Ejemplo n.º 1
// NewInhibitRule returns a new InihibtRule based on a configuration definition.
func NewInhibitRule(cr *config.InhibitRule) *InhibitRule {
	var (
		sourcem types.Matchers
		targetm types.Matchers

	for ln, lv := range cr.SourceMatch {
		sourcem = append(sourcem, types.NewMatcher(model.LabelName(ln), lv))
	for ln, lv := range cr.SourceMatchRE {
		sourcem = append(sourcem, types.NewRegexMatcher(model.LabelName(ln), lv.Regexp))

	for ln, lv := range cr.TargetMatch {
		targetm = append(targetm, types.NewMatcher(model.LabelName(ln), lv))
	for ln, lv := range cr.TargetMatchRE {
		targetm = append(targetm, types.NewRegexMatcher(model.LabelName(ln), lv.Regexp))

	equal := map[model.LabelName]struct{}{}
	for _, ln := range cr.Equal {
		equal[ln] = struct{}{}

	return &InhibitRule{
		SourceMatchers: sourcem,
		TargetMatchers: targetm,
		Equal:          equal,
		scache:         map[model.Fingerprint]*types.Alert{},
Ejemplo n.º 2
func TestPrometheus(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Prometheus", t, func() {

		Convey("converting metric name", func() {
			metric := map[p.LabelName]p.LabelValue{
				p.LabelName("app"):    p.LabelValue("backend"),
				p.LabelName("device"): p.LabelValue("mobile"),

			query := &PrometheusQuery{
				LegendFormat: "legend {{app}} {{ device }} {{broken}}",

			So(formatLegend(metric, query), ShouldEqual, "legend backend mobile {{broken}}")

		Convey("build full serie name", func() {
			metric := map[p.LabelName]p.LabelValue{
				p.LabelName(p.MetricNameLabel): p.LabelValue("http_request_total"),
				p.LabelName("app"):             p.LabelValue("backend"),
				p.LabelName("device"):          p.LabelValue("mobile"),

			query := &PrometheusQuery{
				LegendFormat: "",

			So(formatLegend(metric, query), ShouldEqual, `http_request_total{app="backend", device="mobile"}`)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// nativeSilence converts the declared test silence into a regular
// silence with resolved times.
func (s *TestSilence) nativeSilence(opts *AcceptanceOpts) *model.Silence {
	nsil := &model.Silence{}

	for i := 0; i < len(s.match); i += 2 {
		nsil.Matchers = append(nsil.Matchers, &model.Matcher{
			Name:  model.LabelName(s.match[i]),
			Value: s.match[i+1],
	for i := 0; i < len(s.matchRE); i += 2 {
		nsil.Matchers = append(nsil.Matchers, &model.Matcher{
			Name:    model.LabelName(s.matchRE[i]),
			Value:   s.matchRE[i+1],
			IsRegex: true,

	if s.startsAt > 0 {
		nsil.StartsAt = opts.expandTime(s.startsAt)
	if s.endsAt > 0 {
		nsil.EndsAt = opts.expandTime(s.endsAt)
	nsil.Comment = "some comment"
	nsil.CreatedBy = "*****@*****.**"

	return nsil
Ejemplo n.º 4
func extractSummary(o *DecodeOptions, f *dto.MetricFamily) model.Vector {
	samples := make(model.Vector, 0, len(f.Metric))

	for _, m := range f.Metric {
		if m.Summary == nil {

		timestamp := o.Timestamp
		if m.TimestampMs != nil {
			timestamp = model.TimeFromUnixNano(*m.TimestampMs * 1000000)

		for _, q := range m.Summary.Quantile {
			lset := make(model.LabelSet, len(m.Label)+2)
			for _, p := range m.Label {
				lset[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
			// BUG(matt): Update other names to "quantile".
			lset[model.LabelName(model.QuantileLabel)] = model.LabelValue(fmt.Sprint(q.GetQuantile()))
			lset[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName())

			samples = append(samples, &model.Sample{
				Metric:    model.Metric(lset),
				Value:     model.SampleValue(q.GetValue()),
				Timestamp: timestamp,

		if m.Summary.SampleSum != nil {
			lset := make(model.LabelSet, len(m.Label)+1)
			for _, p := range m.Label {
				lset[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
			lset[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName() + "_sum")

