Ejemplo n.º 1
// ValueAtTime implements SeriesIterator.
func (it *memorySeriesIterator) ValueAtTime(t clientmodel.Timestamp) metric.Values {
	// The most common case. We are iterating through a chunk.
	if it.chunkIt != nil && it.chunkIt.contains(t) {
		return it.chunkIt.valueAtTime(t)

	if len(it.chunks) == 0 {
		return nil

	// Before or exactly on the first sample of the series.
	it.chunkIt = it.chunkIterator(0)
	ts := it.chunkIt.timestampAtIndex(0)
	if !t.After(ts) {
		// return first value of first chunk
		return metric.Values{metric.SamplePair{
			Timestamp: ts,
			Value:     it.chunkIt.sampleValueAtIndex(0),

	// After or exactly on the last sample of the series.
	it.chunkIt = it.chunkIterator(len(it.chunks) - 1)
	ts = it.chunkIt.lastTimestamp()
	if !t.Before(ts) {
		// return last value of last chunk
		return metric.Values{metric.SamplePair{
			Timestamp: ts,
			Value:     it.chunkIt.sampleValueAtIndex(it.chunkIt.length() - 1),

	// Find last chunk where firstTime() is before or equal to t.
	l := len(it.chunks) - 1
	i := sort.Search(len(it.chunks), func(i int) bool {
		return !it.chunks[l-i].firstTime().After(t)
	if i == len(it.chunks) {
		panic("out of bounds")
	it.chunkIt = it.chunkIterator(l - i)
	ts = it.chunkIt.lastTimestamp()
	if t.After(ts) {
		// We ended up between two chunks.
		sp1 := metric.SamplePair{
			Timestamp: ts,
			Value:     it.chunkIt.sampleValueAtIndex(it.chunkIt.length() - 1),
		it.chunkIt = it.chunkIterator(l - i + 1)
		return metric.Values{
				Timestamp: it.chunkIt.timestampAtIndex(0),
				Value:     it.chunkIt.sampleValueAtIndex(0),
	return it.chunkIt.valueAtTime(t)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// MayContain indicates whether the given SampleKey could potentially contain a
// value at the provided time.  Even if true is emitted, that does not mean a
// satisfactory value, in fact, exists.
func (s *SampleKey) MayContain(t clientmodel.Timestamp) bool {
	switch {
	case t.Before(s.FirstTimestamp):
		return false
	case t.After(s.LastTimestamp):
		return false
		return true
Ejemplo n.º 3
// InsideInterval indicates whether a given range of sorted values could contain
// a value for a given time.
func (v Values) InsideInterval(t clientmodel.Timestamp) bool {
	switch {
	case v.Len() == 0:
		return false
	case t.Before(v[0].Timestamp):
		return false
	case !v[v.Len()-1].Timestamp.Before(t):
		return false
		return true
Ejemplo n.º 4
func buildValues(firstValue clientmodel.SampleValue, from, to clientmodel.Timestamp, interval time.Duration) (v metric.Values) {
	for from.Before(to) {
		v = append(v, metric.SamplePair{
			Value:     firstValue,
			Timestamp: from,

		from = from.Add(interval)

Ejemplo n.º 5
func buildSamples(from, to clientmodel.Timestamp, interval time.Duration, m clientmodel.Metric) (v clientmodel.Samples) {
	i := clientmodel.SampleValue(0)

	for from.Before(to) {
		v = append(v, &clientmodel.Sample{
			Metric:    m,
			Value:     i,
			Timestamp: from,

		from = from.Add(interval)

Ejemplo n.º 6
// GetValueAtTime implements SeriesIterator.
func (it *memorySeriesIterator) GetValueAtTime(t clientmodel.Timestamp) metric.Values {
	defer it.unlock()

	// The most common case. We are iterating through a chunk.
	if it.chunkIt != nil && it.chunkIt.contains(t) {
		return it.chunkIt.getValueAtTime(t)

	it.chunkIt = nil

	if len(it.chunks) == 0 {
		return nil

	// Before or exactly on the first sample of the series.
	if !t.After(it.chunks[0].firstTime()) {
		// return first value of first chunk
		return it.chunks[0].newIterator().getValueAtTime(t)
	// After or exactly on the last sample of the series.
	if !t.Before(it.chunks[len(it.chunks)-1].lastTime()) {
		// return last value of last chunk
		return it.chunks[len(it.chunks)-1].newIterator().getValueAtTime(t)

