Ejemplo n.º 1
// Return the next chunk of binlog events; skip to next binary log file if need be; return empty result only
// if reached end of binary logs
func getNextBinlogEventsChunk(instance *Instance, startingCoordinates BinlogCoordinates, numEmptyBinlogs int) ([]BinlogEvent, error) {
	if numEmptyBinlogs > maxEmptyBinlogFiles {
		log.Debugf("Reached maxEmptyBinlogFiles (%d) at %+v", maxEmptyBinlogFiles, startingCoordinates)
		// Give up and return empty results
		return []BinlogEvent{}, nil
	coordinatesExceededCurrent := false
	switch startingCoordinates.Type {
	case BinaryLog:
		coordinatesExceededCurrent = instance.SelfBinlogCoordinates.FileSmallerThan(&startingCoordinates)
	case RelayLog:
		coordinatesExceededCurrent = instance.RelaylogCoordinates.FileSmallerThan(&startingCoordinates)
	if coordinatesExceededCurrent {
		// We're past the last file. This is a non-error: there are no more events.
		log.Debugf("Coordinates overflow: %+v; terminating search", startingCoordinates)
		return []BinlogEvent{}, nil
	events, err := readBinlogEventsChunk(&instance.Key, startingCoordinates)
	if err != nil {
		return events, err
	if len(events) > 0 {
		log.Debugf("Returning %d events at %+v", len(events), startingCoordinates)
		return events, nil

	// events are empty
	if nextCoordinates, err := instance.GetNextBinaryLog(startingCoordinates); err == nil {
		log.Debugf("Recursing into %+v", nextCoordinates)
		return getNextBinlogEventsChunk(instance, nextCoordinates, numEmptyBinlogs+1)
	// on error
	return events, err
Ejemplo n.º 2
// deployIfNotAlreadyDeployed will issue given sql queries that are not already known to be deployed.
// This iterates both lists (to-run and already-deployed) and also verifies no contraditions.
func deployIfNotAlreadyDeployed(db *sql.DB, queries []string, deployedQueries []string, deploymentType string, fatalOnError bool) error {
	tx, err := db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
	// Ugly workaround ahead.
	// Origin of this workaround is the existence of some "timestamp NOT NULL," column definitions,
	// where in NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE sql_mode are invalid (since default is implicitly "0")
	// This means installation of orchestrator fails on such configured servers, and in particular on 5.7
	// where this setting is the dfault.
	// For purpose of backwards compatability, what we do is force sql_mode to be more relaxed, create the schemas
	// along with the "invalid" definition, and then go ahead and fix those definitions via following ALTER statements.
	// My bad.
	originalSqlMode := ""
	err = tx.QueryRow(`select @@session.sql_mode`).Scan(&originalSqlMode)
	if _, err := tx.Exec(`set @@session.sql_mode=REPLACE(@@session.sql_mode, 'NO_ZERO_DATE', '')`); err != nil {
	if _, err := tx.Exec(`set @@session.sql_mode=REPLACE(@@session.sql_mode, 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE', '')`); err != nil {

	for i, query := range queries {
		queryAlreadyExecuted := false
		// While iterating 'queries', also iterate 'deployedQueries'. Expect identity
		if len(deployedQueries) > i {
			if deployedQueries[i] != query {
				log.Fatalf("initOrchestratorDB() PANIC: non matching %s queries between deployment requests and _orchestrator_db_deployment. Please execute 'orchestrator -c reset-internal-db-deployment'", deploymentType)
			queryAlreadyExecuted = true
		if queryAlreadyExecuted {
		if i == 0 {
			log.Debugf("sql_mode is: %+v", originalSqlMode)
		if config.Config.SmartOrchestratorDatabaseUpdate {
			log.Debugf("initOrchestratorDB executing: %.80s", strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(query, "\n", "", -1)))

		if fatalOnError {
			if _, err := tx.Exec(query); err != nil {
				return log.Fatalf("Cannot initiate orchestrator: %+v", err)
		} else {
			// And ignore any error
		writeInternalDeployment(db, deploymentType, query, i)
	if _, err := tx.Exec(`set session sql_mode=?`, originalSqlMode); err != nil {
	if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Attempt to resolve a hostname. This may return a database cached hostname or otherwise
// it may resolve the hostname via CNAME
func ResolveHostname(hostname string) (string, error) {
	hostname = strings.TrimSpace(hostname)
	if hostname == "" {
		return hostname, errors.New("Will not resolve empty hostname")
	if strings.Contains(hostname, ",") {
		return hostname, fmt.Errorf("Will not resolve multi-hostname: %+v", hostname)
	if (&InstanceKey{Hostname: hostname}).IsDetached() {
		return hostname, fmt.Errorf("Will not resolve detached hostname: %+v", hostname)

