag)
			bcList, err := c.osClient.BuildConfigs(kapi.NamespaceAll).List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
			if err != nil {
				glog.V(2).Infof("Error while trying to list build configs: %v", err)
				return details, existingDeployments, latestDeploymentExists, nil

			for _, bc := range bcList.Items {
				if bc.Spec.Output.To != nil && bc.Spec.Output.To.Kind == "ImageStreamTag" {
					parts := strings.Split(bc.Spec.Output.To.Name, ":")
					if len(parts) != 2 {
						glog.V(2).Infof("Invalid image stream tag: %q", bc.Spec.Output.To.Name)
						return details, existingDeployments, latestDeploymentExists, nil
					if parts[0] == name && parts[1] == tag {
						details = fmt.Sprintf("The image trigger for image stream tag %q will have no effect because image stream tag %q does not exist.\n\tIf image stream tag %q is expected, check build config %q which produces image stream tag %q.", istag, istag, istag, bc.Name, istag)
			// Try to see if the image stream exists, if not then the build will never be able to update the
			// tag in question
			if _, err := c.osClient.ImageStreams(config.Namespace).Get(name); err != nil {
				glog.V(2).Infof("Error while trying to get image stream %q: %v", name, err)
				if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
					details = fmt.Sprintf("The image trigger for image stream tag %q will have no effect because image stream %q does not exist.", istag, name)
		allDetails = append(allDetails, details)

	if len(allDetails) > 1 {
		for i := range allDetails {
			allDetails[i] = fmt.Sprintf("\t* %s", allDetails[i])
		// Prepend multiple errors warning
		multipleErrWarning := fmt.Sprintf("Deployment config %q blocked by multiple errors:\n", config.Name)
		allDetails = append([]string{multipleErrWarning}, allDetails...)

	return strings.Join(allDetails, "\n"), existingDeployments, latestDeploymentExists, nil
Ejemplo n.º 21
// reconcileDeployments reconciles existing deployment replica counts which
// could have diverged outside the deployment process (e.g. due to auto or
// manual scaling, or partial deployments). The active deployment is the last
// successful deployment, not necessarily the latest in terms of the config
// version. The active deployment replica count should follow the config, and
// all other deployments should be scaled to zero.
// Previously, scaling behavior was that the config replica count was used
// only for initial deployments and the active deployment had to be scaled up
// directly. To continue supporting that old behavior we must detect when the
// deployment has been directly manipulated, and if so, preserve the directly
// updated value and sync the config with the deployment.
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) reconcileDeployments(existingDeployments *kapi.ReplicationControllerList, config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	latestIsDeployed, latestDeployment := deployutil.LatestDeploymentInfo(config, existingDeployments)
	if !latestIsDeployed {
		// We shouldn't be reconciling if the latest deployment hasn't been
		// created; this is enforced on the calling side, but double checking
		// can't hurt.
		return nil
	activeDeployment := deployutil.ActiveDeployment(config, existingDeployments)
	// Compute the replica count for the active deployment (even if the active
	// deployment doesn't exist). The active replica count is the value that
	// should be assigned to the config, to allow the replica propagation to
	// flow downward from the config.
	// This takes into account resources predating the propagation behavior
	// change, as well as external modifications to the deployments (e.g.
	// scalers).
	activeReplicas := config.Template.ControllerTemplate.Replicas
	source := "the deploymentConfig itself (no change)"
	if activeDeployment != nil {
		activeDeploymentIsLatest := activeDeployment.Name == latestDeployment.Name
		lastActiveReplicas, hasLastActiveReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(activeDeployment)
		if activeDeploymentIsLatest {
			if !hasLastActiveReplicas || lastActiveReplicas != activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas {
				activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
				source = fmt.Sprintf("the latest/active deployment %q which was scaled directly or has not previously been synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
		} else {
			if hasLastActiveReplicas {
				if lastActiveReplicas != activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas && activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas > 0 {
					activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
					source = fmt.Sprintf("the active deployment %q which was scaled directly", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
			} else {
				if activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas > 0 {
					activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
					source = fmt.Sprintf("the active deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
				} else {
					latestDesiredReplicas, latestHasDesiredReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(latestDeployment)
					if latestHasDesiredReplicas {
						activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
						source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))
	} else {
		latestDesiredReplicas, latestHasDesiredReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(latestDeployment)
		if latestHasDesiredReplicas {
			activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q with no active deployment", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))
	// Bring the config in sync with the deployment. Once we know the config
	// accurately represents the desired replica count of the active deployment,
	// we can safely reconcile deployments.
	if config.Template.ControllerTemplate.Replicas != activeReplicas {
		oldReplicas := config.Template.ControllerTemplate.Replicas
		config.Template.ControllerTemplate.Replicas = activeReplicas
		_, err := c.osClient.DeploymentConfigs(config.Namespace).Update(config)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		glog.V(4).Infof("Synced deploymentConfig %q replicas from %d to %d based on %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), oldReplicas, activeReplicas, source)
	// Reconcile deployments. The active deployment follows the config, and all
	// other deployments should be scaled to zero.
	for _, deployment := range existingDeployments.Items {
		isActiveDeployment := activeDeployment != nil && deployment.Name == activeDeployment.Name

