Ejemplo n.º 1
// NewAPIServer creates a new APIServer object with default parameters
func NewAPIServer() *APIServer {
	s := APIServer{
		InsecurePort:           8080,
		InsecureBindAddress:    util.IP(net.ParseIP("")),
		BindAddress:            util.IP(net.ParseIP("")),
		SecurePort:             6443,
		APIRate:                10.0,
		APIBurst:               200,
		APIPrefix:              "/api",
		EventTTL:               1 * time.Hour,
		AuthorizationMode:      "AlwaysAllow",
		AdmissionControl:       "AlwaysAdmit",
		EtcdPathPrefix:         master.DefaultEtcdPathPrefix,
		OldEtcdPathPrefix:      master.DefaultEtcdPathPrefix,
		EnableLogsSupport:      true,
		MasterServiceNamespace: api.NamespaceDefault,
		ClusterName:            "qingyuan",
		CertDirectory:          "/var/run/qingyuan",

		RuntimeConfig: make(util.ConfigurationMap),
		QingletConfig: client.QingletConfig{
			Port:        ports.QingletPort,
			EnableHttps: true,
			HTTPTimeout: time.Duration(5) * time.Second,

	return &s
Ejemplo n.º 2
// NewProxyServer creates a new ProxyServer object with default parameters
func NewProxyServer() *ProxyServer {
	return &ProxyServer{
		BindAddress:        util.IP(net.ParseIP("")),
		HealthzPort:        10249,
		HealthzBindAddress: util.IP(net.ParseIP("")),
		OOMScoreAdj:        -899,
		ResourceContainer:  "/qing-proxy",
Ejemplo n.º 3
// NewSchedulerServer creates a new SchedulerServer with default parameters
func NewSchedulerServer() *SchedulerServer {
	s := SchedulerServer{
		Port:                   ports.SchedulerPort,
		Address:                util.IP(net.ParseIP("")),
		FailoverTimeout:        time.Duration((1 << 62) - 1).Seconds(),
		ExecutorRunProxy:       true,
		ExecutorSuicideTimeout: execcfg.DefaultSuicideTimeout,
		MesosAuthProvider:      sasl.ProviderName,
		MesosMaster:            defaultMesosMaster,
		MesosUser:              defaultMesosUser,
		ReconcileInterval:      defaultReconcileInterval,
		ReconcileCooldown:      defaultReconcileCooldown,
		Checkpoint:             true,
		FrameworkName:          defaultFrameworkName,
		HA:                     false,
		mux:                    http.NewServeMux(),
		QingletCadvisorPort:    4194, // copied from github.com/qingyuancloud/QingYuan/blob/release-0.14/cmd/qinglet/app/server.go
		QingletSyncFrequency:   10 * time.Second,
	// cache this for later use. also useful in case the original binary gets deleted, e.g.
	// during upgrades, development deployments, etc.
	if filename, err := osext.Executable(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to determine path to currently running executable: %v", err)
	} else {
		s.executable = filename
		s.KMPath = filename

	return &s
Ejemplo n.º 4
// SimpleRunQinglet is a simple way to start a Qinglet talking to dockerEndpoint, using an API Client.
// Under the hood it calls RunQinglet (below)
func SimpleQinglet(client *client.Client,
	dockerClient dockertools.DockerInterface,
	hostname, rootDir, manifestURL, address string,
	port uint,
	masterServiceNamespace string,
	volumePlugins []volume.VolumePlugin,
	tlsOptions *qinglet.TLSOptions,
	cadvisorInterface cadvisor.Interface,
	configFilePath string,
	cloud cloudprovider.Interface,
	osInterface qingcontainer.OSInterface) *QingletConfig {