	// First go to lightweight cache
	if resolvedHostname, found := hostnameResolvesLightweightCache.Get(hostname); found {
		return resolvedHostname.(string), nil

	if !hostnameResolvesLightweightCacheLoadedOnceFromDB {
		// A continuous-discovery will first make sure to load all resolves from DB.
		// However cli does not do so.
		// Anyway, it seems like the cache was not loaded from DB. Before doing real resolves,
		// let's try and get the resolved hostname from database.
		if !HostnameResolveMethodIsNone() {
			if resolvedHostname, err := ReadResolvedHostname(hostname); err == nil && resolvedHostname != "" {
				hostnameResolvesLightweightCache.Set(hostname, resolvedHostname, 0)
				return resolvedHostname, nil

	// Unfound: resolve!
	log.Debugf("Hostname unresolved yet: %s", hostname)
	resolvedHostname, err := resolveHostname(hostname)
	if config.Config.RejectHostnameResolvePattern != "" {
		// Reject, don't even cache
		if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(config.Config.RejectHostnameResolvePattern, resolvedHostname); matched {
			log.Warningf("ResolveHostname: %+v resolved to %+v but rejected due to RejectHostnameResolvePattern '%+v'", hostname, resolvedHostname, config.Config.RejectHostnameResolvePattern)
			return hostname, nil

	if err != nil {
		// Problem. What we'll do is cache the hostname for just one minute, so as to avoid flooding requests
		// on one hand, yet make it refresh shortly on the other hand. Anyway do not write to database.
		hostnameResolvesLightweightCache.Set(hostname, resolvedHostname, time.Minute)
		return hostname, err
	// Good result! Cache it, also to DB
	log.Debugf("Cache hostname resolve %s as %s", hostname, resolvedHostname)
	UpdateResolvedHostname(hostname, resolvedHostname)
	return resolvedHostname, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
func execCmd(commandText string, arguments ...string) (*exec.Cmd, string, error) {
	commandBytes := []byte(commandText)
	tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "orchestrator-process-cmd-")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", log.Errore(err)
	ioutil.WriteFile(tmpFile.Name(), commandBytes, 0644)
	log.Debugf("execCmd: %s", commandText)
	shellArguments := append([]string{}, tmpFile.Name())
	shellArguments = append(shellArguments, arguments...)
	log.Debugf("%+v", shellArguments)
	return exec.Command("bash", shellArguments...), tmpFile.Name(), nil

	//return exec.Command(commandText, arguments...) , "", nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
func InitGraphiteMetrics() error {
	if config.Config.GraphiteAddr == "" {
		return nil
	if config.Config.GraphitePath == "" {
		return log.Errorf("No graphite path provided (see GraphitePath config variable). Will not log to graphite")
	addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", config.Config.GraphiteAddr)
	if err != nil {
		return log.Errore(err)
	graphitePathHostname := process.ThisHostname
	if config.Config.GraphiteConvertHostnameDotsToUnderscores {
		graphitePathHostname = strings.Replace(graphitePathHostname, ".", "_", -1)
	graphitePath := config.Config.GraphitePath
	graphitePath = strings.Replace(graphitePath, "{hostname}", graphitePathHostname, -1)

	log.Debugf("Will log to graphite on %+v, %+v", config.Config.GraphiteAddr, graphitePath)

	go func() {
		go graphite.Graphite(metrics.DefaultRegistry, 1*time.Minute, graphitePath, addr)
		for range graphiteCallbackTick {
			for _, f := range graphiteTickCallbacks {
				go f()

	return nil

Ejemplo n.º 6
// checkAndRecoverDeadIntermediateMaster checks a given analysis, decides whether to take action, and possibly takes action
// Returns true when action was taken.
func checkAndRecoverDeadIntermediateMaster(analysisEntry inst.ReplicationAnalysis, candidateInstanceKey *inst.InstanceKey, forceInstanceRecovery bool, skipProcesses bool) (bool, *TopologyRecovery, error) {
	if !(forceInstanceRecovery || analysisEntry.ClusterDetails.HasAutomatedIntermediateMasterRecovery) {
		return false, nil, nil
	topologyRecovery, err := AttemptRecoveryRegistration(&analysisEntry, !forceInstanceRecovery, !forceInstanceRecovery)
	if topologyRecovery == nil {
		log.Debugf("topology_recovery: found an active or recent recovery on %+v. Will not issue another RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster.", analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey)
		return false, nil, err