		oldReplicaCount := deployment.Spec.Replicas
		newReplicaCount := 0
		if isActiveDeployment {
			newReplicaCount = activeReplicas
		lastReplicas, hasLastReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(&deployment)
		// Only update if necessary.
		if !hasLastReplicas || newReplicaCount != oldReplicaCount || lastReplicas != newReplicaCount {
			deployment.Spec.Replicas = newReplicaCount
			deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentReplicasAnnotation] = strconv.Itoa(newReplicaCount)
			_, err := c.kubeClient.ReplicationControllers(deployment.Namespace).Update(&deployment)
			if err != nil {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, "DeploymentScaleFailed",
					"Failed to scale deployment %q from %d to %d: %s", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount, err)
				return err
			// Only report scaling events if we changed the replica count.
			if oldReplicaCount != newReplicaCount {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, "DeploymentScaled",
					"Scaled deployment %q from %d to %d", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount)
			} else {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Updated deployment %q replica annotation to match current replica count %d", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&deployment), newReplicaCount)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 22
// reconcileDeployments reconciles existing deployment replica counts which
// could have diverged outside the deployment process (e.g. due to auto or
// manual scaling, or partial deployments). The active deployment is the last
// successful deployment, not necessarily the latest in terms of the config
// version. The active deployment replica count should follow the config, and
// all other deployments should be scaled to zero.
// Previously, scaling behavior was that the config replica count was used
// only for initial deployments and the active deployment had to be scaled up
// directly. To continue supporting that old behavior we must detect when the
// deployment has been directly manipulated, and if so, preserve the directly
// updated value and sync the config with the deployment.
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) reconcileDeployments(existingDeployments *kapi.ReplicationControllerList, config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	latestIsDeployed, latestDeployment := deployutil.LatestDeploymentInfo(config, existingDeployments)
	if !latestIsDeployed {
		// We shouldn't be reconciling if the latest deployment hasn't been
		// created; this is enforced on the calling side, but double checking
		// can't hurt.
		return nil
	activeDeployment := deployutil.ActiveDeployment(config, existingDeployments)
	// Compute the replica count for the active deployment (even if the active
	// deployment doesn't exist). The active replica count is the value that
	// should be assigned to the config, to allow the replica propagation to
	// flow downward from the config.
	// By default we'll assume the config replicas should be used to update the
	// active deployment except in special cases (like first sync or externally
	// updated deployments.)
	activeReplicas := config.Spec.Replicas
	source := "the deploymentConfig itself (no change)"

	activeDeploymentExists := activeDeployment != nil
	activeDeploymentIsLatest := activeDeploymentExists && activeDeployment.Name == latestDeployment.Name
	latestDesiredReplicas, latestHasDesiredReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(latestDeployment)

