Ejemplo n.º 1
func (s *WorkerTestSuite) RunWorker(job *qan.Job) string {
	w := qan.NewSlowLogWorker(s.logger, "qan-worker-1")
	result, _ := w.Run(job)

	// Write the result as formatted JSON to a file...
	tmpFilename := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/pct-test.%d", os.Getpid())
	test.WriteData(result, tmpFilename)
	return tmpFilename
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (s *ManagerTestSuite) TestStartService(t *C) {

	 * Create and start manager.

	m := qan.NewManager(s.logger, &mysql.RealConnectionFactory{}, s.clock, s.iterFactory, s.workerFactory, s.spool, s.im)
	t.Assert(m, NotNil)

	// Create the qan config.
	tmpFile := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/qan_test.TestStartService.%d", os.Getpid())
	defer func() { os.Remove(tmpFile) }()
	config := &qan.Config{
		ServiceInstance: s.mysqlInstance,
		Start: []mysql.Query{
			mysql.Query{Set: "SET GLOBAL slow_query_log=OFF"},
			mysql.Query{Set: "SET GLOBAL long_query_time=0.123"},
			mysql.Query{Set: "SET GLOBAL slow_query_log=ON"},
		Stop: []mysql.Query{
			mysql.Query{Set: "SET GLOBAL slow_query_log=OFF"},
			mysql.Query{Set: "SET GLOBAL long_query_time=10"},
		Interval:          300,        // 5 min
		MaxSlowLogSize:    1073741824, // 1 GiB
		RemoveOldSlowLogs: true,
		ExampleQueries:    true,
		MaxWorkers:        2,
		WorkerRunTime:     600, // 10 min

	// Create the StartService cmd which contains the qan config.
	now := time.Now()
	qanConfig, _ := json.Marshal(config)
	cmd := &proto.Cmd{
		User:      "******",
		Ts:        now,
		AgentUuid: "123",
		Service:   "agent",
		Cmd:       "StartService",
		Data:      qanConfig,

	// Have the service manager start the qa service
	reply := m.Handle(cmd)

	// It should start without error.
	t.Assert(reply.Error, Equals, "")

	// It should write the config to disk.
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(pct.Basedir.ConfigFile("qan"))
	t.Check(err, IsNil)
	gotConfig := &qan.Config{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(data, gotConfig)
	t.Check(err, IsNil)
	if same, diff := test.IsDeeply(gotConfig, config); !same {

	// And status should be "Running" and "Idle".
	test.WaitStatus(1, m, "qan-log-parser", "Idle (0 of 2 running)")
	status := m.Status()
	t.Check(status["qan"], Equals, "Running")
	t.Check(status["qan-log-parser"], Equals, "Idle (0 of 2 running)")

	// It should have enabled the slow log.
	slowLog := s.realmysql.GetGlobalVarNumber("slow_query_log")
	t.Assert(slowLog, Equals, float64(1))

	longQueryTime := s.realmysql.GetGlobalVarNumber("long_query_time")
	t.Assert(longQueryTime, Equals, 0.123)

	// Starting an already started service should result in a ServiceIsRunningError.
	reply = m.Handle(cmd)
	t.Check(reply.Error, Not(Equals), "")

	// It should add a tickChan for the interval iter.
	t.Check(s.clock.Added, HasLen, 1)
	t.Check(s.clock.Removed, HasLen, 0)

	 * Have manager run a worker, parse, and send data.

	interv := &qan.Interval{
		Filename:    testlog.Sample + "slow001.log",
		StartOffset: 0,
		EndOffset:   524,
		StartTime:   now,
		StopTime:    now,
	s.intervalChan <- interv

	v := test.WaitData(s.dataChan)
	t.Assert(v, HasLen, 1)
	report := v[0].(*qan.Report)

	result := &qan.Result{
		StopOffset: report.StopOffset,
		Global:     report.Global,
		Classes:    report.Class,
	test.WriteData(result, tmpFile)
	t.Check(tmpFile, testlog.FileEquals, sample+"slow001.json")

	 * Send StopService cmd to stop qan/qan-log-parser.

	now = time.Now()
	cmd = &proto.Cmd{
		User:      "******",
		Ts:        now,
		AgentUuid: "123",
		Service:   "agent",
		Cmd:       "StopService",

	// Have the service manager start the qa service
	reply = m.Handle(cmd)

	// It should start without error.
	t.Assert(reply.Error, Equals, "")

	// It should disable the slow log.
	slowLog = s.realmysql.GetGlobalVarNumber("slow_query_log")
	t.Assert(slowLog, Equals, float64(0))

	longQueryTime = s.realmysql.GetGlobalVarNumber("long_query_time")
	t.Assert(longQueryTime, Equals, 10.0)

	// It should remove the tickChan (and not have added others).
	t.Check(s.clock.Added, HasLen, 1)
	t.Check(s.clock.Removed, HasLen, 1)

	// qan still running, but qan-log-parser stopped.
	test.WaitStatus(1, m, "qan-log-parser", "Stopped")
	status = m.Status()
	t.Check(status["qan"], Equals, "Running")
	t.Check(status["qan-log-parser"], Equals, "Stopped")