	// That's it! We must do recovery!
	promotedSlave, err := RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster(topologyRecovery, skipProcesses)
	if promotedSlave != nil {
		// success

		if !skipProcesses {
			// Execute post intermediate-master-failover processes
			topologyRecovery.SuccessorKey = &promotedSlave.Key
			executeProcesses(config.Config.PostIntermediateMasterFailoverProcesses, "PostIntermediateMasterFailoverProcesses", topologyRecovery, false)
	} else {
	return true, topologyRecovery, err
Ejemplo n.º 7
// SkipQuery skip a single query in a failed replication instance
func SkipQuery(instanceKey *InstanceKey) (*Instance, error) {
	instance, err := ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey)
	if err != nil {
		return instance, log.Errore(err)

	if !instance.IsSlave() {
		return instance, fmt.Errorf("instance is not a slave: %+v", instanceKey)
	if instance.Slave_SQL_Running {
		return instance, fmt.Errorf("Slave SQL thread is running on %+v", instanceKey)
	if instance.LastSQLError == "" {
		return instance, fmt.Errorf("No SQL error on %+v", instanceKey)

	if *config.RuntimeCLIFlags.Noop {
		return instance, fmt.Errorf("noop: aborting skip-query operation on %+v; signalling error but nothing went wrong.", *instanceKey)

	log.Debugf("Skipping one query on %+v", instanceKey)
	if instance.UsingOracleGTID {
		err = skipQueryOracleGtid(instance)
	} else if instance.UsingMariaDBGTID {
		return instance, log.Errorf("%+v is replicating with MariaDB GTID. To skip a query first disable GTID, then skip, then enable GTID again", *instanceKey)
	} else {
		err = skipQueryClassic(instance)
	if err != nil {
		return instance, log.Errore(err)
	AuditOperation("skip-query", instanceKey, "Skipped one query")
	return StartSlave(instanceKey)
Ejemplo n.º 8
// CheckAndRecover is the main entry point for the recovery mechanism
func CheckAndRecover(specificInstance *inst.InstanceKey, candidateInstanceKey *inst.InstanceKey, skipProcesses bool) (recoveryAttempted bool, promotedSlaveKey *inst.InstanceKey, err error) {
	replicationAnalysis, err := inst.GetReplicationAnalysis("", true, true)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil, log.Errore(err)
	if *config.RuntimeCLIFlags.Noop {
		log.Debugf("--noop provided; will not execute processes")
		skipProcesses = true
	for _, analysisEntry := range replicationAnalysis {
		if specificInstance != nil {
			// We are looking for a specific instance; if this is not the one, skip!
			if !specificInstance.Equals(&analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey) {
		if analysisEntry.IsDowntimed && specificInstance == nil {
			// Only recover a downtimed server if explicitly requested

		if specificInstance != nil {
			// force mode. Keep it synchronuous
			var topologyRecovery *TopologyRecovery
			recoveryAttempted, topologyRecovery, err = executeCheckAndRecoverFunction(analysisEntry, candidateInstanceKey, true, skipProcesses)
			if topologyRecovery != nil {
				promotedSlaveKey = topologyRecovery.SuccessorKey
		} else {
			go executeCheckAndRecoverFunction(analysisEntry, candidateInstanceKey, false, skipProcesses)
	return recoveryAttempted, promotedSlaveKey, err
Ejemplo n.º 9
// executeAgentCommand requests an agent to execute a command via HTTP api
func executeAgentCommand(hostname string, command string, onResponse *func([]byte)) (Agent, error) {
	agent, token, err := readAgentBasicInfo(hostname)
	if err != nil {
		return agent, err

	// All seems to be in order. Now make some inquiries from orchestrator-agent service:
	uri := baseAgentUri(agent.Hostname, agent.Port)

	var fullCommand string
	if strings.Contains(command, "?") {
		fullCommand = fmt.Sprintf("%s&token=%s", command, token)
	} else {
		fullCommand = fmt.Sprintf("%s?token=%s", command, token)
	log.Debugf("orchestrator-agent command: %s", fullCommand)
	agentCommandUri := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", uri, fullCommand)

	body, err := readResponse(httpGet(agentCommandUri))
	if err != nil {
		return agent, log.Errore(err)
	if onResponse != nil {
	auditAgentOperation("agent-command", &agent, command)

	return agent, err
Ejemplo n.º 10
// StopSlavesNicely will attemt to stop all given slaves nicely, up to timeout
func StopSlavesNicely(slaves [](*Instance), timeout time.Duration) [](*Instance) {
	refreshedSlaves := [](*Instance){}