			samples = append(samples, &model.Sample{
				Metric:    model.Metric(lset),
				Value:     model.SampleValue(m.Summary.GetSampleSum()),
				Timestamp: timestamp,

		if m.Summary.SampleCount != nil {
			lset := make(model.LabelSet, len(m.Label)+1)
			for _, p := range m.Label {
				lset[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
			lset[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName() + "_count")

			samples = append(samples, &model.Sample{
				Metric:    model.Metric(lset),
				Value:     model.SampleValue(m.Summary.GetSampleCount()),
				Timestamp: timestamp,

	return samples
Ejemplo n.º 5
func (kd *Discovery) updateServiceTargetGroup(service *Service, eps *Endpoints) *config.TargetGroup {
	tg := &config.TargetGroup{
		Source: serviceSource(service),
		Labels: model.LabelSet{
			serviceNamespaceLabel: model.LabelValue(service.ObjectMeta.Namespace),
			serviceNameLabel:      model.LabelValue(service.ObjectMeta.Name),

	for k, v := range service.ObjectMeta.Labels {
		labelName := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(serviceLabelPrefix + k)
		tg.Labels[model.LabelName(labelName)] = model.LabelValue(v)

	for k, v := range service.ObjectMeta.Annotations {
		labelName := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(serviceAnnotationPrefix + k)
		tg.Labels[model.LabelName(labelName)] = model.LabelValue(v)

	serviceAddress := service.ObjectMeta.Name + "." + service.ObjectMeta.Namespace + ".svc"

	// Append the first TCP service port if one exists.
	for _, port := range service.Spec.Ports {
		if port.Protocol == ProtocolTCP {
			serviceAddress += fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port.Port)

	t := model.LabelSet{
		model.AddressLabel: model.LabelValue(serviceAddress),
		roleLabel:          model.LabelValue("service"),
	tg.Targets = append(tg.Targets, t)

	// Now let's loop through the endpoints & add them to the target group with appropriate labels.
	for _, ss := range eps.Subsets {
		epPort := ss.Ports[0].Port

		for _, addr := range ss.Addresses {
			ipAddr := addr.IP
			if len(ipAddr) == net.IPv6len {
				ipAddr = "[" + ipAddr + "]"
			address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ipAddr, epPort)

			t := model.LabelSet{
				model.AddressLabel: model.LabelValue(address),
				roleLabel:          model.LabelValue("endpoint"),

			tg.Targets = append(tg.Targets, t)

	return tg
Ejemplo n.º 6
func relabel(labels model.LabelSet, cfg *config.RelabelConfig) model.LabelSet {
	values := make([]string, 0, len(cfg.SourceLabels))
	for _, ln := range cfg.SourceLabels {
		values = append(values, string(labels[ln]))
	val := strings.Join(values, cfg.Separator)

	switch cfg.Action {
	case config.RelabelDrop:
		if cfg.Regex.MatchString(val) {
			return nil
	case config.RelabelKeep:
		if !cfg.Regex.MatchString(val) {
			return nil
	case config.RelabelReplace:
		indexes := cfg.Regex.FindStringSubmatchIndex(val)
		// If there is no match no replacement must take place.
		if indexes == nil {
		target := model.LabelName(cfg.Regex.ExpandString([]byte{}, cfg.TargetLabel, val, indexes))
		if !target.IsValid() {
			delete(labels, model.LabelName(cfg.TargetLabel))
		res := cfg.Regex.ExpandString([]byte{}, cfg.Replacement, val, indexes)
		if len(res) == 0 {
			delete(labels, model.LabelName(cfg.TargetLabel))
		labels[target] = model.LabelValue(res)
	case config.RelabelHashMod:
		mod := sum64(md5.Sum([]byte(val))) % cfg.Modulus
		labels[model.LabelName(cfg.TargetLabel)] = model.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("%d", mod))
	case config.RelabelLabelMap:
		out := make(model.LabelSet, len(labels))
		// Take a copy to avoid infinite loops.
		for ln, lv := range labels {
			out[ln] = lv
		for ln, lv := range labels {
			if cfg.Regex.MatchString(string(ln)) {
				res := cfg.Regex.ReplaceAllString(string(ln), cfg.Replacement)
				out[model.LabelName(res)] = lv
		labels = out
		panic(fmt.Errorf("retrieval.relabel: unknown relabel action type %q", cfg.Action))
	return labels
Ejemplo n.º 7
func (kd *Discovery) updateNodesTargetGroup() *config.TargetGroup {
	defer kd.nodesMu.Unlock()

	tg := &config.TargetGroup{
		Source: nodesTargetGroupName,
		Labels: model.LabelSet{
			roleLabel: model.LabelValue("node"),