	// Find first chunk where lastTime() is after or equal to t.
	i := sort.Search(len(it.chunks), func(i int) bool {
		return !it.chunks[i].lastTime().Before(t)
	if i == len(it.chunks) {
		panic("out of bounds")

	if t.Before(it.chunks[i].firstTime()) {
		// We ended up between two chunks.
		return metric.Values{
	// We ended up in the middle of a chunk. We might stay there for a while,
	// so save it as the current chunk iterator.
	it.chunkIt = it.chunks[i].newIterator()
	return it.chunkIt.getValueAtTime(t)
Ejemplo n.º 7
// preloadChunksForRange loads chunks for the given range from the persistence.
// The caller must have locked the fingerprint of the series.
func (s *memorySeries) preloadChunksForRange(
	from clientmodel.Timestamp, through clientmodel.Timestamp,
	fp clientmodel.Fingerprint, mss *memorySeriesStorage,
) ([]*chunkDesc, error) {
	firstChunkDescTime := clientmodel.Latest
	if len(s.chunkDescs) > 0 {
		firstChunkDescTime = s.chunkDescs[0].firstTime()
	if s.chunkDescsOffset != 0 && from.Before(firstChunkDescTime) {
		cds, err := mss.loadChunkDescs(fp, firstChunkDescTime)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		s.chunkDescs = append(cds, s.chunkDescs...)
		s.chunkDescsOffset = 0
		s.persistWatermark += len(cds)

	if len(s.chunkDescs) == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	// Find first chunk with start time after "from".
	fromIdx := sort.Search(len(s.chunkDescs), func(i int) bool {
		return s.chunkDescs[i].firstTime().After(from)
	// Find first chunk with start time after "through".
	throughIdx := sort.Search(len(s.chunkDescs), func(i int) bool {
		return s.chunkDescs[i].firstTime().After(through)
	if fromIdx > 0 {
	if throughIdx == len(s.chunkDescs) {

	pinIndexes := make([]int, 0, throughIdx-fromIdx+1)
	for i := fromIdx; i <= throughIdx; i++ {
		pinIndexes = append(pinIndexes, i)
	return s.preloadChunks(pinIndexes, fp, mss)
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Apply implements the Processor interface.
func (p *CompactionProcessor) Apply(sampleIterator leveldb.Iterator, samplesPersistence raw.Persistence, stopAt clientmodel.Timestamp, fingerprint *clientmodel.Fingerprint) (lastCurated clientmodel.Timestamp, err error) {
	var pendingBatch raw.Batch

	defer func() {
		if pendingBatch != nil {

	var pendingMutations = 0
	var pendingSamples metric.Values
	var unactedSamples metric.Values
	var lastTouchedTime clientmodel.Timestamp
	var keyDropped bool

	sampleKey, _ := p.sampleKeys.Get()
	defer p.sampleKeys.Give(sampleKey)

	sampleKeyDto, _ := p.dtoSampleKeys.Get()
	defer p.dtoSampleKeys.Give(sampleKeyDto)

	if err = sampleIterator.Key(sampleKeyDto); err != nil {


	unactedSamples = unmarshalValues(sampleIterator.RawValue(), nil)

	for lastCurated.Before(stopAt) && lastTouchedTime.Before(stopAt) && sampleKey.Fingerprint.Equal(fingerprint) {
		switch {
		// Furnish a new pending batch operation if none is available.
		case pendingBatch == nil:
			pendingBatch = leveldb.NewBatch()

		// If there are no sample values to extract from the datastore, let's
		// continue extracting more values to use.  We know that the time.Before()
		// block would prevent us from going into unsafe territory.
		case len(unactedSamples) == 0:
			if !sampleIterator.Next() {
				return lastCurated, fmt.Errorf("illegal condition: invalid iterator on continuation")

			keyDropped = false

			if err = sampleIterator.Key(sampleKeyDto); err != nil {
			if !sampleKey.Fingerprint.Equal(fingerprint) {

			unactedSamples = unmarshalValues(sampleIterator.RawValue(), nil)

		// If the number of pending mutations exceeds the allowed batch amount,
		// commit to disk and delete the batch.  A new one will be recreated if
		// necessary.
		case pendingMutations >= p.maximumMutationPoolBatch:
			err = samplesPersistence.Commit(pendingBatch)
			if err != nil {

			pendingMutations = 0

			pendingBatch = nil

		case len(pendingSamples) == 0 && len(unactedSamples) >= p.minimumGroupSize:
			lastTouchedTime = unactedSamples[len(unactedSamples)-1].Timestamp
			unactedSamples = metric.Values{}

		case len(pendingSamples)+len(unactedSamples) < p.minimumGroupSize:
			if !keyDropped {
				k := &dto.SampleKey{}

				keyDropped = true
			pendingSamples = append(pendingSamples, unactedSamples...)
			lastTouchedTime = unactedSamples[len(unactedSamples)-1].Timestamp
			unactedSamples = metric.Values{}