	switch {
	case activeDeploymentExists && activeDeploymentIsLatest:
		// The active/latest deployment follows the config unless this is its first
		// sync or if an external change to the deployment replicas is detected.
		lastActiveReplicas, hasLastActiveReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(activeDeployment)
		if !hasLastActiveReplicas || lastActiveReplicas != activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas {
			activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the latest/active deployment %q which was scaled directly or has not previously been synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
	case activeDeploymentExists && !activeDeploymentIsLatest:
		// The active/non-latest deployment follows the config if it was
		// previously synced; if this is the first sync, infer what the config
		// value should be based on either the latest desired or whatever the
		// deployment is currently scaled to.
		_, hasLastActiveReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(activeDeployment)
		if hasLastActiveReplicas {
		if latestHasDesiredReplicas {
			activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))
		} else if activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas > 0 {
			activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the active deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
	case !activeDeploymentExists && latestHasDesiredReplicas:
		// If there's no active deployment, use the latest desired, if available.
		activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
		source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q with no active deployment", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))

	// Bring the config in sync with the deployment. Once we know the config
	// accurately represents the desired replica count of the active deployment,
	// we can safely reconcile deployments.
	// If the deployment config is test, never update the deployment config based
	// on deployments, since test behavior overrides user scaling.
	switch {
	case config.Spec.Replicas == activeReplicas:
	case config.Spec.Test:
		glog.V(4).Infof("Detected changed replicas for test deploymentConfig %q, ignoring that change", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		oldReplicas := config.Spec.Replicas
		config.Spec.Replicas = activeReplicas
		var err error
		config, err = c.osClient.DeploymentConfigs(config.Namespace).Update(config)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		glog.V(4).Infof("Synced deploymentConfig %q replicas from %d to %d based on %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), oldReplicas, activeReplicas, source)

	// Reconcile deployments. The active deployment follows the config, and all
	// other deployments should be scaled to zero.
	for _, deployment := range existingDeployments.Items {
		isActiveDeployment := activeDeployment != nil && deployment.Name == activeDeployment.Name

		oldReplicaCount := deployment.Spec.Replicas
		newReplicaCount := 0
		if isActiveDeployment {
			newReplicaCount = activeReplicas
		if config.Spec.Test {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Deployment config %q is test and deployment %q will be scaled down", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&deployment))
			newReplicaCount = 0
		lastReplicas, hasLastReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(&deployment)
		// Only update if necessary.
		if !hasLastReplicas || newReplicaCount != oldReplicaCount || lastReplicas != newReplicaCount {
			deployment.Spec.Replicas = newReplicaCount
			deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentReplicasAnnotation] = strconv.Itoa(newReplicaCount)
			_, err := c.kubeClient.ReplicationControllers(deployment.Namespace).Update(&deployment)
			if err != nil {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentScaleFailed",
					"Failed to scale deployment %q from %d to %d: %s", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount, err)
				return err
			// Only report scaling events if we changed the replica count.
			if oldReplicaCount != newReplicaCount {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "DeploymentScaled",
					"Scaled deployment %q from %d to %d", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount)
			} else {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Updated deployment %q replica annotation to match current replica count %d", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&deployment), newReplicaCount)

	return c.updateStatus(config)
Ejemplo n.º 23
// reconcileDeployments reconciles existing deployment replica counts which
// could have diverged outside the deployment process (e.g. due to auto or
// manual scaling, or partial deployments). The active deployment is the last
// successful deployment, not necessarily the latest in terms of the config
// version. The active deployment replica count should follow the config, and
// all other deployments should be scaled to zero.
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) reconcileDeployments(existingDeployments []kapi.ReplicationController, config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	activeDeployment := deployutil.ActiveDeployment(existingDeployments)

	// Reconcile deployments. The active deployment follows the config, and all
	// other deployments should be scaled to zero.
	var updatedDeployments []kapi.ReplicationController
	for i := range existingDeployments {
		deployment := existingDeployments[i]
		toAppend := deployment

		isActiveDeployment := activeDeployment != nil && deployment.Name == activeDeployment.Name

		oldReplicaCount := deployment.Spec.Replicas
		newReplicaCount := int32(0)
		if isActiveDeployment {
			newReplicaCount = config.Spec.Replicas
		if config.Spec.Test {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Deployment config %q is test and deployment %q will be scaled down", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&deployment))
			newReplicaCount = 0