	// Now let's loop through the nodes & add them to the target group with appropriate labels.
	for nodeName, node := range kd.nodes {
		address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", node.Status.Addresses[0].Address, kd.Conf.KubeletPort)

		t := model.LabelSet{
			model.AddressLabel:  model.LabelValue(address),
			model.InstanceLabel: model.LabelValue(nodeName),
		for k, v := range node.ObjectMeta.Labels {
			labelName := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(nodeLabelPrefix + k)
			t[model.LabelName(labelName)] = model.LabelValue(v)
		tg.Targets = append(tg.Targets, t)

	return tg
Ejemplo n.º 8
func (n *Node) buildNode(node *apiv1.Node) *config.TargetGroup {
	tg := &config.TargetGroup{
		Source: nodeSource(node),
	tg.Labels = nodeLabels(node)

	addr, addrMap, err := nodeAddress(node)
	if err != nil {
		n.logger.With("err", err).Debugf("No node address found")
		return nil
	addr = net.JoinHostPort(addr, strconv.FormatInt(int64(node.Status.DaemonEndpoints.KubeletEndpoint.Port), 10))

	t := model.LabelSet{
		model.AddressLabel:  lv(addr),
		model.InstanceLabel: lv(node.Name),

	for ty, a := range addrMap {
		ln := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(nodeAddressPrefix + string(ty))
		t[model.LabelName(ln)] = lv(a[0])
	tg.Targets = append(tg.Targets, t)

	return tg
Ejemplo n.º 9
func nodeLabels(n *apiv1.Node) model.LabelSet {
	ls := make(model.LabelSet, len(n.Labels)+len(n.Annotations)+2)

	ls[nodeNameLabel] = lv(n.Name)

	for k, v := range n.Labels {
		ln := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(nodeLabelPrefix + k)
		ls[model.LabelName(ln)] = lv(v)

	for k, v := range n.Annotations {
		ln := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(nodeAnnotationPrefix + k)
		ls[model.LabelName(ln)] = lv(v)
	return ls
Ejemplo n.º 10
func (ed *EC2Discovery) refresh() (*config.TargetGroup, error) {
	ec2s := ec2.New(ed.aws)
	tg := &config.TargetGroup{
		Source: *ed.aws.Region,
	if err := ec2s.DescribeInstancesPages(nil, func(p *ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
		for _, r := range p.Reservations {
			for _, inst := range r.Instances {
				if inst.PrivateIpAddress == nil {
				labels := model.LabelSet{
					ec2LabelInstanceID: model.LabelValue(*inst.InstanceId),
				if inst.PublicIpAddress != nil {
					labels[ec2LabelPublicIP] = model.LabelValue(*inst.PublicIpAddress)
				labels[ec2LabelPrivateIP] = model.LabelValue(*inst.PrivateIpAddress)
				addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", *inst.PrivateIpAddress, ed.port)
				labels[model.AddressLabel] = model.LabelValue(addr)
				for _, t := range inst.Tags {
					name := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(*t.Key)
					labels[ec2LabelTag+model.LabelName(name)] = model.LabelValue(*t.Value)
				tg.Targets = append(tg.Targets, labels)
		return true
	}); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not describe instances: %s", err)
	return tg, nil
Ejemplo n.º 11
func (kd *Discovery) updateNodesTargetGroup() *config.TargetGroup {
	defer kd.nodesMu.RUnlock()

	tg := &config.TargetGroup{
		Source: nodesTargetGroupName,
		Labels: model.LabelSet{
			roleLabel: model.LabelValue("node"),