	log.Debugf("Stopping %d slaves nicely", len(slaves))
	// use concurrency but wait for all to complete
	barrier := make(chan *Instance)
	for _, slave := range slaves {
		slave := slave
		go func() {
			updatedSlave := &slave
			// Signal completed slave
			defer func() { barrier <- *updatedSlave }()
			// Wait your turn to read a slave
			ExecuteOnTopology(func() {
				StopSlaveNicely(&slave.Key, timeout)
				slave, _ = StopSlave(&slave.Key)
				updatedSlave = &slave
	for range slaves {
		refreshedSlaves = append(refreshedSlaves, <-barrier)
	return refreshedSlaves
Ejemplo n.º 11
// baseAgentUri returns the base URI for accessing an agent
func baseAgentUri(agentHostname string, agentPort int) string {
	protocol := "http"
	if config.Config.AgentsUseSSL {
		protocol = "https"
	uri := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%d/api", protocol, agentHostname, agentPort)
	log.Debugf("orchestrator-agent uri: %s", uri)
	return uri
Ejemplo n.º 12
// checkAndRecoverDeadMaster checks a given analysis, decides whether to take action, and possibly takes action
// Returns true when action was taken.
func checkAndRecoverDeadMaster(analysisEntry inst.ReplicationAnalysis, candidateInstanceKey *inst.InstanceKey, forceInstanceRecovery bool, skipProcesses bool) (bool, *TopologyRecovery, error) {
	if !(forceInstanceRecovery || analysisEntry.ClusterDetails.HasAutomatedMasterRecovery) {
		return false, nil, nil
	topologyRecovery, err := AttemptRecoveryRegistration(&analysisEntry, !forceInstanceRecovery, !forceInstanceRecovery)
	if topologyRecovery == nil {
		log.Debugf("topology_recovery: found an active or recent recovery on %+v. Will not issue another RecoverDeadMaster.", analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey)
		return false, nil, err

	// That's it! We must do recovery!
	log.Debugf("topology_recovery: will handle DeadMaster event on %+v", analysisEntry.ClusterDetails.ClusterName)
	promotedSlave, lostSlaves, err := RecoverDeadMaster(topologyRecovery, skipProcesses)

	if promotedSlave != nil {
		promotedSlave, err = replacePromotedSlaveWithCandidate(&analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey, promotedSlave, candidateInstanceKey)
	// And this is the end; whether successful or not, we're done.
	ResolveRecovery(topologyRecovery, promotedSlave)
	if promotedSlave != nil {
		// Success!

		if config.Config.ApplyMySQLPromotionAfterMasterFailover {
			log.Debugf("topology_recovery: - RecoverDeadMaster: will apply MySQL changes to promoted master")
			inst.SetReadOnly(&promotedSlave.Key, false)
		if !skipProcesses {
			// Execute post master-failover processes
			executeProcesses(config.Config.PostMasterFailoverProcesses, "PostMasterFailoverProcesses", topologyRecovery, false)
	} else {

	return true, topologyRecovery, err
Ejemplo n.º 13
// nextEvent will return the next event entry from binary logs; it will automatically skip to next
// binary log if need be.
// Internally, it uses the cachedEvents array, so that it does not go to the MySQL server upon each call.
// Returns nil upon reaching end of binary logs.
func (this *BinlogEventCursor) nextEvent(numEmptyEventsEvents int) (*BinlogEvent, error) {
	if numEmptyEventsEvents > maxEmptyEventsEvents {
		log.Debugf("End of logs. currentEventIndex: %d, nextCoordinates: %+v", this.currentEventIndex, this.nextCoordinates)
		// End of logs
		return nil, nil
	if len(this.cachedEvents) == 0 {
		// Cache exhausted; get next bulk of entries and return the next entry
		nextFileCoordinates, err := this.nextCoordinates.NextFileCoordinates()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		log.Debugf("zero cached events, next file: %+v", nextFileCoordinates)
		this.cachedEvents, err = this.fetchNextEvents(nextFileCoordinates)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		this.currentEventIndex = -1
		// While this seems recursive do note that recursion level is at most 1, since we either have
		// entires in the next binlog (no further recursion) or we don't (immediate termination)
		return this.nextEvent(numEmptyEventsEvents + 1)
	if this.currentEventIndex+1 < len(this.cachedEvents) {
		// We have enough cache to go by
		event := &this.cachedEvents[this.currentEventIndex]
		this.nextCoordinates = event.NextBinlogCoordinates()
		return event, nil
	} else {
		// Cache exhausted; get next bulk of entries and return the next entry
		var err error
		this.cachedEvents, err = this.fetchNextEvents(this.cachedEvents[len(this.cachedEvents)-1].NextBinlogCoordinates())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		this.currentEventIndex = -1
		// While this seems recursive do note that recursion level is at most 1, since we either have
		// entires in the next binlog (no further recursion) or we don't (immediate termination)
		return this.nextEvent(numEmptyEventsEvents + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 14
// checkAndExecuteFailureDetectionProcesses tries to register for failure detection and potentially executes
// failure-detection processes.
func checkAndExecuteFailureDetectionProcesses(analysisEntry inst.ReplicationAnalysis, skipProcesses bool) (processesExecutionAttempted bool, err error) {
	if ok, _ := AttemptFailureDetectionRegistration(&analysisEntry); !ok {
		return false, nil
	log.Debugf("topology_recovery: detected %+v failure on %+v", analysisEntry.Analysis, analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey)
	// Execute on-detection processes
	if skipProcesses {
		return false, nil
	err = executeProcesses(config.Config.OnFailureDetectionProcesses, "OnFailureDetectionProcesses", NewTopologyRecovery(analysisEntry), true)
	return true, err
Ejemplo n.º 15
// AuditOperation creates and writes a new audit entry by given params
func AuditOperation(auditType string, instanceKey *InstanceKey, message string) error {