		// Only update if necessary.
		var copied *kapi.ReplicationController
		if newReplicaCount != oldReplicaCount {
			if err := kclient.RetryOnConflict(kclient.DefaultBackoff, func() error {
				// refresh the replication controller version
				rc, err := c.rcStore.ReplicationControllers(deployment.Namespace).Get(deployment.Name)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				copied, err = deployutil.DeploymentDeepCopy(rc)
				if err != nil {
					glog.V(2).Infof("Deep copy of deployment %q failed: %v", rc.Name, err)
					return err
				copied.Spec.Replicas = newReplicaCount
				copied, err = c.rn.ReplicationControllers(copied.Namespace).Update(copied)
				return err
			}); err != nil {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "ReplicationControllerScaleFailed",
					"Failed to scale replication controler %q from %d to %d: %v", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount, err)
				return err

			c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "ReplicationControllerScaled", "Scaled replication controller %q from %d to %d", copied.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount)
			toAppend = *copied

		updatedDeployments = append(updatedDeployments, toAppend)

	// As the deployment configuration has changed, we need to make sure to clean
	// up old deployments if we have now reached our deployment history quota
	if err := c.cleanupOldDeployments(updatedDeployments, config); err != nil {
		c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "ReplicationControllerCleanupFailed", "Couldn't clean up replication controllers: %v", err)

	return c.updateStatus(config, updatedDeployments)
Ejemplo n.º 24
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) Handle(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	// There's nothing to reconcile until the version is nonzero.
	if config.Status.LatestVersion == 0 {
		glog.V(5).Infof("Waiting for first version of %q", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		return c.updateStatus(config)

	// Find all deployments owned by the deploymentConfig.
	sel := deployutil.ConfigSelector(config.Name)
	existingDeployments, err := c.kubeClient.ReplicationControllers(config.Namespace).List(kapi.ListOptions{LabelSelector: sel})
	if err != nil {
		return err

	latestIsDeployed, latestDeployment := deployutil.LatestDeploymentInfo(config, existingDeployments)
	// If the latest deployment doesn't exist yet, cancel any running
	// deployments to allow them to be superceded by the new config version.
	awaitingCancellations := false
	if !latestIsDeployed {
		for _, deployment := range existingDeployments.Items {
			// Skip deployments with an outcome.
			if deployutil.IsTerminatedDeployment(&deployment) {
			// Cancel running deployments.
			awaitingCancellations = true
			if !deployutil.IsDeploymentCancelled(&deployment) {
				deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentCancelledAnnotation] = deployapi.DeploymentCancelledAnnotationValue
				deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusReasonAnnotation] = deployapi.DeploymentCancelledNewerDeploymentExists
				_, err := c.kubeClient.ReplicationControllers(deployment.Namespace).Update(&deployment)
				if err != nil {
					c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentCancellationFailed", "Failed to cancel deployment %q superceded by version %d: %s", deployment.Name, config.Status.LatestVersion, err)
				} else {
					c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "DeploymentCancelled", "Cancelled deployment %q superceded by version %d", deployment.Name, config.Status.LatestVersion)
	// Wait for deployment cancellations before reconciling or creating a new
	// deployment to avoid competing with existing deployment processes.
	if awaitingCancellations {
		c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "DeploymentAwaitingCancellation", "Deployment of version %d awaiting cancellation of older running deployments", config.Status.LatestVersion)
		// raise a transientError so that the deployment config can be re-queued
		return transientError(fmt.Sprintf("found previous inflight deployment for %s - requeuing", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config)))
	// If the latest deployment already exists, reconcile existing deployments
	// and return early.
	if latestIsDeployed {
		// If the latest deployment is still running, try again later. We don't
		// want to compete with the deployer.
		if !deployutil.IsTerminatedDeployment(latestDeployment) {
			return c.updateStatus(config)
		return c.reconcileDeployments(existingDeployments, config)
	// No deployments are running and the latest deployment doesn't exist, so
	// create the new deployment.
	deployment, err := deployutil.MakeDeployment(config, c.codec)
	if err != nil {
		return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't make deployment from (potentially invalid) deployment config %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err))
	created, err := c.kubeClient.ReplicationControllers(config.Namespace).Create(deployment)
	if err != nil {
		// If the deployment was already created, just move on. The cache could be
		// stale, or another process could have already handled this update.
		if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
			return c.updateStatus(config)
		c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentCreationFailed", "Couldn't deploy version %d: %s", config.Status.LatestVersion, err)
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't create deployment for deployment config %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), err)
	c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "DeploymentCreated", "Created new deployment %q for version %d", created.Name, config.Status.LatestVersion)