	// Now let's loop through the nodes & add them to the target group with appropriate labels.
	for nodeName, node := range kd.nodes {
		nodeAddress, err := nodeHostIP(node)
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("Skipping node %s: %s", node.Name, err)

		address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", nodeAddress.String(), kd.Conf.KubeletPort)

		t := model.LabelSet{
			model.AddressLabel:  model.LabelValue(address),
			model.InstanceLabel: model.LabelValue(nodeName),
		for k, v := range node.ObjectMeta.Labels {
			labelName := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(nodeLabelPrefix + k)
			t[model.LabelName(labelName)] = model.LabelValue(v)
		tg.Targets = append(tg.Targets, t)

	return tg
Ejemplo n.º 12
func protoLabelSet(base, ext model.LabelSet) ([]*dto.LabelPair, error) {
	labels := base.Clone().Merge(ext)
	delete(labels, model.MetricNameLabel)

	names := make([]string, 0, len(labels))
	for ln := range labels {
		names = append(names, string(ln))

	pairs := make([]*dto.LabelPair, 0, len(labels))

	for _, ln := range names {
		if !model.LabelNameRE.MatchString(ln) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid label name %q", ln)
		lv := labels[model.LabelName(ln)]

		pairs = append(pairs, &dto.LabelPair{
			Name:  proto.String(ln),
			Value: proto.String(string(lv)),

	return pairs, nil
Ejemplo n.º 13
func serviceLabels(svc *apiv1.Service) model.LabelSet {
	ls := make(model.LabelSet, len(svc.Labels)+len(svc.Annotations)+2)

	ls[serviceNameLabel] = lv(svc.Name)

	for k, v := range svc.Labels {
		ln := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(serviceLabelPrefix + k)
		ls[model.LabelName(ln)] = lv(v)

	for k, v := range svc.Annotations {
		ln := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(serviceAnnotationPrefix + k)
		ls[model.LabelName(ln)] = lv(v)
	return ls
Ejemplo n.º 14
// Decode implements the Decoder interface.
func (d *protoDecoder) Decode(v *dto.MetricFamily) error {
	_, err := pbutil.ReadDelimited(d.r, v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if !model.IsValidMetricName(model.LabelValue(v.GetName())) {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid metric name %q", v.GetName())
	for _, m := range v.GetMetric() {
		if m == nil {
		for _, l := range m.GetLabel() {
			if l == nil {
			if !model.LabelValue(l.GetValue()).IsValid() {
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid label value %q", l.GetValue())
			if !model.LabelName(l.GetName()).IsValid() {
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid label name %q", l.GetName())
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 15
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (c *RelabelConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
	*c = DefaultRelabelConfig
	type plain RelabelConfig
	if err := unmarshal((*plain)(c)); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := checkOverflow(c.XXX, "relabel_config"); err != nil {
		return err
	if c.Regex.Regexp == nil {
		c.Regex = MustNewRegexp("")
	if c.Modulus == 0 && c.Action == RelabelHashMod {
		return fmt.Errorf("relabel configuration for hashmod requires non-zero modulus")
	if (c.Action == RelabelReplace || c.Action == RelabelHashMod) && c.TargetLabel == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("relabel configuration for %s action requires 'target_label' value", c.Action)
	if c.Action == RelabelReplace && !relabelTarget.MatchString(c.TargetLabel) {
		return fmt.Errorf("%q is invalid 'target_label' for %s action", c.TargetLabel, c.Action)
	if c.Action == RelabelHashMod && !model.LabelName(c.TargetLabel).IsValid() {
		return fmt.Errorf("%q is invalid 'target_label' for %s action", c.TargetLabel, c.Action)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 16
func parseServersetMember(data []byte, path string) (model.LabelSet, error) {
	member := serversetMember{}

	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &member); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling serverset member %q: %s", path, err)

	labels := model.LabelSet{}
	labels[serversetPathLabel] = model.LabelValue(path)
	labels[model.AddressLabel] = model.LabelValue(
		net.JoinHostPort(member.ServiceEndpoint.Host, fmt.Sprintf("%d", member.ServiceEndpoint.Port)))

	labels[serversetEndpointLabelPrefix+"_host"] = model.LabelValue(member.ServiceEndpoint.Host)
	labels[serversetEndpointLabelPrefix+"_port"] = model.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("%d", member.ServiceEndpoint.Port))

	for name, endpoint := range member.AdditionalEndpoints {
		cleanName := model.LabelName(strutil.SanitizeLabelName(name))
		labels[serversetEndpointLabelPrefix+"_host_"+cleanName] = model.LabelValue(
		labels[serversetEndpointLabelPrefix+"_port_"+cleanName] = model.LabelValue(
			fmt.Sprintf("%d", endpoint.Port))