	if instanceKey == nil {
		instanceKey = &InstanceKey{}
	clusterName := ""
	if instanceKey.Hostname != "" {
		clusterName, _ = GetClusterName(instanceKey)

	if config.Config.AuditLogFile != "" {
		go func() error {
			f, err := os.OpenFile(config.Config.AuditLogFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0600)
			if err != nil {
				return log.Errore(err)

			defer f.Close()
			text := fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t[%s]\t%s\t\n", time.Now().Format(log.TimeFormat), auditType, instanceKey.Hostname, instanceKey.Port, clusterName, message)
			if _, err = f.WriteString(text); err != nil {
				return log.Errore(err)
			return nil
	_, err := db.ExecOrchestrator(`
				into audit (
					audit_timestamp, audit_type, hostname, port, cluster_name, message
				) VALUES (
					NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
	if err != nil {
		return log.Errore(err)
	logMessage := fmt.Sprintf("auditType:%s instance:%s cluster:%s message:%s", auditType, instanceKey.DisplayString(), clusterName, message)
	if syslogWriter != nil {
		go func() {

	return err
Ejemplo n.º 16
// handleDiscoveryRequests iterates the discoveryInstanceKeys channel and calls upon
// instance discovery per entry.
func handleDiscoveryRequests() {
	for instanceKey := range discoveryInstanceKeys {
		// Possibly this used to be the elected node, but has been demoted, while still
		// the queue is full.
		// Just don't process the queue when not elected.
		if isElectedNode {
			go discoverInstance(instanceKey)
		} else {
			log.Debugf("Node apparently demoted. Skipping discovery of %+v. Remaining queue size: %+v", instanceKey, len(discoveryInstanceKeys))
Ejemplo n.º 17
func postReadAdjustments() {
	if Config.MySQLOrchestratorCredentialsConfigFile != "" {
		mySQLConfig := struct {
			Client struct {
				User     string
				Password string
		err := gcfg.ReadFileInto(&mySQLConfig, Config.MySQLOrchestratorCredentialsConfigFile)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to parse gcfg data from file: %+v", err)
		} else {
			log.Debugf("Parsed orchestrator credentials from %s", Config.MySQLOrchestratorCredentialsConfigFile)
			Config.MySQLOrchestratorUser = mySQLConfig.Client.User
			Config.MySQLOrchestratorPassword = mySQLConfig.Client.Password
	if Config.MySQLTopologyCredentialsConfigFile != "" {
		mySQLConfig := struct {
			Client struct {
				User     string
				Password string
		err := gcfg.ReadFileInto(&mySQLConfig, Config.MySQLTopologyCredentialsConfigFile)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to parse gcfg data from file: %+v", err)
		} else {
			log.Debugf("Parsed topology credentials from %s", Config.MySQLTopologyCredentialsConfigFile)
			Config.MySQLTopologyUser = mySQLConfig.Client.User
			Config.MySQLTopologyPassword = mySQLConfig.Client.Password
	if Config.RecoveryPeriodBlockSeconds == 0 && Config.RecoveryPeriodBlockMinutes > 0 {
		// RecoveryPeriodBlockSeconds is a newer addition that overrides RecoveryPeriodBlockMinutes
		// The code does not consider RecoveryPeriodBlockMinutes anymore, but RecoveryPeriodBlockMinutes
		// still supported in config file for backwards compatibility
		Config.RecoveryPeriodBlockSeconds = Config.RecoveryPeriodBlockMinutes * 60
Ejemplo n.º 18
func getLastPseudoGTIDEntryInInstance(instance *Instance, maxBinlogCoordinates *BinlogCoordinates, exhaustiveSearch bool) (*BinlogCoordinates, string, error) {
	// Look for last GTID in instance:
	currentBinlog := instance.SelfBinlogCoordinates

