// BufPut - buffered put - saves its contents to memory, to memcache and the datastore
//   Todo: Don't buffer in local memory.
func BufPut(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, wb WrapBlob, skey string) (mkk string, errClosure error) {

	c := appengine.NewContext(r)

	t := fmt.Sprintf("%T", wb)
	mkk = t + "__" + skey // kombi key

	errClosure = datastore.RunInTransaction(c,
		func(c appengine.Context) error {
			dskey1 := datastore.NewKey(c, t, skey, 0, nil)
			_, err := datastore.Put(c, dskey1, &wb)
			McacheSet(c, mkk, wb)
			memoryInstanceStore[mkk] = &wb
			multiCastInstanceCacheChange(w, r, mkk)
			c.Infof("saved to ds and memcache and instance RAM - combikey is %v", mkk)
			return err
		}, nil)

Ejemplo n.º 2
// we want to extract the 'image/png' from
// 	"data:image/png;base64,..."
//func MimeFromBase64(b *bytes.Buffer)(mime string){
func MimeFromBase64(b io.Reader) (mime string) {

	// to avoid huge string allocation
	//   we read the first 100 bytes
	b1 := make([]byte, 100)
	_, err := b.Read(b1)

	s := string(b1)

	pos := base64HeaderPosition(s)

	if pos > 0 {
		tmp1 := s[:pos]
		tmp2 := strings.Split(tmp1, ";")
		tmp3 := strings.Split(tmp2[0], ":")
		mime = tmp3[1]

