Ejemplo n.º 1
// NewAccount asks the user for the password and than executes the jeth.newAccount callback in the jsre
func (self *Jeth) NewAccount(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
	var passwd string
	if len(call.ArgumentList) == 0 {
		var err error
		passwd, err = Stdin.PasswordPrompt("Passphrase: ")
		if err != nil {
			return otto.FalseValue()
		passwd2, err := Stdin.PasswordPrompt("Repeat passphrase: ")
		if err != nil {
			return otto.FalseValue()

		if passwd != passwd2 {
			fmt.Println("Passphrases don't match")
			return otto.FalseValue()
	} else if len(call.ArgumentList) == 1 && call.Argument(0).IsString() {
		passwd, _ = call.Argument(0).ToString()
	} else {
		fmt.Println("expected 0 or 1 string argument")
		return otto.FalseValue()

	ret, err := call.Otto.Call("jeth.newAccount", nil, passwd)
	if err == nil {
		return ret
	return otto.FalseValue()
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Add Response API
func plurk_AddResponse(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {

	plurkID, _ := call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
	message, _ := call.Argument(1).ToString()
	qualifier, _ := call.Argument(2).ToString()

	if plurkID == 0 {
		logger.Error("Plurk ID not specify, add response failed!")
		return otto.FalseValue()

	if len(message) <= 0 || message == "undefined" {
		logger.Error("No plurk content specify, add response failed!")
		return otto.FalseValue()

	if qualifier == "undefined" {
		qualifier = ":"

	responses := client.GetResponses()
	res, err := responses.ResponseAdd(int(plurkID), message, qualifier)

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Add response failed, because %s", err.Error())

	logger.Info("Add response success, content is %s", res.RawContent)

	return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (pm *PluginManager) InitUtilsJSBridge() {
	bridge := &pmUtilsJSBridge{
		GetPage: func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
			var err error
			switch {
			case len(call.ArgumentList) == 1 && call.ArgumentList[0].IsString():
				if page, err := utils.GetPage(call.Argument(0).String()); err == nil {
					if val, err := pm.js.ToValue(page); err == nil {
						return val
				pm.log.Printf("[UTILS] GetPage errored: %s\n", err)
			case len(call.ArgumentList) == 3 && call.ArgumentList[0].IsString() && call.ArgumentList[1].IsString() && call.ArgumentList[2].IsString():
				if page, err := utils.GetPageWithAuth(call.Argument(0).String(), call.Argument(1).String(), call.Argument(2).String()); err == nil {
					if val, err := pm.js.ToValue(page); err == nil {
						return val
				pm.log.Printf("[UTILS] GetPageWithAuth errored: %s\n", err)
			return otto.FalseValue()
		ExtractURL: func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
			var err error
			if len(call.ArgumentList) == 1 && call.ArgumentList[0].IsString() {
				if url, err := utils.ExtractURL(call.Argument(0).String()); err == nil {
					if val, err := pm.js.ToValue(url); err == nil {
						return val
				pm.log.Printf("[UTILS] ExtractURL errored: %s\n", err)
			return otto.FalseValue()
		ExtractTitle: func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
			var err error
			if len(call.ArgumentList) == 1 && call.ArgumentList[0].IsString() {
				if title, err := utils.ExtractTitle(call.Argument(0).String()); err == nil {
					if val, err := pm.js.ToValue(title); err == nil {
						return val
				pm.log.Printf("[UTILS] ExtractTitle errored: %s\n", err)
			return otto.FalseValue()
		Sleep: func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
			var err error
			if len(call.ArgumentList) == 1 && call.ArgumentList[0].IsNumber() {
				if i, err := call.Argument(0).ToInteger(); err == nil {
					return otto.TrueValue()
				pm.log.Printf("[UTILS] Sleep errored: %s\n", err)
			return otto.FalseValue()
	pm.js.Set("UTILS", bridge)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (js *jsre) unlock(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	addr, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()
	seconds, err := call.Argument(2).ToInteger()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()
	arg := call.Argument(1)
	var passphrase string
	if arg.IsUndefined() {
		fmt.Println("Please enter a passphrase now.")
		passphrase, err = readPassword("Passphrase: ", true)
		if err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("%v", err)
	} else {
		passphrase, err = arg.ToString()
		if err != nil {
			return otto.FalseValue()
	am := js.ethereum.AccountManager()
	err = am.TimedUnlock(common.FromHex(addr), passphrase, time.Duration(seconds)*time.Second)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Unlock account failed '%v'\n", err)
		return otto.FalseValue()
	return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 5
// NewAccount asks the user for the password and than executes the jeth.newAccount callback in the jsre
func (self *Jeth) NewAccount(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
	if len(call.ArgumentList) == 0 {
		passwd, err := PromptPassword("Passphrase: ", true)
		if err != nil {
			return otto.FalseValue()
		passwd2, err := PromptPassword("Repeat passphrase: ", true)
		if err != nil {
			return otto.FalseValue()

