Ejemplo n.º 1
// NewDomain creates a new domain. Should not create multiple domains for the same store.
func NewDomain(store kv.Storage, lease time.Duration) (d *Domain, err error) {
	d = &Domain{
		store:          store,
		SchemaValidity: &schemaValidityInfo{},
		exit:           make(chan struct{}),

	d.infoHandle, err = infoschema.NewHandle(d.store)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	d.ddl = ddl.NewDDL(d.store, d.infoHandle, &ddlCallback{do: d}, lease)
	if err = d.Reload(); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	d.SchemaValidity.SetExpireInfo(false, 0)


	// Only when the store is local that the lease value is 0.
	// If the store is local, it doesn't need loadSchemaInLoop and checkValidityInLoop.
	if lease > 0 {
		go d.checkValidityInLoop(lease)
	// Local store needs to get the change information for every DDL state in each session.
	go d.loadSchemaInLoop(lease)

	return d, nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (p *testShowSuit) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
	nc := mock.NewContext()
	p.ctx = nc
	variable.BindGlobalVarAccessor(p.ctx, nc)

	p.dbName = "testshowplan"
	p.store = newStore(c, p.dbName)
	p.txn, _ = p.store.Begin()
	se := newSession(c, p.store, p.dbName)
	p.createDBSQL = fmt.Sprintf("create database if not exists %s;", p.dbName)
	p.dropDBSQL = fmt.Sprintf("drop database if exists %s;", p.dbName)
	p.useDBSQL = fmt.Sprintf("use %s;", p.dbName)
	p.createTableSQL = `CREATE TABLE test(id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id));`

	mustExecSQL(c, se, p.createDBSQL)
	mustExecSQL(c, se, p.useDBSQL)
	mustExecSQL(c, se, p.createTableSQL)

	p.createSystemDBSQL = fmt.Sprintf("create database if not exists %s;", mysql.SystemDB)
	p.createUserTableSQL = tidb.CreateUserTable
	p.createDBPrivTableSQL = tidb.CreateDBPrivTable
	p.createTablePrivTableSQL = tidb.CreateTablePrivTable
	p.createColumnPrivTableSQL = tidb.CreateColumnPrivTable

	mustExecSQL(c, se, p.createSystemDBSQL)
	mustExecSQL(c, se, p.createUserTableSQL)
	mustExecSQL(c, se, p.createDBPrivTableSQL)
	mustExecSQL(c, se, p.createTablePrivTableSQL)
	mustExecSQL(c, se, p.createColumnPrivTableSQL)

Ejemplo n.º 3
func (s *testSuite) TestShow(c *C) {
	defer testleak.AfterTest(c)()
	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store)
	tk.MustExec("use test")
	testSQL := `drop table if exists show_test`
	testSQL = `create table show_test (id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, c1 int comment "c1_comment", c2 int, c3 int default 1) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=28934 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT "table_comment";`

	testSQL = "show columns from show_test;"
	result := tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 4)

	testSQL = "show create table show_test;"
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 1)
	row := result.Rows()[0]
	// For issue https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/1061
	expectedRow := []interface{}{
		"show_test", "CREATE TABLE `show_test` (\n  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `c1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'c1_comment',\n  `c2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `c3` int(11) DEFAULT '1',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`) \n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=28934 COMMENT='table_comment'"}
	for i, r := range row {
		c.Check(r, Equals, expectedRow[i])

	testSQL = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_results';"
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 1)

	// Test case for index type and comment
	tk.MustExec(`create table show_index (c int, index cIdx using hash (c) comment "index_comment_for_cIdx");`)
	testSQL = "SHOW index from show_index;"
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 1)
	expectedRow = []interface{}{
		"show_index", int64(1), "cIdx", int64(1), "c", "utf8_bin",
		int64(0), nil, nil, "YES", "HASH", "", "index_comment_for_cIdx"}
	row = result.Rows()[0]
	c.Check(row, HasLen, len(expectedRow))
	for i, r := range row {
		c.Check(r, Equals, expectedRow[i])

	// For show like with escape
	testSQL = `show tables like 'show\_test'`
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 1)

	var ss stats
	testSQL = "show status like 'character_set_results';"
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), NotNil)

	tk.MustQuery("SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE Db='test'").Check(testkit.Rows())
	tk.MustQuery("SHOW TRIGGERS WHERE Trigger ='test'").Check(testkit.Rows())
Ejemplo n.º 4
// NewDomain creates a new domain.
func NewDomain(store kv.Storage, lease time.Duration) (d *Domain, err error) {
	d = &Domain{
		store:   store,
		leaseCh: make(chan time.Duration, 1),

	d.infoHandle = infoschema.NewHandle(d.store)
	d.ddl = ddl.NewDDL(d.store, d.infoHandle, &ddlCallback{do: d}, lease)


