Ejemplo n.º 1
func NewAgent(config *Config, logger *pct.Logger, api pct.APIConnector, client pct.WebsocketClient, services map[string]pct.ServiceManager) *Agent {
	agent := &Agent{
		config:    config,
		api:       api,
		configMux: &sync.RWMutex{},
		logger:    logger,
		client:    client,
		services:  services,
		updater:   pct.NewUpdater(logger, api, pct.PublicKey, os.Args[0], VERSION),
		// --
		status:     pct.NewStatus([]string{"agent", "agent-cmd-handler"}),
		cmdChan:    make(chan *proto.Cmd, CMD_QUEUE_SIZE),
		statusChan: make(chan *proto.Cmd, STATUS_QUEUE_SIZE),
	return agent
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (s *UpdateTestSuite) TestCheck(t *C) {
	// First make a very fake percona-agent "binary": just a file containing "A".
	// Later we'll check that the update process overwrites this with the updated binary.
	curBin := filepath.Join(s.tmpDir + "/percona-agent")
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(curBin, []byte{0x41}, os.FileMode(0655)); err != nil {

	// Create an updater.  Normally we'd pass in hard-coded pct.PublicKey and os.Args[0].
	u := pct.NewUpdater(s.logger, s.api, s.pubKey, curBin, "1.0.0")
	t.Assert(u, NotNil)

	// Updater.Update() makes 2 API calls: first to get percona-agent-VERSION-ARCH.gz,
	// second to get the corresponding .sig file.  The bin and sig here are "real" in
	// the sense that in SetUpSuite() we compiled a fake percona-agent bin and signed
	// it with the test private key (test/pct/key.pem).
	s.api.GetCode = []int{200, 200}
	s.api.GetData = [][]byte{s.bin, s.sig}
	s.api.GetError = []error{nil, nil}

	// Run the update process.  It thinks it's getting percona-agent 1.0.1 from the real API.
	err := u.Update("1.0.1")
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// The update process should have fetched and verified the test bin and sig, then
	// write the bin to disk and copied it over the very fake percona-agent "binary"
	// we created first.  So the whole process looks like:
	//   1. Test writes percona-agent (very fake binary)
	//   2. Test compiles fake-percona-agent-1.0.1.go to fake-percona-agent-1.0.1 (bin)
	//   3. Test queues bytes of fake-percona-agent-go-1.0.1 (bin) and sig in fake API
	//   4. Updater gets those ^ bytes, verifies bin with sig
	//   5. Updater writes bin bytes as percona-agent-1.0.1-ARCH
	//   6. Updater runs "percona-agent-1.0.1-ARCH -version", expects output to be "1.0.1"
	//   7. Update does "mv percona-agent-1.0.1-ARCH percona-agent"
	// Therefore, fake-percona-agent-1.0.1 (bin) == percona-agent at the byte level.
	newBin, err := ioutil.ReadFile(curBin)
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)
	if bytes.Compare(s.bin, newBin) != 0 {
		t.Error("percona-agent binary != fake-percona-agent-1.0.1 binary")

	// And if percona-agent is *really* fake-percona-agent-1.0.1, then we too should
	// get "1.0.1" if we run it with -version:
	out, err := exec.Command(curBin, "-version").Output()
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)
	t.Check(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), Equals, "percona-agent 1.0.1 rev 19b6b2ede12bfd2a012d40ac572a660be7aff1e7")