		if passwd != passwd2 {
			fmt.Println("Passphrases don't match")
			return otto.FalseValue()

		cmd := fmt.Sprintf("jeth.newAccount('%s')", passwd)
		if val, err := call.Otto.Run(cmd); err == nil {
			return val
	} else {
		fmt.Println("New account doesn't expect argument(s), you will be prompted for a password")

	return otto.FalseValue()
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (js *jsre) resend(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	if len(call.ArgumentList) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("first argument must be a transaction")
		return otto.FalseValue()

	v, err := call.Argument(0).Export()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()

	if tx, ok := v.(*tx); ok {
		gl, gp := tx.GasLimit, tx.GasPrice
		if len(call.ArgumentList) > 1 {
			gp = call.Argument(1).String()
		if len(call.ArgumentList) > 2 {
			gl = call.Argument(2).String()

		ret, err := js.xeth.Transact(tx.From, tx.To, tx.Nonce, tx.Value, gl, gp, tx.Data)
		if err != nil {
			return otto.FalseValue()

		return js.re.ToVal(ret)

	fmt.Println("first argument must be a transaction")
	return otto.FalseValue()
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Add Plurk API
func plurk_AddPlurk(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	message, _ := call.Argument(0).ToString()
	qualifier, _ := call.Argument(1).ToString()
	lang, _ := call.Argument(2).ToString()

	// No message specify, return error
	if len(message) <= 0 {
		return otto.FalseValue()

	// Default qualifier
	if qualifier == "undefined" {
		qualifier = ":"

	if lang == "undefined" {
		lang = "en"

	timeline := client.GetTimeline()
	res, err := timeline.PlurkAdd(message, qualifier, make([]int, 0), false, lang, true)

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Add Plurk failed, because %s", err.Error())
		return otto.FalseValue()

	logger.Info("New plurk added, content is %s", res.RawContent)

	return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 8
func (i *instance) loadplugin(name string) error {
	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(name)
	_, filename := filepath.Split(name)

	if _, ok := i.Pluginfuncs[filename]; ok {
		delete(i.Pluginfuncs, filename)
		delete(i.Plugindocs, filename)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	m := make(map[string]otto.Value)
	i.js.Set("Subscribe", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		if len(call.ArgumentList) >= 2 && call.ArgumentList[0].IsString() && call.ArgumentList[1].IsFunction() {
			name := call.ArgumentList[0].String()
			f := call.ArgumentList[1]
			if strings.HasPrefix(name, "regex:") {
				_, err := regexp.Compile(name[len("regex:"):])
				if err != nil {
					i.Irc.Privmsg(i.Irccfg.Channel, "Regex error: "+err.Error()+" - Regex subscribe was not successful")
					return otto.FalseValue()
			m[name] = f
			return otto.TrueValue()
		} else {
			return otto.FalseValue()

	md := make(map[string]string)
	i.js.Set("Doc", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		if len(call.ArgumentList) >= 2 && call.ArgumentList[0].IsString() && call.ArgumentList[1].IsString() {
			name := call.ArgumentList[0].String()
			doc := call.ArgumentList[1].String()
			md[name] = doc
			return otto.TrueValue()
		} else {
			return otto.FalseValue()