	labels[serversetStatusLabel] = model.LabelValue(member.Status)
	labels[serversetShardLabel] = model.LabelValue(strconv.Itoa(member.Shard))

	return labels, nil
Ejemplo n.º 17
func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/receive", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		reqBuf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(snappy.NewReader(r.Body))
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)

		var req remote.WriteRequest
		if err := proto.Unmarshal(reqBuf, &req); err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)

		for _, ts := range req.Timeseries {
			m := make(model.Metric, len(ts.Labels))
			for _, l := range ts.Labels {
				m[model.LabelName(l.Name)] = model.LabelValue(l.Value)

			for _, s := range ts.Samples {
				fmt.Printf("  %f %d\n", s.Value, s.TimestampMs)

	http.ListenAndServe(":1234", nil)
Ejemplo n.º 18
func extractUntyped(o *DecodeOptions, f *dto.MetricFamily) model.Vector {
	samples := make(model.Vector, 0, len(f.Metric))

	for _, m := range f.Metric {
		if m.Untyped == nil {

		lset := make(model.LabelSet, len(m.Label)+1)
		for _, p := range m.Label {
			lset[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
		lset[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName())

		smpl := &model.Sample{
			Metric: model.Metric(lset),
			Value:  model.SampleValue(m.Untyped.GetValue()),

		if m.TimestampMs != nil {
			smpl.Timestamp = model.TimeFromUnixNano(*m.TimestampMs * 1000000)
		} else {
			smpl.Timestamp = o.Timestamp

		samples = append(samples, smpl)

	return samples
Ejemplo n.º 19
func (s *testNotificationScenario) test(i int, t *testing.T) {
	h := NewNotificationHandler(&NotificationHandlerOptions{
		AlertmanagerURL: "alertmanager_url",
		QueueCapacity:   0,
		Deadline:        10 * time.Second,
	defer h.Stop()

	receivedPost := make(chan bool, 1)
	poster := testHTTPPoster{receivedPost: receivedPost}
	h.httpClient = &poster

	go h.Run()

			Summary:     s.summary,
			Description: s.description,
			Runbook:     s.runbook,
			Labels: model.LabelSet{
				model.LabelName("instance"): model.LabelValue("testinstance"),
			Value:        model.SampleValue(1.0 / 3.0),
			ActiveSince:  time.Time{},
			RuleString:   "Test rule string",
			GeneratorURL: "prometheus_url",

	if poster.message != s.message {
		t.Fatalf("%d. Expected '%s', received '%s'", i, s.message, poster.message)
Ejemplo n.º 20
// NewRoute returns a new route.
func NewRoute(cr *config.Route, parent *Route) *Route {
	// Create default and overwrite with configured settings.
	opts := DefaultRouteOpts
	if parent != nil {
		opts = parent.RouteOpts

	if cr.Receiver != "" {
		opts.Receiver = cr.Receiver
	if cr.GroupBy != nil {
		opts.GroupBy = map[model.LabelName]struct{}{}
		for _, ln := range cr.GroupBy {
			opts.GroupBy[ln] = struct{}{}
	if cr.GroupWait != nil {
		opts.GroupWait = time.Duration(*cr.GroupWait)
	if cr.GroupInterval != nil {
		opts.GroupInterval = time.Duration(*cr.GroupInterval)
	if cr.RepeatInterval != nil {
		opts.RepeatInterval = time.Duration(*cr.RepeatInterval)

	// Build matchers.
	var matchers types.Matchers

	for ln, lv := range cr.Match {
		matchers = append(matchers, types.NewMatcher(model.LabelName(ln), lv))
	for ln, lv := range cr.MatchRE {
		matchers = append(matchers, types.NewRegexMatcher(model.LabelName(ln), lv.Regexp))

	route := &Route{
		parent:    parent,
		RouteOpts: opts,
		Matchers:  matchers,
		Continue:  cr.Continue,

	route.Routes = NewRoutes(cr.Routes, route)

	return route
Ejemplo n.º 21
func TestPrometheus(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Prometheus", t, func() {

		Convey("converting metric name", func() {
			metric := map[p.LabelName]p.LabelValue{
				p.LabelName("app"):    p.LabelValue("backend"),
				p.LabelName("device"): p.LabelValue("mobile"),

			query := &PrometheusQuery{
				LegendFormat: "legend {{app}} {{device}} {{broken}}",

