Ejemplo n.º 1
// Default is the default setup for listeners on the bot. It includes the module manager command,
// a privmsg listener to parse commands, and common irc housekeeping listeners (Join, kick, etc).
func Default(b *rbot.Bot) {
	mm := ModuleManager{b}
	l := Listeners{b}

	b.Handler.AddInternalCommand("m", mm.GetCommand())

	b.AddListener(irc.RPL_TOPIC, l.RplTopic)
	b.AddListener(irc.RPL_NAMREPLY, l.RplNamreply)

	b.AddListener(irc.PRIVMSG, l.Privmsg)
	b.AddListener(irc.JOIN, l.Join)
	b.AddListener(irc.KICK, l.Kick)
	b.AddListener(irc.KILL, l.Kill)
	b.AddListener(irc.PART, l.Part)
	b.AddListener(irc.QUIT, l.Quit)
	b.AddListener(irc.NICK, l.Nick)

	b.AddListener(irc.ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE, l.ErrNicknameInUse)