	_, err = i.js.Run(string(b))
	i.js.Set("Subscribe", nil)
	i.js.Set("Doc", nil)

	if err != nil {
		return err
	} else {
		i.Pluginfuncs[filename] = m
		i.Plugindocs[filename] = md
		return nil

Ejemplo n.º 9
func NewExecutor(s stream.Stream) *Executor {
	e := &Executor{
		incomingScripts: make(chan string),
		outgoingMsgs:    make(chan string),
		incomingEvents:  make(chan IncomingEvent),
		eventHandlers:   make(map[string]map[string]otto.Value),
	e.xmppStream = s
	e.vm = otto.New()

	send := func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		str, _ := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		e.outgoingMsgs <- str
		return otto.UndefinedValue()

	addHandler := func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		evtName, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		handlerName, err := call.Argument(1).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			return otto.FalseValue()
		val := call.Argument(2)
		if !val.IsFunction() {
			return otto.FalseValue()
		handlers, ok := e.eventHandlers[evtName]
		if !ok {
			e.eventHandlers[evtName] = map[string]otto.Value{handlerName: val}
		} else {
			handlers[handlerName] = val
		return otto.TrueValue()

	listHandlers := func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		evtName, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			return otto.UndefinedValue()
		list := []string{}
		for handlerName := range e.eventHandlers[evtName] {
			list = append(list, handlerName)
		val, err := e.vm.ToValue(list)
		if err != nil {
			return otto.UndefinedValue()
		} else {
			return val

	chatLibrary, _ := e.vm.Object("Chat = {};")
	chatLibrary.Set("send", send)
	chatLibrary.Set("addEventHandler", addHandler)
	chatLibrary.Set("listEventHandlers", listHandlers)
	return e
Ejemplo n.º 10
Executes a JS script from inside the currently executing JS code.
Should only be called from inside an RPC routine.
func (self *JSRE) loadScript(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	file, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()
	if err := self.execWithoutEQ(file); err != nil { // loadScript is only called from inside js
		fmt.Println("err:", err)
		return otto.FalseValue()

	return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 11
func (js *jsre) addPeer(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	nodeURL, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()
	err = js.ethereum.AddPeer(nodeURL)
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()
	return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 12
func (js *jsre) startMining(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	_, err := call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()
	// threads now ignored
	err = js.ethereum.StartMining()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()
	return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 13
func (js *jsre) newAccount(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	arg := call.Argument(0)
	var passphrase string
	if arg.IsUndefined() {
		fmt.Println("The new account will be encrypted with a passphrase.")
		fmt.Println("Please enter a passphrase now.")
		auth, err := readPassword("Passphrase: ", true)
		if err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("%v", err)
		confirm, err := readPassword("Repeat Passphrase: ", false)
		if err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("%v", err)
		if auth != confirm {
			utils.Fatalf("Passphrases did not match.")
		passphrase = auth
	} else {
		var err error
		passphrase, err = arg.ToString()
		if err != nil {
			return otto.FalseValue()
	acct, err := js.ethereum.AccountManager().NewAccount(passphrase)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not create the account: %v", err)
		return otto.UndefinedValue()
	return js.re.ToVal("0x" + common.Bytes2Hex(acct.Address))
Ejemplo n.º 14
func (js *jsre) importChain(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	if len(call.ArgumentList) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("err: require file name")
		return otto.FalseValue()
	fn, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()
	if err := utils.ImportChain(js.ethereum.ChainManager(), fn); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Import error: ", err)
		return otto.FalseValue()
	return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 15
// UnlockAccount asks the user for the password and than executes the jeth.UnlockAccount callback in the jsre.
// It will need the public address for the account to unlock as first argument.
// The second argument is an optional string with the password. If not given the user is prompted for the password.
// The third argument is an optional integer which specifies for how long the account will be unlocked (in seconds).
func (self *Jeth) UnlockAccount(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
	var account, passwd otto.Value
	duration := otto.NullValue()

	if !call.Argument(0).IsString() {
		fmt.Println("first argument must be the account to unlock")
		return otto.FalseValue()

	account = call.Argument(0)

