func (this *ExampleExtender) Visit(ctx *gocrawl.URLContext, res *http.Response, doc *goquery.Document) (interface{}, bool) {
	// fmt.Println("visit url: ", ctx.URL(), "state: ", ctx.State)
	fmt.Printf("\"%v\",\n", ctx.URL())
	fmt.Printf("\t%T\t%+v\n", doc, doc)
	// urls := processLinks(doc)
	links := make(map[*url.URL]interface{})
	// i, _ := ctx.State.(int)
	// nextDepth := i - 1
	// if nextDepth <= 0 {
	// 	return nil, false
	// }
	// for _, u := range urls {
	// 	links[u] = nextDepth
	// }
	return links, false
func (this *ExampleExtender) Filter(ctx *gocrawl.URLContext, isVisited bool) bool {
	// fmt.Println("filter url: ", ctx.URL(), "state: ", ctx.State, "isVisited: ", isVisited, "ctx.IsRobotsURL(): ", ctx.IsRobotsURL())
	if ctx.SourceURL() == nil {
		ctx.State = DEPTH
		return !isVisited
	if ctx.State != nil {
		i, ok := ctx.State.(int)
		if ok && i > 0 {
			return !isVisited
	} else {
		fmt.Println("ctx.state nil, ctx.sourceURL: ", ctx.SourceURL())
	return false
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (self *CustomExtender) Visit(ctx *gocrawl.URLContext, res *http.Response, doc *goquery.Document) (interface{}, bool) {

	db := GetConn()
	mIns, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO mz(photo_href, photo_thumb_src, photo_large_src, photo_public_src, people_href) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )") // ? = 占位符

	if err != nil {

	defer mIns.Close() // main结束是关闭


	doc.Find(".photo_wrap").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
		// For each item found, get the band and title
		// fmt.Println(s.Find("a").First().Attr("title"))
		// fmt.Println(s.Find("a").First().Attr("href"))
		// fmt.Println(s.Find("img").First().Attr("src"))

		var photo_href, photo_thumb_src, photo_large_src, photo_public_src, people_href string
		photo_href = first(s.Find("a").First().Attr("href")).(string)
		photo_thumb_src = first(s.Find("img").First().Attr("src")).(string)
		people_href = first(s.Find("a").First().Attr("title")).(string)

		_, err = mIns.Exec(photo_href, photo_thumb_src, photo_large_src, photo_public_src, people_href)

		// 执行插入
		if err != nil {

	// if rxGrep.MatchString(ctx.NormalizedURL().String()) {
	// // print problem title
	// fmt.Println(doc.Find("h1").Text())
	// }

	// defer db.Close()

	return nil, true
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (e *Ext) Filter(ctx *gocrawl.URLContext, isVisited bool) bool {
	if isVisited {
		return false
	if ctx.URL().Host == "" || ctx.URL().Host == "" || ctx.URL().Host == "" {
		return true
	return false
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Override Filter for our need.
func (x *ExampleExtender) Filter(ctx *gocrawl.URLContext, isVisited bool) bool {
	return !isVisited && rxOk.MatchString(ctx.NormalizedURL().String())
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (self *CustomExtender) Filter(ctx *gocrawl.URLContext, isVisited bool) bool {
	// fmt.Println(ctx.NormalizedURL().String())
	return !isVisited && rxOk.MatchString(ctx.NormalizedURL().String())
Ejemplo n.º 7
func (e *Ext) Visit(ctx *gocrawl.URLContext, res *http.Response, doc *goquery.Document) (interface{}, bool) {
	fmt.Printf("Visit: %s\n", ctx.URL())
	return nil, true