			So(formatLegend(metric, query), ShouldEqual, "legend backend mobile {{broken}}")
Ejemplo n.º 22
// Fingerprint returns a quasi-unique fingerprint for the matchers.
func (ms Matchers) Fingerprint() model.Fingerprint {
	lset := make(model.LabelSet, 3*len(ms))

	for _, m := range ms {
		lset[model.LabelName(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%v", m.Name, m.Value, m.isRegex))] = ""

	return lset.Fingerprint()
Ejemplo n.º 23
func (kd *Discovery) updateNodesTargetGroup() *config.TargetGroup {
	defer kd.nodesMu.RUnlock()

	tg := &config.TargetGroup{
		Source: nodesTargetGroupName,
		Labels: model.LabelSet{
			roleLabel: model.LabelValue("node"),

	// Now let's loop through the nodes & add them to the target group with appropriate labels.
	for nodeName, node := range kd.nodes {
		defaultNodeAddress, nodeAddressMap, err := nodeAddresses(node)
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("Skipping node %s: %s", node.Name, err)

		kubeletPort := int(node.Status.DaemonEndpoints.KubeletEndpoint.Port)

		address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", defaultNodeAddress.String(), kubeletPort)

		t := model.LabelSet{
			model.AddressLabel:  model.LabelValue(address),
			model.InstanceLabel: model.LabelValue(nodeName),

		for addrType, ip := range nodeAddressMap {
			labelName := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(nodeAddressPrefix + string(addrType))
			t[model.LabelName(labelName)] = model.LabelValue(ip[0].String())

		t[model.LabelName(nodePortLabel)] = model.LabelValue(strconv.Itoa(kubeletPort))

		for k, v := range node.ObjectMeta.Labels {
			labelName := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(nodeLabelPrefix + k)
			t[model.LabelName(labelName)] = model.LabelValue(v)
		tg.Targets = append(tg.Targets, t)

	return tg
Ejemplo n.º 24
func (ed *EC2Discovery) refresh() (*config.TargetGroup, error) {
	ec2s := ec2.New(ed.aws)
	tg := &config.TargetGroup{
		Source: *ed.aws.Region,
	if err := ec2s.DescribeInstancesPages(nil, func(p *ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
		for _, r := range p.Reservations {
			for _, inst := range r.Instances {
				if inst.PrivateIpAddress == nil {
				labels := model.LabelSet{
					ec2LabelInstanceID: model.LabelValue(*inst.InstanceId),
				labels[ec2LabelPrivateIP] = model.LabelValue(*inst.PrivateIpAddress)
				addr := net.JoinHostPort(*inst.PrivateIpAddress, fmt.Sprintf("%d", ed.port))
				labels[model.AddressLabel] = model.LabelValue(addr)

				if inst.PublicIpAddress != nil {
					labels[ec2LabelPublicIP] = model.LabelValue(*inst.PublicIpAddress)
					labels[ec2LabelPublicDNS] = model.LabelValue(*inst.PublicDnsName)

				labels[ec2LabelAZ] = model.LabelValue(*inst.Placement.AvailabilityZone)
				labels[ec2LabelInstanceState] = model.LabelValue(*inst.State.Name)

				if inst.VpcId != nil {
					labels[ec2LabelVPCID] = model.LabelValue(*inst.VpcId)

					subnetsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
					for _, eni := range inst.NetworkInterfaces {
						subnetsMap[*eni.SubnetId] = struct{}{}
					subnets := []string{}
					for k := range subnetsMap {
						subnets = append(subnets, k)
					labels[ec2LabelSubnetID] = model.LabelValue(
						subnetSeparator +
							strings.Join(subnets, subnetSeparator) +

				for _, t := range inst.Tags {
					name := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(*t.Key)
					labels[ec2LabelTag+model.LabelName(name)] = model.LabelValue(*t.Value)
				tg.Targets = append(tg.Targets, labels)
		return true
	}); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not describe instances: %s", err)
	return tg, nil
Ejemplo n.º 25
// === label_replace(vector model.ValVector, dst_label, replacement, src_labelname, regex model.ValString) Vector ===
func funcLabelReplace(ev *evaluator, args Expressions) model.Value {
	var (
		vector   = ev.evalVector(args[0])
		dst      = model.LabelName(ev.evalString(args[1]).Value)
		repl     = ev.evalString(args[2]).Value
		src      = model.LabelName(ev.evalString(args[3]).Value)
		regexStr = ev.evalString(args[4]).Value