	// if password is not given or as null value -> ask user for password
	if call.Argument(1).IsUndefined() || call.Argument(1).IsNull() {
		fmt.Printf("Unlock account %s\n", account)
		if input, err := Stdin.PasswordPrompt("Passphrase: "); err != nil {
		} else {
			passwd, _ = otto.ToValue(input)
	} else {
		if !call.Argument(1).IsString() {
			throwJSExeception("password must be a string")
		passwd = call.Argument(1)

	// third argument is the duration how long the account must be unlocked.
	// verify that its a number.
	if call.Argument(2).IsDefined() && !call.Argument(2).IsNull() {
		if !call.Argument(2).IsNumber() {
			throwJSExeception("unlock duration must be a number")
		duration = call.Argument(2)

	// jeth.unlockAccount will send the request to the backend.
	if val, err := call.Otto.Call("jeth.unlockAccount", nil, account, passwd, duration); err == nil {
		return val
	} else {

	return otto.FalseValue()
Ejemplo n.º 16
func registerVM(vm *modules.JsVm) otto.Value {
	obj, _ := vm.Object("({})")

	obj.Set("newSession", func(c otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		str, _ := c.Argument(0).ToString()
		session, err := mgo.Dial(str)
		if err != nil {
		//defer session.Close()

		// Optional. Switch the session to a monotonic behavior.
		//session.SetMode(mgo.Monotonic, true)

		sess, _ := c.Otto.ToValue(session)
		return sess

	obj.Set("one", func(c otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		queryObj, _ := c.Argument(0).Export()
		query, ok := queryObj.(*mgo.Query)
		if ok {
			out := map[string]interface{}{}
			val, _ := vm.ToValue(out)
			return val
		return otto.FalseValue()

	obj.Set("all", func(c otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		queryObj, _ := c.Argument(0).Export()
		query, ok := queryObj.(*mgo.Query)
		if ok {
			out := []map[string]interface{}{}
			val, _ := vm.ToValue(out)
			return val
		return otto.FalseValue()

	return obj.Value()
Ejemplo n.º 17
// UnlockAccount asks the user for the password and than executes the jeth.UnlockAccount callback in the jsre
func (self *Jeth) UnlockAccount(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
	var cmd, account, passwd string
	timeout := int64(300)
	var ok bool

	if len(call.ArgumentList) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("expected address of account to unlock")
		return otto.FalseValue()

	if len(call.ArgumentList) >= 1 {
		if accountExport, err := call.Argument(0).Export(); err == nil {
			if account, ok = accountExport.(string); ok {
				if len(call.ArgumentList) == 1 {
					fmt.Printf("Unlock account %s\n", account)
					passwd, err = PromptPassword("Passphrase: ", true)
					if err != nil {
						return otto.FalseValue()
	if len(call.ArgumentList) >= 2 {
		if passwdExport, err := call.Argument(1).Export(); err == nil {
			passwd, _ = passwdExport.(string)

	if len(call.ArgumentList) >= 3 {
		if timeoutExport, err := call.Argument(2).Export(); err == nil {
			timeout, _ = timeoutExport.(int64)

	cmd = fmt.Sprintf("jeth.unlockAccount('%s', '%s', %d)", account, passwd, timeout)
	if val, err := call.Otto.Run(cmd); err == nil {
		return val

