Ejemplo n.º 1
func New(w, h vg.Length) *Canvas {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	c := &Canvas{
		svg: svgo.New(buf),
		w:   w,
		h:   h,
		buf: buf,
		ht:  w.Points(),
		stk: []context{context{}},

	// This is like svg.Start, except it uses floats
	// and specifies the units.
	fmt.Fprintf(buf, `<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Generated by SVGo and Plotinum VG -->
<svg width="%.*gin" height="%.*gin"
		pr, w/vg.Inch,
		pr, h/vg.Inch,

	// Swap the origin to the bottom left.
	// This must be matched with a </g> when saving,
	// before the closing </svg>.
	c.svg.Gtransform(fmt.Sprintf("scale(1, -1) translate(0, -%.*g)", pr, h.Dots(DPI)))

	return c
Ejemplo n.º 2
// NewImage returns a new image canvas
// that draws to the given image.  The
// minimum point of the given image
// should probably be 0,0.
func NewImage(img draw.Image, name string) (*Canvas, error) {
	w := float64(img.Bounds().Max.X - img.Bounds().Min.X)
	h := float64(img.Bounds().Max.Y - img.Bounds().Min.Y)

	X, err := xgbutil.NewConn()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ximg := xgraphics.New(X, image.Rect(0, 0, int(w), int(h)))
	err = ximg.CreatePixmap()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	painter := NewPainter(ximg)
	gc := draw2dimg.NewGraphicContextWithPainter(ximg, painter)
	gc.Scale(1, -1)
	gc.Translate(0, -h)

	wid := ximg.XShowExtra(name, true)
	go func() {

	c := &Canvas{
		Canvas: vgimg.NewWith(vgimg.UseImageWithContext(img, gc)),
		x:      X,
		ximg:   ximg,
		wid:    wid,
	return c, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// New creates a new PDF Canvas.
func New(w, h vg.Length) *Canvas {
	c := &Canvas{
		doc:         pdf.New(),
		w:           w,
		h:           h,
		lineVisible: true,
	c.page = c.doc.NewPage(unit(w), unit(h))
	return c
Ejemplo n.º 4
// NewTitle returns a new Canvas with the given title string.
func NewTitle(w, h vg.Length, title string) *Canvas {
	c := &Canvas{
		stk: []ctx{ctx{}},
		w:   w,
		h:   h,
		buf: new(bytes.Buffer),
	c.buf.WriteString("%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n")
	c.buf.WriteString("%%Creator github.com/skiesel/plot/vg/vgeps\n")
	c.buf.WriteString("%%Title: " + title + "\n")
	c.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %.*g %.*g\n",
		pr, w.Dots(DPI),
		pr, h.Dots(DPI)))
	c.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", time.Now()))
	c.buf.WriteString("%%Orientation: Portrait\n")
	return c
Ejemplo n.º 5
// NewWith returns a new image canvas created according to the specified
// options. The currently accepted options are UseWH,
// UseDPI, UseImage, and UseImageWithContext.
// Each of the options specifies the size of the canvas (UseWH, UseImage),
// the resolution of the canvas (UseDPI), or both (useImageWithContext).
// If size or resolution are not specified, defaults are used.
// It panics if size and resolution are overspecified (i.e., too many options are
// passed).
func NewWith(o ...option) *Canvas {
	c := new(Canvas)
	var g uint32
	for _, opt := range o {
		f := opt(c)
		if g&f != 0 {
			panic("incompatible options")
		g |= f
	if c.dpi == 0 {
		c.dpi = DefaultDPI
	if c.w == 0 { // h should also == 0.
		if c.img == nil {
			c.w = DefaultWidth
			c.h = DefaultHeight
		} else {
			w := float64(c.img.Bounds().Max.X - c.img.Bounds().Min.X)
			h := float64(c.img.Bounds().Max.Y - c.img.Bounds().Min.Y)
			c.w = vg.Length(w/float64(c.dpi)) * vg.Inch
			c.h = vg.Length(h/float64(c.dpi)) * vg.Inch
	if c.img == nil {
		w := c.w / vg.Inch * vg.Length(c.dpi)
		h := c.h / vg.Inch * vg.Length(c.dpi)
		c.img = draw.Image(image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, int(w+0.5), int(h+0.5))))
	if c.gc == nil {
		h := float64(c.img.Bounds().Max.Y - c.img.Bounds().Min.Y)
		c.gc = draw2dimg.NewGraphicContext(c.img)
		c.gc.Scale(1, -1)
		c.gc.Translate(0, -h)
	draw.Draw(c.img, c.img.Bounds(), image.White, image.ZP, draw.Src)
	c.color = []color.Color{color.Black}
	return c