		// If the number of pending writes equals the target group size
		case len(pendingSamples) == p.minimumGroupSize:
			k := &dto.SampleKey{}
			newSampleKey := buildSampleKey(fingerprint, pendingSamples)
			b := marshalValues(pendingSamples, nil)
			pendingBatch.PutRaw(k, b)

			lastCurated = newSampleKey.FirstTimestamp
			if len(unactedSamples) > 0 {
				if !keyDropped {
					keyDropped = true

				if len(unactedSamples) > p.minimumGroupSize {
					pendingSamples = unactedSamples[:p.minimumGroupSize]
					unactedSamples = unactedSamples[p.minimumGroupSize:]
					lastTouchedTime = unactedSamples[len(unactedSamples)-1].Timestamp
				} else {
					pendingSamples = unactedSamples
					lastTouchedTime = pendingSamples[len(pendingSamples)-1].Timestamp
					unactedSamples = metric.Values{}

		case len(pendingSamples)+len(unactedSamples) >= p.minimumGroupSize:
			if !keyDropped {
				k := &dto.SampleKey{}
				keyDropped = true
			remainder := p.minimumGroupSize - len(pendingSamples)
			pendingSamples = append(pendingSamples, unactedSamples[:remainder]...)
			unactedSamples = unactedSamples[remainder:]
			if len(unactedSamples) == 0 {
				lastTouchedTime = pendingSamples[len(pendingSamples)-1].Timestamp
			} else {
				lastTouchedTime = unactedSamples[len(unactedSamples)-1].Timestamp
			err = fmt.Errorf("unhandled processing case")

	if len(unactedSamples) > 0 || len(pendingSamples) > 0 {
		pendingSamples = append(pendingSamples, unactedSamples...)
		k := &dto.SampleKey{}
		newSampleKey := buildSampleKey(fingerprint, pendingSamples)
		b := marshalValues(pendingSamples, nil)
		pendingBatch.PutRaw(k, b)
		pendingSamples = metric.Values{}
		lastCurated = newSampleKey.FirstTimestamp

	// This is not deferred due to the off-chance that a pre-existing commit
	// failed.
	if pendingBatch != nil && pendingMutations > 0 {
		err = samplesPersistence.Commit(pendingBatch)
		if err != nil {

Ejemplo n.º 9
// contains implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) contains(t clientmodel.Timestamp) bool {
	return !t.Before(it.baseT) && !t.After(it.timestampAtIndex(it.len-1))
Ejemplo n.º 10
func (t *TieredStorage) loadChunkAroundTime(
	iterator leveldb.Iterator,
	fingerprint *clientmodel.Fingerprint,
	ts clientmodel.Timestamp,
	lastBlock *SampleKey,
) (chunk metric.Values, expired bool) {
	if fingerprint.Less(firstBlock.Fingerprint) {
		return nil, false
	if lastBlock.Fingerprint.Less(fingerprint) {
		return nil, true

	seekingKey, _ := t.sampleKeys.Get()
	defer t.sampleKeys.Give(seekingKey)

	seekingKey.Fingerprint = fingerprint

	if fingerprint.Equal(firstBlock.Fingerprint) && ts.Before(firstBlock.FirstTimestamp) {
		seekingKey.FirstTimestamp = firstBlock.FirstTimestamp
	} else if fingerprint.Equal(lastBlock.Fingerprint) && ts.After(lastBlock.FirstTimestamp) {
		seekingKey.FirstTimestamp = lastBlock.FirstTimestamp
	} else {
		seekingKey.FirstTimestamp = ts

	dto, _ := t.dtoSampleKeys.Get()
	defer t.dtoSampleKeys.Give(dto)

	if !iterator.Seek(dto) {
		return chunk, true

	var foundValues metric.Values

	if err := iterator.Key(dto); err != nil {

	if seekingKey.Fingerprint.Equal(fingerprint) {
		// Figure out if we need to rewind by one block.
		// Imagine the following supertime blocks with time ranges:
		// Block 1: ft 1000 - lt 1009 <data>
		// Block 1: ft 1010 - lt 1019 <data>
		// If we are aiming to find time 1005, we would first seek to the block with
		// supertime 1010, then need to rewind by one block by virtue of LevelDB
		// iterator seek behavior.
		// Only do the rewind if there is another chunk before this one.
		if !seekingKey.MayContain(ts) {
			postValues := unmarshalValues(iterator.RawValue(), nil)
			if !seekingKey.Equal(firstBlock) {
				if !iterator.Previous() {
					panic("This should never return false.")

				if err := iterator.Key(dto); err != nil {

				if !seekingKey.Fingerprint.Equal(fingerprint) {
					return postValues, false

				foundValues = unmarshalValues(iterator.RawValue(), nil)
				foundValues = append(foundValues, postValues...)
				return foundValues, false

		foundValues = unmarshalValues(iterator.RawValue(), nil)
		return foundValues, false

	if fingerprint.Less(seekingKey.Fingerprint) {
		if !seekingKey.Equal(firstBlock) {
			if !iterator.Previous() {
				panic("This should never return false.")

			if err := iterator.Key(dto); err != nil {

			if !seekingKey.Fingerprint.Equal(fingerprint) {
				return nil, false

			foundValues = unmarshalValues(iterator.RawValue(), nil)
			return foundValues, false

	panic("illegal state: violated sort invariant")
Ejemplo n.º 11
func (cd *chunkDesc) contains(t clientmodel.Timestamp) bool {
	return !t.Before(cd.firstTime()) && !t.After(cd.lastTime())
Ejemplo n.º 12
// contains implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) contains(t clientmodel.Timestamp) bool {
	return !t.Before(it.chunk.firstTime()) && !t.After(it.chunk.lastTime())