	return otto.FalseValue()
Ejemplo n.º 18
// loadScript executes a JS script from inside the currently executing JS code.
func (self *JSRE) loadScript(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	file, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: throw exception
		return otto.FalseValue()
	file = common.AbsolutePath(self.assetPath, file)
	source, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: throw exception
		return otto.FalseValue()
	if _, err := compileAndRun(call.Otto, file, source); err != nil {
		// TODO: throw exception
		fmt.Println("err:", err)
		return otto.FalseValue()
	// TODO: return evaluation result
	return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 19
func (pm *PluginManager) InitDebugJSBridge() {
	bridge := &pmDebugJSBridge{
		StackTrace: func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
			if len(call.ArgumentList) == 0 {
				return otto.TrueValue()
			return otto.FalseValue()
	pm.js.Set("DEBUG", bridge)
Ejemplo n.º 20
// SleepBlocks will wait for a specified number of new blocks or max for a
// given of seconds. sleepBlocks(nBlocks[, maxSleep]).
func (self *Jeth) SleepBlocks(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
	nBlocks := int64(0)
	maxSleep := int64(9999999999999999) // indefinitely

	nArgs := len(call.ArgumentList)

	if nArgs == 0 {
		throwJSExeception("usage: sleepBlocks(<n blocks>[, max sleep in seconds])")

	if nArgs >= 1 {
		if call.Argument(0).IsNumber() {
			nBlocks, _ = call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
		} else {
			throwJSExeception("expected number as first argument")

	if nArgs >= 2 {
		if call.Argument(1).IsNumber() {
			maxSleep, _ = call.Argument(1).ToInteger()
		} else {
			throwJSExeception("expected number as second argument")

	// go through the console, this will allow web3 to call the appropriate
	// callbacks if a delayed response or notification is received.
	currentBlockNr := func() int64 {
		result, err := call.Otto.Run("eth.blockNumber")
		if err != nil {
		blockNr, err := result.ToInteger()
		if err != nil {
		return blockNr

	targetBlockNr := currentBlockNr() + nBlocks
	deadline := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(maxSleep) * time.Second)

	for time.Now().Before(deadline) {
		if currentBlockNr() >= targetBlockNr {
			return otto.TrueValue()

	return otto.FalseValue()
Ejemplo n.º 21
func (p *Plugin) jsEnv(event *irc.Event) otto.Value {
	obj, _ := p.js.Object("({})")
	obj.Set("event", p.eventToValue(event))
	obj.Set("log", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		if len(call.ArgumentList) == 1 && call.ArgumentList[0].IsString() {
			return otto.TrueValue()
		} else {
			return otto.FalseValue()
	return obj.Value()
Ejemplo n.º 22
// RegisterMethodFileOpen registers a method that is capable of opening files.
// Response object:
//     {
//       ok: true|false,
//       reader: "readFile" // the method to use to read from the file
//     }
// To read the entire file into a variable:
//     // in Go...
//     RegisterMethodFileOpen(js, "openFile")
//     // in the script...
//     var file = openFile("filename"); // open the file
//     var read = eval(file.reader); // get the reader method
//     var close = eval(file.closer); // get the closer method
//     var fileContents = read(-1); // read everything
//     close(); // close the file
func RegisterMethodFileOpen(runtime *otto.Otto, methodName string) error {

	runtime.Set(methodName, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {

		// check the arguments
		if len(call.ArgumentList) != 1 {
			raiseError(runtime, "%s takes 1 arguments: %s(filename)", methodName, methodName)
			return otto.UndefinedValue()

		// get the arguments
		var filename string
		var err error
		if filename, err = call.Argument(0).ToString(); err != nil {
			raiseError(runtime, "%s first argument must be a string containing the filename", methodName)
			return otto.UndefinedValue()

		// open the file
		var file io.ReadCloser
		if file, err = os.Open(filename); err != nil {
			raiseError(runtime, "Failed to open file '%s': %s", filename, err)
			return otto.UndefinedValue()

		// add the reader
		var readerMethodName string = generateMethodName("fileRead")
		NewReader(runtime, readerMethodName, file)

		// add the closer
		var closerMethodName string = generateMethodName("fileClose")
		runtime.Set(closerMethodName, func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
			if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
				raiseError(runtime, "Failed to close file '%s': %s", filename, err)
				return otto.FalseValue()
			return otto.TrueValue()

		var response otto.Value
		if response, err = makeMap(runtime, map[string]interface{}{"reader": readerMethodName, "closer": closerMethodName, "ok": true}); err != nil {
			raiseError(runtime, "%s failed to make response map.", methodName)
			return otto.UndefinedValue()