	regex, err := regexp.Compile("^(?:" + regexStr + ")$")
	if err != nil {
		ev.errorf("invalid regular expression in label_replace(): %s", regexStr)
	if !model.LabelNameRE.MatchString(string(dst)) {
		ev.errorf("invalid destination label name in label_replace(): %s", dst)

	outSet := make(map[model.Fingerprint]struct{}, len(vector))
	for _, el := range vector {
		srcVal := string(el.Metric.Metric[src])
		indexes := regex.FindStringSubmatchIndex(srcVal)
		// If there is no match, no replacement should take place.
		if indexes == nil {
		res := regex.ExpandString([]byte{}, repl, srcVal, indexes)
		if len(res) == 0 {
		} else {
			el.Metric.Set(dst, model.LabelValue(res))

		fp := el.Metric.Metric.Fingerprint()
		if _, exists := outSet[fp]; exists {
			ev.errorf("duplicated label set in output of label_replace(): %s", el.Metric.Metric)
		} else {
			outSet[fp] = struct{}{}

	return vector
Ejemplo n.º 26
// Match checks whether the label of the matcher has the specified
// matching value.
func (m *Matcher) Match(lset model.LabelSet) bool {
	// Unset labels are treated as unset labels globally. Thus, if a
	// label is not set we retrieve the empty label which is correct
	// for the comparison below.
	v := lset[model.LabelName(m.Name)]

	if m.IsRegex {
		return m.regex.MatchString(string(v))
	return string(v) == m.Value
Ejemplo n.º 27
func (api *API) labelValues(r *http.Request) (interface{}, *apiError) {
	name := route.Param(api.context(r), "name")

	if !model.LabelNameRE.MatchString(name) {
		return nil, &apiError{errorBadData, fmt.Errorf("invalid label name: %q", name)}
	vals := api.Storage.LabelValuesForLabelName(model.LabelName(name))

	return vals, nil
Ejemplo n.º 28
func (ws *MockWebhook) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	// Inject Func if it exists.
	if ws.Func != nil {
		if ws.Func(ws.opts.relativeTime(time.Now())) {

	dec := json.NewDecoder(req.Body)
	defer req.Body.Close()

	var v notify.WebhookMessage
	if err := dec.Decode(&v); err != nil {

	// Transform the webhook message alerts back into model.Alerts.
	var alerts model.Alerts
	for _, a := range v.Alerts {
		var (
			labels      = model.LabelSet{}
			annotations = model.LabelSet{}
		for k, v := range a.Labels {
			labels[model.LabelName(k)] = model.LabelValue(v)
		for k, v := range a.Annotations {
			annotations[model.LabelName(k)] = model.LabelValue(v)

		alerts = append(alerts, &model.Alert{
			Labels:       labels,
			Annotations:  annotations,
			StartsAt:     a.StartsAt,
			EndsAt:       a.EndsAt,
			GeneratorURL: a.GeneratorURL,

Ejemplo n.º 29
func podLabels(pod *apiv1.Pod) model.LabelSet {
	ls := model.LabelSet{
		podNameLabel:     lv(pod.ObjectMeta.Name),
		podIPLabel:       lv(pod.Status.PodIP),
		podReadyLabel:    podReady(pod),
		podNodeNameLabel: lv(pod.Spec.NodeName),
		podHostIPLabel:   lv(pod.Status.HostIP),

	for k, v := range pod.Labels {
		ln := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(podLabelPrefix + k)
		ls[model.LabelName(ln)] = lv(v)

	for k, v := range pod.Annotations {
		ln := strutil.SanitizeLabelName(podAnnotationPrefix + k)
		ls[model.LabelName(ln)] = lv(v)

	return ls
Ejemplo n.º 30
// Validate returns true iff all fields of the matcher have valid values.
func (m *Matcher) Validate() error {
	if !model.LabelName(m.Name).IsValid() {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid name %q", m.Name)
	if m.IsRegex {
		if _, err := regexp.Compile(m.Value); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid regular expression %q", m.Value)
	} else if !model.LabelValue(m.Value).IsValid() || len(m.Value) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid value %q", m.Value)
	return nil