	go d.loadSchemaInLoop(lease)

	return d, nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
func newDDL(store kv.Storage, infoHandle *infoschema.Handle, hook Callback, lease time.Duration) *ddl {
	if hook == nil {
		hook = &BaseCallback{}

	d := &ddl{
		infoHandle: infoHandle,
		hook:       hook,
		store:      store,
		lease:      lease,
		uuid:       uuid.NewV4().String(),
		jobCh:      make(chan struct{}, 1),
		jobDoneCh:  make(chan struct{}, 1),



	return d
Ejemplo n.º 6
// NewDomain creates a new domain.
func NewDomain(store kv.Storage, lease time.Duration) (d *Domain, err error) {
	d = &Domain{store: store}

	d.infoHandle, err = infoschema.NewHandle(d.store)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	d.ddl = ddl.NewDDL(d.store, d.infoHandle, &ddlCallback{do: d}, lease)


	// Only when the store is local that the lease value is 0.
	// If the store is local, it doesn't need loadSchemaInLoop.
	if lease > 0 {
		d.leaseCh = make(chan time.Duration, 1)
		go d.loadSchemaInLoop(lease)

	return d, nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
func (s *testSuite) TestShow(c *C) {
	defer func() {
	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.store)
	tk.MustExec("use test")
	testSQL := `drop table if exists show_test`
	testSQL = `create table SHOW_test (id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, c1 int comment "c1_comment", c2 int, c3 int default 1) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=28934 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT "table_comment";`

	testSQL = "show columns from show_test;"
	result := tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 4)

	testSQL = "show create table show_test;"
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 1)
	row := result.Rows()[0]
	// For issue https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/1061
	expectedRow := []interface{}{
		"SHOW_test", "CREATE TABLE `SHOW_test` (\n  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `c1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'c1_comment',\n  `c2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `c3` int(11) DEFAULT '1',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=28934 COMMENT='table_comment'"}
	for i, r := range row {
		c.Check(r, Equals, expectedRow[i])

	// For issue https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/1918
	testSQL = `create table ptest(
		a int primary key, 
		b double NOT NULL DEFAULT 2.0, 
		c varchar(10) NOT NULL, 
		d time unique,
		e timestamp NULL
	testSQL = "show create table ptest;"
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 1)
	row = result.Rows()[0]
	expectedRow = []interface{}{
		"ptest", "CREATE TABLE `ptest` (\n  `a` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `b` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '2.0',\n  `c` varchar(10) NOT NULL,\n  `d` time DEFAULT NULL,\n  `e` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`a`),\n  UNIQUE KEY `d` (`d`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB"}
	for i, r := range row {
		c.Check(r, Equals, expectedRow[i])

	testSQL = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_results';"
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 1)

	// Test case for index type and comment
	tk.MustExec(`create table show_index (id int, c int, primary key (id), index cIdx using hash (c) comment "index_comment_for_cIdx");`)
	testSQL = "SHOW index from show_index;"
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 2)
	expectedRow = []interface{}{
		"show_index", int64(0), "PRIMARY", int64(1), "id", "utf8_bin",
		int64(0), nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", ""}
	row = result.Rows()[0]
	c.Check(row, HasLen, len(expectedRow))
	for i, r := range row {
		c.Check(r, Equals, expectedRow[i])
	expectedRow = []interface{}{
		"show_index", int64(1), "cIdx", int64(1), "c", "utf8_bin",
		int64(0), nil, nil, "YES", "HASH", "", "index_comment_for_cIdx"}
	row = result.Rows()[1]
	c.Check(row, HasLen, len(expectedRow))
	for i, r := range row {
		c.Check(r, Equals, expectedRow[i])

	// For show like with escape
	testSQL = `show tables like 'show\_test'`
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	rows := result.Rows()
	c.Check(rows, HasLen, 1)
	c.Check(rows[0], DeepEquals, []interface{}{"SHOW_test"})

	var ss stats
	testSQL = "show status like 'character_set_results';"
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), NotNil)

	tk.MustQuery("SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE Db='test'").Check(testkit.Rows())
	tk.MustQuery("SHOW TRIGGERS WHERE Trigger ='test'").Check(testkit.Rows())
	tk.MustQuery("SHOW processlist;").Check(testkit.Rows())
	tk.MustQuery("SHOW EVENTS WHERE Db = 'test'").Check(testkit.Rows())
	// Test show create database
	testSQL = `create database show_test_DB`
	testSQL = "show create database show_test_DB;"
	result = tk.MustQuery(testSQL)
	c.Check(result.Rows(), HasLen, 1)
	row = result.Rows()[0]
	expectedRow = []interface{}{
		"show_test_DB", "CREATE DATABASE `show_test_DB` /* !40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */"}
	for i, r := range row {
		c.Check(r, Equals, expectedRow[i])