		// done
		return response

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 23
func (js *jsre) startRPC(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	addr, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()

	port, err := call.Argument(1).ToInteger()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()

	corsDomain := js.corsDomain
	if len(call.ArgumentList) > 2 {
		corsDomain, err = call.Argument(2).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			return otto.FalseValue()

	config := rpc.RpcConfig{
		ListenAddress: addr,
		ListenPort:    uint(port),
		CorsDomain:    corsDomain,

	xeth := xeth.New(js.ethereum, nil)
	err = rpc.Start(xeth, config)

	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()

	return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 24
// SleepBlocks will block the console for a specified number of new blocks optionally
// until the given timeout is reached.
func (b *bridge) SleepBlocks(call otto.FunctionCall) (response otto.Value) {
	var (
		blocks = int64(0)
		sleep  = int64(9999999999999999) // indefinitely
	// Parse the input parameters for the sleep
	nArgs := len(call.ArgumentList)
	if nArgs == 0 {
		throwJSException("usage: sleepBlocks(<n blocks>[, max sleep in seconds])")
	if nArgs >= 1 {
		if call.Argument(0).IsNumber() {
			blocks, _ = call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
		} else {
			throwJSException("expected number as first argument")
	if nArgs >= 2 {
		if call.Argument(1).IsNumber() {
			sleep, _ = call.Argument(1).ToInteger()
		} else {
			throwJSException("expected number as second argument")
	// go through the console, this will allow web3 to call the appropriate
	// callbacks if a delayed response or notification is received.
	blockNumber := func() int64 {
		result, err := call.Otto.Run("eth.blockNumber")
		if err != nil {
		block, err := result.ToInteger()
		if err != nil {
		return block
	// Poll the current block number until either it ot a timeout is reached
	targetBlockNr := blockNumber() + blocks
	deadline := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(sleep) * time.Second)

	for time.Now().Before(deadline) {
		if blockNumber() >= targetBlockNr {
			return otto.TrueValue()
	return otto.FalseValue()
Ejemplo n.º 25
func InjectLevelDB(jsEngine *JSEngine, db *leveldb.DB) {
	jsEngine.Run("var db = {};")
	dbValue, _ := jsEngine.Get("db")
	dbObj := dbValue.Object()
	dbObj.Set("put", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		key, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		value, err := call.Argument(1).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()

		err = db.Put([]byte(key), []byte(value), nil)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		return otto.TrueValue()
	dbObj.Set("get", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		key, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		data, err := db.Get([]byte(key), nil)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		v, _ := otto.ToValue(string(data))
		return v
	dbObj.Set("remove", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		key, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		err = db.Delete([]byte(key), nil)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 26
func TestExist(t *testing.T) {

	js := otto.New()

	assert.False(t, Exist(js, "myVar"))

	js.Set("myVar", otto.TrueValue())
	assert.True(t, Exist(js, "myVar"), "true should exist")

	js.Set("myVar", otto.FalseValue())
	assert.True(t, Exist(js, "myVar"), "false still exists")

	js.Set("myVar", otto.UndefinedValue())
	assert.False(t, Exist(js, "myVar"), "undefined doesn't exist")

Ejemplo n.º 27
func TestSetOnce(t *testing.T) {

	js := otto.New()

	if didSet, err := SetOnce(js, "myVar", otto.TrueValue()); assert.NoError(t, err) {
		assert.True(t, didSet)
		if val, err := js.Get("myVar"); assert.NoError(t, err) {
			if valBool, err := val.ToBoolean(); assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, valBool)

	if didSet, err := SetOnce(js, "myVar", otto.FalseValue()); assert.NoError(t, err) {
		assert.False(t, didSet)
		if val, err := js.Get("myVar"); assert.NoError(t, err) {
			if valBool, err := val.ToBoolean(); assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, valBool)