	return c.updateStatus(config)
Ejemplo n.º 25
// Handle processes image change triggers associated with imagestream.
func (c *ImageChangeController) Handle(stream *imageapi.ImageStream) error {
	configs, err := c.dcLister.GetConfigsForImageStream(stream)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get list of deployment configs while handling image stream %q: %v", imageapi.LabelForStream(stream), err)

	// Find any configs which should be updated based on the new image state
	var configsToUpdate []*deployapi.DeploymentConfig
	for n, config := range configs {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Detecting image changes for deployment config %q", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		hasImageChange := false

		for j := range config.Spec.Triggers {
			// because config can be copied during this loop, make sure we load from config for subsequent loops
			trigger := config.Spec.Triggers[j]
			params := trigger.ImageChangeParams

			// Only automatic image change triggers should fire
			if trigger.Type != deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnImageChange {

			// All initial deployments should have their images resolved in order to
			// be able to work and not try to pull non-existent images from DockerHub.
			// Deployments with automatic set to false that have been deployed at least
			// once shouldn't have their images updated.
			if (!params.Automatic || config.Spec.Paused) && len(params.LastTriggeredImage) > 0 {

			// Check if the image stream matches the trigger
			if !triggerMatchesImage(config, params, stream) {

			_, tag, ok := imageapi.SplitImageStreamTag(params.From.Name)
			if !ok {
				glog.Warningf("Invalid image stream tag %q in %q", params.From.Name, deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))

			// Find the latest tag event for the trigger tag
			latestEvent := imageapi.LatestTaggedImage(stream, tag)
			if latestEvent == nil {
				glog.V(5).Infof("Couldn't find latest tag event for tag %q in image stream %q", tag, imageapi.LabelForStream(stream))

			// Ensure a change occurred
			if len(latestEvent.DockerImageReference) == 0 || latestEvent.DockerImageReference == params.LastTriggeredImage {
				glog.V(4).Infof("No image changes for deployment config %q were detected", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))

			names := sets.NewString(params.ContainerNames...)
			for i := range config.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers {
				container := &config.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[i]
				if !names.Has(container.Name) {

				if !hasImageChange {
					// create a copy prior to mutation
					result, err := deployutil.DeploymentConfigDeepCopy(configs[n])
					if err != nil {
					configs[n] = result
					container = &configs[n].Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[i]
					params = configs[n].Spec.Triggers[j].ImageChangeParams

				// Update the image
				container.Image = latestEvent.DockerImageReference
				// Log the last triggered image ID
				params.LastTriggeredImage = latestEvent.DockerImageReference
				hasImageChange = true

		if hasImageChange {
			configsToUpdate = append(configsToUpdate, configs[n])

	// Attempt to regenerate all configs which may contain image updates
	anyFailed := false
	for _, config := range configsToUpdate {
		if _, err := c.dn.DeploymentConfigs(config.Namespace).Update(config); err != nil {
			anyFailed = true
		} else {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Updated deployment config %q for trigger on image stream %q",
				deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), imageapi.LabelForStream(stream))

	if anyFailed {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't update some deployment configs for trigger on image stream %q", imageapi.LabelForStream(stream))

	return nil