	imageGCPolicy := qinglet.ImageGCPolicy{
		HighThresholdPercent: 90,
		LowThresholdPercent:  80,
	diskSpacePolicy := qinglet.DiskSpacePolicy{
		DockerFreeDiskMB: 256,
		RootFreeDiskMB:   256,
	kcfg := QingletConfig{
		QingClient:             client,
		DockerClient:           dockerClient,
		HostnameOverride:       hostname,
		RootDirectory:          rootDir,
		ManifestURL:            manifestURL,
		PodInfraContainerImage: dockertools.PodInfraContainerImage,
		Port:                    port,
		Address:                 util.IP(net.ParseIP(address)),
		EnableServer:            true,
		EnableDebuggingHandlers: true,
		HTTPCheckFrequency:      1 * time.Second,
		FileCheckFrequency:      1 * time.Second,
		SyncFrequency:           3 * time.Second,
		MinimumGCAge:            10 * time.Second,
		MaxPerPodContainerCount: 2,
		MaxContainerCount:       100,
		RegisterNode:            true,
		MasterServiceNamespace:  masterServiceNamespace,
		VolumePlugins:           volumePlugins,
		TLSOptions:              tlsOptions,
		CadvisorInterface:       cadvisorInterface,
		ConfigFile:              configFilePath,
		ImageGCPolicy:           imageGCPolicy,
		DiskSpacePolicy:         diskSpacePolicy,
		Cloud:                   cloud,
		NodeStatusUpdateFrequency: 10 * time.Second,
		ResourceContainer:         "/qinglet",
		OSInterface:               osInterface,
		CgroupRoot:                "",
		ContainerRuntime:          "docker",
		Mounter:                   mount.New(),
		DockerDaemonContainer:     "/docker-daemon",
		SystemContainer:           "",
		MaxPods:                   32,
		DockerExecHandler:         &dockertools.NativeExecHandler{},
	return &kcfg
Ejemplo n.º 5
// NewSchedulerServer creates a new SchedulerServer with default parameters
func NewSchedulerServer() *SchedulerServer {
	s := SchedulerServer{
		Port:              ports.SchedulerPort,
		Address:           util.IP(net.ParseIP("")),
		AlgorithmProvider: factory.DefaultProvider,
	return &s
Ejemplo n.º 6
// NewQingletServer will create a new QingletServer with default values.
func NewQingletServer() *QingletServer {
	return &QingletServer{
		SyncFrequency:               10 * time.Second,
		FileCheckFrequency:          20 * time.Second,
		HTTPCheckFrequency:          20 * time.Second,
		EnableServer:                true,
		Address:                     util.IP(net.ParseIP("")),
		Port:                        ports.QingletPort,
		ReadOnlyPort:                ports.QingletReadOnlyPort,
		PodInfraContainerImage:      dockertools.PodInfraContainerImage,
		RootDirectory:               defaultRootDir,
		RegistryBurst:               10,
		EnableDebuggingHandlers:     true,
		MinimumGCAge:                1 * time.Minute,
		MaxPerPodContainerCount:     2,
		MaxContainerCount:           100,
		AuthPath:                    util.NewStringFlag("/var/lib/qinglet/qingyuan_auth"), // deprecated
		QingConfig:                  util.NewStringFlag("/var/lib/qinglet/qingconfig"),
		CadvisorPort:                4194,
		HealthzPort:                 10248,
		HealthzBindAddress:          util.IP(net.ParseIP("")),
		RegisterNode:                true, // will be ignored if no apiserver is configured
		OOMScoreAdj:                 -900,
		MasterServiceNamespace:      api.NamespaceDefault,
		ImageGCHighThresholdPercent: 90,
		ImageGCLowThresholdPercent:  80,
		LowDiskSpaceThresholdMB:     256,
		NetworkPluginName:           "",
		HostNetworkSources:          qinglet.FileSource,
		CertDirectory:               "/var/run/qingyuan",
		NodeStatusUpdateFrequency:   10 * time.Second,
		ResourceContainer:           "/qinglet",
		CgroupRoot:                  "",
		ContainerRuntime:            "docker",
		DockerDaemonContainer:       "/docker-daemon",
		SystemContainer:             "",
		ConfigureCBR0:               false,
		DockerExecHandlerName:       "native",
Ejemplo n.º 7
// NewCMServer creates a new CMServer with a default config.
func NewCMServer() *CMServer {
	s := CMServer{
		Port:                    ports.ControllerManagerPort,
		Address:                 util.IP(net.ParseIP("")),
		ConcurrentEndpointSyncs: 5,
		ConcurrentRCSyncs:       5,
		NodeSyncPeriod:          10 * time.Second,
		ResourceQuotaSyncPeriod: 10 * time.Second,
		NamespaceSyncPeriod:     5 * time.Minute,
		PVClaimBinderSyncPeriod: 10 * time.Second,
		RegisterRetryCount:      10,
		PodEvictionTimeout:      5 * time.Minute,
		SyncNodeList:            true,
		ClusterName:             "qingyuan",
	return &s
Ejemplo n.º 8
func NewQingletExecutorServer() *QingletExecutorServer {
	k := &QingletExecutorServer{
		QingletServer:  app.NewQingletServer(),
		RunProxy:       true,
		ProxyExec:      "./qing-proxy",
		ProxyLogfile:   "./proxy-log",
		SuicideTimeout: config.DefaultSuicideTimeout,
	if pwd, err := os.Getwd(); err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to determine current directory: %v", err)
	} else {
		k.RootDirectory = pwd // mesos sandbox dir
	k.Address = util.IP(net.ParseIP(defaultBindingAddress()))
	k.ShutdownFD = -1 // indicates unspecified FD
	return k