	var err error = nil
	for err == nil {
		log.Debugf("Searching for latest pseudo gtid entry in binlog %+v of %+v", currentBinlog.LogFile, instance.Key)
		resultCoordinates, entryInfo, err := getLastPseudoGTIDEntryInBinlog(&instance.Key, currentBinlog.LogFile, BinaryLog, maxBinlogCoordinates)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err
		if resultCoordinates != nil {
			log.Debugf("Found pseudo gtid entry in %+v, %+v", instance.Key, resultCoordinates)
			return resultCoordinates, entryInfo, err
		if !exhaustiveSearch {
		currentBinlog, err = currentBinlog.PreviousFileCoordinates()
	return nil, "", log.Errorf("Cannot find pseudo GTID entry in binlogs of %+v", instance.Key)
Ejemplo n.º 19
func getLastPseudoGTIDEntryInRelayLogs(instance *Instance, recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates BinlogCoordinates, exhaustiveSearch bool) (*BinlogCoordinates, string, error) {
	// Look for last GTID in relay logs:
	// Since MySQL does not provide with a SHOW RELAY LOGS command, we heuristically srtart from current
	// relay log (indiciated by Relay_log_file) and walk backwards.
	// Eventually we will hit a relay log name which does not exist.
	currentRelayLog := recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates
	var err error = nil
	for err == nil {
		log.Debugf("Searching for latest pseudo gtid entry in relaylog %+v of %+v, up to pos %+v", currentRelayLog.LogFile, instance.Key, recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates)
		if resultCoordinates, entryInfo, err := getLastPseudoGTIDEntryInBinlog(&instance.Key, currentRelayLog.LogFile, RelayLog, &recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates); err != nil {
			return nil, "", err
		} else if resultCoordinates != nil {
			log.Debugf("Found pseudo gtid entry in %+v, %+v", instance.Key, resultCoordinates)
			return resultCoordinates, entryInfo, err
		if !exhaustiveSearch {
		currentRelayLog, err = currentRelayLog.PreviousFileCoordinates()
	return nil, "", log.Errorf("Cannot find pseudo GTID entry in relay logs of %+v", instance.Key)
Ejemplo n.º 20
// checkAndRecoverDeadCoMaster checks a given analysis, decides whether to take action, and possibly takes action
// Returns true when action was taken.
func checkAndRecoverDeadCoMaster(analysisEntry inst.ReplicationAnalysis, candidateInstanceKey *inst.InstanceKey, forceInstanceRecovery bool, skipProcesses bool) (bool, *TopologyRecovery, error) {
	failedInstanceKey := &analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey
	if !(forceInstanceRecovery || analysisEntry.ClusterDetails.HasAutomatedMasterRecovery) {
		return false, nil, nil
	topologyRecovery, err := AttemptRecoveryRegistration(&analysisEntry, !forceInstanceRecovery, !forceInstanceRecovery)
	if topologyRecovery == nil {
		log.Debugf("topology_recovery: found an active or recent recovery on %+v. Will not issue another RecoverDeadCoMaster.", analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey)
		return false, nil, err

	// That's it! We must do recovery!
	promotedSlave, lostSlaves, err := RecoverDeadCoMaster(topologyRecovery, skipProcesses)
	ResolveRecovery(topologyRecovery, promotedSlave)
	if promotedSlave == nil {
		inst.AuditOperation("recover-dead-co-master", failedInstanceKey, "Failure: no slave promoted.")
	} else {
		inst.AuditOperation("recover-dead-co-master", failedInstanceKey, fmt.Sprintf("promoted: %+v", promotedSlave.Key))
	if promotedSlave != nil {
		// success

		if config.Config.ApplyMySQLPromotionAfterMasterFailover {
			log.Debugf("topology_recovery: - RecoverDeadMaster: will apply MySQL changes to promoted master")
			inst.SetReadOnly(&promotedSlave.Key, false)
		if !skipProcesses {
			// Execute post intermediate-master-failover processes
			topologyRecovery.SuccessorKey = &promotedSlave.Key
			executeProcesses(config.Config.PostMasterFailoverProcesses, "PostMasterFailoverProcesses", topologyRecovery, false)
	} else {
	return true, topologyRecovery, err
Ejemplo n.º 21
func (this *PostponedFunctionsContainer) InvokePostponed() (err error) {
	if len(this.PostponedFunctions) == 0 {
	log.Debugf("PostponedFunctionsContainer: invoking %+v postponed functions", len(this.PostponedFunctions))
	for _, postponedFunction := range this.PostponedFunctions {
		ferr := postponedFunction()
		if err == nil {
			err = ferr
	return err
Ejemplo n.º 22
// SearchEntryInInstanceBinlogs will search for a specific text entry within the binary logs of a given instance.
func SearchEntryInInstanceBinlogs(instance *Instance, entryText string, monotonicPseudoGTIDEntries bool) (*BinlogCoordinates, error) {
	cacheKey := getInstanceBinlogEntryKey(instance, entryText)
	coords, found := instanceBinlogEntryCache.Get(cacheKey)
	if found {
		// This is wonderful. We can skip the tedious GTID search in the binary log
		log.Debugf("Found instance Pseudo GTID entry coordinates in cache: %+v, %+v, %+v", instance.Key, entryText, coords)
		return coords.(*BinlogCoordinates), nil