Ejemplo n.º 28
func InjectIntoOtto(jsEngine *js.JSEngine) {
	jsEngine.Run("var fs = {};")
	fsValue, _ := jsEngine.Get("fs")
	fsObj := fsValue.Object()
	fsObj.Set("readFile", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		filename, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		val, err := otto.ToValue(string(bs))
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		return val

	fsObj.Set("writeFile", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		filename, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		data, err := call.Argument(1).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(data), 0777)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		return otto.TrueValue()
Ejemplo n.º 29
func reduceViewResult(bucket Bucket, result *ViewResult,
	p *ViewParams, reduceFunction string) (*ViewResult, error) {
	groupLevel := 0
	if p.Group {
		groupLevel = 0x7fffffff
	if p.GroupLevel > 0 {
		groupLevel = int(p.GroupLevel)

	o := newReducer()
	fnv, err := OttoNewFunction(o, reduceFunction)
	if err != nil {
		return result, err

	initialCapacity := 200

	results := make([]*ViewRow, 0, initialCapacity)
	groupKeys := make([]interface{}, 0, initialCapacity)
	groupValues := make([]interface{}, 0, initialCapacity)

	i := 0
	j := 0

	for i < len(result.Rows) {
		groupKeys = groupKeys[:0]
		groupValues = groupValues[:0]

		startRow := result.Rows[i]
		groupKey := ArrayPrefix(startRow.Key, groupLevel)

		for j = i; j < len(result.Rows); j++ {
			row := result.Rows[j]
			rowKey := ArrayPrefix(row.Key, groupLevel)
			if walrus.CollateJSON(groupKey, rowKey) < 0 {
			groupKeys = append(groupKeys, row.Key)
			groupValues = append(groupValues, row.Value)
		i = j

		okeys, err := OttoFromGoArray(o, groupKeys)
		if err != nil {
			return result, err
		ovalues, err := OttoFromGoArray(o, groupValues)
		if err != nil {
			return result, err

		ores, err := fnv.Call(fnv, okeys, ovalues, otto.FalseValue())
		if err != nil {
			return result, fmt.Errorf("call reduce err: %v, reduceFunction: %v, %v, %v",
				err, reduceFunction, okeys, ovalues)
		gres, err := ores.Export()
		if err != nil {
			return result, fmt.Errorf("converting reduce result err: %v", err)

		results = append(results, &ViewRow{Key: groupKey, Value: gres})

	result.Rows = results
	return result, nil
Ejemplo n.º 30
func InjectIntoOtto(jsEngine *js.JSEngine, manager *EventManager) {
	jsEngine.Run("var events = {};")
	eventsValue, _ := jsEngine.Get("events")
	eventsObj := eventsValue.Object()

	eventsObj.Set("on", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		topic, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		fn := call.Argument(1)
		id := manager.On(topic, func(topic string, payload interface{}) {
			t, _ := otto.ToValue(topic)
			p, _ := otto.ToValue(payload)
			_, err := fn.Call(fn, t, p)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("Error in JS callback:", err.Error())
		i, _ := otto.ToValue(id)
		return i

	eventsObj.Set("once", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		topic, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		fn := call.Argument(1)
		manager.Once(topic, func(topic string, payload interface{}) {
			t, _ := otto.ToValue(topic)
			p, _ := otto.ToValue(payload)
			_, err := fn.Call(fn, t, p)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("Error in JS callback:", err.Error())
		return otto.TrueValue()

	eventsObj.Set("many", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		topic, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		count, err := call.Argument(1).ToInteger()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		fn := call.Argument(2)
		manager.Many(topic, int(count), func(topic string, payload interface{}) {
			t, _ := otto.ToValue(topic)
			p, _ := otto.ToValue(payload)
			_, err := fn.Call(fn, t, p)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("Error in JS callback:", err.Error())
		return otto.TrueValue()

	eventsObj.Set("off", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		id, err := call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		res := manager.Off(id)
		r, _ := otto.ToValue(res)
		return r

	eventsObj.Set("emit", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		topic, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
			return otto.FalseValue()
		payload := call.Argument(1)
		manager.Emit(topic, payload)
		return otto.TrueValue()