	// Look for GTID entry in given instance:
	log.Debugf("Searching for given pseudo gtid entry in %+v. monotonicPseudoGTIDEntries=%+v", instance.Key, monotonicPseudoGTIDEntries)
	currentBinlog := instance.SelfBinlogCoordinates
	var err error = nil
	for {
		log.Debugf("Searching for given pseudo gtid entry in binlog %+v of %+v", currentBinlog.LogFile, instance.Key)
		// loop iteration per binary log. This might turn to be a heavyweight operation. We wish to throttle the operation such that
		// the instance does not suffer. If it is a slave, we will only act as long as it's not lagging too much.
		if instance.SlaveRunning() {
			for {
				log.Debugf("%+v is a replicating slave. Verifying lag", instance.Key)
				instance, err = ReadTopologyInstance(&instance.Key)
				if err != nil {
				if instance.HasReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLag() {
					// is good to go!
				log.Debugf("lag is too high on %+v. Throttling the search for pseudo gtid entry", instance.Key)
				time.Sleep(time.Duration(config.Config.ReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLagSeconds) * time.Second)
		var resultCoordinates BinlogCoordinates
		var found bool = false
		resultCoordinates, found, err = SearchEntryInBinlog(&instance.Key, currentBinlog.LogFile, entryText, monotonicPseudoGTIDEntries)
		if err != nil {
		if found {
			log.Debugf("Matched entry in %+v: %+v", instance.Key, resultCoordinates)
			instanceBinlogEntryCache.Set(cacheKey, &resultCoordinates, 0)
			return &resultCoordinates, nil
		// Got here? Unfound. Keep looking
		currentBinlog, err = currentBinlog.PreviousFileCoordinates()
		if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("- Will move next to binlog %+v", currentBinlog.LogFile)

	return nil, log.Errorf("Cannot match pseudo GTID entry in binlogs of %+v; err: %+v", instance.Key, err)
Ejemplo n.º 23
// acceptSignals registers for OS signals
func acceptSignals() {
	c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)

	signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGHUP)
	go func() {
		for sig := range c {
			switch sig {
			case syscall.SIGHUP:
				log.Debugf("Received SIGHUP. Reloading configuration")
				inst.AuditOperation("reload-configuration", nil, "Triggered via SIGHUP")
Ejemplo n.º 24
// StartSlaves will do concurrent start-slave
func StartSlaves(slaves [](*Instance)) {
	// use concurrency but wait for all to complete
	log.Debugf("Starting %d slaves", len(slaves))
	barrier := make(chan InstanceKey)
	for _, instance := range slaves {
		instance := instance
		go func() {
			// Signal compelted slave
			defer func() { barrier <- instance.Key }()
			// Wait your turn to read a slave
			ExecuteOnTopology(func() { StartSlave(&instance.Key) })
	for range slaves {
Ejemplo n.º 25
func ApplyPoolInstances(pool string, instancesList string) error {
	var instanceKeys [](*InstanceKey)
	if instancesList != "" {
		instancesStrings := strings.Split(instancesList, ",")
		for _, instanceString := range instancesStrings {

			instanceKey, err := ParseInstanceKeyLoose(instanceString)
			log.Debugf("%+v", instanceKey)
			if err != nil {
				return log.Errore(err)

			instanceKeys = append(instanceKeys, instanceKey)
	writePoolInstances(pool, instanceKeys)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 26
// discoverInstance will attempt discovering an instance (unless it is already up to date) and will
// list down its master and slaves (if any) for further discovery.
func discoverInstance(instanceKey inst.InstanceKey) {
	if !instanceKey.IsValid() {

	if existsInCacheError := recentDiscoveryOperationKeys.Add(instanceKey.DisplayString(), true, cache.DefaultExpiration); existsInCacheError != nil {
		// Just recently attempted

	instance, found, err := inst.ReadInstance(&instanceKey)

	if found && instance.IsUpToDate && instance.IsLastCheckValid {
		// we've already discovered this one. Skip!
	// First we've ever heard of this instance. Continue investigation:
	instance, err = inst.ReadTopologyInstance(&instanceKey)
	// panic can occur (IO stuff). Therefore it may happen
	// that instance is nil. Check it.
	if instance == nil {
		log.Warningf("instance is nil in discoverInstance. key=%+v, error=%+v", instanceKey, err)

	log.Debugf("Discovered host: %+v, master: %+v, version: %+v", instance.Key, instance.MasterKey, instance.Version)

	if !isElectedNode {
		// Maybe this node was elected before, but isn't elected anymore.
		// If not elected, stop drilling up/down the topology

	// Investigate slaves:
	for _, slaveKey := range instance.SlaveHosts.GetInstanceKeys() {
		slaveKey := slaveKey
		discoveryInstanceKeys <- slaveKey
	// Investigate master:
	discoveryInstanceKeys <- instance.MasterKey
Ejemplo n.º 27
// readInternalDeployments reads orchestrator db deployment statements that are known to have been executed
func readInternalDeployments() (baseDeployments []string, patchDeployments []string, err error) {
	if !config.Config.SmartOrchestratorDatabaseUpdate {
		return baseDeployments, patchDeployments, nil
	query := fmt.Sprintf(`
		order by
	db, err := OpenOrchestrator()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Cannot initiate orchestrator internal deployment: %+v", err)

	err = sqlutils.QueryRowsMap(db, query, func(m sqlutils.RowMap) error {
		deploymentType := m.GetString("deployment_type")
		sqlStatement := m.GetString("sql_statement")

		if deploymentType == "base" {
			baseDeployments = append(baseDeployments, sqlStatement)
		} else if deploymentType == "patch" {
			patchDeployments = append(patchDeployments, sqlStatement)
		} else {
			log.Fatalf("Unknown deployment type (%+v) encountered in _orchestrator_db_deployment", deploymentType)

		return nil
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("Deploying internal orchestrator tables to fix the above; this is a one time operation")
		// Table does not exist? Create it for first time
		for _, query := range internalDBDeploymentSQL {
			if _, err = execInternal(db, query); err != nil {
				log.Fatalf("Cannot initiate orchestrator internal deployment: %+v", err)
	return baseDeployments, patchDeployments, nil
Ejemplo n.º 28
// RefreshTopologyInstances will do a blocking (though concurrent) refresh of all given instances
func RefreshTopologyInstances(instances [](*Instance)) {
	// use concurrency but wait for all to complete
	barrier := make(chan InstanceKey)
	for _, instance := range instances {
		instance := instance
		go func() {
			// Signal completed slave
			defer func() { barrier <- instance.Key }()
			// Wait your turn to read a slave
			ExecuteOnTopology(func() {
				log.Debugf("... reading instance: %+v", instance.Key)
	for range instances {
Ejemplo n.º 29
// SkipToNextBinaryLog changes master position to beginning of next binlog
// Use case is binlog servers where the master was gone & replaced by another.
func SkipToNextBinaryLog(instanceKey *InstanceKey) (*Instance, error) {
	instance, err := ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey)
	if err != nil {
		return instance, log.Errore(err)

	nextFileCoordinates, err := instance.ExecBinlogCoordinates.NextFileCoordinates()
	if err != nil {
		return instance, log.Errore(err)
	nextFileCoordinates.LogPos = 4
	log.Debugf("Will skip replication on %+v to next binary log: %+v", instance.Key, nextFileCoordinates.LogFile)

	instance, err = ChangeMasterTo(&instance.Key, &instance.MasterKey, &nextFileCoordinates, false, GTIDHintNeutral)
	if err != nil {
		return instance, log.Errore(err)
	AuditOperation("skip-binlog", instanceKey, fmt.Sprintf("Skipped replication to next binary log: %+v", nextFileCoordinates.LogFile))
	return StartSlave(instanceKey)
Ejemplo n.º 30
// ContinuousAgentsPoll starts an asynchronuous infinite process where agents are
// periodically investigated and their status captured, and long since unseen agents are
// purged and forgotten.
func ContinuousAgentsPoll() {
	log.Infof("Starting continuous agents poll")

	go discoverSeededAgents()

	tick := time.Tick(time.Duration(config.Config.DiscoveryPollSeconds) * time.Second)
	caretakingTick := time.Tick(time.Hour)
	for range tick {
		agentsHosts, _ := agent.ReadOutdatedAgentsHosts()
		log.Debugf("outdated agents hosts: %+v", agentsHosts)
		for _, hostname := range agentsHosts {
			go pollAgent(hostname)
		// See if we should also forget agents (lower frequency)
		select {
		case <-caretakingTick: